Massachusetts General Hospital Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry Caplan Jason P., Beckwith Noor, McCoy Thomas H., Stern Theodore A., 16 - Delirium [Book Chapter] 2025
Oxford Textbook of Medicine Sharpe Michael, Caplan Jason, McKnight Curtis, Organic psychoses [Book Chapter] 2020
Massachusetts General Hospital. Tratado de Psiquiatría Clínica Caplan Jason P., Cassem Ned H., Stern Theodore A., Murray George B., Síndrome confusional (delirium) [Book Chapter] 2018
Pendleton Adam P., Caplan Jason P., Central Nervous System Disorders [Book Chapter] 2017
Massachusetts General Hospital Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry Caplan Jason P., Stern Theodore A., Cassem Ned H., Murray George B., Delirium [Book Chapter] 2016
Caplan Jason P., Freudenreich Oliver, Book Reviews 2011
Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of General Hospital Psychiatry Caplan Jason P., Murray George B., Park Jennifer M., Stern Theodore A., Cassem Ned H., Delirious Patients [Book Chapter] 2010
Kim Sandra I, Caplan Jason P, Swanson Todd A, Psychiatry 2007
The journal of clinical psychiatry Khanna Raveena, White Lyndsi, Bessey Flora Y., Borntrager Elizabeth, Hoberg Amber, Caplan Jason P., Barriers to Treatment of Hallucinations and Delusions in People With Dementia Residing in Long-Term Care 83:2 2022
Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Chung Janice, Bandi Prudhvi, Janiczak Daniel, Caplan Jason P., McKnight Curtis A., Comment on 'The Use of Security Dogs in De-escalation of Agitated Patients' Reply 63:1, p. 104 - 105 2022
Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Pardo Christopher, Caplan Jason P., McKnight Curtis A., Bugging Out: Human Doramectin Misuse in a Case of Delusional Parasitosis 62:5, p. 551 - 552 2021
Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) Chavez Marin A, Caplan Jason P, McKnight Curtis A, Schlinkert Andrew B, Chapple Kristina M, Mankin James A, Jacbos Jordan V, Bogert James N, Soe-Lin Hahn, Weinberg Jordan A, Early Psychiatric Consultation Is Associated With Decreased Cost and Length of Stay in the Patient Population at a Level I Trauma Center 13:8, p. e17572 - e17572 2021
Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Giancola Nicholas B., Caplan Jason P., McKnight Curtis A., 'A Kratom Konundrum' Management of Kratom Withdrawal With Gabapentin in a Patient With a Left Ventricular Assist Device 62:4, p. 368 - 369 2021
Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Giancola Nicholas B., Korson Clayton J., Caplan Jason P., McKnight Curtis A., A 'Trip' to the Intensive Care Unit: An Intravenous Injection of Psilocybin 62:3, p. 370 - 371 2021
Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Yordduangjun Nichakarn, Dishion Evan, McKnight Curtis A., Caplan Jason P., Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Associated Autoimmune Encephalitis 62:1, p. 115 - 118 2021
Psychosomatics (Washington, D.C.) Chung Janice, Bandi Prudhvi, McKnight Curtis A, Caplan Jason P, Janiczak Daniel B, The Use of Security Dogs in De-escalation of Agitated Patients 61:6, p. 756 - 758 2020
Frontiers in psychology Prigatano George P., McKnight Curtis, Andrews Megan, Caplan Jason, Maladaptive Denial of Severe Pain and Acute Orthopedic Injuries in a Patient With a Schizoaffective Disorder 11, p. 574673 - 574673 2020
Psychosomatics (Washington, D.C.) Hua Phoebe T, Caplan Jason P, Darier Disease and Neuropsychiatric Illness: A Dermatologic Condition That Is More Than Skin Deep 61:3, p. 281 - 283 2020
Psychosomatics (Washington, D.C.) Lowder Kimberly N., Caplan Jason P., Waterlining of Methamphetamine 61:1, p. 103 - 104 2020
Psychosomatics Mezher Andrew W., McKnight Curtis A., Caplan Jason P., Rectal Administration of Hand Sanitizer: For External Use Only 60:6, p. 638 - 639 2019
The Psychiatric times Caplan Jason, INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND PSYCHIATRY: The 'Lumpers' and the 'Splitters' 36:11, p. 11 2019
Psychosomatics Mezher Andrew W., McKnight Curtis A., Caplan Jason P., Buspirone Abuse: No Safe Haven 60:5, p. 534 - 535 2019
Caplan Jason P., Dying to be Ill: True Stories of Medical Deception 2019
Psychosomatics Kurz Troy, Stoimenova Diliana, Caplan Jason P., Waterlining, Shebanging, and Monkey Water: An Unrecognized Route of Heroin Abuse 58:4, p. 453 2017
Psychosomatics Soe Katherine, La Rosa Alvaro J., Caplan Jason P., Kowalik Joanna, Beta-Thalassemia Trait Association with Anti-N-Methyl-d-Aspartate Receptor Encephalitis: Literature Review and Case Report 57:3, p. 315 - 318 2016
Psychosomatics Dumitrascu Catalina I., Gallardo Katherine E., Caplan Jason P., Malingering Imposed on Another: A Diagnosis That is Missing in Action? 56:6, p. 609 - 614 2015
Psychosomatics Bowen Kerstin P., Barusch Nathaniel M., Lara Daniel L., Trinidad Bradley J., Caplan Jason P., McKnight Curtis A., Dont Feed the 'Krokodil': Desomorphine Fear Outpaces Reality 56:3, p. 312 - 313 2015
Psychosomatics La Rosa Alvaro J., Hickle-Koclanes Katrina, Caplan Jason P., McKnight Curtis A., Herickhoff Clare A., Get the lead out: potential progressive localized neural injury from retained cerebral bullet fragments without systemic toxicity 56:2, p. 202 - 205 2015
Psychosomatics Lundberg Andrea B., Bowen Kerstin P., Baumgart Patrick M., Caplan Jason P., Phantom shocks and automated implantable cardioverter defibrillators 56:1, p. 94 - 97 2015
Psychosomatics Park James H., Bokma John, Chapple Kristina, Caplan Jason P., A Retrospective Study of Polyallergy as a Marker of Nonepileptic Seizures in the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit 55:6, p. 566 - 571 2014
Psychosomatics Brink Janel N., Emerick Lindsay E., Caplan Jason P., Chambliss Linda R., Use of real-time ultrasonography to diagnose pseudolabor 55:4, p. 392 - 395 2014
Psychosomatics Aggarwal Rashi, Guanci Nicole, Marambage Kapila, Caplan Jason P., A Patient With Multiple Episodes of Rhabdomyolysis Induced by Different Neuroleptics 55:4, p. 404 - 408 2014
Psychosomatics Hamre Megan C., Nguyen Peter H., Shepard Staci E., Caplan Jason P., Factitious mastectomy and hysterectomy: the importance of staying abreast of the medical record 55:2, p. 186 - 190 2014
Psychosomatics Mitkov Mario V., Trowbridge Ryan M., Lockshin Benjamin N., Caplan Jason P., Dermatologic Side Effects of Psychotropic Medications 55:1, p. 1 - 20 2014
American Journal on Addictions DeMarinis Valerie, Caplan Jason P., Chang Grace, Brief Intervention for Risk-Drinking Women: A Mixed Methods Analysis of Content and Process 22:1, p. 67 - 74 2013
Psychosomatics Boswell Brittany R., Dorweiler Matthew A., Erbs Natalie C., Caplan Jason P., A Case of Nerium Oleander Toxicity: A Thorny Predicament 54:4, p. 379 - 381 2013
Psychosomatics Schusse Courtney M., Peterson Alicia L., Caplan Jason P., Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome 54:3, p. 205 - 211 2013
Psychosomatics Naylor Heather M., Sparlin Julie A., Caplan Jason P., Thinking Dirty About Surrogates: A Case of Prolonging Life to Prove Paternity 54:6, p. 608 - 609 2013
Academic psychiatry Roberts Laura Weiss, Bourgeois James A., Yager Joel, Chisolm Margaret Smith, Zisook Sidney, Balon Richard, Munro Stuart, Aggarwal Neil Krishan, Caplan Jason P., Newmark Thomas, Riba Michelle, Levy Bruce R., Pato Michele T., Why I Like Being an Academic Psychiatrist 36:5, p. 422 - 427 2012
Critical care medicine Caplan Jason, Delirium, sigma-1 receptors, dopamine, and glutamate: How does haloperidol keep the genie in the bottle? 40:3, p. 982 - 983 2012
Academic Psychiatry Doyle Marley A., Caplan Jason P., Marcil William, A Student-Run Psychiatry Clinic and Its Use for a Medical-Student Training Experience 36:3, p. 237 - 239 2012
Psychosomatics Caplan Jason P., Pope Amanda E., Boric Christy A., Benford Dawn A., Air Conditioner Refrigerant Inhalation: A Habit with Chilling Consequences 53:3, p. 273 - 276 2012
Psychosomatics Daly John P., Caplan Jason P., A Naturalistic On-Off-On Trial of Dextromethorphan/Quinidine for Agitation Associated with Cerebellar Injury 53:5, p. 470 - 473 2012
Psychosomatics Caplan Jason P., Deciphering the Branding of Legal Highs: Naphyrone Sold as Glass or Jewelry Cleaner 53:4, p. 402 - 403 2012
Psychosomatics Schwerkoske J. P., Benford D. M., Caplan Jason P., Self-Mutilation and Biblical Delusions: A Review 53:4, p. 327 - 333 2012
Psychosomatics Osmolak A. M., Wallenberg R. B., Caplan Jason P., Hereditary spastic paraplegia and psychosis: connected by the corpus callosum? 53:1, p. 81 - 84 2012
Academic Psychiatry Caplan Jason P., Maintaining the Novelty 36:5, p. 426 - 426 2012
Psychosomatics Caplan Jason P., Evaluation of Capacity to Consent to Treatment and Research [Book Review] 53:1, p. 101 - 102 2012
Academic medicine Caplan Jason P., Usher Craigan, More About Current Psychiatric Education and Practice 86:11, p. 1330 - 1330 2011
Psychosomatics (Washington, D.C.) Caplan Jason P, Binius Tracy, Lennon Vanda A, Pittock Sean J, Rao Murali S, Pseudopseudoseizures: conditions that may mimic psychogenic non-epileptic seizures 52:6, p. 501 - 506 2011
Psychosomatics Carlson Richard H., Caplan Jason P., Pseudolabor Born Out of Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures: A Case Report of Multisymptom Conversion Disorder 52:5, p. 455 - 458 2011
Psychosomatics (Washington, D.C.) Benford Dawn M., Caplan Jason P., Psychiatric Sequelae of Spice, K2, and Synthetic Cannabinoid Receptor Agonists 52:3, p. 295 - 295 2011
Psychosomatics Gibson Christopher E., Caplan Jason P., Zolpidem-associated parasomnia with serious self-injury: a shot in the dark 52:1, p. 88 - 91 2011
Medical Clinics of North America Caplan Jason P., Rabinowitz T., An approach to the patient with cognitive impairment: delirium and dementia 94:6, p. 1103 2010
Psychosomatics Caplan Jason P., Chang Grace, Refeeding Syndrome as an Iatrogenic Cause of Delirium: A Retrospective Pilot Study 51:5, p. 419 - 424 2010
Academic psychiatry Caplan Jason P., Real Doctors 34:2, p. 97 - 97 2010
Psychosomatics (Washington, D.C.) Caplan Jason P., Mittal Leena, Collaborative Medicine Case Studies: Evidence in Practice 51:1, p. 91 - 91 2010
Harvard Review of Psychiatry Nicolson Stephen E., Caplan Jason P., Williams Deidre E., Stern Theodore A., Comorbid pain, depression, and anxiety: Multifaceted pathology allows for multifaceted treatment 17:6, p. 407 - 420 2009
Psychosomatics (Washington, D.C.) Caplan Jason P., Rabinowitz Terry, The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychiatry, 5th Edition 50:6, p. 642 - 643 2009
Psychosomatics (Washington, D.C.) Van Rhoads Richard, Caplan Jason P., Internet Filtering and Psychiatric Investigation Response 50:6, p. 639 - 640 2009
Psychosomatics Caplan Jason P., Bleeding the System: A Case of Feigned Enoxaparin Overdose 50:4, p. 413 - 415 2009
Anesthesiology clinics Caplan Jason P., Epstein Lucy A., Querques John, Stern Theodore A., Consultation, Communication, and Conflict Management by Out-of-Operating Room Anesthesiologists: Strangers in a Strange Land 27:1, p. 111 - 120 2009
Critical care medicine Caplan Jason, Don’t ask, don’t tell: delirium in the intensive care unit 37:3, p. 1129 - 1130 2009
Psychosomatics Foster Alison R., Caplan Jason P., Paraneoplastic Limbic Encephalitis 50:2, p. 108 - 113 2009
Caplan Jason P., Psychiatric Aspects of Neurologic Diseases: Practical Approaches to Patient Care 2009
Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Teeple R. C., Stern T. A., Caplan Jason P., Visual hallucinations: differential diagnosis and treatment 11:1, p. 26 - 32 2009
Critical care medicine Caplan Jason P., Haloperidol and delirium: Management or treatment? 37:1, p. 354 - 355 2009
Psychosomatics Van Rhoads R., Caplan Jason P., Internet filtering can hinder psychiatric evaluation 50:3, p. 301 - 302 2009
Current psychiatry Caplan Jason P, Mnemonics in a mnutshell: 32 aids to psychiatric diagnosis; Clever, irreverent, or amusing, a mnemonic you remember is a lifelong learning tool 7:10, p. 27 2008
The American journal of psychiatry Caplan Jason P, Querques John, Freudenreich Oliver, Kontos Nicholas, Work-hour regulation: collateral damage to consultation psychiatry 165:7, p. 915; author reply 916 - 915; author reply 916 2008
Academic psychiatry Caplan Jason P., Borus Jonathan F., Chang Grace, Greenberg William E., Poor Intentions or Poor Attention: Misrepresentation by Applicants to Psychiatry Residency 32:3, p. 225 - 229 2008
Psychosomatics (Washington, D.C.) Caplan Jason P, Too much too soon? Refeeding syndrome as an iatrogenic cause of delirium 49:3, p. 249 - 251 2008
Neuropsychology review Caplan Jason P, Epstein Lucy A, Quinn Davin K, Stevens Jonathan R, Stern Theodore A, Neuropsychiatric effects of prescription drug abuse 17:3, p. 363 - 380 2007
Psychosomatics (Washington, D.C.) Gitlin David F, Caplan Jason P, Rogers Malcolm P, AVNI-BARRON Orit, Braun Ilana, Barsky Arthur J, Foreign-body ingestion in patients with personality disorders 48:2, p. 162 - 166 2007
Psychosomatics (Washington, D.C.) Caplan Jason P., All-Trans Retinoic Acid (ATRA) Syndrome Can Mimic Panic Disorder 47:5, p. 450 - 451 2006
Academic Psychiatry Schlozman S., Beresin E., Levin H., Althoff R., Caplan J., Derenne J., Newberry P., Wood W., Rubin D., Strange M., Choosing a child and adolescent psychiatry residency 30:3 2006
Cordrey EO, Benford DM, Caplan JP: Altered mental status due to golimumab: a case of TNF-alpha inhibitor induced lupus-like syndrome. Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, Annual Meeting, San Diego, California. 2019
Caplan JP, Hafeez Z, Shim JJ, Jafferany M, Bongale R. Updates in psychodermatology. Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. 2019
"Hard to swallow: deliberate ingestion of foreign bodies." Consultation-Liaison and Emergency Psychiatry Conference During Jazz Fest, Louisiana State University, New Orleans, LA. 2019
Shim JJ, Hafeez Z, Pathare A, Rapp M, Caplan JP. Updates in psychodermatology. Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. 2018
Caplan JP, Stoner SC, Livezey S. Case studies and conundrums: practical management of tardive dyskinesia for neurologic and psychiatric pharmacists. College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists, Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. 2018
"Approaches to psychiatric symptoms in Parkinson plus syndromes." Southwest Patient and Medical Professional Education Day - Focus on Parkinson Plus Syndromes, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona. 2018
Kurz TL, Atkinson W, Caplan JP: A safer port in a storm? Brexpiprazole as an approach to both delirium and prolonged QTc. Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine, 64th Annual Meeting, La Quinta, California. 2017
Johnson M, Kumar S, Caplan JP: Adding fuel to the fire? Trazodone-induced serotonin syndrome exacerbated by emergent ketamine administration. Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine, 64th Annual Meeting, La Quinta, California. 2017
Stoimenova DV, Kurz TL, Caplan JP: Monkey business with monkey water: an unrecognized route of heroin abuse. Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine, 64th Annual Meeting, La Quinta, California. (Awarded 1st place) 2017
Caplan JP, Heinrich T, Lee HB, Sharpe M, Wulsin L. Debate: Resolved: proactive psychiatric consultation should be the standard of practice for inpatient psychiatric consultation services in general hospitals. Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine, 64th Annual Meeting, La Quinta, CA. 2017
Caplan JP. Raging against the dying of the light: an update on dementia and agitation. Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine, 64th Annual Meeting, La Quinta, CA. 2017
Caplan JP, Nicolson SE, Quinn D, Wichman CL, Wilson AG. Examining cognitive domains: a technical review of bedside neuropsychiatric tests. Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine, 64th Annual Meeting, La Quinta, CA. 2017
"Dementia and agitation." San Francisco Neurological Society, 4th Biannual Dementia Symposium, San Francisco, California. 2017