BMC Gastroenterology Aboona M. B., Wong T. W., Prado P. R. Del, Paley K., Goldberg R. F., Weimer S., Dave H., Hobohm D., Smith A., Severe small intestinal bacterial overgrowth syndrome after jejunal feeding requiring surgical intervention: a case report and review of the literature 22:1 2022
The American Surgeon Eubanks Ryan D., Hassler Kenneth R., Huish Grant, Kopelman Tammy, Goldberg Ross F., Review of Operative Treatment of Delayed Presentation of Acute Cholecystitis 85:1, p. 98 - 102 2019
Surgical Science R. Matthews Marc, N. Quan Asia, R. Shah Anushi, I. Tugulan Carmen, A. Nashed Beshoy, F. Goldberg Ross, G. Pieri Paola, G. Fernandez Luis, Kowal-Vern Areta, N. Foster Kevin, Hypochlorous Acid for Septic Abdominal Processes Using a Unique Negative Pressure Wound Therapy System: A Pilot Study 09:11, p. 412 - 421 2018
Shah AR, Quan AN, Tugulan CI, Nashed BA, Goldberg RF, Pieri PG, Fernandez LG, Kowal-Vern A, Foster KN, Matthews MR. Hypocholorous Acid for Septic Abdominal Processes Using a Unique Negative Pressure Wound Therapy System: A Pilot Study. Southwest Trauma Conference Symposium, Phoenix, Arizona. 2019
Ross F. Goldberg. "A Success Story from an ACS Brandeis Alum." Speaker, Leadership Program in Health Policy and Management, Brandeis University - The Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Boston, Massachusetts. 2019
Ross F. Goldberg. "Healthcare Policy Forecast - Sunny Skies or Rough Weather Ahead?" Chair (of session), SAGES 2019, Baltimore, Maryland. 2019
Ross F. Goldberg. "How Chapters Advocate for Surgeons - Arizona Chapter Experience." Presenter, Chapter Officer Leadership Program, 2019 ACS Leadership & Advocacy Summit, Washington, DC. 2019
"Surgical Advocacy." Presenter, Grand Rounds, Department of Surgery, St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona. 2019
Matthews MR, Quan AN, Shah AR, Tugulan CI, Nashed BA, Goldberg RF, Pieri PG, Fernandez LG, Kowal-Vern A, Foster KN. Hypochlorous Acid for Septic Abdominal Processes Using a Unique Negative Pressure Wound Therapy System: A Pilot Study. 41st Annual Boswick Burn & Wound Symposium 2019, Maui, Hawaii. 2019
"ACS Grassroots Efforts." Presenter & Panel Participant, Ten Hot Topics in Health Care Reform, ACS Clinical Congress 2018, Boston, Massachusetts. 2018
"Being A Surgeon Advocate - It's Easier Than You Think." Presenter, Grand Rounds, Department of Surgery, Tulane University Medical Center, New Orleans, Louisiana. 2018
"The Need For Surgical Advocacy." Presenter, Grand Rounds, Department of Surgery, Banner University Medical Center - Tucson, Tucson, Arizona. 2018
Karim Jreije, Mohammed Salem, Nicole Marquand, Brano Djenic, Ross F. Goldberg, Paul Del Prado. Bilateral capnothorax after laparoscopic total extra-peritoneal bilateral inguinal hernia repair: A rare life-threatening complication. Minimally Invasive Surgery Week, New York, New York. 2018
"Surgeons' Role In Legislative Efforts Regarding The Opioid Epidemic." Presenter & Panelist Participant, SSAT Public Policy and Advocacy Committee Panel: The Ups and Downs of Health Care Reform, Where Do We Go From Here?, DDW 2018, Washington, DC. 2018
Karim Jreije, Brano Djenic, Paul Del Prado, Ross F. Goldberg, Keng-Yu Chuang, Sydney Vail. Treatment of Obstructive Sigmoid Fecaloma with Coca-Cola Enemas in an Adult Patient: Case Report and Literature Review. Contributing Author, Poster Presentation, ASCRS Annual Meeting 2018, Nashville, Tennessee. 2018
"Why You Need To Be A Surgeon Advocate." Presenter, Inaugural Biennial Department of Surgery Residency Reunion, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2018
"Opioid Crisis and New Health Care Regulations." Presenter & Panelist Participant (Live Free or Die Session), SAGES 2018, Seattle, Washington. 2018
"Why Should I Care? Advocacy, Health Policy & Reimbursement." Chair (of session), SAGES 2018, Seattle, Washington. 2018
"The Surgeon Advocate: It's Easier Than You Think." Presenter, Chicago Surgical Society, Chicago, Illinois. 2018
"Definitions, Misconceptions & Misinformation: What Do The Federal Government and Health Insurance Companies Really Want From Us?" Co-Presenter, Grand Rounds, Department of Surgery, Maricopa Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona. 2018
"Preparing for Change in Healthcare - Obama/Trump." Presenter, 9th Annual Women in Surgery Career Symposium, Clearwater Beach, Florida. 2018
"How To Improve Quality & Value While Minimizing Cost." Presenter, 9th Annual Women in Surgery Career Symposium, Clearwater Beach, Florida. 2018
"The Evolution of Physician Burnout." Presenter, Grand Rounds, Department of Surgery, Maricopa Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona. 2018
"Political Action in Surgery." Presenter, SAGES Leadership Development and Health Care Policy Program for Surgeons, Boston, Massachusetts. 2017
"Approaching the Difficult Gallbladder." Presenter & Panelist Participant, Nevada ACS Statewide Meeting 2017, Las Vegas, Nevada. 2017
"Social Media in Surgery." Presenter (Presidential Address), AzACS Annual Meeting 2017, Scottsdale, Arizona. 2017