Research Misconduct and Noncompliance

Research Misconduct

Research Misconduct means fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research or in reporting research results. It does not include honest error or differences of opinion. Click on the link below to see Creighton University's Research Misconduct policy.

Research Noncompliance

Research Personnel are expected to report any known or suspected noncompliant conduct related to research or sponsored program activities conducted and/or approved through Creighton University, as described in the University policy, Reporting Noncompliant Conduct in Research or Sponsored Programs, Policy No. 2.1.19. The confidential Research Compliance Hotline, 855.256.0478, is available for any individual who wishes to anonymously report noncompliant conduct. Individuals may also report known or suspected noncompliant conduct to the Chair of the associated committee or to the Director of Research Compliance.

Confidential Research Hotline

Research Personnel are expected to report any known or suspected noncompliant conduct related to research or sponsored program activities conducted and/or approved through Creighton University. You may report issues to our anonymous hotline by phone at 855.256.0478 or from our Compliance and Ethics website.

Research Personnel may also address their research compliance-related questions or concerns to the Director of Research Compliance at 402.280.2511.