EARLY CLOSURE MARCH 4 - Due to the forecast for severe winter weather, Creighton's Omaha campus will close at 7 P.M. this evening.
All in-person classes, clinics, and events, regardless of start time, are asked to end by 7 P.M. For those needing a shuttle, please visit my.creighton.edu for the most up-to-date maps and schedule. Shuttles will run until 8 P.M. this evening. We encourage you to be mindful of other closures or impacted services across the city as well.
Employees, including those classified as responsible for “essential operations” should review Creighton's Weather and Emergency-Related Absence Policy and work with your immediate supervisor on expectations for job functions during this curtailment of campus operations.
Please take proper winter weather precautions throughout the day and contact public safety at 402.280.2911 for any emergencies.
CIPER Curriculum Team
Pharmacy Practice
Begley K, Ryan Haddad A, Packard K, Laughlin A, Todd M, Doll J, Cochran T. Community-Based Interprofessional Hypertension Prevention and Education Program. District Five NABP/AACP Grant. 2012. $3,000. (10% participation)
Begley K, Ryan Haddad A, Voltz J, Martens Stricklett K. What’s In Your Future? A Health Education and Health Professions Program for Community Youth. Omaha Urban Area Health Education Center. 2007. $5,000. (10% participation)
Ryan Haddad A, Packard K, Begley K, Todd M, Yee J, Laughlin A, Harris B, Doll J. Developing Care for a Vulnerable Population: An Interprofessional Collaborative Approach for Health Promotion. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Student Community Engaged Service Award. 2015. $5,000. (3% participation)
Doll J, Todd M, Ryan Haddad A, Huggett K, Begley K, Yee J, Laughlin A, Packard K, Maio A. National Board of Medical Examiners Centennial Prize Competition entitled “Tying Teams Together: The Interprofessional Education Toolkit.” 2015. $2,500. (2% participation)
Skradski J, Augustine S, Begley, K, Bradberry JC, Castillo S, DeSimone E, Egeland B, Hoie E, Kessler C, Klug L, Knezevich E, Lenz T, Monaghan MS, O’Brien K, Community Pharmacy Residency Expansion Project (Community PREP) National Association of Chain Drug Stores Foundation (NACDS) Foundation. July 1, 2012-June 30, 2015. $50,000.00. (4% participation)
Goulet C, Begley K, Gould K, Doll J, Martens-Stricklett K. Interdisciplinary Team Skills Development for Health Professional Students. Association for Prevention Teaching and Research. 2008. $2,900. (3% participation)
Ryan Haddad A, Voltz J, Jones P, Koenig P, Coover K, Faulkner M, Castillo S, Begley K. Caring for the Caregiver: An Outreach Program for Caregivers. Take Action: Healthy People, Places & Practices in Communities Project, the U.S. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) and the Regional Health Administrators (RHAs). 2007. $4,000. (2% participation)
Begley K, Ryan-Haddad A, Packard K, Pick A, Coover K, Johnson K, O’Brien K, Castillo, S, Todd M. Development and Implementation of Interactive Interprofessional Telehealth Activities. Teaching and Learning with Technology Grant. Creighton University Center for Academic Innovation. December, 2015. $1,850 (10% participation)
Begley K, Castillo S, Pick A, Wilson A. Assessing Different Methods of Retrieval Cues to Facilitate Student Recall. Office of Academic Excellence and Assessment Grant. Creighton University. 2013. $1,918 (10% participation)
Begley K, Castillo S, Pick A, Augustine S. Rubric and Remediation Case Development for a ‘Brown Bag’ Drug Utilization Review Activity. Office of Academic Excellence and Assessment Grant. Creighton University. 2012. $1,958. (10% participation)
Begley K, Monaghan M, Christensen K. Evaluating the Effect of Simulated Electronic Medical Records on Student Learning in Pharmacotherapeutics. Pipeline for Innovation Grant, Creighton University. 2007. $3,450. (10% participation)
Todd M, Abbott A, Laughlin A, Ryan Haddad A, Yager A, Wickman C, Davis R, Begley K. Quit 4 Good. Dr. George F. Haddix President’s Faculty Research Fund. Creighton University, 2014. $15,000. (2% participation)
Liu R, Jung E, Freitag M, Flynn K, Begley K. CSPOP in the Omaha Community. Pharmacy and Health Profession Student Government Grant. Creighton University. 2011. $1,038. (5% participation)
Pick A, Begley K, Augustine A. Assessment of Pain Management Therapeutics Outcomes Training Using a ‘Gaming-Technology’ Scenario. Office of Academic Excellence and Assessment Grant. Creighton University, 2010. $689.35. (3% participation)
Barnes J, Begley K, Augustine S. Mission Medication Disposal Project. Creighton University School of Pharmacy and Health Profession Grant. Creighton University. 2009. $5,000. (2% participation)
Tilleman J, Coover K, Begley K, Ryan-Haddad A, Augustine S. Mobile learning via podcasts to enhance medication therapy management training for student pharmacists. Pipeline for Innovation Grant, Creighton University. 2008. $7,325. (2% participation)
Risoldi Cochrane Z, Fuji K, Begley K, Price P, Christensen K. Any Questions? Facilitating Communication Between Distance Students and Instructors During Synchronous Lectures. Teaching and Learning Center Grant. Creighton University. 2019. $2,000.
Tolnay B, Grimm H, Do V, Skradski J, Begley K. Improving Medication Adherence for Refugee Patients. Pharmacy and Health Profession Student Government Grant. Creighton University. 2019. $1,250.