Handbook of the Teaching of Psychology Finken Laura L, Teaching Human Sexuality [Book Chapter] 2006
The handbook of the teaching of psychology Finken Laura L., Teaching controversial psychology topics: Teaching human sexuality [Book Chapter] 2006
Teaching of Psychology Khanna Maya M., Short- and Long-Term Effects of Cumulative Finals on Student Learning 40:3, p. 175 - 182 2013
International Journal for the Psychology of Religion Leak Gary K., The relationship between the constructs of religiousness and prejudice 21:1, p. 43 - 62 2011
Teaching of Psychology Finken Laura L., The complexity of student responses to in-class debates in a human sexuality course 30:3, p. 263 - 265 2003
Teaching of Psychology Finken Laura L., A comparison of progressive and two-draft writing assignments in introductory psychology courses 30:3, p. 246 - 248 2003
Journal of Quantitative Criminology Osgood D. W., Analyzing multiple-item measures of crime and deviance II: Tobit regression analysis of transformed scores 18:4, p. 319 - 347 2002
Journal of Psychology & Human Sexuality Finken Laura L., The impact of a human sexuality course on anti-gay prejudice: The challenge of reaching male students 14:1, p. 37 - 46 2002
American educational research journal Jacobs Janis E., The Career Plans of Science-Talented Rural Adolescent Girls 35:4, p. 681 - 704 1998
Journal of adolescent research Finken Laura, Consultant choice across decision contexts: Are abortion decisions different? 11:2, p. 235 - 260 1996
Sex roles Finken Laura, Parental self-esteem and behavior problems in children: Similarities between mothers and fathers 28:9-10, p. 569 - 582 1993
Contemporary psychology Thompson Ross A, Charting the Waters of Ethical Responsibility to Children 37:4, p. 293 - 294 1992
Leak, G. K., Finken, L. L., & Budesheim, T. L. (2016, May). A Construct-Focused Examination of the Relationships among Right-Wing Authoritarianism, Social Dominance Orientation, and Various Types of Prejudice. A presentation at the meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL. 2016
Budesheim, T. L., Finken, L. L., & Leak, G. K. (2014, November). A Socio-Functional Model of How Personality and Sex Differences Influence Perceived Threats, Emotional Reactions, and Behavioral Responses Toward Gay Men and Lesbians. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Omaha, NE. 2014
Leak, G. K., Ruchensky, J. & Finken, L. L. (2014, May). Validation of a Revised Measure of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. A presentation at the meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA. 2014
Budesheim, T. L., Leak, G. K. & Finken, L. L. (2013, January). How stereotype content mediates the relationship between RWA, SDO, and prejudice. A presentation at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA. 2013
Rogers, T., Luteran, S., Leak, G. K. & Finken, L. L. (2012, May). The relationship between two types of religious sexual orientation prejudice. A presentation at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. 2012
Khanna, M. M., Laughlin, M., Badura Brack, A. S. & Finken, L. L. (2011, May). The impact of cumulative finals on long-term retention of course material. A presentation at the meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, D.C. 2011
Khanna, M., Badura-Brack, A. & Finken, L. (2010). Summer research grant from the Office for Academic Excellence and Assessment at Creighton University.