Weather Alert

EARLY CLOSURE MARCH 4 - Due to the forecast for severe winter weather, Creighton's Omaha campus will close at 7 P.M. this evening. 

All in-person classes, clinics, and events, regardless of start time, are asked to end by 7 P.M. For those needing a shuttle, please visit for the most up-to-date maps and schedule. Shuttles will run until 8 P.M. this evening. We encourage you to be mindful of other closures or impacted services across the city as well. 

Employees, including those classified as responsible for “essential operations” should review Creighton's Weather and Emergency-Related Absence Policy and work with your immediate supervisor on expectations for job functions during this curtailment of campus operations. 

Please be take proper winter weather precautions throughout the day and contact public safety at 402.280.2911 for any emergencies.

Honors Program News & Events

Since its inception in 2005, students 

in Creighton’s new Honors Program have made illuminating, helpful, and sometimes important discoveries across various fields of inquiry.  The passion they feel for their work has been evident in their publications and public presentations, which have met high standards in their disciplines.

However, it is not just other scholars who can profit from Honors students’ discoveries.  These students’ insights into cancer research, bioterrorism risk, legal punishment, the nature of love, and the history of eugenics can profit everyone in the community by introducing the general public to new topics, guiding them through the methods of various disciplines, and providing helpful concepts with which to conceptualize problems of our world.  However, these talks, blogs, and podcasts are not simply lectures.  In the spirit of St. Ignatius of Loyola, who strove simultaneously to teach and to learn from others in conversation, these presentations are meant to open discussions and foster conversation.

By bringing important issues to public discussion, these presenters help promote justice.  By placing confidence in the power of public discussion, they express hope.  By fostering fruitful discussion, they serve the community.

The Honors Program is inviting all Creighton students and faculty to participate in its fifth annual Quiz Bowl. The Quiz Bowl is scheduled for:

  • Spring 2021 (Dates are TBA)

The teams with four participants each will compete by answering questions in seven categories and two lightning rounds.

Prizes will be awarded to the top winner of the seven rounds, and the winner of each of the lightning rounds.

Sign up your teams.

If you have any questions, please contact or Peyton Miller, Vice President of Programming for the Honors Program Student Advisory Board.

National Collegiate Honors Council: Honors Student of the Year

2019: Margaret (Molly) Carrig

Goldwater Scholarship

The Goldwater Foundation, established in 1986 to honor Senator Barry M. Goldwater, is a federally endowed agency with a scholarship program designed to encourage students to pursue careers in mathematics, the natural sciences and engineering. The Goldwater Scholarship is the premier undergraduate award of its type in these fields, which will cover the cost of tuition, fees, books, and food and housing up to a maximum of $7,500 per year.

  • 2008: Rajeev K. Anchan, Natalie German, Anastasia Yanchilina
  • 2009: Adam Karnik, Margaret McGlynn, Kristin Wakin
  • 2010: Anya Burkart, Michael Davidson
  • 2012: Alexander Stock
  • 2014: Emma Hoppe, Jennie Hartjes, Patrick Bruck
  • 2015: Daniel Poston
  • 2016: Alex Tarter, Samantha Stoupa, Jordan Roth
  • 2017: Kathy Marinelli
  • 2019: Mason Rhodes
  • 2021: Eli Blaney
  • 2022: Tavian Sanchez, Presley Kimball
Goldwater Small

2014 Goldwater Scholars

Fulbright Scholars

This scholarship awards grants to students, allowing them to participate in an international education exchange program. It is a merit-based, competitive program that awards about 1600 students per year.

2008: Claire Climer (Ecuador)

2009: Sarah Daley (Ukraine)

2011: Anya Burkart (Germany), Jessica Gaulter (Galapagos)

2012: Anthony Schlimgen (Germany), Robert Placek (Canada)

2014: Mary Wade (Bulgaria)

2019: Mary Kate Wolken (Spain), Sahil Sandhu (Tajikistan)

Phi Beta Kappa

Creighton University has its own chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the United States' most prestigious academic Honor Society.

2012-2013: Erin Borchers, Natalie Gorup, Joseph Maschman

2013-2014: Michael Austerberry, Mark Byrne, Jonathan Ermer, Renner Fujiwara, Michael Grzelak, Jennifer Hartjes, David Martin, Rebecca Moynihan, Erin Triplet, Katie Truitt

2014-2015: Maria Benevento, Sarah Birnbaum, Patrick Bruck, Cole Crawford, Caitlyn Ewers, Matthew Goldsmith, Carissa Hernandes, Isabelle Laposha, John McCoy, Daniel Poston, Anthony Rauschenbach, Erin Rossiter, Leah Schaffer, Alex Tarter, Alex Tymkowicz, Eric Villanueva, Haley Warren, Ruomei Wu

2015-2016: Anna Cheek, Daniel Dean, Michael Holdsworth, Krysta Larson, Salvatore Leone, Kelli Mans, Audrey Netzel, Jordan Roth, Emma Schaffer, Manaswita Tappata, Ashley Weed, Drew Weiner

2017-2018: Kate Albrecht, Michael Barry, Nancy He, Nicolas Kuttner, Alison Mause, Hannah Pulverenti, Lauren Richards, Erika Ruhnke, Robyn Scott, Athena Strother

2018-2019: Margaret Carrig, Nathan Chaplin, Joseph D'Alesio, Olivia Fuson, Bailey Hassman, Kaitlin Marley, Marah Miller, Braden Oldham, Colin Reedy, Ryan Sabotin, Gillian Straub

2019-2020: Taylor L. Burke, Emily A. Khoury, Andrea Sarah Laudi, Mark May, Shannon Myers, Hannah Jane Okelberry, Carly Grace Rademacher, Lorenzo Riva, Kaitlin Smith, Jacquelyn T. Wright

2020-2021: Margaret Atkinson, Meredith Benson, Alyssa Bursott, Ethan Elumba, Charlotte Higgins, Cole Klassen, Maya Matthews, Ellie McCreary, Peyton Miller, Rebekah Rapoza, Julie Srail, Greg Sweetland, George J. Varghese, Ethan Wahle, Mikayla Warrick

Alpha Sigma Nu

Membership in Alpha Sigma Nu, the Jesuit Honor Society, is one of the highest honors that Creighton bestows upon its students.

2007: Natalie German, Sarah Gude, Alan Hickle, Katrina Koclanes, Kathleen McKillip, Jamie Prevedel, Nadia Sebastian

2009:  Ryan Borchers, Sarah Fredrick, Michael Gibilisco, Geoff Hays, Adam Karnik, Sarah Norris, Emily Ruskamp, Kristin Wakin

2010: Anne Bautch, Rebecca Harvey, Ana Heck, Brian Martens, Margaret McGlynn, Hannah Novoa, Allison Showalter

2011: Daniel Belatti, Jessica Gaulter, Jacob Huju

2012: Taylor Bauman, Erin Borchers, Erin Cahhill, Merijke Coenraad, Daniel Delaney, Timothy Foster, Shweta Goswami, Zoran Pavlovic, Kara Stockdale

2013: Susan Cook, Ryan Hafner, Jordan Kellerstrass, Madeline Novoa, Angela O'Brien, Emmett O'Keefe, Alex Stock

2014: Michael Austerberry, Maria Benevento, Mark Byrne, Dominic Dongilli, Jonathan Ermer, Elycia Kazemian, David Martin, Mary Claire McGlynn, Rebecca Moynihan, Jared Ruchensky, Leah Schaffer, Eric Villanueva, Mary Wade, Haley Warren

2015: Cole Crawford, Renner Fujiwara, Michael Grzelak, Carissa Hernandes, Melanie Ladley, Audrey Netzel, Daniel Poston, Erin Rossiter, Alexandra Tymkowicz

2016: Caity Ewers, Michael Heffernan, Krysta Larson, Henry Mishek, and Emma Schaffer

2017: Kate Albrecht, Alexandra Berry, Evan Dalton, Nicolas Kuttner, Abigail Laudi, Kathleen Marinelli, Alison Mause, Elizabeth Mause, Rachel Pham, Jacqueline Ramos, Monika Satkauskas, Samantha Stoupa, Lauren Strzelecki, Ellen Townley, Kara Wolters

2018: Kaitlin Carlson, Margaret Carrig, Bailey Hassman, Hannah O'Hagan, Hannah Pulverenti, Lauren Richards

2019: Margaret Atkinson, Taylor Burke, Morgan Eiden, Ethan Elumba, Marissa Galardi, Emily Khoury, Mark May, Carly Rademacher, Rebekah Rapoza, James Sickler, Jacquelyn Wright

Summer Research Scholars

2007: Bisenius Grant- Sam Pierre

2008: Bisenius Grant- Meghan Freeman

2009: Bisenius Grant- Brian Martens (Sculpting Askepios: Ancient Cultic Visions of a Benevolent Healer)

Honors Grant- Michael Giblisco (Uncovering the Fuzzy Uncovered Set: A Two-Dimensional Test)

Dean?s Award- Benjamin Johnson (The Effects of Covalent Skin Modification by a Dihydroxyacetone-Lawsone Mixture and Resulting UVA/UVB Ray Absorption Issue), Maren Hankey and Samantha Brown (Parent-Child Interaction and Science Learning in a Museum Setting)

Ferlic Awards- Daniel Belatti (The Origin and Molecular Genetic Basis of sex Reversal in South American Field Mice), Rebecca Harvey (Prairie Butterflies of Conservation Concern and Effects of Prairie Restorations), Maren Hankey (Parent-Child Interaction and Science Learning in a Museum Setting), Michael Davidson (Tooth Remineralization), Megan Lewandowski (Synthesis of Molecules by Click Reaction to Inhibit the Enzyme Ftase), Sarah Roszhart (Development of an Electrochemiluminescent Biosensor using Micromolded Carbon Electrodes)

2010: Bisenius Grant- Kelsey Thiem

Honors Grant- Anthony Schlimgen

Dean?s Award- Michael Davidson, Michael Thomson, Joe Smetter

Ferlic Awards- Kaitlyn Brittan, Nathan Messbarger, Donald Schrack

Senior Awards

2009: Kate McKillip, Natalie German, Meghan Freeman

2015: Augusta Herman, Mary Claire McGlynn (pictured below), Cole Crawford

Graduation Small

2016: Caity Ewers, Daniel Poston

Spirit of Creighton

 This award is given at the Commencement ceremony by the President of the University to students who "embody the Creighton credo".

2007: Brandon Hankey

2009: Geoff Hays

2015: Augusta Herman, John McCoy (pictured below)



2017: Nicholas Fisher

2018: Samantha Stoupa

2019: Hana O'Hagan

Clare Boothe Luce

Clare Boothe Luce established the Clare Boothe Luce Fund to encourage women to enter, study, graduate and teach in fields where there have been obstacles to their advancement. Creighton University is one of only 13 educational institutions that have been granted Clare Boothe Luce funds in perpetuity. Across the country, only about 40 new Clare Boothe Luce Scholars are selected each year. Clare Boothe Luce scholars must be women majoring in one of the natural sciences, engineering, mathematics or computer science; they must also plan on a research career in one of these fields. In addition to being excellent students, Clare Boothe Luce scholars must complete a science related research project while funded.

2007: Sarah Fredrick (Chemistry), Natalie German (Biochemistry), Ann Jizba (Biology)

2008: Elsbeth Klotz (Chemistry), Meghan Ruhland (Biology)

2009: Elsbeth Klotz (Chemistry), Anya Burkart (Physics and German)

2010: Anya Burkart (Physics and German)

2011: Virginia Barak (Biology), Susan Cook (Biology)

2012: Meghan Smith (Biochemistry), Erin Triplet (Biology), Anne Mirich (Chemistry)

2013: Gloria Larson (Biology and Mathematics), Anne Mirich (Chemistry), Katherine Bauer (Chemistry and Physics), Jennifer Hartjes (Biochemistry)

2014: Katherine Bauer (Physics and Biochemistry), Jennifer Hartjes (Biochemistry), Leah Schaffer (Chemistry)

2015: Danielle Desa

2017: Rachel Busselman (Biology), Monika Satkauskas (Chemistry and Medical Mathematics), Samantha Stoupa (Biochemistry)

2018: Bailey Hassman (Neuroscience)

2019: Jacquelyn Wright (Biochemistry)

2020: Madelyn Anderson, Chisom Nwakama (Biochemistry)

Richard Holland Future Scientist Award

Sponsored by the Nebraska Coalition for Lifesaving Cures

2013: Gloria Larson

Presidential Mentoring Scholars

The scholarship program, initiated by Creighton President the Rev. John P. Schlegel, S.J., is designed to encourage and develop some of Creighton's top students to be competitive in applying for national and international scholarships and fellowships.

2011: Erin Cahill (English), Erin Borchers (Physics and Economics), Rob Placek (International Relations and French), Colleen Blosser (Classics) , Shwweta Goswami (Biochemistry)

2010: Jessica Gaulter (Biology and Spanish), John Kelsey (Chemistry), Sumit Kar (Biochemistry), Anthony Schlimgen (Philosophy)

2009: Adam Karnik (Math and Classics), Brian Martens (Classics), Sumit Kar (Biochemistry), Ana Heck (Spanish), Kristin Wakin (Biochemistry)

NASA Nebraska Space Grant Winners

2009-10: Brianna Brei Kalsi, Allison Showalter

2010-11: David Austerberry

2011-12: David Austerberry, Michael Austerberry

2012-13: Erin Borchers, Gina Gilson

2013-14: Gina Gilson, AJ Hagen

2014-15: Ryan Ford, AJ Hagen, Anton Yanchilin

2015-16: Alexandra Maliha

2016-17: Zoe Reed

2018-19: Richard Cassidy, Mason Rhodes

Posters on the Hill

2010: Kaitlin Campbell (Biology) and Hannah Grawe (Psychology) presented their research with Dr. Isabelle Cherney on Capitol Hill. They also met with the senators and representatives of Nebraska and Missouri.

Sumit Kar's research was published in the Journal of Applied Physiology

Nick Winter Memorial Scholarship Recipient

2009: Colin Smalley, Senior Honors student, received the award from the Association of State Floodplain Managers.  The scholarship was open to all undergraduate and graduate students in all flood-plain related fields, such as:  engineering, environmental sciences, hydrology and public administration.  Each year, one student is selected to receive the award.

USA Today Scholar

2009: Margaret McGlynn was selected to USA TODAY's 2009 All-USA College Academic Third Team. USA TODAY honors 20 Third Team members for outstanding intellectual achievement and leadership.Judges considered grades, leadership, activities, and, most importantly, how students extend their intellectual talents beyond the classroom.

McGlynn Small

American Physiological Society David Bruce Award

2009: Sumit Kar won the 2009 American Physiological Society David Bruce Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research. He was invited to present his research in New Orleans. Kar's research investigates the interactions between the nervous system and the cardiovascular system in diseases such as heart failure, a condition that affects nearly 5 million Americans. He also is studying changes in proteins that may have a role in increasing heart failure, as well as whether exercise can reverse these changes and improve cardiovascular function.

Nebraska Academy of Science Research Award

2009: Sumit Kar won the Nebraska Academy of Science Research award for his presentation entitled: Exercise Training Normalizes ACE and ACE2 in the Brain of Rabbits with Pacing Induced Chronic Heart Failure.

Manson A. Stewart Scholarship

This award is given to a select few undergraduate Classics majors throughout the country, and is sponsored by the Classical Association of the Middle West and South.

2008: Meghan Freeman

2009: Adam Karnik

2011: Colleen Blosser

2016: Joseph Baronovic

Psi Chi National Psychology Honor Summer Fellowship

2009: Kate McKillip was chosen to present her research (with Nicolas Villanueva) at the 2009 Posters on the Hill conference.

Freedom Forum/NCAA scholarship

2009: Christine Pivovar


2009: Cadet Clifford Hecht (Physics) was selected as one of 144 Army ROTC students in the nation for a 3 week summer cadet command culture and language immersion program in Argentina for a summer.


Nadia Sebastian has had her article "Enhancement of CNA Flexibility inVitro and inVivo by HMGB Box A Proteins Carrying Box B Residues" published in the major journal Biochemistry.  Her project last summer resulted in this paper, in which her name is listed as first author, a high recognition for such a prestigious journal, which is widely read and has a high impact factor.

Elsbeth Klotz published an article with Dr. Bruce Matson in the Journal of Chemical Education (2009, 86, 465) on Hydrogen and Palladium Foil: Two Classroom Demonstrations.

The Gold Crown

The Spring 2010 and Fall 2009 editions of Shadows, Creighton's literary magazine, have received the Columbia Scholastic Press Association's highest rating in quality and design -- the "Gold Crown". The judging process is rigorous and examines all of the facets of the magazine, including production and the quality of the selected work. Shannon Frech was the editor. Other honors students on staff included Katie Young (Art Editor), who did all of the layout work on InDesign before we send it to the printer, and selection staff members Natalie Gorup and Colleen Blosser who attend weekly meetings and vote on the content of the magazine.

The Honors Program Student Advisory Board is proud to present the 2020-2021 "60 Second Lecture Series." Six professors will join students for a discussion.

Each of the guest professors will have only 60 seconds to lecture on the topic. Afterwards, the professors will join the students in attendance for roundtable discussions of their lectures.

This year's 60-Second Lecture Series is scheduled for:

October 22, 2020
6:30-7:30 PM

In 2018, Creighton participated in a world-wide event for the 200th anniversary of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, which took place the week prior to Halloween.  The Honors Program's annual 60-Second Lectures were part of this celebration, with the topic of "Other 'Monsters': Shelley, Frankenstein, and Feminism."

These are the professors who will be featured this year: TBA

The Creighton Honors Program welcomes all freshman honors students to attend the annual Honors Retreat.

The retreat is an opportunity to get to know your fellow members of the freshman honors class, seminar leaders, members of the honors board, and a few faculty members in a fun, laid back sleep-over in the woods atmosphere.

Some of the fun-filled activities packed into an exhilarating 24 hours include enjoying the breathtaking scenery and hiking the many trails, roasting and eating s'mores, playing games, eating food, socializing, having fun, and sleeping in the great accommodations.

Retreat 2019

Honors Retreat 2019

Held September 21-22