Journal of Robotic Surgery England Elizabeth C., Spear Charlotte R., Huang Dih-Dih, Weinberg Jordan, Bogert James N., Gillespie Thomas, Mankin James, REBOA as a rescue strategy for catastrophic vascular injury during robotic surgery 14:3, p. 473 - 477 2020
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery Isola Patrick D., Israr Sharjeel, Gillespie Thomas L., Weinberg Jordan A., Bogert James N., Chapple Kristina M., Google Street View assessment of environmental safety features at the scene of pedestrian automobile injury 87:1, p. 82 - 86 2019
Journal of the American College of Surgeons Israr Sharjeel, Goslar Pamela W., Chapple Kristina M., Hayden Joel J., Weinberg Jordan A., Gagliano Ronald A., Gillespie Thomas L., Ahmed Aabra, Patient Perception of Medical Student Professionalism: Does Attire Matter? 227:4, p. S225 - S225 2018
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery Dameworth Jonathan L., Weinberg Jordan A., Goslar Pamela W., Stout Dana J., Israr Sharjeel, Jacobs Jordan V., Gillespie Thomas L., Thompson Terrell M., Petersen Scott R., Health literacy and quality of physician-trauma patient communication: opportunity for improvement 85:1, p. 193 - 197 2018
Cureus Israr Sharjeel, Rubalcava Nathan S, Weinberg Jordan A, Jones Michael, Gillespie Thomas L, Management of biliary stricture following emergent pancreaticoduodenectomy for trauma: report of two cases 2018
Momchev C, Richards J, Budney S, Weinberg J, Gagliano R, Bogert J, Gillespie TL. Cost Creep Avoided: The Reproducible Robotic Total Extra-peritoneal Bilateral Inguinal Hernia Repair is a Cost-Effective Procedure. 2019 11th Annual Meeting of the Clinical Robotic Surgical Association. Durham, North Carolina. 2019
Momchev C, Richards J, Budney S, Weinberg J, Gagliano R, Bogert J, Gillespie TL. Learning Curve of the Robotic Totally Extraperitoneal Inguinal Hernia Repair. 2019 11th Annual Meeting of the Clinical Robotic Surgical Association. Durham, North Carolina. 2019
Gillespie TL. Robotic Totally Extraperitoneal Inguinal Hernia Repair: RTEP-Step by Step. 2019 11th Annual Meeting of the Clinical Robotic Surgical Association. Durham, North Carolina. 2019
Mezher A, Gillespie TL, Peer-Elected Ombudsman for Real-Time Improvement of the Surgery Clerkship Experience. 2019 Annual Meeting of the Association of surgical Educators. Chicago, Illinois. 2019
Bubic B, Flores C, Petersen E, Seifert D, Gillespie TL, The Use of an Online Collaborative Workspace to Improve the Learning Environment on a Core Surgical Clerkship. 2019 Annual Meeting of the Association of surgical Educators. Chicago, Illinois. 2019
Saijadi A, Gillespie TL. Charity Robotic Hernia Repair: Reach or Realistic? Tailoring Robotic Hernia Surgery to Tertiary Practice. 2019 Annual Meeting of the Association of surgical Educators. Chicago, Illinois. 2019
Mattia D, Sajjadia A, Bubica B, Chapple K, Weinberg J, Gagliano R, Gillespie TL. Robotc surgery: good for surgeons, bad for third year medical students. 2019 Annual Meeting of the Association of Surgical Educators. Chicago, Illinois. 2019
Balters M, Gillespie TL, The Use of Online Social Media in the Third Year Clerkship. Panel Discussion. 2019 Annual Meeting of the Association of surgical Educators. Clerkship Directors Workshop. Chicago, Illinois. 2019
Jones MD, Shehada MZ, Jacobs JV, Gillespie TL, Bogert JN, Weinberg JA. The ever shrinking operative trauma experience in surgery residency: cause for concern. 71st Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Surgical Congress, Huntington Beach, California. 2019
Shehada M, Weinberg JA, Gillespie TL. Fascial Dehiscence Following Trauma Laparotomy: Interrupted Suture Closure May Reduce the Risk. 2019 Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Surgical Conference. Huntington Beach, California. 2019
Budney S, Richards J, Rubalcava N, Israr S, Weinberg JA, Gagliano RA, Gillespie TL. A Cost-Neutral Approach to Surgical Resident Robotic Inguinal Hernia Training. Americas Hernia Society. Las Vegas, Nevada. 2019
Richards J, Huang D, Gillespie TL. Multiple, Recurrent Infections in the Complicated Obese Patient. Americas Hernia Society. Las Vegas, Nevada. 2019
Lundberg J, Lee B, Petersen E, Gagliano RA, Weinberg JA, Gillespie TL. Feasibility of Robotic-Assisted Retromuscular Hernia Repair as an Outpatient Procedure. Americas Hernia Society. Las Vegas, Nevada. 2019
Bogert J, Isola P, Israr S, Gillespie TL, Weinberg JA. Google Street View Assessment of Environmental Safety Features at the Scene of Pedestrian Injury. Western Surgical Association. Los Cabos, Mexico. 2018
Israr S I, Ahmed A, Chapple K, Haden J, Gagliano RA, Weinberg JA, Gillespie TL. Patient Perception of Medical Student Professionalism: Does attire matter? American College of Surgery. Boston, Massachusetts. 2018
Budney S, Israr S, Weinberg JA, Gagliano RA, Gillespie TL. The Cost of a "Lean Start-Up" Robotic Transabdominal Pre-Peritoneal Inguinal Hernia Repair in a Surgical Training Program. American College of Surgeons Medical Student Section. Boston, Massachusetts. 2018
Spear C, England E, Huang D, Bogert J. Gillespie TL, Weinberg J, Mankin J. REBOA as a Rescue Stategy For Catastrophic Vascular Injury During Robotic Surgery. Southwestern Surgical Congress. Phoenix, Arizona. 2018
Rubalcava NS, Dangeti M, Budney S, Israr S, Weinberg JA, Gagliano RA, Gillespie TL. The Cost of a "Lean Start-Up" Robotic Transabdominal Pre-Peritoneal Inguinal Hernia Repair in a Surgical Training Program. Association of Surgical Educators Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas. 2018
Strada T , Gillespie TL. The Application of Lean Starup Methodology to a Hernia Clinic in Mexico. Association of Surgical Educators Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas. 2018
Gillespie TL. Wellness and Burnout During The Surgical Clerkship. Association of Surgical Educators Annual Meeting, Clerkship Directors Trouble Shooting Course, Austin, Texas. 2018
Smith T, Weinberg JA, Goslar PW, Jacobs JV, Gillespie TL, Sochacki MA, Attias N, Thompson TM, Petersen SR. Prevention of Pulmonary Embolism in Patients Undergoing Operation for Pelvic Fracture: Efficacy of an Institutional Clinical Pathway. 2018 Southwestern Surgical Congress Annual Meeting. Napa, California. 2018
Gillespie TL. Wellness for the trauma care provider. February in Phoenix National Trauma Symposium. Phoenix, Arizona. 2018
Dameworth JL, Weinberg JA, Goslar PW, Stout DJ, Jacobs JV, Gillespie TL, Thompson TM, Petersen SR. Health literacy and quality of physician- trauma patient communication: opportunity for improvement. 2017 Committee on Trauma AZACS Chapter Meeting, Fountain Hills, Arizona. 2017
Patel PH, Adler CL, Gillespie TL. Precipitant or Treatment: Acute Generalized Exanthematosis Pustulosis. Surgical Infection Society Annual Meeting. St. Louis, Missouri. 2017