Iman Feiz-Erfan, MD

Assistant Professor


School of Medicine

Iman Feiz-Erfan, MD

Assistant Professor


Surgery (Phoenix)


Assistant Professor


  • Spinal Cord Series and Cases
    Kennamer B. T., DelPino B. J., Lettieri S. C., Gridley D. G., Hollingworth A. K., Feiz-Erfan I., Blunt traumatic posterior cord syndrome
    8:1 2022
  • World Neurosurgery
    Charcos I. B., Wong T. W., Larsen B. R., Azurdia A. R., Gridley D. G., Vail S. J., Hollingworth A. K., Lettieri S. C., Feiz-Erfan I., Location of Traumatic Cranial Epidural Hematoma Correlates with the Source of Hemorrhage: A 12-Year Surgical Review
    152 2021
  • World Neurosurgery
    Kennamer B. T., Gridley D. G., Rhines L. D., Nair G. R., Lettieri S. C., Davis K. M., Feiz-Erfan I., Natural History of a Patient with Sacral Chordoma: Case Report and Literature Review
    139 2020
  • Surgical Neurology International
    Wong TinaW, Gridley DanielG, Feiz-Erfan Iman, Epidural venous plexus engorgement due to inferior vena cava thrombosis resulting in cauda equina syndrome: Case report and literature review
    9:1, p. 129 - 129 2018
  • Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics
    Ellis M. B., Gridley D., Lal S., Nair G. R., Feiz-Erfan I., Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor of the brain without tumor-induced osteomalacia in an 8-year-old girl: Case report
    17:5 2016
  • Operative neurosurgery (Hagerstown, Md.)
    Safavi-Abbasi Sam, de Oliveira Jean G, Deshmukh Pushpa, Reis Cassius V, Brasiliense Leonardo B C, Crawford Neil R, Feiz-Erfan Iman, Spetzler Robert F, Preul Mark C, The craniocaudal extension of posterolateral approaches and their combination: a quantitative anatomic and clinical analysis
    66:3, p. 54 - 64 2010
  • Skull base
    Jittapiromsak Pakrit, Nakaji Peter, Spetzler Robert F., Preul Mark C., Deshmukh Pushpa, Feiz-Erfan Iman, Wu Anhua, Comparative Analysis of Extensions of Transbasal Approaches: Effect on Access to Midline and Paramedian Structures
    19:6, p. 387 - 399 2009
  • Journal of neurosurgery
    Feiz-Erfan I., Han P. P., Spetzler R. F., Horn E. M., Klopfenstein J. D., Porter R. W., Ferreira M. A. T., Beals S. P., Lettieri S. C., Joganic E. F., The radical transbasal approach for resection of anterior and midline skull base lesions
    103:3 2005