Meghan R . Potthoff, PhD, APRN



M Potthof


Faculty - Nursing
College of Nursing
Graduate School
Nursing Practice (Doctorate)
Nursing MSN (Master of Science)
Nursing Post-Graduate (Post-Graduate Certificate)
CRISS II - Criss 2

Meghan R . Potthoff, PhD, APRN



Dr. Meghan Potthoff, PhD, APRN-NP, is a professor and the Keough Family Endowed Chair at Creighton University College of Nursing. She holds a PhD in Nursing from South Dakota State University, an MSN in Pediatric Acute Care from the University of Pennsylvania, and a BSN from Creighton University.
Dr. Potthoff’s work focuses on expanding access to advance care planning tools in diverse communities and pediatric acute care resources in rural areas. She also practices as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner at Children’s Nebraska with the Pediatric Hospital Medicine Division.  As part of her research, she developed Pediatric Go Wish Together, a resource helping parents identify and communicate their child’s care priorities, empowering advocacy and decision-making. Her research and educational initiatives aim to improve access to pediatric acute care services and palliative care resources.

Research Focus

Pediatrics; Hospital Medicine; Palliative Care


Nursing - Doctorate




  • Vaccinophobia and Vaccine Controversies of the 21st Century
    O'Keefe, Catherine, Potthoff, Meghan Vaccines: Boon or Bane -- A Nurse's Outlook, p. 165-179 2013


  • Journal of Interprofessional Education
    Brandon, K., Guck, T., Doll, J., McGaha, A., Potthoff, M., DeFreece, T., & White, M. . Foundation of a primary care academic collaborative affiliation: enabling and interfering factors 2020
  • Journal of Neonatal Nursing
    Hastriter, A. & Potthoff, M. Development of an educational resource to increase nursing staff knowledge of adrenal insufficiency management in the neonatal intensive care unit.
    26(1), p. 53-56 2020
  • Journal of Nursing Education
    Coffman, R., Iverson, L, Potthoff, M., & Connelly, S. Preparing Nursing Practitioner Students to Deliver Bad News 2018


  • Journal of Palliative Care
    Weaver, M., Jenkins, R., Wichman, C., Robinson, J., Potthoff, M., Menicucci, T., & Vail, C. Sowing Across a State: Development and delivery of a grassroots pediatric palliative care curriculum 2019
  • Nursing Education Perspectives
    Hanks, J., Ball, S., Potthoff, M., & Connelly, S. Integration of Telehealth in a Pediatric Simulation between Pre-licensure and Advanced Practice Nursing Students 2019
  • Annals of Family Medicine
    Guck, T., Potthoff, M., Walters, R., Doll, J., DeFreece, T., & Green, M. Improved Outcomes Associated with Interprofessional Collaborative Practice in a Family Medicine Resident and Faculty Clinic 2019
  • Journal of Social Work in End of life and Palliative Care
    Weaver, M. , Kuhn, E., Schalley, S., & Potthoff, M. The Arc of Generational Care: A Case Series Considering Grandparent Roles and Care Needs in Pediatric Palliative Care. 2019
  • Journal of Interprofessional Education
    Potthoff, M, Doll, J., Ryan-Haddad, A., & Maio, A. Measuring the impact of an online IPE course on team perceptions 2019
  • Perspectives on Medical Education
    Doll, J, Maio, A., Potthoff, M. Epic Failure: lessons learned from interprofessional faculty development
    7(6), p. 408-411 2018
  • Clinical Simulation in Nursing
    Kirkpatrick, M.,, Ball, S., Connelly, S., Hercinger, M., Hanks, J., Potthoff, M., & McCafferty, K Intraprofessional simulations impact on advanced practice and baccalaureate student self-efficacy
    16, p. 33-39 2018
  • Journal of Nursing Education
    Iverson, L.,, Potthoff, M., & Connelly, S. Teaching about Zebras. Journal of Nursing Education
    57(2) 2018
  • Journal of Catholic Higher Education
    Schwartz, M., Laughlin, A., Connelly, S., Potthoff, M., Synowiecki, B., & Yager, A. Promoting healthy behaviors in children: applying Ignatian values in schools
    32(2), p. 283-298 2013
  • Nurse Educator
    Laughlin, A., Potthoff, M., Schwartz, M.; Synowiecki, B.; & Yager, A. Combining service learning and research: partnering with schools
    35(5), p. 188-191 2010


  • Journal of Pediatric Healthcare
    Potthoff, M., Minton, M ). Go Wish Pediatrics: Pilot Study of a Conversation Tool in Pediatric Palliative Care
    31(4), p. 431-432 2017


  • Doll, J., White, M., Brandon, K., DeFreece, T., Potthoff, M., & McGaha, A. (2017). Innovating interprofessional collaboration in a primary care setting. Accepted for 90 minute workshop. NEXUS National Summit for IPE Future. Minneapolis, MN. August, 2017 (Contributed equally in preparation on the presentation, Doll & Brandon presenter) 2017


  • Hanks, J., Potthoff, M., & Connelly, S. Crafting Globally Aware Practitioners: The Lost Art of Empathy. Funded by Creighton University Global Health Initiative. Award Amount $30,000. July 1 2017-May 2019. [Co-Investigator] July 2017-May 2019.