Weather Alert

EARLY CLOSURE MARCH 4 - Due to the forecast for severe winter weather, Creighton's Omaha campus will close at 7 P.M. this evening. 

All in-person classes, clinics, and events, regardless of start time, are asked to end by 7 P.M. For those needing a shuttle, please visit for the most up-to-date maps and schedule. Shuttles will run until 8 P.M. this evening. We encourage you to be mindful of other closures or impacted services across the city as well. 

Employees, including those classified as responsible for “essential operations” should review Creighton's Weather and Emergency-Related Absence Policy and work with your immediate supervisor on expectations for job functions during this curtailment of campus operations. 

Please be take proper winter weather precautions throughout the day and contact public safety at 402.280.2911 for any emergencies.

Beverly Doyle, PhD

Associate Professor


B Doyle


College of Arts and Sciences
School Counseling and Mental Health (Master of Science)
Graduate School
EPLY - Eppley Building - 442

Beverly Doyle, PhD

Associate Professor


My work prior to coming to Creighton has been with handicapped and at-risk individuals in both school and clinical settings. Since being employed as Director of Special Education, and now as an Associate Professor of Education, and Counseling, I plan curriculum and teach prospective teachers and counselors to teach and counsel diverse students who are part of every school today. My research and publications have focused on managing the learning and emotional needs of diverse students." How to Teach Troubled Kids", and" Between the Lines: What Children Say When They Write" are two books written for teachers. My research focus recently has been on trauma and how it affects students in their academic, social and emotional development. Working through Catholic Schools, I am focusing on identifying students who have experienced trauma, and employing strategies for healing with their teachers, parents and school counselors..

Curriculum Vitae

Teaching Interests

  • Special Education Teacher, School Psychologist, Licensed Psychologist and Drug and Alcohol Counselor working with at-risk individuals.

Research Focus

Education/Special Needs/ Students with dyslexia and other mental health issues




Associate Professor


  • International perspectives on education and training
    Houtz, L. E., Doyle, B. A. Training future teachers about assessment in an era of high stakes accountability, p. 235-244 2006
  • Greenplace Books
    Doyle, B.A. What Children Say When They Write: Reading Between the Lines 1992
  • Greenplace Books
    Doyle, B.A. How To Teach Troubled Kids 1991


  • National Social Science Proceedings
    Wulbert, Hannah; Doyle, B.A.  A Move Towards Individualizing Instruction
    61, p. 100-105 2016
  • National Social Science Journal
    Doyle, B.A.; Yuskevick, Minden  Bibliotherapy in the Classroom
    43, p. 36-43 2015
  • National Social Science Proceedings
    Doyle, B.A., Marsolek, Emily Evaluating Reading Apps
    37, p. 23-27 2013
  • National Social Science Journal
    Doyle, Beverly, Mordeson, John N., Fong, Nelson C. Increasing the Communication Capabilities of Mentally Handicapped Students
    37, p. 7-13 2012
  • National Technology and Social Science Conference
    Doyle, B. A., Mordeson, John, Fong, Nelson Increasing the Communication Capabilities of Mentally Handicapped Students: Preliminary Report
    46, p. 67-74 2011
  • Critical Review
    Clark, T. D., Mordeson, J. N., Doyle, B. A., Olson, L. Causality: A Future Direction For Mathematics Of Uncertainty
    5, p. 61-83 2011
  • National Social Science Proceedings
    Doyle, B.A. Evaluating the Effect of Instruction on Student Learning; Fall Conference 2010
  • International Journal of Learning
    Doyle, B. A., Houtz, L. E. Classroom strategies for students with mental health problems
    16, p. 535-552 2009
  • National Social Science Perspectives Journal
    Doyle, B. A., Ortman, J. Alternative Assessment Involving the use of Cooperative Learning
    31 2009
  • National Social Science Perspectives Journal
    Doyle, B. A. Classroom strategies for students with mental health problems
    41, p. 66-75 2009
  • National Social Science Journal
    Doyle, B. A., Houtz, L. E. Using alternative assessment to measure learning outcomes
    35, p. 35-40 2008
  • National Social Science Proceedings
    Doyle, B. A., Ortman, Jennifer Alternative Assessment Involving the Use of Cooperative Learning
    38, p. 30-42 2008


  • 2021


  • The Consequences of Trauma on School Performance and the Potential for Healing 2020
  • Presented Research on Teaching Prospective Counselorsand Educators Through Interdisciplinary ProjectBased Learning. 2019
  • Presented "What's With Those Test Scores", Pen and Plate. Omaha, Ne. 2016
  • Presented "A Move Towards Individualizing Assessment", Creighton University Assessment Symposium. Omaha, Ne. 2016
  • A study was conducted on 44 English Language Learners on students in an elementary school. Students were evaluated to determine the optimal learning environment and strategies, and lesson incorporated these findings. Data presented the gains these students made in academic skills and engagement in the classroom. 2016
  • National Social Science Conference, presented "Improving Educators' Classroom Management Skills" 2015
  • Presented "Using Bibliotherapy to Teach Social Skills to Children with Disabilities' at National Social Science International Conference 2014
  • Presented "Evaluating Reading Apps at the National Social Science Summer Workshop 2013
  • Presented "Childhood Trauma and Family Intervention," Team Homecare Services, Omaha, NE. 2013
  • Presented 'The Many Faces of Autism" at the National Social Science Professional Development Conference 2012
  • Presented "Teaching Conflict Resolution through Bibliotherapy and Writing," Pen and Plate, Omaha, NE. 2012
  • Presented "Journey into Dyslexia," Nebraska Dyslexia Association, Omaha, NE. 2012
  • Presented "Increasing the Communication Capabilities of Mentally Handicapped Students," National Technology and Social Science Conference, Las Vegas, NV. 2011
  • Presented "Evaluating the Effect of Instruction on Student Learning.' at National Social Science International Conference 2010


  • Keeping Children at Home by Preventing Neglect and Abuse, Nebraska Health and Human Services


  • Improving Educators' Classroom Management Skills, Office for Academic Excellence and Assessment, Creighton University, March, 2014

  • Teaching Prospective Counselors and Educators Through Project Based Learning

  • How Trauma Affects Learning

  • Reducing the Impact of Trauma