Nutritional Influences on Bone Health Gallagher J. Christopher, Smith Lynette M., After Vitamin D Supplementation There Is an Increase in Serum 25 Hydroxyvitamin D but No Evidence of a Threshold Response in Calcium Absorption [Book Chapter] 2016
Primer on the Metabolic Bone Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism : Eighth Edition Christopher Gallagher J., Vitamin D Insufficiency and Deficiency [Book Chapter] 2013
Nutrition and Diet in Menopause Gallagher J. Christopher, Yalamanchili Vinod, Soy Protein Isoflavones and Their Effect on Bone in Postmenopausal Women [Book Chapter] 2013
Menopause Archer David F., Gallagher J. C., Tibolone [Book Chapter] 2007
Medical Science Symposia Series Gallagher J. C., Tibolone is effective in preventing postmenopausal bone loss [Book Chapter] 2002
Marcus Robert, Heaney Robert Proulx, Kimmel Donald B, Recker Robert R, Kelsey Jennifer L, Gallagher J. Christopher, Feldman David, Osteoporosis 1996
Inoue Tetsuo, Orimo Hajime, Koshikawa Shozo, Ross Philip D., Gallagher John C., Kanis John A., Acronym of improved microdensitometry (computed X-ray densitometry) 1994
Gallagher J, Recker R, A comparison of the effects of calcitriol or calcium supplements on bone in psotmenopausal osteoporosis 1985
Gallagher J, The use of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D sub(3) in osteoporosis 1982
Riggs B, DeLuca H, Zinsmeister A, Gallagher J, Studies on the mechanism of impaired calcium absorption in postmenopausal osteoporosis 1982
Arnaud C, Riggs B, Gallagher J, Jerpbak C, On the role of parathyroid hormone in the osteoporosis of aging 1981
Riggs B, Gallagher J, DeLuca H, Disordered systemic regulation of mineral homeostasis as a cause of osteoporosis 1981
Gallagher J, Riggs B, DeLuca H, Effects of calcitriol in osteoporosis 1981
Gallagher J, Biochemical effects of estrogen and progesterone on calcium metabolism 1981
Riggs B. L, Gallagher J. C, Intestinal calcium absorption in postmenopausal osteoporosis 1978
Ageing and Estrogens Gallagher J. C, Nordin B. E. C, Oestrogens and Calcium Metabolism [Book Chapter] 1973
Annals of joint Lei Sha, Zhang Xiaoya, Song Lige, Wen Jinhui, Zhang Zheng, Tian Jianqing, Yang Rui, Xu Shuhang, MacIsaac Richard J., Aleksova Jasna, Mac-Way Fabrice, Dupuis Marie-Ève, Qiu Shanhu, Benaiges David, Mauricio Didac, Sommer Andrei P., Fang Ping, Gallagher John C., Pan Lingling, Ji Linlin, Barzilay Joshua I., Li Ying, Liu Qi, Zhao Jiasheng, Han Junfeng, Xue Ying, Shen Yuqin, Wang Lemin, Liu Guanghui, Expert consensus on vitamin D in osteoporosis 10, p. 1 - 1 2025
Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland) Oussaada Sabrina M., Akkermans Isis, Chohan Sandeep, Limpens Jacqueline, Twisk Jos W.R., Winkler Christiane, Karalliedde Janaka, Gallagher J. Christopher, Romijn Johannes A., Serlie Mireille J., ter Horst Kasper W., The effect of active vitamin D supplementation on body weight and composition: a meta-analysis of individual participant data 2024
Journal of the Endocrine Society Reddy Chandrika, Zena Mohsen, Gallagher John C, Recker Robert R, Anderson Robert J, Bilateral Atypical Femoral Fracture(AFF) After Teriparatide and Subsequent Anti-Resorptive Therapy: A Management Dilemma 5:Suppl 1, p. A184 - A184 2021
Journal of the Endocrine Society Smith Lynette M, Gallagher J C, In a Clinical Trial There Was No Effect of Vitamin D on Physical Performance in Either Black or White Women 5:Supplement_1, p. A276 - A277 2021
American Journal of Roentgenology Huayllas Martha Katherine Paniagua, Sirineni Gopi K., Smith Lynette M., Christopher Gallagher J., Singh Ravinder J., Netzel Brian C., Kater Claudio E., Correlation between size and function of unilateral and bilateral adrenocortical nodules 214:4, p. 800 - 807 2020
Journal of the Endocrine Society Smith Lynette, Gallagher John, SAT-514 The Decrease in Serum Parathyroid Hormone on Vitamin D Treatment Is Similar When Comparing Increases in Serum Free or Total 25 Hydroxyvitamin D in White and Black Women 3:Suppl 1 2019
Yearbook of Paediatric Endocrinology HS Taylor, LC Giudice, BA Lessey, MS Abrao, J Kotarski, DF Archer, MP Diamond, E Surrey, JA Simon, NP Johnson, NB Watts, JC Gallagher, BR Carr, WP Dmowski, N Leyland, JP Rowan, JW Thomas, WR Duan, J Ng, B Schwefel, RI Jain, K Chwalisz, Treatment of Endometriosis-Associated Pain with Elagolix, an Oral GnRH Antagonist, p. 28 - 40 2018
Internal medicine news (Short Hills, N.J. 1995) Gallagher J. Chris, Almost the last word on vitamin D.(VIEW ON THE NEWS)(Brief article) 51:17, p. 18 2018
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Schwartz Janice B., Bouillon Roger, Lai Jennifer, Verotta Davide, Bikle Daniel, Eastell Richard, Christopher Gallagher J., Jorde Rolf, Berg Vivian, Walsh Jennifer, Evans Amy L., Bowles Simon, Holick Michael, Naylor Kim E., Jones Kerry S., Schoenmakers Inez, Orwoll Eric, Nielson Carrie, Jones Glenville, Kaufmann Martin, Determination of Free 25(OH)D Concentrations and Their Relationships to Total 25(OH)D in Multiple Clinical Populations 103:9, p. 3278 - 3288 2018
Menopause Christopher Gallagher J., 2018 NAMS/Pfizer - Wulf H. Utian endowed lecture 25:12, p. 1403 - 1417 2018
New England Journal of Medicine Taylor H. S., Giudice L. C., Lessey B. A., Abrao M. S., Kotarski J., Archer D. F., Diamond M. P., Surrey E., Johnson N. P., Watts N. B., Gallagher J. Christopher, Leyland N., Simon J. A., Carr B., Dmowski W. P., Rowan J. P., Duan W. R., Ng J., Schwefel B., Thomas J. W., Jain R. I., Chwalisz K., Treatment of Endometriosis-Associated Pain with Elagolix, an Oral GnRH Antagonist 377:1, p. 28 - 40 2017
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Kaufmann Martin, Schlingmann Karl Peter, Molin Arnaud, Kottler Marie Laure, Gallagher J. Christopher, Armas Laura, Jones Glenville, Cooper Donald P., Morse Nicole, Molloy Billy Joe, Improved Screening Test for Idiopathic Infantile Hypercalcemia Confirms Residual Levels of Serum 24,25-(OH)(2)D-3 in Affected Patients 32:7, p. 1589 - 1596 2017
Endocrine practice Singh Shilpi, Theertham Arjun, Zena Mohsen, Gallagher John Christopher, George Andrea, Abstract #703: Idiopathic Hypoparathyroidism Associated with Deafness; Renal Anomaly: An Interesting Case of HDR (Hypoparathyroidism; Deafness and Renal Anomaly) Syndrome 23, p. 132 - 133 2017
Endocrine practice Singh Shilpi, Gallagher John Christopher, Enakuaa Souad, Abstract #214: Insulin Drip At > 450 Units/Hour; Drugdrug Interaction or Plumbing Problem? An Interesting Case of Norepinephrine (Levophed) Interfering with Insulin 23, p. 36 2017
Menopause Christopher Gallagher J., Palacios Santiago, Ryan Kelly A., Yu Ching Ray, Pan Kaijie, Kendler David L., Mirkin Sebastian, Komm Barry S., Effect of conjugated estrogens/bazedoxifene on postmenopausal bone loss 23:10, p. 1083 - 1091 2016
Hormone Molecular Biology & Clinical Investigation Bouchard Cé, Beauregard Adam, Côté Isabelle, Martel Cé, Vaillancourt Mario, Balser John, Moyneur Erick, other participating Members of the VVA Prasterone Group, Lavoie Lyne, Cusan Leonello, Archer David F., Portman David, Gallagher J. Christopher, Derogatis Leonard, Girard Ginette, Ayotte Normand, Labrie Fernand, Effect of Intravaginal Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on the Female Sexual Function in Postmenopausal Women: ERC-230 Open-Label Study 25:3, p. 181 - 190 2016
Climacteric Palacios S., Kendler D. L., Kalouche-Khali L., Rizzoli R., Zapalowski C., Wang A., Resch H., Adachi J. D., Gallagher J. Christopher, Feldman R. G., Wagman R. B., Adam S., Treatment with denosumab reduces secondary fracture risk in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis 18:6, p. 805 - 812 2015
Gallagher J. Christopher, Letter to the Editor 2015
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Tella Sri Harsha, Gallagher J. Christopher, Biological agents in management of osteoporosis 70:11, p. 1291 - 1301 2014
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tella Sri Harsha, Gallagher J. Christopher, Prevention and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis 142, p. 155 - 170 2014
Menopause Gallagher J. Christopher, Estrogen treatment does not reduce fractures? 21:2, p. 111 - 112 2014
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Gallagher J. Christopher, Jindal Prachi S., Smith Lynette M., Vitamin D supplementation in young White and African American women 29:1, p. 173 - 181 2014
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Gallagher J. Christopher, Jindal Prachi S., Smith Lynette M., Vitamin D does not increase calcium absorption in young women: a randomized clinical trial 29:5, p. 1081 - 1087 2014
Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology Gallagher J. Christopher, Tella Sri Harsha, Controversies in Osteoporosis Management: Antiresorptive Therapy for Preventing Bone Loss: When to Use One or Two Antiresorptive Agents? 56:4, p. 749 - 756 2013
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Gallagher J. Christopher, Peacock M., Yalamanchili Vinod, Smith L. M., Effects of vitamin D supplementation in older African American women. 98:3, p. 1137 - 1146 2013
Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America Gallagher J. Christopher, Vitamin D and Aging 42:2, p. 319 2013
Christopher Gallagher J., Sai Adarsh, RE 2012
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Gallagher J. Christopher, Yalamanchili Vinod, Smith L. M., The effect of vitamin D on calcium absorption in older women. 97:10, p. 3550 - 3556 2012
Annals of internal medicine Christopher Gallagher J., Smith Lynette, Templin Thomas, Sai Adarsh, Dose response to vitamin D supplementation in postmenopausal women a randomized trial 156:6, p. 425 - 437 2012
Annals of Internal Medicine Christopher Gallagher J., Sai A., Gallagher J. Christopher, RE: Dose Response to Vitamin D Supplementation in Postmenopausal Women 157:5, p. 384 - 385 2012
Stroke Hodis H. N., Hwang-Levine J., Petitti D., Whitfield-Maxwell L., Yan M., Franke A. A., Shoupe D., Mack W. J., Kono N., Azen S. P., Selzer R. H., Gallagher J. Christopher, Isoflavone soy protein supplementation and atherosclerosis progression in healthy postmenopausal women: a randomized controlled trial. 42:11, p. 3168 - 3175 2011
MD conference express Buckley R., Gallagher J. C., Lower Doses of Vitamin D Can Prevent Bone Fractures in Older Women with Vitamin D Insufficiency 11:5, p. 10 - 10 2011
Menopause Karim R., Dell R. M., Greene D. F., Mack W. J., Gallagher J. Christopher, Hodis H. N., Hip fracture in postmenopausal women after cessation of hormone therapy: results from a prospective study in a large health management organization 18:11, p. 1172 - 1177 2011
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Deluca Hector F., Bedale Wendy, Binkley Neil, Gallagher J. Chris, Bolognese Michael, Peacock Munro, Aloia John, Clagett-Dame Margaret, Plum Lori, The vitamin D analogue 2MD increases bone turnover but not BMD in postmenopausal women with osteopenia 26:3, p. 538 - 545 2011
BMJ British Medical Journal Gallagher J. Christopher, Rosen Clifford, Fall Prevention With Vitamin D Institute of Medicine responds 342, p. d4046 - d4046 2011
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Sai Adarsh J., Walters Ryan W., Fang Xiang, Gallagher J. Christopher, Relationship between Vitamin D, Parathyroid Hormone, and Bone Health 96:3, p. E436 - E446 2011
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research DeLuca Hector F., Bedale Wendy, Binkley Neil, Gallagher J. Christopher, Bolognese Michael, Peacock Munro, Aloia John, Clagett-Dame Margaret, Plum Lori, The Vitamin D Analogue 2MD Increases Bone Turnover but Not BMD in Postmenopausal Women With Osteopenia: Results of a 1-Year Phase 2 Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Clinical Trial 26:3, p. 538 - 545 2011
Journal of the American Dietetic Association Ross A. C., Manson JoAnn E., Abrams Steven A., Aloia John F., Brannon Patsy M., Clinton Steven K., Durazo-Arvizu Ramon A., Gallagher J. Christopher, Gallo Richard L., Rosen Clifford J., Jones Glenville, Kovacs Christopher S., Mayne Susan T., Shapses Sue A., Clarification of DRIs for Calcium and Vitamin D across Age Groups 111:10, p. 1467 - 1467 2011
BMJ. British Medical Journal Gallagher J. Christopher, Rosen C., Institute of Medicine responds 342, p. d4046 2011
Journal of inherited metabolic disease Champion H., Ramaswami U., Imrie J., Gallagher J., Cox T. M., Wraith J. E., Lachmann R. H., Dietary modifications in patients receiving miglustat 33:Suppl 3, p. S379 - S383 2010
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Gallagher J. Christopher, Sai A. J., Vitamin D insufficiency, deficiency, and bone health 95:6, p. 2630 - 2633 2010
Bone (New York, N.Y.) Lippuner Kurt, Adachi Jonathan, Cummings Steven, Man Zulema, Farrerons Jordi, Törring Ove, Gallagher John, Wang Andrea, McClung Mike, Franchimont Nathalie, San Martin Javier, Boonen Steven, Effect of Denosumab on the Incidence of Hip and New Vertebral Fractures in Postmenopausal Women With High Fracture Risk: A Subanalysis of the FREEDOM Study 46, p. S27 - S28 2010
Maturitas Gallagher J. Christopher, Sai A. J., Molecular biology of bone remodeling: Implications for new therapeutic targets for osteoporosis 65:4, p. 301 - 307 2010
Adachi J D, McClung M, Cummings S, Man Z, Lippuner K, Farrerons J, Torring O, Gallagher J, Franchimont N, San Martin J, Wang A, Boonen S, Effect of Denosumab on Hip Fractures in Postmenopausal Women: A Subanalysis of the FREEDOM Study 2010
Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology & Metabolism Gallagher J. Christopher, Does tibolone reduce the risk of fracture in older postmenopausal women with osteoporosis? 5:3, p. 128 - 129 2009
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Gallagher J. Christopher, Rapuri P. B., Smith L. M., An age-related decrease in creatinine clearance is associated with an increase in number of falls in untreated women but not in women receiving calcitriol treatment 92:1, p. 51 - 58 2007
Journals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences Rapuri Prema B., Gallagher J. Christopher, Smith L. M., Smoking is a risk factor for decreased physical performance in elderly women 62:1, p. 93 - 100 2007
Fertility and sterility Gallagher J.C., Dietrich J., Constantine G., Pickar J.H., Lindsay R., Smart trials: effects of a tissue selective estrogen complex (TSEC) comprised of bazedoxifene (BZA) and conjugated estrogens (CEs) on bone mineral density (BMD) in postmenopausal women 88, p. S241 - S241 2007
Bone Gallagher J. Christopher, Rosen C. J., Chen P., Misurski D. A., Marcus R., Response rate of bone mineral density to teriparatide in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis 39:6, p. 1268 - 1275 2006
Contraception (Stoneham) Archer D F, Gallagher J C, DMPA-SC 104 has significantly less impact on bone mineral density than leuprolide acetate in patients with endometriosis 72:3, p. 237 - 237 2005
The Journal of musculoskeletal medicine Gallagher J.C, Remedies for vitamin D deficiency 21:12, p. 617 2004
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Rapuri Prema B., Kinyamu H. K., Gallagher J. Christopher, Knezetic Joseph A., Ryschon K. L., Association between Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms and the rate of bone loss in elderly women���importance of adjusting for dietary and lifestyle factors 89-90:5-Jan, p. 503 - 506 2004
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Rapuri Prema B., Gallagher J. Christopher, Effect of vitamin D supplement use on serum concentrations of total 25OHD levels in elderly women 89-90:5-Jan, p. 601 - 604 2004
Calcified Tissue International Rapuri Prema B., Gallagher J. Christopher, Haynatzki Gleb R., Effect of vitamins D-2 and D-3 supplement use on serum 25OHD concentration in elderly women in summer and winter 74:2, p. 150 - 156 2004
Fertility and sterility Lindsay Robert, Gallagher J.Christopher, Harrison Diane D., Zinaman Michael J., Pickar James H., Effect of conjugated estrogens (CE)/trimegestone (TMG) on bone mineral density (BMD) in early postmenopausal women in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study 80, p. 17 - 17 2003
Evidence-based Obstetrics and Gynecology Lindsay R., Gallagher J. C., Kleerekoper M., Powell Heidi, Pickar J. M., Low doses of estrogen, with or without progesterone, increased bone mineral density in postmenopausal women 5:2, p. 96 - 97 2003
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Christopher Gallagher J., Rapuri Prema B., Haynatzki Gleb, Detter Jeff R., Effect of discontinuation of estrogen, calcitriol, and the combination of both on bone density and bone markers 87:11, p. 4914 - 4923 2002
Obstetrical & gynecological survey Gallagher J. C., Baylink David J., Freeman Ruth/FN>, McClung Michael, Prevention of Bone Loss With Tibolone in Postmenopausal Women: Results of Two Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Dose-Finding Studies 57:3, p. 167 - 169 2002
Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey Gallagher J. C., Fowler S. E., Detter J. R., Sherman S. S., Combination treatment with Estrogen and Calcitriol in the prevention of Age-Related Bone Loss 57:2, p. 94 - 97 2002
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Rapuri Prema B., Karimi Kinyamu H., Christopher Gallagher J., Haynatzka Vera, Seasonal changes in calciotropic hormones, bone markers, and bone mineral density in elderly women 87:5, p. 2024 - 2032 2002
Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America Gallagher J. Christopher, Role of estrogens in the management of postmenopausal bone loss 27:1, p. 143 - 162 2001
The Journal of nutrition Gallagher J. C, Haynatzka V, Wilson M, Rafferty K, Effect of Soy Protein on Bone Metabolism 130:3, p. 667 2000
Menopause (New York, N.Y.) Paknikar J. S., Gallagher J. C., P-81 4:4, p. 282 1997
Menopause Petranick K., Gallagher J. C., Wilson M., Buchanan M., Long-term estrogen maintains bone mineral density 2:4, p. 268 - 269 1995
Menopause Kable Petranick W.T., Bewtra C., Gallagher J. C., Use of progestin challenge test in elderly women k. 2:4 1995
Menopause (New York, N.Y.) Fannon P., Gallagher J. C., Poster Presentation 1:3, p. 153 1994
Maturitas Harris S.T, Baylink D.J, Genant H.K, Stoll R.W, Gallagher J.C, Karp S.K, McConnell M.A, Green E.M, 91334007 The effects of estrone (Ogen) on spinal bone density of postmenopausal women 15:1, p. 87 - 87 1992
Southern Medical Journal Gallagher J. C., Vitamin D metabolism and therapy in elderly subjects 85, p. 2S - 43 1992
Bone and Mineral Kimmel Donald B., Aloia J. F., Recker Robert R., Gallagher J. Christopher, Vaswani A. S., A Comparison of Iliac Bone Histomorphometric Data in Post-Menopausal Osteoporotic and Normal Subjects 11:2, p. 217 - 235 1990
Journal of reproductive medicine Kable W. T, Gallagher J. C, Nachtigall L, Goldgar D, Liquid changes after hormone replacement therapy for menaupose 35:5, p. 512 - 518 1990
Illumina Biological Content - unstructured Gallagher J, Riggs B, Action of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D sub(3) on calcium balance and bone turnover and its effect on vertebral fracture rate 1990
Gynakologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau Mazess Richard B., Gallagher J. Chris, Notelovitz Morris, Schiff Isaac, Utian Wulf, Therapieübenvachung durch knochendichtemessung bei Östrogensubstitutionstherapie 30:3, p. 173 - 175 1990
Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine Gallagher J. Christopher, Recker Robert R., Goldgar D., Riggs B. L., The Effect of Calcitriol on Patients with Postmenopausal Osteoporosis with Special Reference to Fracture Frequency 191:3, p. 287 - 292 1989
The Physician and sportsmedicine Hedlund L. R., Gallagher J. C., The Effect of Fluoride in Osteoporosis 15:11, p. 111 - 118 1987
American journal of clinical pathology Gallagher John C., It’s Levey, with Two ‘E’s 79:4, p. 522 - 522 1983
Frontiers of hormone research Nordin B. E., Gallagher J. C., Aaron J. E., Horsman A., Post-menopausal osteopenia and osteoporosis. 3, p. 131 - 149 1975
Frontiers of hormone research Gallagher J. C., Nordin E. C., Effects of oestrogen and progestogen therapy on calcium metabolism in post-menopausal women. 3, p. 150 - 176 1975
Clinics in Endocrinology and Metabolism Gallagher J. C., Marshall D. H., Wilkinson R., Nordin B. E.C., Horsman A., Aaron J., The crush fracture syndrome in postmenopausal women 2:2, p. 293 - 315 1973
Clinics in Endocrinology and Metabolism Gallagher J. C., Aaron J., Horsman A., Wilkinson R., Nordin B. E.C., Corticosteroid osteoporosis 2:2, p. 355 - 368 1973
Effects of Vitamin D on Extra skeletal Health Mexico 2022 2022
Calcium supplementation. Risks-benefits 2022
Estrogen forever 2021
Vitamin D update 2021
Non parathyroid hypercalcemia 2021
Saudi Arabian Osteoporosis Society. March 18,2021 1.Effects of Vitamin D on Extra skeletal Health 2.Calcium supplementation. Risks-benefits 2021
Free but not total 25 hydroxyvitamin D is correlated with calcium absorption. Gallagher, JC. ASBMR 2019, Orlando, FL. 2019
The decrease in serum paraghyroid hormone on vitamin D treatment is similar when comparing increases in serum free on ttal 25 hydroxyvitamin in White and Black Women. Gallagher, JC. Endocrine Society 2019, New Orleans, LA. 2019
Smith Lynette M., Gallagher JC, Wai Wai Lin,Leon Swinkels. Oral presentation. Effect of treatment with vitamin D3 on Free and Total 25 hydroxyvitamin D in Older and Younger Caucasian and African American women. A randomized clinical trial. Endocrine Society, 2018 2018
Wei Wei Lin (Endocrine Fellow), Gallagher JC. Smith LS.Poster. Measurement of Serum Free 25-hydroxyvitamin D in Young and Old African American and Caucasian Women. Endocrine Society, 2018. 2018
Anh Nguyen (Endocrine fellow.) Gallagher JC. Poster.1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D-mediated Hypercalcemia due to a Fibrotic Granulomatous Lung Disease, Ameliorated by Ketoconazole. Endocrine Society, 2017 2017
Smith Lynette, Gallagher JC. Oral presentation. Estimation of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for Vitamin D Intake Using Serum 25 Hydroxyvitamin D Level of 20ng/ml As the End Point, may vary according to the Analytical Measurement Technique used. Endocrine Society, 2017 2017
Vinod Yalamanchili (Research Fellow), Gallagher JC. Poster. Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Depression Scores in Younger Caucasian and Africa-American Women. Endocrine Society, 2017. 2017
Gallagher JC. "The year in Vitamin D". Clinical update 2017. Oral presentation - Vitamin D workshop 20th, 2017 2017
Smith Lynette. Gallagher JC. Poster. Estimation of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for Vitamin D Intake using serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D level of 20ng/ml as the end and comparing two analytical methods of measurement. Poster Vitamin D workshop 20th. 2017 2017
Singh, Shilpi (Endocrine fellows); George, Andrea; Theertham, Arjun; Gallagher, JC. Poster. Idiopathic Hypoparathyroidism with deafness, renal anomaly. An interesting case of HDR. American Society Clinical Endocrinologists, 2017 2017
Singh, Shilpi Endocrine fellow; Gallagher, JC. Poster - Insulin drip at >450 units/hour. Drug drug interesting case of norepinephrine interfering with insulin. American Society Clinical Endocrinologists, 2017. 2017
Gallagher JC Yousefian S (Endocrine Fellow), Smith L. Poster - Vitamin D increases fall rates on doses recommended for Geriatric patients. 19th Workshop on Vitamin D, April 2016 in Boston 2016
Yalamanchili Vinod (Research Fellow), Gallagher JC. Poster - The effect of increasing doses of vitamin D3 treatment on Geriatric Depression scores. 19th Workshop on Vitamin D, 2016 in Boston. 2016
Yalamanchili Vinod (Research Fellow), Gallagher JC. Poster - Comparison of the Effect of Vitamin D and 1,25 Dihydroxyvitamin D Treatment on Depression Scores in Older Women. Endocrine Society, April 2016 in Boston. 2016
Singh S (Research Fellow), Gallagher JC, Smith L. Poster - Change in serum 25OHD after Vitamin D is similar in young, old, Caucasian and African American women .19th Workshop on Vitamin D, April 2016 in Boston 2016
Singh S (Research Fellow), Gallagher JC, Smith L. Oral presentation - The response to vitamin D in serum 25OHD is similar in Caucasian and African American women. Endocrine Society, April 2016. 2016
Yousefian S (Endocrine Fellow), Gallagher JC, Smith L. Plenary poster award - Effect of vitamin D on Falls. American Society Bone and Mineral Research, 2015. 2016
Yousefian S (Endocrine Fellow), Gallagher JC. Late breaking poster. Falls are Increased on Recommended Doses of Vitamin D in Elderly. American Society Bone and Mineral Research, 2015 2015
Gallagher J, Yousefian S, Smith L. Falls are increased on recommended doses of vitamin D in elderly women. Presented at the ASBMR, Seattle, WA, October 11, 2015 2015
Gallagher J. Meet-the-Professor Session: Calcium and Vitamin D: Current Status. Oral presentation at the ASBMR, Seattle, WA, October 9-12, 2015. 2015
Saiprasad S (Endocrine Fellow), Gallagher JC. Poster prize, Chronic Functional Hypoparathyroidism due to Magnesium Deficiency, Endocrine Society, 2015 2015
Yalamanchili, V (Research Fellow), Gallagher JC. ORAL presentation - Incidence of Hypercalciuria and Hypercalcemia during Vitamin D and Calcium Supplementation in Older and Younger Women: A Comparison Between Caucasians and African Americans in Two Randomized Trials. Endocrine Society, 2015 2015
Yalamanchili, Vinod (Research Fellow), Gallagher JC. Poster. Effect of vitamin D on depression. Endocrine Society, 2015 2015
Gallagher JC, Glenville Jones. Oral presentation. Metabolic regulation of serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D by 24, 25 hydroxylation is an essential step in preventing vitamin D intoxication. Endocrine Society, 2014. 2014
Jindal Prachi (Research Fellow), Gallagher JC. Poster. Vitamin D administration and on calcium absorption in young women. Endocrine Society poster, 2014 2014
Tella Sri (Research Fellow), Gallagher JC, Smith L. Poster - No significant change in Bone mineral density after vitamin D supplementation in young and elderly women. American Society Bone & Mineral Research, 2014. 2014
Jindal P (Research Fellow), Gallagher JC, Smith L. Poster. Definition and determinants of a normal reference range for 24-hour urine calcium for Caucasian and African American women. American Society Bone and Mineral Research, 2013 2013
Jindal P (Research Fellow), Gallagher JC, Smith L. Poster. Effect of vitamin d supplementation on calcium absorption in young women. American Society Bone and Mineral Research, 2013 2013
Yalamanchili, Vinod (Research fellow) Gallagher JC. Poster prize, Dose Response Relationship between Vitamin D Supplementation and Calcium Absorption in Postmenopausal Women. Endocrine Society, 2012 2012
Yalamanchili, Vinod (Research fellow), Gallagher JC. Oral presentation. Incidence of Hypercalciuria and Hypercalcemia during a Vitamin D Trial in Postmenopausal Women. Endocrine Society, 2012 2012
Distinguished Career Research Awarrd 2013 Recipient - The University Research Award is presented annually at the President's Convocation to recognize faculty for outstanding research and creative work Creighton University
International Vitamin D Career Research Award
Dietary Requirements for Vitamin D/Calcium Institute of Medicine Committee Institute of Medicine Committee