Amy A . Abbott, PhD, RN



Faculty - Nursing
College of Nursing
CRISS II - Criss 2 - 194C

Amy A . Abbott, PhD, RN


I was born and raised in Omaha, NE and, I proudly come from a long line of Creighton graduates (BSN; 1992). I began teaching at Creighton University in 1996 while I continued work as an adult ICU RN at the hospital formerly known as St. Joseph Hospital. Since teaching, I earned both my Masters (MS from CU; 1998) and Doctorate (PhD from UNMC; 2008) degrees. My research trajectory was launched through work with the Creighton Center for Health Services Research and Patient Safety (CHRP).  Research areas focused on patient safety as it pertained to interprofessional education of students (pharmacy and nursing); electronic health record (EHR) with e-prescribing use in rural communities; and electronic personal health records (PHR, selection of  "best" PHR for use in our study) for use in persons with Type II diabetes using a variety of research methodologies including mixed methods. Additional and most current work is focused on teleheath strategies to improve outcomes of children and families with type 1 diabetes in rural communities. Teleheath strategies emerged from the PCORI engagement award as means of addressing needs of persons and caregivers of children with Type I diabetes in rural communities. Different programs are currently being piloted along with external funding beign sought to continue this work including work with Occupation-based Coaching and impact of COVID-19 on rural-dwelling families.

Teaching Interests

  • Type 1 Diabetes Training: 8 hours of Type 1 Diabetes content by Dr. Andrea George & Dr. Emily Knezevich, Pharm D, CDE

Research Focus

  • Patient Safety
    • Care Transitions
    • Students' Perspectives on Interprofessional Patient Safety Education
    • Health Information Technology and Electronic/Personal Health Records
    • Telehealth
  • Community Engagement Research & Community Based Participatory Research
    • Type 1 Diabetes and Telehealth with Rural  Communities
    • Occupation-based Coaching
  • Clinical Education
    • Storytelling
    • Pre-NCLEX and State Boards Success in Accelerated Undergraduate Students
    • Wellness
    • Clinical conferencing (structured vs unstructured)
    • Dedicated Education Units
  • Symptom Management of Cardiac Patients
  • Needs of Families and Children with Type I Diabetes
  • Health Literacy and the Digital Divide 
  • Cluster Analyses
  • Mixed Methods Research


Nursing - Bachelors




  • Challenges and Opportunities in Healthcare Leadership: Voices from the Crowd in Today's Complex and Interprofessional Healthcare Enviornment
    Fuji, K. T., Galt, K. A., Abbott, A. A., Bramble, J. D., Paschal, K. A., Siracuse, M. V. & Kaufman, T. What’s in the Secret Sauce? A Recipe for Leadership Skills Development in an Interprofessional Health Services Research Team. 2022
  • Journal of Doctoral Nursing Practice
    Galt, K. A., Fuji, K. T., Drincic, A., Bramble, J. D., Siracuse, M. V., Paschal, K. A., & Abbott, A. A. dvances in Electronic Health Records: PDA Use by Physicians: Where Do They Fit with Emerging Technologies and Use of Electronic Health Records in Office Practices? 2012
  • Foundations in Patient Safety for Health Professionals
    Drincic, A., Rule, A. M., Cochran, T., Abbott, A., Harris, B., Mu, Keli Safety improvement is in professional practice, p. 29-70 2009
  • Foundations in Patient Safety for Health Professionals
    Drincic, A., Rule, Ann M., Cochran, Teresa M., Abbott, Amy A., Harris, Barbara M., Mu, Keli Safety improvment is in professional practice 2009
  • Foundations in Patient Safety for Health Professionals
    Drincic, A., Fuji, K. T., Hoidal, P., Galt, K. A., Abbott, A. A. Safe patient care systems 2009


  • Western Journal of Nursing Research
    Abbott, A., Jewell, V., Boyle, E., & Knezevich E Patient-centered research -0001
  • Perspectives in health information management / AHIMA, American Health Information Management Association
    Fuji, K. T., Abbott, A., & Galt, K. A. A mixed methods of evaluation of standalone personal health record use by patients with type 2 diabetes -0001


  • Journal of Pediatric Healthcare
    Jewell, V. D., Wise, A., Knezevich, E., Abbott, A., Feiten, B. & Dostal, K Type 1 diabetes management and healthcare experiences across rural Nebraska 2022
  • Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy
    Shin, J., Jewell, V. D., Abbott, A. A, Russell, M., Carlson, K., Gordon, M. Fidelity protocol for a telehealth type 1 diabetes occupation-based coaching intervention, p. 1-10 2022
  • Journal of Pediatric Nursing
    Jewell, V. D., Abbott, A.A., Boyle, E., Knezevich, E., & Nagykaldi, Z Development of a type 1 diabetes rural stakeholder research team 2022
  • Perspectives in health information management / AHIMA, American Health Information Management Association
    Fuji, K. T., Abbott, A. A., & Galt, K. A. A mixed methods evaluation of standalone personal health record use by patients with type 2 diabetes.
    18(4), p. 1-16e 2021
  • American Nurse today
    Koontz, O., Abbott, A. A. Improving sleep in patients with heart failure
    17(2) 2021
  • Journal of Nursing Education
    Tierney, K.M., Abbott, A.A. Independent conference days: An innovative approach to clinical post-conferencing for baccalaureate nursing students
    59(4), p. 239 2020
  • Journal of Childhood Obesity
    Gardner, M.E, Schwartz, M. M., Abbott, A. A., & Connelly, S.C. The effects of the balanced body band program on successful habit formation
    2(3:15), p. 1-8 2017
  • Western Journal of Nursing Research
    Abbott, A. A., Fuji, K. T., Galt, K. A. A qualitative case-study exploring nurse engagement with electronic health records and e-prescribing, p. 1-17 2015
  • Telemedicine and e-Health
    Fuji, K. T., Abbott, A. A., Galt, K. A. A qualitative study of how patients with type 2 diabetes use a standalone personal health record
    21(4), p. 1-5 2015
  • Home Healthcare Nurse
    Fuji, K. T., Abbott, A. A. Ensuring effective medication reconciliation in home healthcare
    32(9), p. 516-522 2014
  • Diabetes Care
    Fuji, K. T., Abbott, A. A., Galt, K. A. Personal health record design: A qualitative exploration of issues inhibiting optimal use
    37:e13-e14 2014
  • Journal of Rural Health
    Bramble, J. D., Abbott, A. A., Fuji, K. T., Paschal, K. A., Siracuse, M. V., Galt, K. Patient safety perspectives of providers and nurses: The experience of a rural ambulatory care practice using an EHR with e-prescribing
    29, p. 383-391 2013
  • Clinical nursing research
    Fuji, K. T., Abbott, A. A., Norris, J. F. Exploring care transitions from patient, caregiver, and healthcare provider perspectives.
    22(3), p. 258-274 2012
  • International Scholarly Research Network (ISRN) Nursing
    Abbott, A. A., Fuji, K. T., Paschal, K. A., Galt, K. A. How baccalaureate nursing students value an interprofessional patient safety course for professional development, p. 401358 (7 pages) 2012
  • Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews
    Wallingford, B., Rubarth, L., Abbott, A., & Miers, L. J. Implementation and evaluation of Golden Hour practices in infants younger than 33 weeks gestation
    12(12), p. 86-96 2012
  • Journal of Healthcare Engineering
    Galt, K. A., Fuji, K. T., Drincic, A., Bramble, J. D., Siracuse, M., Pachal, K. A., Abbott, A. A. PDA use by physicians: Where do they fit with emerging technologies and use of electronic health records in office practices?
    3(1), p. 163-178 2012
  • Health Services Research
    Galt, K. A., Fuji, K. T., Bramble, J. D., Abbott, A. A., Siracuse, M. V., Paschal, K. A., Kasha, T. A. Mixed Methods Case Study: Exploring Safety Issues in Rural Medical Practices Using Electronic Health Records 2012
  • Health and Technology
    Fuji, K. T., Abbott, A. A., Galt, K. A., Drincic, A., Kraft, M., & Kasha, T. Standalone personal health records in the United States: Meeting patient desires
    2, p. 197-205 2012
  • Center for Health Services Research and Patient Safety Newsletter
    Fuji, K. T., Abbott, A. A. Impact of Personal Health Record Use on Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
    2 2011
  • Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning
    Fuji, Kevin T., Paschal, Karen A., Galt, Kimberly A., Abbott, Amy A. Pharmacy student attitudes toward an interprofessional patient safety course: an exploratory mixed methods study
    2, p. 238-247 2010
  • Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning
    Fuji, K. T., Paschal, K. A., Galt, K. A. & Abbott, A. A. Exploring the Value of an Interdisciplinary Patient Safety Education Course to Students: A Mixed Methods Study 2010
  • Health Care Management Review
    Bramble, James D., Galt, Kim A., Siracuse, Mark V., Abbott, Amy A., Drincic, Andjela, Paschal, Karen A., Fuji, Kevin T. The relationship between physician practice characteristics and physician adoption of electronic health records
    35(1), p. 55-64 2010
  • Journal of cardiovascular nursing
    Zimmerman, L., Barnason, S., Young, L., Tu, C., Schulz, P., Abbott, A. A. Symptom Profiles of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Patients at Risk for Poor Functioning
    25(4), p. 292-300 2010
  • Journal of cardiovascular nursing
    Abbott, A. A., Barnason, S., Zimmerman, L. Symptom burden clusters and their impact on psychosocial functioning following coronary artery bypass surgery
    25(4), p. 301-310 2010
  • Nurse Educator
    Abbott, A. A., Schwartz, M. M., Hercinger, M., Miller, C., Foyt, M. E. Predictors of success on NCLEX-RN for Accelerated baccalaureate nursing curriculum
    33(1), p. 5-6 2008
  • Advances in Health Care Management
    Galt, Kimberly A., Paschal, Karen A., Abbott, A. A., Drincic, Andjela, Siracuse, Mark V., Bramble, J. D., Rule, A. M. Privacy, security, and the national health information network: A mixed methods case sstudy of state level stakeholders awareness. Patient Safety and Health Care Management (Special Issue)
    7, p. 165-189 2008
  • CIN: Computers
    Abbott, A., Schwartz, M., Hercinger, M., Miller, C., & Foyt, M. Predictors of success on NCLEX-RN for Accelerated baccalaureate nursing curriculum
    26(5), p. 96S-97S 2008
  • Nurse Education in Practice
    Schwartz, Misty, Abbott, Amy Storytelling: A clinical application for undergraduate nursing students
    7, p. 181-186 2007
  • Outcomes Management for Nursing Practice
    Arkfeld Abbott, A., A discussion of generic and disease-specific outcome tools for patients in cardiac rehabilitation
    4(2), p. 78-84 2000
  • Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice
    Elise Boyle, Benjamin Feiten, Amy Abbott, Sadie Schultes, Emily Knezevich, vanessa Jewell Utilization of the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative as an Evaluation Framework for Student Participation in a Rural Type 1 Diabetes Stakeholder Engagement Project. -0001


  • Philadelphia Higher Education Network for Neighborhood Development
    Abbott, A. A. , Jewell, V., Boyle, E., Knesevich, E., Feiten, B., Hoffmann, S. Handbook on Participatory Action Research and Community Development 2019
  • N/A
    Fuji, K. T., Abbott, A. A., & Galt, K. A. Impact of online personal health record use on patients with type 2 diabetes 2015
  • Center for Health Services and Patient Safety Newsletter
    Crawford, S. E., Fuji, K. T., Abbott, A. A. CHRP at the Academy Health Annual Research Meeting
    2 2011


  • Schwartz, M. M., Abbott, A. A., Oliver, T. L., Harvey, K. M., Taylor, J. H., Van De Graaff, W. N, & Ball, S. J. Poster Presentation, (2023). Nursing Pharmacology Course Placement and the Impact on Student Outcomes, Assessing Student Learning: Keeping it Simple, Creighton University Assessment Symposium, Creighton University, October 25- November 11, 2024 2023
  • Jewell, V. D., Russell, M., Qi, Y., Dostal, K., Abbott, A. A., & Knezevich, E., (2023). Poster Presentation Mixed Methods Study to Explore the Impact of COVID-19-19 on Family Quality of Life for Rural Caregivers of Children with Type 1 Diabetes, 49th Annual International Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD) Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, October 18-21, 2023 2023
  • Abbott, A. A., Van De Graaff, W. N., Oliver, T. L., Schwartz, M. M., Taylor, J. H., Ball, S. J., & Harvey, K. M. Poster Presentation, (2023). Effects of a Summer Nursing Pharmacology Course on Learner Success, Innovation Summit for Health Professions Education: Competency-Based Education in the Health Professions, Creighton University, June 22-23, 2023. 2023
  • Abbott, A. A., *Begley, N., *Overturf, E., Knezevich, E., Shin, J., Qi, Y., & Jewell, V.J., Qi, Y. (2023). Poster Presentation, Hypoglycemic Episodes Experiences by Children with Type 1 Diabetes During a Diabetes Telehealth Occupation-Based Coaching Intervention for Rural-Dwelling Families, at 34th Annual Nursing Scholars Forum, Iota Tau/Creighton University Medical Center/Creighton University School of Nursing, Omaha, NE, April 27, 2023 2023
  • *Anderson, E. & Abbott, A. (2023). Poster Presentation with pre-recorded video Standardized Concussion Protocol Implementation in a Rural Primary Care Clinic: A QI Project, at the 30th National Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Conference, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, April 19-20, 2023. 2023
  • Abbott, A. A. (2023). Invited Podium Presentation. PCORI Findings: Vulnerable Families of Children with Type 1 Diabetes in Rural Communities, Common Ground Forum, Health Sciences Multicultural and Community Affairs at Creighton University, Omaha, NE, April 14, 2023 2023
  • *Anderson, E. & Abbott, A. (2023). Poster Presentation, A Quality Improvement Project: Implementation of Standardized Concussion Management Protocol, at the Midwest Nursing Research Society 47th Annual Research Conference, Des Moines, IA, March 29- April 1, 2023 2023
  • Abbott, A. A., *Begley, N. M., *Overturf, E., Knezevich, E., Qi, Y., Jewell, V., Shin, V. D., & Addasi, N. (2023). Hypoglycemic Episodes During a Type 1 Diabetes Telehealth Occupation-Based Coaching Intervention for Rural Families at the Midwest Nursing Research Society 47th Annual Research Conference, Des Moines, IA, March 29-April 1, 2023 *Anderson, E. & Abbott, A. (2023). Poster Presentation, A Quality Improvement Project: Implementation 2023
  • *Begley, N., Overturff, B., Abbott, A. A.; Knezevich, E., Shin, J., Qi, Y. & Jewell, V. D. Podium Presentation, (2023). Secondary Analysis of Hypoglycemic Episodes During a Type 1 Diabetes Telehealth Occupation-Based Coaching Intervention, at Creighton University Research Week (formerly St. Alberts Day), Omaha, NE, March 28, 2023 2023
  • Shin, J., Abbott, A. A., *Overturf, E., *Begley, N. Knezevich, E., Jewell, V.J., Qi, Y. (2023). Poster Discussion Session. Retrospective Analyses of Hypoglycemic Episodes During a Diabetes Telehealth Occupation-Based Coaching Intervention at the Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association (NOTA) Annual Conference, Omaha, NE, February 26, 2023 2023
  • Jewell, V. D., Qi, Y., Russell, M., Shin, J., Knezevich, E., *Schultes, S., & Abbott, A. A. Poster Presentation, (2023). Diabetes Technology Use and the Relationship to Family Routines and Quality of Life, at the Advance Therapeutic and Treatment for Diabetes Conference, Berlin, Germany, February 22-25, 2023. published abstract in Diabetes Technologies and Therapeutics 2023
  • Jewell, V. D., Qi, Y., Russell, M., Shin, J., Knezevich, E., *Schultes, S., & Abbott, A. A. (2023) Poster Presentation. Diabetes Technology Use and the Relationship to Family Routines and Quality of Life, at the Advance Therapeutic and Treatment for Diabetes Conference, Berlin, Germany, February 22-25, 2023. published abstract in Diabetes Technologies and Therapeutics, 25(2): A-137 2023
  • Jewell, V. D., Shin J., *Bulleigh, B., Qi, Y., Knezevich, E., Abbott, A. A., Russell, M. (2022). Podium Presentation, Evaluation of a Novel Telehealth Intervention for Type 1 Diabetes Health Management, at the World Federation of Occupational Therapy Congress, Paris, France, August 28-31, 2022. 2022
  • *Storm, H., Abbott, A. A., Shin, J. Poster Presentation, (2021). Rater Agreement Between Nursing Evaluators on the Occupation-Based Coaching Fidelity Protocol, International Congress of Research of Sigma Theta Tau International Rising Stars of Research and Scholarship Invited Student Poster [recorded and then in breakout room for Q&A], Singapore, July 22-26, 2021 [virtual-Covid]. 2022
  • Abbott, A. A., Shin, J., Jewell, V. D., *Valdez, A., *OBrien, M. & *Storm, H. Poster Discussion Session and Poster Presentation (2022). Telehealth Occupation-Based Coaching Intervention: Measuring Evidence of Independent Capacity of Caregivers of Children with Type 1 Diabetes, at 33rd Annual Nursing Scholars Forum, Iota Tau/Creighton University Medical Center/Creighton University School of Nursing, Omaha, NE, April 28, 2022 2022
  • Abbott, A. A., Shin, J., Jewell, V. D., *Valdez, A., *OBrien, M. & *Storm, H. Poster Discussion Session and Poster Presentation (2022). Telehealth Occupation-Based Coaching Intervention: Measuring Evidence of Independent Capacity of Caregivers of Children with Type 1 Diabetes, at 33rd Annual Nursing Scholars Forum, Iota Tau/Creighton University Medical Center/Creighton University School of Nursing, Omaha, NE, April 28, 2022 2022
  • *Carlson, K., Abbott, A. A., Jewell, V. D., Shin, J., & Russell, M. (2021). Poster Presentation. Establishing Inter-Rater Agreement for the Occupation-Based Coaching Fidelity Protocol, at American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Annual Conference and Expo, San Diego, CA, [Virtual recorded presentation] April 26-29, 2021 published abstract, American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 75(4_Supplement_2), 7512500021. 2022
  • Jewell, V., *Feiten, B., Abbott, A., Knezevich, E., *Ulferts, K., & *Hoffmann, S. (2021), Scientific Research Panel Challenges Experienced by Families with a Child with Diabetes in Rural Communities: An Occupational Challenge, at American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Annual Conference and Expo, San Diego, CA, [Virtual] April 6-29, 2021, published abstract, American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 75(Supplement_2), 7512505142. 2022
  • Poster Presentation Impact of Multidisciplinary Rounds Using Daily Goals in a Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit, at the 29th National Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Virtual Conference, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, 2022
  • *Murphy, H. W. & Abbott, A. A. Podium Presentation, (2022). Impact of Multidisciplinary Rounds in a Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit (ICU), at Creighton University Research Week (formerly St. Alberts Day), Omaha, NE, April 20, 2022 2022
  • *Kennedy, J., & Abbott, A. A. Podium Presentation, (2022). Implementation and Evaluation of The Palliative Care and Rapid Emergency Screening (P-CaRES) Tool for Use in Adult Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Patients, at Creighton University Research Week (formerly St. Alberts Day), Omaha, NE, April 20, 2022 2022
  • *Wirtz, H. & Abbott, A. (2022). Poster Presentation with pre-recorded video Impact of Multidisciplinary Rounds Using Daily Goals in a Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit, at the 29th National Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Virtual Conference, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, April 20-21, 2022. 2022
  • Murphy, H. W. & Abbott, A. A. Podium Presentation, (2022). Impact of Multidisciplinary Rounds in a Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit (ICU), at Creighton University Research Week (formerly St. Alberts Day), Omaha, NE, April 20, 2022 2022
  • *Kennedy, J., & Abbott, A. A. Podium Presentation, (2022). Implementation and Evaluation of The Palliative Care and Rapid Emergency Screening (P-CaRES) Tool for Use in Adult Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Patients, at Creighton University Research Week (formerly St. Alberts Day), Omaha, NE, April 20, 2022 2022
  • Poster Presentation. Enhancing Palliative Care Utilization in the Intensive Care Unit: A Quality Improvement Project, Midwest Nursing Research Society 46th Annual Research Conference, Schaumburg, IL, **1 of 3 selected as Deans choice awards 2022
  • Jewell, V., Knezevich, E., Abbott, A., Ulferts, K., *Feiten, B. & Wise, A. (2022). Poster Presentation. Challenges experienced by families with a child with diabetes in rural Nebraska, American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, April 1, 2022 2022
  • *Kennedy, J., & Abbott, A. A. (2022). Poster Presentation. Enhancing Palliative Care Utilization in the Intensive Care Unit: A Quality Improvement Project, Midwest Nursing Research Society 46th Annual Research Conference, Schaumburg, IL, April 1, 2022 **1 of 3 selected as Deans choice awards 2022
  • *Wirtz, H. & Abbott, A. A. (2022). Poster Presentation. Multidisciplinary Rounds Implementation: A Quality Improvement Project, Midwest Nursing Research Society 46th Annual Research Conference, Schaumburg, IL, April 1, 2022 2022
  • Poster Discussion and Poster Presentations Establishing Inter-rater Agreement Between Nursing Evaluators using the Occupation-Based Coaching Fidelity Protocol for Children with Type I Diabetes Midwest Nursing Research Society 46th Annual Research Conference, Schaumburg, IL, March 31 & April 1, 2022 2022
  • Jewell, V., Shin, J., Qi, Y., Knezevich, E., Abbott, A., & *Bulleigh, B. (2022). Scientific Research Panel. Coaching intervention for type 1 diabetes health management, at the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, March 31, 2022, published abstract in American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 76 2022
  • Abbott, A. A., Shin, J., & *Storm, H. (2022). Poster Discussion and Poster Presentations Establishing Inter-rater Agreement Between Nursing Evaluators using the Occupation-Based Coaching Fidelity Protocol for Children with Type I Diabetes Midwest Nursing Research Society 46th Annual Research Conference, Schaumburg, IL, March 31 & April 1, 2022 2022
  • Shin, J., Jewell, V. D., *Valdez, A., *OBrien, M., *Erickson, J. & Abbott, A. A. Poster Presentation, (2022). Measuring Evidence of Independent Capacity in Clients/Caregivers in Occupation-based Coaching Telehealth Intervention, at the Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association (NOTA) Annual Conference, Omaha, NE, February 26, 2022 (I presented this poster) 2022
  • Shin, J., Abbott, A. A., & Jewell, V. D. Poster Presentation (2022). The NIH Behavioral Change Consortiums Five-Domain Fidelity Framework: Exemplary Application to Clinical Practice and Research, at the Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association (NOTA) Annual Conference, Omaha, NE, February 26, 2022 (I presented this poster) 2022
  • *Funk, K. J., Jewell, V. D., *Currie, A., Shin, J., *Valdez, A., *Bunsness, M., Knezevich, E., & Abbott, A. A. Poster Presentation, (2022). Caregivers Perceptions of Caring for Their Child with Type 1 Diabetes, at the Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association. Creighton University. Omaha, NE, February 26, 2022. 2022
  • Rater Agreement Between Nursing Evaluators on the Occupation-Based Coaching Fidelity Protocol, International Congress of Research of Sigma Theta Tau International Rising Stars of Research and Scholarship Invited Student Poster 2021
  • Jewell, V. D., Abbott, A. A., Knezevich, E., *Feiten, B., *Hoffmann, S., *Ulferts, K., & *Schultes, S. Poster Presentation. (2020). Effectiveness of a Family-Centered REAL Diabetes Intervention for Families with a Young Child with Type 1 Diabetes, at the Occupational Therapy Summit of Scholars, University of Colorado, Fort Collins, CO, June 19, 2020 (accepted, but cancelled-Covid-19) 2021
  • *Storm, H., Abbott, A. A., Shin, J. Poster Presentation, (2021). Occupation-Based Coaching Fidelity Protocol: Establishing Interrater Reliability, 32nd Annual Sigma Theta Tau Research Day, Iota Tau/Creighton University Medical Center/Creighton University School of Nursing, Omaha, NE, April 29, 2021 2021
  • *Ennis, G. & Abbott, A. A. Poster Presentation, (2021). Nurses Use of a Subepidermal Moisture Device and the Braden Scale Assessment for Early Pressure Injury Detection, Creighton University Research Week (formerly St. Albert's Day), Omaha, NE, April 22, 2021 ** Won best undergraduate student poster in the category Clinical Sciences 2021
  • *Miller, E. & Abbott, A. A. Poster Presentation, (2021). Improving Maternity Nurses Knowledge of Kangaroo Care for Sudden Unexpected Postnatal Collapse at Creighton University Research Week (formerly St. Albert's Day), Omaha, NE, April 22, 2021 2021
  • *Lorey, L., *Luo, M., Jewell, V. D., Shin, J., & Abbott, A. A. Podium Presentation, (2021). Diabetes Management for Children with Type-1 Diabetes Through Telehealth Occupation-Based Coaching Interventions at Creighton University Research Week (formerly St. Alberts Day), Omaha, NE, April 20, 2021 2021
  • *Stolle, A. & Abbott, A. A. Podium Presentation, (2021). Newborn Tongue-Tie Assessment Implementation: A Quality Improvement Project at Creighton University Research Week (formerly St. Alberts Day), Omaha, NE, April 20, 2021 2021
  • *Boyle, E., *Feiten, B., Jewell, V. D., *Hoffmann, S, *Schultes, S., Abbott, A. A., Knezevich, E. Poster Presentation, (2021). Utilization of the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative (CIHC): An Evaluation Framework for Student Engagement in Patient-Centered Rural Type 1 Diabetes Research, Creighton University Research Week (formerly St. Albert's Day), Omaha, NE, April 20, 2021 2021
  • Jewell, V., *Feiten, B., Abbott, A., Knezevich, E., *Schultes, S. (2021), Podium Presentation. Utilizing Participatory Action Research Strategies to Increase Stakeholder Engagement in Type 1 Diabetes Research at American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Annual Conference and Expo, San Diego, CA, [Virtual-recorded presentation] April 16, 2021 2021
  • *Storm, H., & Abbott, A. A. Podium Presentation, (2021). Establishing Rater Agreement Between Blinded Evaluators on the Occupation-Based Coaching Fidelity Protocol Creighton University College of Arts and Sciences Honor's Program, Omaha, NE, April 14, 2021 **Hannah was awarded The Deans Awards for Excellence in Research (5 total given) 2021
  • Carlson, K., Abbott, A. A., Jewell, V. D., Shin, J., Russell, M. (2020). Podium Presentation: "Establishing Inter-Rater Agreement for the Occupation-Based Coaching Fidelity Measure", at the 2020 Occupational Therapy Fellowship Platform Presentations, Creighton University School of Pharmacy and Health Professions, Omaha, NE, July 28, 2020 [Virtual] 2020
  • Jewell, V. Abbott, A. A., Knezevich, E., Feiten, B., Hoffmann, S., Ulferts, K., & Schultes, S. Poster Presentation. "Effectiveness of a Family-Centered REAL Diabetes Intervention for Families with a Young Child with Type 1 Diabetes", at the Occupational Therapy Summit of Scholars, University of Colorado, Fort Collins, CO, June 19, 2020 2020
  • Jewell, V. Shin, J., Russell, Knezevich, E., Abbott, A. A., Knezevich, E., George, A., & Qi, Y.Feiten, B., Hoffmann, S., Ulferts, K., & Schultes, S. Poster Presentation. "Stakeholders' Lived Experience After a Child's Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis in Rural Communities" at the Occupational Therapy Research Summit, University of Colorado, Fort Collins, CO, June 19, 2020 2020
  • Shin, J., Jewell, V., Carlson, K., Russell, M., & Abbott, A. "Developing Fidelity Standards ofOccupationBased Coaching Delivered through Telehealth for Families with Type 1 Diabetes" at the Occupational Therapy Research Summit, University of Colorado, Fort Collins, CO, June 19, 2020 2020
  • Jewell, V. Feiten, B. Abbott, A. A., & Knezevich, E. INVITED Podium Presentation, "PCORIEngagement Award: A Framework for Occupational Therapists" at the Occupational Therapy Research Summit, University of Colorado, Fort Collins, CO, June 19, 2020 2020
  • Jewell, V., *Feiten, B., Abbott, A. A., & Knezevich, E. Poster Presentation. (2020). Stakeholders Lived Experience After a Childs Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis in Rural Communities at the Occupational Therapy Research Summit, University of Colorado, Fort Collins, CO, June 19, 2020 (accepted, but cancelled-Covid-19) 2020
  • Jewell, V. Abbott, A., & Knezevich, E. Podium Presentation "Utilizing A Diverse StakeholderGroup To Build A Patient-Centered Type 1 Diabetes Research Agenda" at the American Diabetes Association 80th Scientific Session, Chicago, IL June 12, 2020.Published abstract: 2228-PUB in category 13-B Health Care Delivery—Quality Improvement. 2020
  • Knezevich, E., Hoffman, S., Jewell, V., & Abbott, A. A. Poster Presentation. "Use of Focus Groups to Identify Barriers to Type 1 Diabetes Care in Rural Communities", at the American College of Clinical Pharmacy Virtual Poster Symposium, May 26, 2020 2020
  • Abbott, A., Jewell, V. & Knezevich, E. "Type 1 Diabetes: Rural Concerns of Patients and Families", Podium Presentation at the 31st Annual Sigma Theta Tau Research Day, Iota/Tau/Creighton University Medical Center/Creighton University School of Nursing, Omaha, NE 2020
  • Schwartz, M., Abbott, A. A., Sheridan, R., Hadenfeldt, C., McCafferty, K., Davis, B., Lappe, J.,& Boller, J. Poster Presentation "The Use of a Scholarship Salon to Encourage Faculty Collaboration", Midwest Nursing Research Society 44th Annual Research Conference, Schaumburg, IL, April 3, 2020***we were selcted for a poster DISCUSSION session (formal presentation and discussion) AND then invited to attend a poster session the next day 2020
  • Schwartz, M., Abbott, A., Farretta, R., Hadenfeldt, C., McCafferty, K., Davis, B., Lappe, J., & Boller, J. Poster Discussion Session "The Use of a Scholarship Salon to Encourae Faculty Collaboration", Midwest Nursing Research Society 44th Annual Research Conference, Schaumburg, IL 2020
  • Abbott, A., Jewell, V., Boyle, E., & Knezevich. Podium Presentation "Barrier Identification for Type 1 Diabetes Management: A Rural Challenge", Midwest Nursing Research Society 44th Annual Research Conference, Schaumburg, IL 2020
  • Boyle, E., Abbott, A., A., Jewell, V., & Knezevich, E. Poster Presentation: "Utilizing A Four-Step Approach to Develop and Maintain Partnerships with Type 1 Diabetes Community Stakeholders", at Creighton University St. Albert's Day/ Uniersity Research Day: A Celebration of Scholarship, Omaha, NE 2020
  • Koontz, O. & Abbott, A. Poster Presentation "Sleep Intervention Bundle: Sweet DREAMS", at Creighton University St. Albert's Day/University Research Day: A Celebration of Scholarship, Omaha, NE 2020
  • Schwartz, M. Abbott, A. A., Sheridan, R., Hadenfeldt, C., McCafferty, K., Davis, B., Lappe, J.,& Boller, J. Poster Presentation "A Shakespearean Salon: Faculty Scholarship and Collaboration", "The Use of a Scholarship Salon to Encourage Faculty Collaboration" at Creighton University St. Albert's Day/University Research Day: A Celebration of Scholarship, Omaha, NE, March 31, 2020 2020
  • Schultes, S., Jewell, V., Abbott, A., & Knezevich, E. Podium Presentation "Identifications ofBarriers for Type 1 Diabetes in a Rural Setting" at Creighton University St. Albert's Day/University Research Day: A Celebration of Scholarship, Omaha, NE, March 31, 2020 2020
  • Hoffman, S., Knezevich, E., Jewell, V., & Abbott, A., Poster Presentation "Developing aPatient-Centered Stakeholder Team in Type 1 Diabetes Research" Creighton University St. Albert's Day/University Research Day: A Celebration of Scholarship, Omaha, NE, March 31, 2020 2020
  • Abbott, A., Jewell, V., & Knezevich, E. Invited Podium Presentation "Patient-Centered Type 1 Diabetes Research: Building Rural Stakeholder Engagement via a PCORI Award", Creighton University College of Nursing Research Scholarly Forum, Omaha, NE 2020
  • Abbott, A. A., Jewell, V., & Knezevich, E. Invited Podium Presentation "Patient-Centered Type 1 Diabetes Research: Building Rural Stakeholder Engagement Via a PCORI Award", Creighton University College of Nursing Research Scholarly Forum, Omaha, NE, March 20, 2020 (cancelled-COVID) 2020
  • Jewell, V., Schultes, S., Abbott, A., & Knezevich, E. Poster Presentation "Building RuralStakeholder Engagement in Patient-Centered Type 1 Diabetes Research", at Creighton University Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (CURAS) presentation, Omaha, NE, January 23, 2020 2020
  • Jewell, V., Schultes, S., Abbott, A., & Knezevich, E. Poster Presentation "Building RuralStakeholder Engagement in Patient-Centered Type 1 Diabetes Research", at Creighton University Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (CURAS) presentation, Omaha, NE, January 23, 2020 2020
  • Jewell, V., Abbott, A., Knezevich, E. Poster Presentation American Diabetes Association 80th Scientific Session, Chicago, IL. June 12-16, 2020. Focus Group 2020
  • Jewell, V., Abbott, A., Knezevich, E. Poster Presentation "Utilizing A Diverse Stakeholder Group To Build A Patient-Centered Type 1 Diabetes Research Agenda" at the American Diabetes Association 80th Scientific Session, Chicago, IL, June 12-16, 2020. Patient engagement 2020
  • Jewell, V. D., * Feiten, B. Abbott, A. A., & Knezevich, E. INVITED Podium Presentation, (2020). PCORI Engagement Award: A Framework for Occupational Therapists at the Occupational Therapy Research Summit, University of Colorado, Fort Collins, CO, June 19, 2020 (accepted, but cancelled-Covid-19) 2019
  • Jewell, V. Abbott, A., & Knezevich, E. Podium Presentation, (2020). Utilizing A Diverse Stakeholder Group to Build A Patient-Centered Type 1 Diabetes Research Agenda at the American Diabetes Association 80th Scientific Session, Chicago, IL June 12, 2020. Published abstract: Diabetes, 69(Supplement 1). Note: Impact Factor = 7.273 2019
  • Abbott, A. A., Galt, K. A., & Fuji, K. T. Poster presentation "Health Literacy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Experiencing the Digital Divide", at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. Boston, MA, June 26-28, 2016 2016
  • Alsharif, Naser Z., Siracuse, M. V., Budesheim, T. L., Paschal, K., Abbott, A., Blanchard, S., Kaufman, T., Jarding, G. Poster presentation "Development of Comparable Multidisciplinary Surveys to Sensitize Healthcare Providers in Delivering Care to Diverse Populations., at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Research Meeting, Anaheim, CA, July 23-27, 2016 2016
  • Fuji, K. T., Galt, K. A., Siracuse, M. V., Bramble, J. D., Abbott, A. A., Paschal, K. A., & Kaufman, T. Podium presentation "Perceived Impact of Electronic Health Records with E-Prescribing on Safety and Quality by Personnel in Rural Ambulatory Care Clinics", at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. Boston, MA, June 26-28, 2016 2016
  • Abbott, A. A., Galt, K. A., & Fuji, K. T. Podium presentation"Type II Diabetes: Health Literacy and the Digital Divide",at the 13thAnnual Nebraska Healthcare Quality Forum, La Vista, NE, May 12, 3016 2016
  • Abbott, A. A., Galt, K. A., & Fuji, K. T. Podium presentation "An Exploration of Health Literacy of Those with Type 2 Diabetes Experiencing the Digital Divide", at the 27thAnnual Sigma Theta Tau Research Day, Iota Tau/Creighton University Medical Center/Creighton University School of Nursing, Omaha, NE, May 5, 2016 2016
  • Jarding, G., Abbott, A. A., Alsharif, Naser Z., Blanchard, S. A., Budesheim, T. L., Paschal, K. A., Siracuse, M. V., & Kaufman, T. Poster presentation "Development and Validation of a Survey Tool to Measure Healthcare Provider Bias in Providing Services to Diverse Patient Populations", St. Albert's Day/University Research Day: A Celebration of Scholarship, Omaha, NE, April 12, 2016 2016
  • Penner, M., Schwartz, M. Abbott, A. A., & Connelly, S. Poster presentation "The effects of the balanced body band program on successful habit formation: A Pilot Program, St. Albert's Day/University Research Day: A Celebration of Scholarship, Omaha, NE, April 12, 2016 2016
  • Abbott, A. A., Galt, K. A., & Fuji, K. T. Podium presentation "Exploring Health Literacy in Persons with Type 2 Diabetes Experiencing the Digital Divide", Midwest Nursing Research Society 40th Annual Research Conference, Milwaukee, WI, March 17, 2016 2016
  • Fuji, K. T., Galt, K. A., Siracuse, M. V., Bramble, J. D., Abbott, A. A., Paschal, K. A., Kaufman T. "Perceptions of Electronic Health Record and E-Prescribing Use on Safety and Quality in Rural Ambulatory Care Clinics," Poster presentation at the American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD, March 5-6, 2015. Abstract published 2016 in Journal of American Pharmacy Association, 16;56(3): e138. 2016
  • Penner, M., Schwartz, M. Abbott, A. A., & Connelly, Podium presentation "The Effects of the Balanced Body Band Program on Successful Habit Formation: A Pilot Program", 19th Annual Practical Pediatrics: 2016 Update, Creighton University, Omaha, NE, March 4, 2016 2016
  • Jarding, G., Abbott, A. A., Alsharif, Naser Z., Blanchard, S. A., Budesheim, T. L., Paschal, K. A., Siracuse, M. V., & Kaufman, T. Poster presentation "Development and Validation of a Survey Tool to Measure Healthcare Provider Bias in Providing Services to Diverse Patient Populations", at the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March, 2016 2016
  • Fuji, K. T., Galt, K. A., Siracuse, M. V., Bramble, J. D., Abbott, A. A., & Paschal, K. A. Poster presentation, "Perceptions of Electronic Health Record and E-Prescribing Use on Safety and Quality in Rural Ambulatory Care Clinics", at the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March, 2016 2016
  • Fuji, K. T., Abbott, A. A, & Galt, K. A. "A Quantitative and Qualitative Examination of Standalone Personal Health Record Use by Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Qualitative Exploration", Poster presentation at The American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium, San Francisco, CA, November 14-18, 2015 2015
  • Fuji K. T. Abbott, A. A., & Galt, K. A. "Impact of Standalone Personal Health Record Use on Patients with Type 2 Diabetes", Poster presentation at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. Minneapolis, MN, Sunday, June 14-16, 2015 2015
  • Fuji K. T. Abbott, A. A., & Galt, K. A. "Impact of Online Personal Health Record Use on Patients with Type 2 Diabetes", Poster presentation at the American College of Clinical Pharmacy's Virtual Poster Symposium. May 18-19, 2015 2015
  • Cora, N., & Abbott, A. A. Poster presentation "Evaluation of an Evidence-Based Post-Operative Atrial Fibrillation (POAF) Treatment Algorithm at Midwest Nursing Research Society 39th Annual Research Conference, Indianapolis, IN, April 18, 2015 2015
  • Abbott, A. A., Fuji, K. T., & Galt, K. A. Podium presentation "Standalone personal health record use: The impact on patients with type 2 diabetes", at the 26th Annual Sigma Theta Tau Research Day, Iota Tau/Creighton University Medical Center/Creighton University School of Nursing, Omaha, NE, April 30, 2015 2015
  • Abbott, A. A., & Kunes-Connell, M. CON Mythbuster: The rank and tenure process", Creighton University College of Nursing, Omaha, NE, March 16, 2015 2015
  • Siracuse, M. V., Galt, K. A., Fuji, K. T. , Abbott, A. A., Bramble, J. D., & Paschal, K. A. "Perceptions on Electronic Health Record Safety and Quality in Rural Ambulatory Clinics", at the Academy Health Annual Research Meeting (ARM). Poster presentation San Diego, CA, Sunday, June 8, 2014 (National) 2014
  • Abbott, A. A., Fuji K. T., & Galt, K. A. "Adaptation vs. Adoption: A Qualitative Study of Nurses Engagement with Electronic Health Records", at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM). Poster presentation San Diego, CA, Sunday, June 8, 2014 (National) 2014
  • Siracuse, M. V., Galt, K. A., Fuji, K. T., Abbott, A. A., Bramble, J. D., & Paschal, K. A. "Perceptions on Electronic Health Record Safety and Quality in Rural Ambulatory Clinics", Poster presentation at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, San Diego, CA, Sunday, June 8, 2014 2014
  • Abbott, A. A., Fuji K. T., & Galt, K. A. "Adaptation vs. Adoption: A Qualitative Study of Nurses Engagement with Electronic Health Records", at the Academy Health Annual Research Meeting. Poster presentation San Diego, CA, Sunday, June 8, 2014 2014
  • Abbott, A. A., Fuji K. T., & Galt, K. A. Podium presentation "Adaptation vs. Adoption: A Qualitative Study of Nurses Engagement with Electronic Health Records", at the 11th Annual Nebraska Healthcare Quality Forum, La Vista, NE, June 4, 2014 2014
  • Cora, N., & Abbott A. A. Poster presentation "Evaluation Of An Evidence-Based Post-Operative Atrial Fibrillation (POAF) Treatment Algorithm", St. Albert's Day/University Research Day: A Celebration of Scholarship, Omaha, NE, April 1, 2014 2014
  • Siracuse, M. V., Galt, K. A., Abbott, A. A., Fuji, K. T., Bramble, J. D., Paschal, K. A. Poster presentation "Perceptions on e-prescribing Safety and Quality" at the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Annual Meeting & Exposition, Orlando, FL, March, 28-31, 2014. Abstract publishedin 2014 Journal of American Pharmacy Association,54(2):e199. 2014
  • Abbott, A. A., Fuji, K. T., Galt, K. A., & Kasha, T. Podium presentation "Adaptation vs. Adoption: A Qualitative Exploration of Nurse Engagement with Electronic Health Records" at Midwest Nursing Research Society 38th Annual Research Conference, St. Louis, MO, March 27-30, 2014 2014
  • Abbott, A. Invited Podium Presentation "The Intersection of the Digital Divide and Health Literacy", Common Ground Forum, Health Sciences Multicultural and Community Affairs at Creighton University, Omaha, NE, January 31, 2014 2014
  • Fuji, K. T., & Abbott, A. A. (2014). Ensuring effective medication reconciliation in the home health care. Home Healthcare Nurse.(Featured Continuing Education Article) 2014
  • Fuji, K. T., Abbott, A. A, Galt, K. A., & Maio, A. "Qualitative Exploration of Standalone Personal Health Record Use by Patients with Type 2 Diabetes", Poster presentation at The American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium, Washington, D.C., November 14, 2013 2013
  • Fuji, K. T., Abbott, A. A., Galt, K. A. "How Current Standalone Personal Health Records Meet Patient Desires", Academy Health Annual Research Meeting (ARM). Poster presentation Baltimore, MD, Sunday, June 23, 2013 (National) 2013
  • Fuji, K. T., Abbott, A. A., Galt, K. A. "How Current Standalone Personal Health Records Meet Patient Desires", Poster presentation at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Baltimore, MD, Sunday, June 23, 2013 2013
  • Fuji K. T., Abbott, A. A., & Galt, K. A. Podium presentation "Electronic Personal Health Record Use by Diabetes Patients" at the 10thAnnual Nebraska Healthcare Quality Forum, La Vista, NE, May 9, 2013 2013
  • Abbott, A. A., & Fuji, K. T., Galt, K. A. Podium Presentation "Type 2 Diabetes Self-Care Management: An Exploration of Standalone Electronic Personal Health Record Use" at the 24th Annual Sigma Theta Tau Research Day, Iota Tau/Creighton University Medical Center/Creighton University School of Nursing, Omaha, NE, May 3, 2013 2013
  • Abbott, A. Invited Podium Presentation "Health Literacy and the Digital Divide", Common Ground Forum, Health Sciences Multicultural and Community Affairs at Creighton University, Omaha, NE, March 22, 2013 2013
  • Abbott, A. A., Fuji, K. T., Galt, K. A., Maio, A., Kasha, T., & Jensen, H. C. Poster presentation "Chronic Disease Management of Type II Diabetes: An Exploration of Personal Health Record Use" at Midwest Nursing Research Society 37thAnnual Research Conference, Chicago, IL, March 8, 2013 2013
  • Abbott, A., Fuji, K. T., Galt, K. A., Lappe, J. M., & Howell, E. Podium presentation "Exploring Health Literacy in Persons with Type 2 Diabetes Experiencing the Digital Divide", Health Literacy Nebraska Statewide Summit, Lincoln, NE, January 30, 2013 2013
  • Zimmer, E., Galt, K., Abbott, A. A. et al. (2013). "Quality Assurance and Patient Safety Program, in Collaboration", Creighton University Institute for Leadership and Management and Creighton Center for Health Services Research and Patient Safety; Omaha, NE, January 29, 2013 2013
  • Maio, A., Manhart, C. Fuji, K. T., Abbott, A., Galt, K. Podium Presentation "Exploring Standalone Personal Health Records Use in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes" at Alegent Creighton Health General Internal Medicine Meeting, Omaha, NE, November 8, 2012 2012
  • Abbott, A. A., & Fuji, K. T. Invited Podium Presentation "Engaging in Self-Care Through Use of a Personal Electronic Health Record" at Creighton University School of Nursing Care in a Complex World: Reducing Readmissions through Collaboration and Communication, Omaha, NE, September 21, 2012 2012
  • Abbott, A. A., & Fuji, K. T. Presentation "Engaging in Self-Care Through Use of a Personal Electronic Health Record" presented at School of Nursing Reunion Event entitled "Caring in a Complex World: Reducing Readmissions Through Collaboration and Communication", Creighton University, Omaha, NE, September 21, 2012. 2012
  • Abbott, A., Bramble, J. D., Fuji, K., Galt, K., Kasha, T., Paschal, K., & Siracuse, M. Podium presentation "Safety and Quality Experiences of a Rural Ambulatory Care Practice Using an EHR with e-Prescribing: The In-depth Case Study of Thayer County Health System", at Thayer County, Hebron, NE, July 19, 2012 2012
  • Fuji, K. T., Abbott, A. A., Galt, K., Drincic, A. Maio, A., Kraft, M., Kasha, T., & Piccolo, M. Poster presentation "Exploring Personal Health Record Use by Patients with Type 2 Diabetes", AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Orlando, FL, June 24, 2012 2012
  • Siracuse, M.V., Galt, K.A., Fuji, K. T., Bramble, J. D., Paschal, K. A., Abbott, A. A. "Impact of ePrescribing on Rural Pharmacies and Medical Clinics," American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans. LA, March 9, 2012. 2012
  • Galt K. A., Costanzo, C., Fuji, K. T., Abbott, A. A., Huggett, K., Hansen, T., & Hercinger, M.Poster presentation "Interprofessional Patient Safety Day for Health Professions Students" at the Nebraska League for Nursing 3rdAnnual Excellence in Nursing Education Show Case, Omaha, NE, November 3, 2011 2011
  • Galt K. A., Costanzo, C., Fuji, K. T., Abbott, A. A., Huggett, K., Hansen, T., & Hercinger, M.Poster presentation "Interprofessional Patient Safety Day for Health Professions Students" at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Research Meeting, San Antonio, TX, July 2011. Abstract published 2011 in American Journal of Pharmacy Education, 75(5): Article 105 2011
  • Huggett, K., Hansen, T., Polich, A., Maio, A., Galt, K., Costanzo, C., Fuji, K., Abbott, A., Hercinger, M. Poster presentation "Today You Made a Difference: An Innovative Interprofessional Patient Safety Day". Central Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA) Annual Meeting of the Association of American Medical Colleges, Omaha, NE, March 18, 2011 2011
  • Fuji, K. T., Abbott, A. A., Norris, J. Podium presentation "Identifying Stages in the Care Transition Process" at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA, June 27, 2010 2010
  • Abbott, A. A., Fuji, K. T., Paschal, K. A., & Galt, K. A. Podium presentation "A Mixed Methods Study Exploring the Value of an Interprofessional Patient Safety Education Course to Nursing Students" at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA, June 27, 2010 2010
  • Abbott, A. A., Fuji, K. T., & Norris, J. InvitedPodium Presentation "Care Transitions: The Process and the Outcomes" at the Nebraska Organization of Nurse Executives, Omaha, NE, May 12, 2010 2010
  • Fuji K. T., Abbott, A. A., & Norris, J. Podium presentation "Care Transitions: Patient and Provider Perspectives" at the 7thAnnual Nebraska Healthcare Quality Forum, La Vista, NE, May 11, 2010 2010
  • Abbott, A. A., & Gonzales, K. Presentation "The Institute of Medicine and American Association of Colleges of Nursing's Call for Patient Safety in Nursing Education: The QSEN Education Consortium", Creighton University, Omaha, NE, April, 12, 2010. 2010
  • Abbott, A. A., Fuji K. T., & Norris, J. Podium presentation "Care Transitions: Patient and Provider Perspectives" at Midwest Nursing Research Society 34th Annual Research Conference, Kansas City, MO, April 10, 2010 2010
  • Abbott, A. A., Fuji K. T., Paschal, K. A., & Galt, K. A. Poster presentation "Exploring the Value of an Interprofessional Patient Safety Education Course to Nursing Students: A Mixed Methods Study" at Midwest Nursing Research Society 34thAnnual Research Conference, Kansas City, MO, April 9, 2010 2010
  • Siracuse, M. V., Galt, K. A., Clark, B., Drincic, A., Bramble, J. D., Fuji, K. T., Paschal, K. A., Abbott, A. A. Poster presentation "E-prescribing: Are Medicare Incentive Payments Enough to Encourage Adoption by Physicians?" At the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Annual Meeting & Exposition, Washington, DC, March 14, 2010.Abstract publishedin 2010 in Journal of American Pharmacy Association 50(2):249. 2010
  • Abbott, A. A., & Fuji K. T. Presentation "Building a Successful Interprofessional Collaboration", Creighton Center for Health Services Research and Patient Safety "Meet the Researcher Series", Creighton University, Omaha, NE, February 18, 2010. 2010
  • Abbott, A. A., Fuji K. T., Galt, K. A. & Paschal, K. A. Podium presentation "Exploring the Value of an Interprofessional Patient Safety Education Course to Nursing Students: A Mixed Methods Study" at Creighton University "Time-Out for Lunch Series", Omaha, NE, November 6, 2009 2009
  • Fuji K. T., Paschal K. A., Galt K. A., & Abbott, A. A.Poster presentation "Exploring the Valueof an Interprofessional Patient Safety Course: A Mixed Methods Study" at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA, July 18, 2009. Abstract published in 2009 American Journal of Pharmacy Education; 73(4): Article 57 2009
  • Abbott, A. A., Fuji, K. T., Norris, J., & Galt, K. A. Poster presentation "Barriers and Consequences of Care Transitions: Who Dropped the Ball?" at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Chicago, IL, June 28, 2009 2009
  • Fuji, K. T., Abbott, A. A., Norris, J., & Galt, K. A. Poster presentation "Processes in Care Transitions from Patient and Provider Perspectives: A Mixed Methods Study" at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Chicago, IL, June 28, 2009 2009
  • Bramble, J. D., Siracuse, M. V., Galt, K. A., Paschal, K. A., Drincic, A., Abbott, A. A., Fuji, K. T., & Kasha, T. Posterpresentation "Electronic Health Records: The Gap Between Desirability and Availability of Functions" at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Chicago, IL, June 28, 2009 2009
  • Siracuse, M. V., Galt, K. A., Bramble, J. D., Drincic, A., Paschal, K. A., Abbott, A. A., Fuji, K. & T., Kasha, T. Posterpresentation "E-prescribing: Will Medicare Incentives be Enough to Encourage Adoption by Physicians?" at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Chicago, IL, June 28, 2009 2009
  • Fuji, K. T., Galt, K. A., Drincic, A., Siracuse, M. V., Paschal, K. A., Abbott, A. A., & Bramble, J. D. Poster presentation "How Pharmacists and Physicians Perceive their Patients' Use of Personal Health Records" at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Chicago, IL, June 28, 2009 2009
  • Abbott, A. A. Podiumpresentation "Symptom Clusters in Early Recovery Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Patients" at 20th Annual Sigma Theta Tau Research Day, Iota Tau/Creighton University Medical Center/Creighton University School of Nursing, Omaha, NE, May 1, 2009 2009
  • Abbott, A. A., Fuji, K. T., Norris, J., & Galt, K. A. Podiumpresentation "Barriers and Consequences of Care Transitions" at 20thAnnual Sigma Theta Tau Research Day, Iota Tau/Creighton University Medical Center/Creighton University School of Nursing, Omaha, NE, May 1, 2009 2009
  • Siracuse, M. V., Galt, K. A., Clark, B. E., Drincic, A., Bramble, J. D., Abbott, A. A., Paschal, K. A., & Fuji, K. T. Poster Presentation "The Role of Health Information Technology in Enhancing Patient Safety Through the Medication Use Process" at the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Annual Meeting & Exposition, San Antonio, TX, April 3, 2009 2009
  • Paschal, K. A., Bramble, J. D., Galt, K. A., Siracuse, M. V., Drincic, A., Fuji, K. T., Abbott, A. A., & Kasha, T. Poster presentation "Physician EHR Adoption and ePrescribing in Nebraska" at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Washington, D. C., June 7, 2008 2008
  • Bramble, J. D., Siracuse, M. V., Galt, K. A., Paschal, K. A., Drincic, A., Abbott, A. A., Fuji, K. T., & Kasha, T. Poster Presentation "Organizational Factors Associated with Implementing Electronic Health Records" at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Washington, D. C., June 7, 2008 2008
  • Siracuse, M. V., Bramble, J. D., Galt, K. A., Paschal, K. A., Drincic, A., Abbott, A. A., Fuji, K. T., & Kasha, T. Poster Presentation "Physician Acceptance of Health Information Technology in Nebraska: Testing Model Applicability"at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Washington, D. C., June 7, 2008 2008
  • Drincic, A., Siracuse, M. V., Galt, K. A., Paschal, K. A., Bramble, J. D., Abbott, A. A., & Fuji, K. T. Poster Presentation "The State of Electronic Health Records in Nebraska: Adoption, Barriers and Applications Physician EHR Adoption and ePrescribing in Nebraska" at Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, Washington, D. C., June 7, 2008 2008
  • Galt, K. A., Bramble, J. D., Siracuse, M. V., Paschal, K. A., Drincic, A., Abbott, A. A., Fuji, K. T., & Kasha, T. Poster Presentation "Electronic Health Record Adoption and Patient Safety" at Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, Washington, D. C., June 7, 2008 2008
  • Bramble, J. D., Galt, K. A., Siracuse, M. V., Drincic, A., Paschal, K. A., Abbott, A. A., Fuji, K. & T., Kasha, T. InvitedPodium Presentation to the HIT interest group at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Washington, D. C., June 2008 2008
  • Siracuse, M., Bramble, J. D., Paschal, K. A., Drincic, A., Galt, K. A., Abbott, A., Fuji, K. T., & Kasha, T. Poster Presentation "Adoption of Electronic Health Records and ePrescribing in Nebraska and South Dakota" at the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 14, 2008 2008
  • Siracuse, M. V., Drincic, A., Galt, K. A., Paschal, K. A., Abbott, A. A., Fuji, K. T., Kasha, T. A. Podium presentation "Status of Health Information Technology in Nebraska: Focus on Electronic Health Records in Physician Offices," Nebraska eHealth Council, Omaha, NE, February 11, 2008 2008
  • Galt, K. A., Paschal, K. A., Berens, D., Abbott, A. A., Bramble, J. D., Drincic, A. Rule, A. M., & Siracuse, M.V. Podium presentation "Consumer Beliefs about Electronic Health Information Exchange and Privacy" at the APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Nashville, TN, February 2008 2008
  • Schwartz, M., & Abbott, A. Podium Presentation "Storytelling and Alternative Teaching Techniques"at 20thWomen in Educational Leadership Conference, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Teacher's College, Lincoln, NE, October 8 & 9, 2006 2006
  • Abbott, A. & Damewood-Schwartz, M. Podium presentation "Storytelling: A Clinical Application for Undergraduate Students"at 16thAnnual Sigma Theta Tau Research Day, Iota Tau/Creighton University Medical Center/Creighton University School of Nursing, Omaha, NE, May 6, 2005 2005
  • Abbott, A. & Damewood-Schwartz, M. Poster Presentation "Storytelling: A Clinical Application for Undergraduate Students"at Continuing Competence Where Education and Practice Meet conference sponsored by MU Sinclair School of Nursing and University of Kansas School of Nursing, at The Hyatt Crown Center, Kansas City, MS, November 4, 2003 2003
  • Abbott, A., Damewood, M., & Hercinger, M. Podium presentation "A Curriculum Comparison of HESI and State Boards" at Sigma Theta Tau Research Day, St. Joseph Hospital/Creighton University School of Nursing, Omaha, NE, May 2, 2003 2003
  • Abbott, A. "Drip Calculations", Presentation at St. Joseph Hospital, September 21, 2000 (Educational project) 2000
  • Abbott, A., & Wackel, J. "IV Therapy Update", 8 hour refresher course for Registered Nurses, Crete, NE., December 18, 1999 1999
  • Abbott, A. & Wackel, J. "Post-operative Cardiac Complications", Presentation/lecture at St. Joseph Hospital, Omaha, NE, December 6, 7 and 8, 1999 (Educational project) 1999
  • Foyt, M., Travers-Gustafson, D., & Abbott, A. Podium Presentation "Academic Preceptored Clinical Experiences" at Educating for the New Millennium conference by Villanova University College of Nursing and Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, College of Nursing, Double Tree Hotel, Philadelphia, PA, October 24, 1999 1999
  • Arkfeld, A. A Podium presentation "Discussion of Generic and Disease-Specific Outcome Tools for Patients in Cardiac Rehabilitation" at Sigma Theta Tau Research Day, St. Joseph Hospital/Creighton University School of Nursing, Omaha, NE, May 7, 1999 1999
  • Arkfeld, A. & Johnson, M. "Peripheral Nerve Stimulator for Train of Fours Assessment", Presentation, St. Joseph Hospital, Omaha, NE, September 29 and 30, and October 5 and 9, 1998 (Educational project) 1998
  • Arkfeld, A. "Care of the Psychiatric Patient in Critical Care"', Course Coordinator at St. Joseph Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska, February 5, 1997 (Educational project) 1997


  • Alsharif, N.Z. (PI), Siracuse, M. Abbot, A. (Co-PI), Blanchard, S., Paschal, K. Budesheim, L., & Brown, J. "Development and Validation of Survey Tool to Measure Healthcare Provider Bias in Providing Services to Diverse Patient Populations," Sponsor: The Dr. George F. Haddix President's Faculty Research Fund Creighton University

  • Abbott, A. (PI). “Symptom Clusters in Post-Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Patients”.
    Sponsor: Winifred Ellenchild Pinch Research Grant, Iota Tau Chapter of Sigma Theta
    Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Award amount $1000. Award period: May
    2008-May 2009

  • Alsharif, M. (PI); Siracuse, M. V., Co-PI (School of Pharmacy and Health Professions [SPHAP],
    pharmacy; Abbott, A. A., Co-PI College of Nursing; Blanchard, S. Co-PI. SPAHP, “Development and Validation of a Survey Tool to Measure Healthcare Provider Bias in Providing Services to Diverse Patient Populations”, Sponsor: The Dr. George F. Haddix President’s Faculty Research Fund Creighton University. Award amount: $15,000. Award Period: February 2015 – May 2017 (We were each PI’s for our own professional contribution/development of the survey and for conduction of the focus groups)

  • Fuji, K. T. (PI), Abbott, A. (Co-Investigator), Siracuse, M. (Co-Investigator), Bramble, J. D.
    (Co-Investigator), Paschal, K. (Co-Investigator). “Validating an Instrument to Measure Safety and Quality Issues of Electronic Health Records in Rural Primary Care Clinics”, Sponsor: Health Future’s Foundation, Award amount: $15,085, Award Period: July 2013- June 2015 (20% participation)

  • Abbott, A. (Nursing Faculty Mentee) “Nursing Faculty Research Capacity
    Development Health Disparities Research Training Program (HDRTP)”. Sponsor: University of Alabama at Birmingham Minority Health Research Center (MHRC). January 2012 to July 2014

  • Galt K. A. (Principal Investigator), Abbott, A. (Co-Investigator) et al.. “Pharmacists for
    Patient Safety”, Sponsor: Community Pharmacy Foundation. Award amount: $69,659. Award period 2009-2011

  • Paschal, K. A. (Principal Investigator), Abbott, A. (Co-Investigator) et al. “Health
    Information Technology Adoption in Physical Therapy Practice, Sponsor: Creighton
    Health Futures Foundation. Award amount: $20,000. Award period 2009-2011

  • Galt, KA (PI); Abbott, A. (Faculty participant), Bramble, JD (Co-Investigator), Drincic, A
    (Co-Investigator), Fuji, K. T., (Co-Investigator), Paschal, K (Co-Investigator), Siracuse, M (Co-Investigator), “Bridge Funding Request to Continue the Core Faculty Integration and Development of the Creighton Health Services Research Program (CHRP)”, Sponsor: Health Futures Foundation, Award Period: 2008-2010, Award Amount:  $250,000. Time and Effort - 10%

  • Galt, KA (PI), Abbott, A. (Faculty participant), Bramble, JD (Co-Investigator), Drincic, A
    (Co-Investigator), Fuji, K. T., (Co-Investigator), Paschal, K (Co-Investigator), Siracuse, M (Co-Investigator), “Research Program in Health Care Quality and Safety”, Sponsor: Health Futures Foundation, Award Period: 2007-2008, Award Amount:  $152,542. Time and Effort - 10%

  • Galt, KA (PI), Abbott, A. (Faculty participant), Bramble, JD (Co-Investigator), Drincic, A.
    (Co-Investigator), Fuji, K. T., (Co-Investigator), Paschal, K (Co-Investigator), Siracuse, M (Co-Investigator), “Research Program in Health Care Quality and Safety”, Sponsor: Health Futures Foundation, Award Period: 2006-2007, Award Amount:  $97,957. Time and Effort - 10%

  • Furlong, E. (PI), Abbott, A. (Faculty participant), “Curriculum and Faculty Development in Community-Based Care”, Sponsor: Fuld Foundation grant, (July 1, 2002- June 30, 2004)

  • Abbott, A. A., Jewell, J., Russell, M., Knezevich, E., Yongyue, Q., & George, A. The efficacy of an occupational-based coaching for rural families with a child with Type 1 Diabetes: A randomized controlled pilot study. Winifred J. Ellenchild Pinch Research Award, Sigma Theta Tau Iota Tau Chapter

  • Abbott, A. A., Jewell, J., Russell, M., Knezevich, E., Yongyue, Q., & George, A. “The Efficacy
    of an Occupational-Based Coaching for Rural Families with a Child with Type 1 Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study.
    Sponsor: Winifred J. Ellenchild Pinch Research Award, Sigma Theta Tau Iota Tau Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing,
    Award amount: $1000

  • Russell, M., Knezevich, E., Abbott, A.A., Ulferts, K. & Jewell, V.D. (2021-2022). “Impact of COVID-19 on Family Quality of Life and Healthcare Access for Families with a Child with Diabetes.”
    Sponsor: AOTF Intervention Research Grant
    Award Amount: $50,000
    Award Period: July 1, 2021- June 30, 2022
    4% participation

  • Jewell, V. D., Shin, J., Fellman, S., Knezevich, E., Addasi, N. M. H., Abbott, A. A., Qi, Y.,
    Russell, M., & Murdock, K. “Psychometric Testing of the Diabetes Health Management and Distress Scale- Parents of Young Children (DHMDS-PYC)” (IRB #2002929) Sponsor: International Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD), Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Fellowship
    Award Amount: $25,000
    Award Period: January 1, 2022-December 31, 2022
    .5% FTE

  • Russell, M., Knezevich, E., Abbott, A.A., Ulferts, K., Schultes, S., Jewell, J. D. “Impact of
    COVID-19 on Family Quality of Life and Healthcare Access for Families with a Child with Diabetes.” (IRB #2002188) Sponsor: AOTF Intervention Research Grant
    Award Amount: $50,000
    Award Period: January 1, 2022-December 31, 2022
    4 % FTE


  • Galt, K. A. (PI), Abbott, A. (Co-Investigator), Bramble, J. D. (Co-Investigator), Drincic, A.
    (Co-Investiator), Fuji, K. (Co-Investigator), Clark, B. (Co-Investigator), Siracuse M. (Co-investigator). “The Role of HIT in Enhancing Patient Safety Through Medication Use Process”, Sponsor: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Award amount: 712,981, Award Period: 2009 -2014

  • Galt, K. A. (PI), Abbott, A. (Mentee), Bramble, J. D. (Project Director), Drincic, A. (Project
    Director), Crawford, S. (Project Director); Fuji, K. (Mentee), Clark, B. (Mentee). “Creighton Research Infrastructure Program to Achieve Sustainability Project (R-24 Award Proposal)”, Sponsor: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Award Period: 2009 -2013, Award amount: 1,478,623. Time and Effort - 20%

  • Galt, K. A. (PI); Abbott, A. (Faculty participant), Bramble, J. D. (Project Director),
    Drincic, A. (Mentee), Fuji, K. (Research Fellow), Paschal, K. (Mentee), Siracuse, M.
    (Mentee), “Creighton Health Services Research Development Project (BRIC Award Proposal”), Sponsor: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Award Period: 2006 - 2008, Award amount: 499,979. Time and Effort - 10%

  • Jewell, V., Abbott, A., Knezevich, E., Dowd, M., & Naber, L. “Building Rural Stakeholder
    Engagement in Patient-Centered Type 1 Diabetes Research”, Sponsor Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI); Eugene Washington Engagement Award.
    Award Amount: $247,020
    Award Period: November 2018 – August 2020 (14% participation)

    ** First PCORI Creighton University has ever received

  • Jewell, V. D., Knezevich, E., Abbott, A., Russell, M., Feiten, B., & Ulferts, K. “Expanding Rural Stakeholder Engagement in Patient-Centered COVID-19 Type 1 Diabetes Research”
    Sponsor: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) COVID-19-Related Enhancement”.
    Award amount: $148,000 [Submitted, not funded].
    8% participation


  • Knezevich, E., Jewell, V., Russell, M., Abbott, A., Shin, J., George, A, & Qi, Y. (2019-2021). Use of the Dexcom G6 to Measure Time-In-Range as an Outcome Measure for Occupation-Based Coaching via Telehealth for Blood Glucose Control for Young Children with Type 1 Diabetes. Dexcom Industries. $70,000 [Submitted].


  • Abbott, A., & Boller, J. "Wellness Inventory Grant," sponsor Dr. Todero

  • Abbott, A. A. (PI), Fuji, K. T., Galt, K. A., Lappe, J. M., & Howell, E. “Exploring Health
    Literacy in Persons with Type 2 Diabetes Experiencing the Digital Divide”, Sponsor: The Dr. George F. Haddix President’s Faculty Research Fund Creighton University. Award amount: $15,000. Award Period: February 2013 – April 2015 (60% participation)

  • Abbott, A. (PI), Fuji, K., Galt, K., Paschal, K. A. “Exploring the Value of an
    Interprofessional Patient Safety Education Course to Nursing Students: A Mixed Methods Study.” Sponsor: Creighton University Office for Academic Excellence and Assessment. Award amount: $1485. Award Period: February 2009- December 2009

  • Todd, M., Abbott, A. A. (Co-Investigator), Laughlin, A. L., Haddad, A. R., Yager, A., &
    Wichman, C. “Quit4Good”, Sponsor: The Dr. George F. Haddix President’s Faculty Research Fund Creighton University. Award amount: $15,000. Award Period: February 2014 – February 2015

  • The Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (CURAS) Faculty Research Fund
    Creighton University
    Title: Building Rural Stakeholder Engagement in Patient
    -Centered Type 1 Diabetes Research
    Vanessa D. Jewell, PhD, OTR/L
    Amy Abbott, PhD, RN
    Knezevich, PharmD, CDE

  • Jewell, J., Russell, M., Knezevich, E., Abbott, A, Yongyue, Q., & George, A. (2019). “Randomized Control Pilot Study to Examine the Effectiveness of Telehealth Occupation-Based Coaching for Families with a Child with Type 1 Diabetes.” Sponsor Health Science Strategic Investment Fund Faculty Development Creighton University. Funded

  • Abbott, A. A., Jewell, V. Russell, M., Shin, J. Knezevich, E., George, A., & Yongyue, Qi
    “Establishing Inter-rater Reliability of a Fidelity Measure for Occupation-Based Coaching Telehealth Interventions Delivered to Caregivers of Children with Type 1 Diabetes.”
    Sponsor: The Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (CURAS) Faculty Research Fund Creighton University.
    Award amount: $2,000
    Award period: May 2020 – June 30, 2021

  • Jewell, V. Russell, M., Shin, J. Knezevich, E., Abbott, A. A., George, A., & Yongyue, Qi
    “Effectiveness of Telehealth Occupation-Based Coaching for Families with a Young Child with Type 1 Diabetes”
    Sponsor: The Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (CURAS) Faculty Research Fund Creighton University.
    Award amount: $4940
    Award period: May 2020 – April 2021
    10% participation (no faculty dollars internal grant)

  • SPAHP Research Fellowship, Creighton University Knezevich (PI) 10/1/19-9/30/20
    Building a Patient-Centered Research Agenda for Families with a Child with Type 1 Diabetes.
    Role: co-investigator
    Purpose: to fund the engagement of a pharmacy student in the research process
    [Student: Shelby Hoffman]

  • Abbott, A., A., Jewell, V.D., Shin, J., Russell, M., & Carlson, K. (2020). “Transcription
    Accuracy for Improved Intervention Fidelity.”
    Sponsor: Creighton University College of Nursing.
    Award amount: $500.
    Award period: July 2020 - June 2021
    [Student: Allison Condon; College of Nursing].

  • Abbott, A. A., Jewell, V. Russell, M., Shin, J. Knezevich, E., George, A., & Qi, Y.
    “Establishing Inter-rater Reliability of a Fidelity Measure for Occupation-Based Coaching Telehealth Interventions Delivered to Caregivers of Children with Type 1 Diabetes.”
    Sponsor: The Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (CURAS) Faculty Research Fund Creighton University.
    Award amount: $2,000
    Award period: May 2020 – June 30, 2021
    [Student: Hannah Storm, College of Nursing]

  • Jewell, V. Russell, M., Shin, J. Knezevich, E. Abbott, A. A., George, A., Qi, Y. “A RCT Pilot
    Study to Examine the Effectiveness of Telehealth Occupation-Based Coaching for Families with a Child with TID”
    Sponsor: The Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (CURAS) Committed
    Investigator Award
    Research Fund Creighton University.
    Award amount: $4940
    Award period: May 2020 – June 30, 2021
    [Student: Demi Brown, Arts and Sciences]


  • Nebraska Nurses Association Outstanding Nurse Educator Award
    Only awardee for this honor from the state for commitment and excellence in educating nurses in Nebraska
    Nebraska Nurses Association
  • Daisy Award
    Award nominee 4- nominations in May 2022 2 nominations in May 2020
    Senior CUCON Senior Students
  • Daisy Award
    Daisy Foundation: Mac Smith CON TRAD senior student April 2020
  • Daisy Award
    Daisy Foundation:Olivia Koontz, CON TRAD senior March 2020
  • Alpha Sigma NU
    Inducted in to the highest Jesuit honor a student or faculty can receive.
    Creighton University
  • Alpha Sigma Nu
    Induction February 2020
    Creighton University
  • Nebraska Nurses Association Positive Image of Nursing Award
    Nebraska Nurses' Association Positive Image of Nursing Award (April 2016). Themes for 2016 Nurses' week is "A Culture of Safety: It Starts with You"
    Nurses' Week
  • Delta Zeta Teacher of the Week
    Delta Zeta
  • Teaching Excellent Award for Clinical Instruction
    School of Nursing graduation senior class
  • Induction
    National Society of Collegiate Scholars
  • Teaching Excellent Award for Classroom Instruction
    School of Nursing graduating senior classes
  • "Nursing Faculty Research Capacity Development Health Disparities Research Training Program (HDRTP)"
    University of Alabama at Birmingham Minority Health Research Center (MHRC)
  • "75 Nursing Professors You'd be Lucky to Have Teach Your Class"
  • Induction
    International Society of Nurses (IAN)
  • Harriet H. Werley New Investigator Award
    Midwest Nursing Research Society
  • Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges, Outstanding merit and scholarship
    University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Nursing
  • Teaching Excellent Award for Clinical Instruction
    August 2010, August 2008, December 2006
    School of Nursing graduation senior class
  • Outstanding Faculty Award
    May 2002, December 1998, 1999, 2000
    School of Nursing graduating senior class
  • Iota Tau Award for Outstanding Research and Scholarship in a Master's of Science Nursing Graduate
    Iota Tau


  • Peer-to-Peer Mentoring for Early Career Research Faculty Forum for University of Nebraska Medical Center
    Sought by Lani Zimmerman at UNMC to work with Ted Mikuls, MD, MSPH) for a grant to assist early-career faculty as a nursing scientist with self-management intervention expertise
    2020 - 2020
  • External Reviewer for Nursing Faculty Promotion and Health Services research
    external reviewer
    review faculty files from other Universities as an external reviewer for promotion and or tenure when contacted by other Universities.
    George Washington University School of Nursing; Oakland School of Nursing
    2016 - 2016
  • Nurse Educator Practicum
    M. Thompson
    2015 - 2016
  • American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Research Leadership Network
    Faculty leader
    The Research Leadership Network (RLN) invites nursing faculty who have leadership roles facilitating research within their nursing programs. The RLN is an AACN Leadership Network that fosters professional growth and development, information sharing, communication, and discussion of key issues. Networking within this group is facilitated through programs, meetings, and electronic communication.
    2014 - 2014
  • Clinical Faculty
    K. Hirsch
    2014 - 2015
  • Clinical Faculty
    J. Consbruck
    2014 - 2015
  • Clinical Faculty
    E. Keenan and S. Sandstrom
    2011 - 2012
  • Care Transitions Patient Safety Project for Interprofessional Patient Safety Course
    Student Mentor
    N. Calzada
    2010 - 2010
  • Clinical Faculty
    A. Lem and R. Laws
    2010 - 2012
  • Faculty Mentor
    J. Tow
    2009 - 2012
  • Faculty Preceptor
    Graduate Student S. Klein for Education course of Dr. Nancy Shirley
    2008 - 2008
  • Faculty Mentor
    B. Synowiecki
    2001 - 2004
  • Expert Clinical Witness
    Nursing Expert for Lawsuits
    Sought for consulting as a clinical expert to testify in cases with nursing malpractice. All word of mouth advertising and was originally found through the CUCON webpage and CHRP
    Numerous attorneys (defense and plaintiff)
    2000 - 2000
  • Faculty Mentor
    N. Bradenkamp
    2000 - 2003