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Jennifer Lynn Jessen, EdD, RN, CNOR

Associate Professor

Executive Director of CIPER


Faculty - Nursing
College of Nursing
CIPER Leadership Team
CRISS III - Criss 3 - 134B

Jennifer Lynn Jessen, EdD, RN, CNOR

Associate Professor

Executive Director of CIPER

Dr. Jenny Jessen holds the Executive Director position for the Center for Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research (CIPER). Dr. Jessen has served as a core faculty member in CIPER and director for assessment since 2019. She is an Assistant Professor in the College of Nursing (CON), serving previously as the Accelerated Faculty Chair on the Omaha campus. Her teaching background includes foundational nursing, advanced medical surgical nursing, and senior preceptorship and she will continue halftime teaching in CON. She is certified in her specialty area, perioperative nursing, with the majority of her nursing practice spent in intraoperative nursing. Dr. Jessen’s research and publications reflect her passion for building perioperative academic/clinical partnerships and developing interprofessional assessment and evaluation. Dr. Jessen is eager to engage in the growth and development of CIPER as interprofessional practice is needed now, more than ever, to meet the diverse needs of health care professionals and support positive patient outcomes.

Teaching Interests

  • Perioperative Nursing

Research Focus

Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research
Perioperative Nursing Education
Emotional Intelligence


Nursing - Bachelors


Associate Professor


  • AORN
    Manz, J., Williams, K., Jessen, J., Kirkpatrick, A., & Hercinger, M. Addressing the Perioperative Nursing Shortage Via a Perioperative Nursing Preceptorship for Baccalaureate Nursing Students.
    13(1), p. 52-63 2021
  • International Journal of Nursing and Health Care Research
    Jessen, J, Smith, C., Palmer, L.A., Iwansky, K., Moreland, N. Perioperative Nursing Simulation and its Influence on Student Nurses’ Career Interest.
    4(1217) 2021


  • 90%+ Students Use Pinterest; Shouldn't We? Presented as Symposium at The Teaching Professor Conference, New Orleans, LA. 2015
  • Is Emotional Intelligence and Important Concept for Nursing Practice? Presented as oral presentation at STTI International Research Conference, San Juan, PR. 2015