Mission and History

The mission statement of Creighton University.

Creighton is a Catholic and Jesuit comprehensive university committed to excellence in its selected undergraduate, graduate and professional programs.

As Catholic, Creighton is dedicated to the pursuit of truth in all its forms and is guided by the living tradition of the Catholic Church.

As Jesuit, Creighton participates in the tradition of the Society of Jesus, which provides an integrating vision of the world that arises out of a knowledge and love of Jesus Christ.

As comprehensive, Creighton’s education embraces several colleges and professional schools and is directed to the intellectual, social, spiritual, physical and recreational aspects of students’ lives and to the promotion of justice.

Contribute to the Betterment of Society

Creighton exists for students and learning. Members of the Creighton community are challenged to reflect on transcendent values, including their relationship with God, in an atmosphere of freedom of inquiry, belief and religious worship. Service to others, the importance of family life, the inalienable worth of each individual and appreciation of ethnic and cultural diversity are core values of Creighton.

Creighton faculty members conduct research to enhance teaching, to contribute to the betterment of society, and to discover new knowledge. Faculty and staff stimulate critical and creative thinking and provide ethical perspectives for dealing with an increasingly complex world.

Mission Week: A Fall Tradition

Started in 2019, Mission Week is held at the beginning of the fall semester and is an opportunity for students, faculty and staff, along with community partners, to come together to listen, learn, reflect and explore themes that emerge from our Jesuit, Catholic mission.

The 2024 Mission Week theme of “Companions in Mission” celebrated the many ways members of the Creighton community contribute to the University’s mission.

This year’s keynote address was delivered by the Rev. Greg Boyle, SJ, founder of Homeboy Industries, the largest gang-intervention and rehabilitation program in the world. Watch a recording of his address.