Elizabeth F . Cooke, PhD



College of Arts and Sciences
DHHC - Dowling Hall/Humanities Center - 109

Elizabeth F . Cooke, PhD


Teaching Interests

  • Pragmatism, Philosophy of Science, American Philosophy






  • Bloomsbury
    Peirce's Pragmatic Theory of Inquiry: Fallibilism and Indeterminacy 2007


  • Analysis
    Cooke, Elizabeth F. Review of 'The Pragmatic Maxim: Essays on Peirce and Pragmatism' by Christopher Hookway.
    74, p. 170-171 2014
  • Philosophia Mathematica
    Cook, E. F. Peirce, Fallibilism, and the Science of Mathematics?.?
    11, p. 158-175 2003


  • Journal of Religion & Society Supplement Series
    “Pragmatism and Disunity in Science and Religion: Peirce and Cartwright”
    11, p. 1-18 2015
  • Chinese Semiotic Studies
    “Peirce on Wonder, Inquiry, and the Semiotic Ubiquity of Surprise”
    8:1, p. 178-200 2014
  • Peirce in His Own Words: 100 Years of Semiotics, Communications and Cognition
    “Peirce and the ‘Flood of False Notions,’” edited by Torkild Thellefsen and Bent Sørensen, De Gruyter Mouton, 2014
  • Chinese Semiotic Studies
    “The Pragmatic Maxim and the Idea of Necessity in Mathematical Inquiry,”
    6, p. 241-267 2012
  • Cybernetics and Human Knowing: A Journal of Second Order Cybernetics, Autopoeisis and Cyber
    “Peirce on the Cognition of Reality through Error Recognition,”
    19:1-2, p. 33-45 2012
  • Transactions of the Charles S.Peirce Society
    “Phenomenology of Error and Surprise: Peirce, Davidson, and McDowell,”
    47-1, p. 62-86 2011
  • Chinese Semiotic Studies
    “Understanding Mathematical Inquiry as a Practice: Some Ontological Implications,” 2010
  • Ideas in Action: Proceedings of the Applying Peirce Conference
    “The Function of Error in Knowledge and Meaning: Peirce, Apel, Davidson,” ed. M. Bergman, S. Paavola, A.-V., Pietarinen, and H. Rydenfelt; Nordic Studies in Pragmatism 1 (Helsinki: Nordic Pragmatism Network, 2010), 38-47., p. 38-47 2010
  • New Essays on Peirce’s Mathematical Philosophy
    “Peirce’s General Theory of Inquiry and the Problem of Mathematics,” ed. Matthew Moore (Chicago: Open Court, 2010), p. 169-202 2010


  • "Science, Religion and Conflict: A Pragmatist Perspective,"Kripke Center, Symposium on Religion and the Sciences, Creighton University 2014
  • "Peirce on Wonder, Inquiry, and the Semiotic Ubiquity of Surprise" (read in China on behalf of the author, Elizabeth Cooke), at the conference for the World Association for Theoretical Semiotics (WATS), 2012 Symposium, Nanjing Normal University, China, Major Theme: "Recent Results in Theoretical Semiotics." 2012