U.S. Pharmacist Stormont Ryan, McCoy Ryan, Bashir Khalid, Malesker Mark A., New pharmacotherapy options for hyperphosphatemia 41, p. HS18 - HS 2016
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Pushpan Chithra K., Kresock Daniel F., Ingersoll Matthew A., Lutze Richard D., Keirns Darby L., Bashir Khalid, Hunter William J., Teitz Tal, Repurposing AZD5438 and Dabrafenib for Cisplatin-Induced Acute Kidney Injury 2023
Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) Zaki Hany A, Lloyd Stuart A, Elmoheen Amr, Bashir Khalid, Elsayed Wael Abdelrehem Elnabawy, Abdelrahim Mohammed Gafar, Basharat Kaleem, Azad Aftab, Antihypertensive Interventions in Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Evaluating Clinical Outcomes Through an Emergency Medicine Paradigm 2023
Circulation (New York, N.Y.) Palicherla Anirudh, Ismayl Mahmoud, Bashir Khalid M, Burns Tammy, Pirruccello Samuel J, Aurit Sarah, Hilleman Daniel E, Abstract 13051: Comparative Antiplatelet Effects of Chlorthalidone and Hydrochlorothiazide 146:S_1, p. A13051 2022
Intensive Care Medicine Meduri G. Umberto, Shih Mei Chiung, Bridges Lisa, Martin Thomas J., El-Solh Ali, Seam Nitin, Davis-Karim Anne, Umberger Reba, Anzueto Antonio, Sriram Peruvemba, Lan Charlie, Restrepo Marcos I., Guardiola Juan J., Buck Teresa, Johnson David P., Suffredini Anthony, Bell W. Andrew, Lin Julia, Zhao Lan, Uyeda Lauren, Nielsen Lori, Huang Grant D., Bashir Khalid, Ioachimescu Octavian, Buck Theresa, Johnson David, El Solh Ali, Frye Michael, Panos Ralph, Shatat Mohammad, Gray Enoch, Smith Brian, Kung Myron, Cutrell James, Bedimo Roger, Rastogi Padmashi, Callaghan John, Hage Chadi, Plautz Mark, Schaninger Takako, Greenberg Richard, Specht Lennard, Sassoon Catherine, Guardiola Juan, Ramirez Julio, Muthiah Muthiah P., Schein Roland, Antonesu-Turcu Andreea, Rice Kathryn, Morrow Lee, Low-dose methylprednisolone treatment in critically ill patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia 48:8, p. 1009 - 1023 2022
Zaki Hany A, Bashir Khalid, Iftikhar Haris, Alhatemi Mubarak, Elmoheen Amr, Evaluating the Effectiveness of Pretreatment With Intravenous Fluid in Reducing the Risk of Developing Contrast-Induced Nephropathy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 2022
Journal of Clinical Hypertension Bashir Khalid M., Burns Tammy, Pirruccello Samuel J., Aurit Sarah J., Hilleman Daniel E., Comparative antiplatelet effects of chlorthalidone and hydrochlorothiazide 2022
Chest Tarpey ABAIGEAL, Malesker MARK, Aurit SARAH, Plambeck ROBERT, Hilleman DANIEL, Morrow LEE, Bashir KHALID, EVALUATION OF FLUID BALANCE IN ADULT PATIENTS WITH SEPSIS 160:4, p. A1026 - A1026 2021
Kaddoura Rasha, Elmoheen Amr, Badawy Ehab, Eltawagny Mahmoud F, Seif Mohamed A, Bashir Khalid, Salam Amar M, Vasoactive pharmacologic therapy in cardiogenic shock: a critical review, p. 68 - 85 2021
Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) Ramadan Bashar, Taylor Jocelyn, Ahmed Moeed, Magliulo Eric K, Bashir Khalid, Looks can be Deceiving: A Challenging Case of Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Autoantibody Associated Vasculitis 13:6 2021
Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) Ahmed Moeed, Frederickson Joseph, Khan Kanza, Bashir Khalid, Rhabdomyolysis After Total Abdominal Hysterectomy Requiring Urgent Hemodialysis Due to Hyperkalemia 13:4 2021
Case Reports in Endocrinology Jackson Ian, Addasi Yazan, Ahmed Moeed, Ramadan Bashar, Kalian Karson, Addasi Noor, Nayfeh Ali, Taylor Jocelyn, Bashir Khalid, Krajicek Bryan, Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis Precipitated by Thyrotoxicosis and Renal Tubular Acidosis 2021 2021
Pharmacy Davis Estella, Darais Dallin, Fuji Kevin, Nekola Paige, Bashir Khalid, Prescribing and Safety of Direct-Acting Oral Anticoagulants Compared to Warfarin in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation on Chronic Hemodialysis 8:1, p. 37 - 37 2020
Archives of medical sciences. Atherosclerotic diseases Bashir Ayisha Zaka, Hunter William J., Agrawal Devendra K., Bashir Khalid, Cathepsin L expression in the carotid arteries of atherosclerotic swine 4:1, p. e264 - e267 2019
Critical care medicine Devineni Harish, Dhami Jaspreet, Mehta Vishisht, Bhatia Karishma, Bashir Khalid, 1963: ASPIRIN TOXICITY MANIFESTING WITH A NEGATIVE ANION GAP 44:12, p. 566 - 566 2016
Chest Huss Gina, Nawaz Muhammad Sarfraz, Sundaragiri Pranathi, Colanta Agnes, Jagadesh Sunil, Bashir Khalid, Vivekanandan Renuga, Syed Javeria, Cossack Matthew, ANCA Positivity and a Red Herring 148:4, p. 282A - 282A 2015
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Pisimisis George T., Khoynezhad Ali, Bashir Khalid, Kruse Matthew J., Donayre Carlos E., White Rodney A., Incidence and risk factors of renal dysfunction after thoracic endovascular aortic repair 140:6 SUPPL., p. S161 - S167 2010
Laboratory Medicine Novak Deborah Joan, Bashir Khalid, Baltaro Richard J., Cavalieri Stephen J., Neisseria sicca/subflava 38:6, p. 363 - 364 2007
American journal of kidney diseases Shaffi Saeed, Bashir Khalid, Hunter William, 199: Nephrotic Syndrome Associated With Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia 49:4, p. B74 - B74 2007
Clinical Nephrology Spiegel D. M., Bashir K., Fisch B., Bioimpedance resistance ratios for the evaluation of dry weight in hemodialysis 53:2, p. 108 - 114 2000
Panelist, Peritoneal Dialysis Training Symposium, Nephrology Lecture Series, APPNA MERIT, (Medical Education, Research, International Training and transfer of Technology) CME Activity, 100 international Participants, November 2022. 2022
Didactic Lecture, Dysnatremias, Department of Medicine, September 2022. 2022
Didactic Lecture, Elevated Creatinine, a simplified approach, Department of Urology, April 2022. 2022
Clinical Update on NKF/ASN recommendations and transition to CKD-Epi Equation2021. Grand Rounds for CommonSpirit Physician Enterprise, March 2022. 2022
CDK2 inhibitor AZD5438 Protects from Cisplatin induced Acute Kidney Injury, Presentation at Association of Otolaryngology, February 2022. 2022
Dual Effect: BRAF Inhibitor Dabrafenib Protects Against Cisplatin Induced Kidney Injury And Hearing Loss. Presentation at Association of Otolaryngology, February 2022. 2022
A Retrospective Evaluation of Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate Use at an Academic Medical Center, American Society of Hospital Pharmacy, abstract and Poster Presentation December 2021. 2021
Didactic Lecture, Approach to Acid base Disorders, department of Family Medicine, December 2021. 2021
Didactic Lecture, Approach to Hypokalemia, Department of Medicine, December 2021. 2021
Evaluation of Fluid balance in Adult Patients with Sepsis, Chest July 2021, Abstract and Poster Presentation Chest National meeting October 2021. 2021
Clinical Update on CKD-EPI Creatinine Equation, Grand Rounds for CommonSpirit Physician Enterprise, October 2021 2021
Outpatient management of Chronic Kidney Disease, APPNA MERIT, Specialty Rotations,Didactic Lecture for Physicians in Pakistan, CME Activity through UNMC, Omaha, Nebraska, 211 Attendees, September 2021. 2021
A Dual Effect; Inhibitor Dabrafenib Protects From Cisplatin Induced Kidney Injury And Hearing Loss. Neuroscience Symposium, Creighton University, August 2021. 2021
CDK2 inhibitor AZD5438 Alleviates Both Cisplatin induced Acute Kidney Injury and Hearing loss, Neuroscience Symposium, Creighton University August 2021. 2021
CDK2 inhibitor AZD5438, A Dual Candidate Therapeutic for Cisplatin Induced Kidney Injury and Hearing Loss, Bellucci Symposium, Creighton University, June 2021. 2021
Didactic Lecture, Dysnatremias, Department of Medicine, June 2021 2021
Didactic Lecture, Approach to Elevated Serum Creatinine Department of Family Medicine, April 2021 2021
Didactic Lecture, Approach to Elevated Serum Creatinine Department of Family Medicine, April 2021 2021
Didactic Lecture, Dysnatremias, Department of Medicine, September 2019. 2019
Ethylene Glycol Poisoning: Lactate Can Be Misleading. (ATS International Conference, May 17 - 22, 2019, Dallas, Texas). Abstract Presentation. 2019
Hu, Y., Bashir, K. Unusual Presentation of Minimal Change Disease. National Kidney Foundation 2019 Spring Clinical Meetings. Boston, MA. 2019
Simplified Approach to Elevated Serum Creatinine, 2018 Primary Care Update, Omaha Marriott Regency Hotel, Omaha, NE. 2018
Simplified Approach to Elevated Serum Creatinine, Medical Executive Committee, CUMC. 2018
Chronic Kidney Disease, Primary Care Perspective, 2017 Primary Care Update, Omaha Sheridan Hotel, Omaha, NE 2017
Renal Grand Rounds, Hyponatremia and role of normal saline 2015
Lectures and Educational talks at several hospitals and clinics in the metropolis and the surrounding outreach areas on hypertension. 2015
Board Review Course, Department of Medicine 2013
Didactic Lecture, Approach to Renal Disease, Family Medicine 2013
Didactic Lecture, Acute Kidney Injury, Family Medicine 2013
Board Review Course, Department of Medicine, March to May 2013 2013
Grand Rounds on Professionalism in Graduate Medical Education 2012
Didactic Lecture, Approach to Renal Disease, Dept. of Medicine 2012
Aspirin ingestion and prolonged dialysis therapy.Regional ACP meeting 2011
A case of disappearing basal ganglia lesions. SGIM meeting 2011
Didactic Lecture, Acute Kidney Injury, Family Medicine 2011
Medicine Grand Rounds, Teaching Core Competencies in Graduate Medical Education 2011
Didactic Lecture, Bedside Approach to Acid Base Disorders, Family Medicine 2011
Excellence in Teaching Award Winner “Excellence in Teaching Award”, Department of Family Medicine, CUSOM, for the Academic year 2020-2021. Creighton University School of Medicine
Walter J O’ Donahue, Jr. Award ACP Nebraska Chapter