Gintaras K . Duda, BS, PhD
Gintaras Duda is professor and chair of physics at Creighton University. Trained as a particle theorist, his primary disciplinary research interest is the problem of dark matter: composition, detection, and fundamental theories/origins. In addition to astro-particle physics/cosmology, he is also involved heavily in physics education research, particularly in the areas of problem/project-based learning, evolution of student epistemologies, and studying the effects of attitude on student learning. He served as the co-director of the International Institute for SoTL Scholars and Mentors (IISSAM) in 2011 and the 2010 National CASTL Institute. He has been actively involved in assessment and faculty development at Creighton, having serving four years as a faculty associate in the Office for Academic Excellence and Assessment, and currently sits on both the university and college-level assessment committees. Gintaras has received numerous teaching awards, including a Creighton College of Arts and Sciences award for excellence in teaching in 2010, and the Creighton University Distinguished Educator in Teaching as Scholarship in 2014. He was named the 2013 Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Outstanding Master’s Universities and Colleges National Professor of the Year.
Research Focus
My primary disciplinary research interest is the problem of dark matter: composition, detection, and fundamental theories/origins. In addition to astro-particle physics/cosmology, I am also involved heavily in physics education research, particularly in the areas of problem/project-based learning, evolution of student epistemologies, and studying the effects of attitude on student learning.Department
- International Journal for Students as Partners
Duda, Gintaras and Danielson, Mary AnnCollaborative curricular (re)construction - Tracking faculty and student learning impacts and outcomes five years later
2 (2), p. 39-52 2018 - Journal of Religion and Society
Big Questions in Cosmology: Intersections between Science and Religion
11, p. 110-127 2015 - Change Magazine
Duda, Gintaras
The Road to a Project-based Classroom
46 (6), p. 42-45 2014 - Physics Education Research Confernce Proceedings
Duda, Gintaras and Ward, Kristina
Student Epistemologies in Project-based Learning Courses 2014 - Physics Education Research Confernce Proceedings
Ward, Kristina and Duda, Gintaras
The Role of Student Reflection in Project-based Learning Physics Courses 2014 - Advances in Astronomy
Garrett, Katherine, Duda, Gintaras Dark Matter: A Primer
2011, p. 22 pages 2011 - Physics Education Research Confernce Proceedings
Duda, Gintaras and Ross, James
Problem-Based Learning in Upper Division Courses: Student Successes, Perceptions, and Reactions
14413, p. 183-186 2011 - Annals of Research of Engineering Education
Duda, Gintaras and Garrett, KatherineBlogging in the Physics Classroom: A Research-Based Approach to Shaping Students’ Attitudes Toward Physics
4 2009 - American Journal of Physics
Duda, Gintaras, Garrett, Katherine Blogging in the physics classroom: A research-based approach to shaping students' attitudes toward physics
76, p. 1054-1065 2008 - Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
Duda, Gintaras What can 1970's Elastic Electron Scattering Experiments tell us about the Direct Detection of Dark Matter?
173, p. 68-71 2007 - Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Duda, G., Kemper, A., Gondolo, P. Model-independent form factors for spin-independent neutralino-nucleon scattering from elastic electron scattering data
04, p. 012-036 2007 - New Astronomy Reviews
Duda, GintarasDectectability of weakly interacting dark matter candidates
49, p. 139-142 2005 - Physical Review D
Duda, Gintaras, Gelmini, Graciela, Gondolo, Paolo, Edsjö, Joakim, Silk, Joseph
Indirect detection of a subdominant density component of cold dark matter
67, p. 023505(10) 2003 - Physical Review D
Duda, Gintaras, Gelmini, Graciela, Nussinov, Shmuel Expected signals in relic neutrino detectors
64, p. 122001(10) 2001 - Physical Review E
Duda, Gintaras K., Phares, Alain J., Wunderlich, Francis J., Martin, Joseph P., Burns, Patrick M. Coadsorption of two monomer species on a square lattice with first- and second-neighbor interactions
56, p. 2447-2456 1997
- "Enhancing our Understanding of Learner-Centered Teaching through the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning", Keynote Address at the 6th Annual Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference at Maryville University, 2014
- G. Duda and K. Ward, "Student Epistemologies in Project-based Learning Courses", 2014 Physics Education Research Conference (July 30-31, Minneapolis, MN). 2014
- K. Ward and G. Duda, "The Role of Student Reflection in Project-based Learning Physics Courses", 2014 Physics Education Research Conference (July 30-31, Minneapolis, MN). 2014
- G. Duda and K. Ward, "Student Perspectives and Reflections on Project-based Pedagogies", 2014 Summer American Association of Physics Teachers Meeting (July 28 - 30, Minneapolis, MN). 2014
- "Teaching Quantum Mechanics through Project-based Learning", 2014 Summer Amer- ican Association of Physics Teachers Meeting (July 28 - 30, Minneapolis, MN). 2014
- G. Duda and R. Crist, "Modeling the Physical World: An Integrated Calculus/Physics Course", 2014 Summer American Association of Physics Teachers Meeting (July 28 - 30, Minneapolis, MN). 2014
- "Teaching Quantum Mechanics through Project-based Learning", 2014 American Phys- ical Society April Meeting (April 5-8, Savannah, GA). 2014
- "Big Questions in Cosmology: Intersections between Science and Religion", Kripke Symposium on Religion and the Sciences: Opportunities and Challenges, Creighton University 2014
- Duda, G., Alsharif, N., and Haddad, A., "Celebrating Teaching Excellence: Honoring our Jesuit Values", Creighton University 2014
- Teaching Quantum Mechanics using Ignatian Pedagogy", 2014 All Things Ignatian (February 3, Omaha, NE, Creighton University). 2014
- "Physics, Toys, and Service Learning in STEM", International Association for Research on Service-learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) Conference Fall 2013 (November 5-8, Omaha, NE). 2013
- "Student Epistemologies in Project-Based Physics Courses", Physics Education Re- search Seminar, University of Colorado at Boulder 2013
- "The Big Bang in a Nutshell: 5 Essential Big Ideas in Modern Cosmology", Omaha Science Fiction and Fantasy Festival (OSFest) 2013
- "Problem/Project-Based Learning in Upper Division Physics Courses: New Pedagogies and Student Learning and Epistemologies". Office for Academic Excellence and Assessment Time out for Lunch Series: 2013 Grants, Creighton University 2013
- "Everything you know is wrong: Living in a Dark Universe", University of Nebraska Omaha 2012
- C. Lefky and G. Duda, "Constraints on Universal Extra Dimensions Theory from Dark Matter Direct Detection", American Physical Society Division of Nuclear Physics Meeting Fall 2012 (October 24- 27, Newport, CA). 2012
- R. DeVol and G. Duda, "Learning about scalars in the dark sector from generic fifth force searches", American Physical Society Division of Nuclear Physics Meeting Fall 2011 (October 26-29, East Lansing, MI). 2011
- C. Redger and G. Duda, "Accelerator and cosmological constraints on low mass WIMP models compatible with DAMA and CoGeNT searches", American Physical Society Division of Nuclear Physics Meeting Fall 2011 (October 26-29, East Lansing, MI). 2011
- "The Dark Sector: From Particle Physics to Cosmology", Kansas State University 2011
- G. Duda, "Problem-Based Learning in Upper Division Courses: Student Successes, Perceptions, and Reactions", Physics Education Research Conference 2011 (August 3 - 4, Omaha, NE) 2011
- G. Duda, "Teaching Mathematical Physics through Problem-based Learning", American Association of Physics Teachers Summer 2011 Meeting (July 30 - August 3, Omaha, NE). 2011
- T. Edwards, G. Duda, R. Crist, J. Leighter, M. Cherney, "Assessing Learning Beyond Content", American Association of Physics Teachers Summer 2011 Meeting (July 30 - August 3, Omaha, NE). 2011
- Duda, G. and Gabel, J., "Robotic Telescope Observations and Active Learning Exercises in Intro- ductory Astronomy", American Association of Physics Teachers Summer 2011 Meeting (July 30 - August 3, Omaha, NE). 2011
- Duda, G., "Using Technology to Facilitate and Enhance Project-based Learning in Mathematical Physics", American Physical Society April Meeting 2011 (April 30-May 2, Anaheim, CA). 2011
- Garrett, K., and Duda, G., "Dark Matter Annihilations and the Observed Positron Excess from Fermi and PAMELA", American Physical Society April Meeting 2011 (April 30-May 2, Anaheim, CA). 2011
- Torpin, T. and Duda, G., "Constraints on Universal Extra-Dimensional Dark Matter from Direct Detection Results", American Physical Society April Meeting 2011 (April 30-May 2, Anaheim, CA). 2011
- Wanninayake, A. and Duda, G., "Using 5th Force Searches to Place Limits on New Scalars in the Dark Sector", American Physical Society April Meeting 2011 (April 30-May 2, Anaheim, CA). 2011
- Dark Matter and Physics Beyond the Standard Model", 121st Annual Meeting of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, Aeronautics and Space Science Section 2011
- Duda, G. and Danielson, M., "iPad Project and SoTL: Exploring the Possibilities by which to Improve Teaching and Learning at Creighton University," Presentation to the Creighton iPad Users Group 2010
- "Everything you know is wrong: Living in a Dark Universe", Sigma Pi Sigma Induction Ceremony Award Address, Villanova University 2010
- " Everything you know is wrong: A Tale of Missing Mass and Energy in the Universe", Science Seminar Series, University of Dubuque 2010
- Duda, G. and Seger, J. "Using National Standardized Conceptual Exams to Assess and Reform Introductory Physics", Office for Academic Excellence and Assessment Time out for Lunch Series: 2009 Grants, Creighton University 2009
- "Dark Matter in Non-Standard Cosmologies", 119th Annual Meeting of the Nebraska Academy of the Sciences, Aeronautics and Space Science Section 2009
- "Blogging in the Physics Classroom", Center for Health Policy and Ethics Lunch and Learn Session, Creighton University 2008
- "Astronomy and Art", CU at the Joslyn, Omaha 2008
- "How to Give the Right Talk the Right Way", Graduate Student Education Seminar Series, Creighton University 2008
- Garrett, K, Schuk, S., and Duda, G., "The Effect of a Late-Decaying Scalar Field on the Dark Matter Density, American Physical Society Division of Nuclear Physics Meeting 2008 (October 23-26, Oakland, CA). 2008
- "Dark Matter and Nuclear Form Factors: What can 1970s nuclear physics tell us about dark matter today?", Graduate Fellowship 2007 Award Talk, Creighton University 2008
- "Blogging in the physics classroom: A research-based approach to shaping students attitudes toward physics", Kansas State University, Physics Education Research Group Seminar, Manhattan, Kansas 2008
- Duda, G., and Garrett, K., "Probing Student Online Discussion Behavior with a Course Blog in Introductory Physics", Physics Education Research Conference 2008 (July 23-24th, 2008, Edmonton, Alberta). 2008
- "Teaching Dark Matter to Undergraduates", American Association of Physics Teachers Summer 2008 Meeting (July 21, 2008, Edmonton, Alberta). 2008
- Garrett, K., and Duda, G., "Blogging in the Physics Classroom: A research based approach to shaping students attitudes towards physics", American Physical Society April Meeting 2008 (April 14, 2008, St. Louis, Missouri). 2008
- Duda, G., and Garrett, K., "Blogging in the Physics Classroom", 2008 National CASTL Institute 2008
- "Blogging in the Physics Classroom: Using a weblog to affect students attitudes in intro- ductory physics", Summer 2007 Meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT), Greensboro, North Carolina 2007
- "Path Integrals: A Physicists perspective on the use of Feynman Integrals in Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory", The Creighton Summer Conference on the Feynman Integral and Related Topics, Omaha, Nebraska 2007
- "Prompt Muons and Neutrinos from Cosmic Ray Showers", 117th annual meeting of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, Lincoln, Nebraska 2007
- Zakaria, M. and Duda, G., "Zenith Angle Dependence of Prompt Neutrino and Muon Fluxes in Cos- mic Ray Interactions", American Physics Society April Meeting 2007 (April 16, 2007, Jacksonville, Florida). 2007
- Reifenberger, G. and Duda, G., "Uncertainties in Direct Dark Matter Detection Rates due to Nuclear Form Factors", American Physics Society April Meeting 2007 (April 16, 2007, Jacksonville, Florida). 2007
- "Blogging in the Physics Classroom", The Carnegie Scholars Program: A Panel Discussion, Omaha, Nebraska 2007
- "Blogging in the Physics Classroom: Can a physics weblog affect student attitudes towards physics?", Jacobson Symposium, Creighton University 2006
- "Realistic Neutralino-Nucleon Elastic Scattering Form Factors from Elastic Electron Scat- tering Data: What can nuclear physics from the 1970s tell us about Direct Dark Matter Searches?", 7th UCLA Symposium on Sources and Detection of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe 2006 (February 23rd, Marina del Rey, Los Angeles). 2006
- "Everything you know is wrong: Dark matter, Supersymmetry, and why Cosmologists claim we know little about 95% of the universe", Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa 2005
- Licate, L. and Duda, G. "Zenith Angle Dependence of Prompt Muon and Neutrino Fluxes in High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions", American Physical Society April Meeting 2005 (April 16 - 19, Tampa, Florida). 2005
- Kemper, A. and Duda, G. "Neutralino Nucleon Scatting Rates from with Realistic Form Factors from Elastic Electron Scattering Data", American Physical Society April Meeting 2005 (April 16-19, Tampa, Florida). 2005
- Kemper, A. and Duda, G., "Neutralino Nucleon Scatting Rates from with Realistic Form Factors from Elastic Electron Scattering Data", American Physical Society Division of Nuclear Physics Meeting 2004 (October 29-31, Chicago). 2004
- "Sink or Swim: A New Facultys Experience with Workshop Physics", American Astro- nomical Society Summer Meeting 2004 (May 31, Denver). 2004
- "Searching for Dark Matter and Dark Energy", Nebraska Academy of Sciences Keynote Address (Physics Section), Lincoln, Nebraska 2004
- "Dectectability of weakly interacting dark matter candidates", Dark Matter/Dark Energy 2004 (February 28-20, Marina del Rey, Los Angeles). 2004
NASA Nebraska Space Grant Consortium/EPSCoR Grant (Role-PI:): “Constraining the Dark Mat- ter Velocity Distribution Function Using Direct Detection Data”, $2,000, (September 1, 2013 - May 31, 2014).
NASA Nebraska Space Grant Consortium/EPSCoR Grant (Role-PI:): “CoGeNT vs. Xenon 100 A 21st Century Scientific Controversy and New Theories for Light Dark Matter”, $8,858 + internal matching, (September 1, 2012 - May 31, 2013).
NASA Summer of Innovation (SOI) Outreach Grant (Role-PI): $2500, (May 1, 2012 - December 1, 2012).
NSF Course Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) Grant (Role: co-PI): “Rebuilding the Astronomy Curriculum around Robotic Telescope Observations and Active Learning Exercises”, $199,307 (August 15, 2010 - July 31, 2013).
NASA Nebraska Space Grant Consortium/EPSCoR - Research Mini-Grant (Role: PI): “Homing in on Dark Matter: Following up leads from Direct and Indirect Detection, $11,073 + internal matching, (September 1, 2010 - May 31, 2011).
NASA Nebraska Space Grant Consortium/EPSCoR - Mini-Grant (Role: PI): “Extra Dimensional Dark Matter and the 2009 CDMIS II Results/Dark Matter Annihilations and the Observed Position Excess from Fermi and PAMELA, $16,000 + internal matching (August 1, 2010 - March 31, 2011).
NASA Nebraska Space Grant Consortium/EPSCoR - Research Seed Grant (Role: PI): “Indirect Detection of Dark Matter in Non-Standard Cosmologies”, $13,630 + internal matching (January 1, 2009 - March 31, 2010).
NASA Nebraska Space Grant Consortium/EPSCoR - Research Seed Grant (Role: PI): “Indirect Detection of Dark Matter in Non-Standard Cosmologies”, $7,630 + internal matching (January 2008 - August 2009)
NASA Nebraska Space Grant Consortium - Research Seed Grant (Role: PI): “Prompt Muon and Neutrino Flux from High Energy Cosmic Ray Showers and Backgrounds at Neutrino Telescopes”, $5,500 + internal matching (November 2006 - August 2007)
AEA Development Grants for the Assessment of Student Learning/Scholarship of Teaching and Learning : “Ignatian Reflective Exercises in Natural Science Courses” w/ Soochin Cho, $2000 (Jan- uary 1, 2014 - October 31, 2014).
2011 President’s Faculty Research Fund Grant : “Ignatian Pedagogy Actualized through Problem/Project- Based Learning within Physics Courses”, $5000 (Summer 2012).
AEA Development Grants for the Assessment of Student Learning/Scholarship of Teaching and Learning : “Problem/Project-Based Learning in Upper Division Physics Courses: New Pedagogies and Student Learning and Epistemologies”, $1500 (January 1, 2012 - October 31, 2012).
Faculty Development Award, Summer 2009: “Re-Envisioning Quantum Mechanics through Problem Based and Collaborative Learning”, $4500 (Summer 2009).
AEA Development Grants for the Assessment of Student Learning/Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: “Using National Standardized Conceptual Exams to Assess and Reform Introductory Physics”, $2000 (Summer 2009).
D.O.I.T. Pipeline to Innovation Grant (Role: PI) “Problem Based Learning in Upper Division
Funded Internal Grants Physics Courses using Video Analysis and Mathematical Modeling Software”, $2,775 (Spring 2008).
Creighton University Summer Faculty Research Fellowship: “Nuclear Form Factors and Direct Dark Matter Detection Experiments”, $4,300 (Summer 2007).
A. F. Jacobson Chair Technology Grant: “Podcasting and Physics”, $150 (June, 2007)
Creighton University Summer Faculty Research Fellowship: “Prompt Muon and Neutrino Flux from High Energy Cosmic Ray Showers and Backgrounds at Neutrino Telescopes”, $4,300 (Summer 2005).
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Creighton University Small Grant Award: $2,500 (August 2004 - May 2005).