Mast Cells and Cardiovascular Disease Negi Smita, Halawa Ahmad, Chi David S., Miller Christopher, Hossler Fred E., George Youngberg, Johnson David A., Krishnaswamy Guha, Mast cell regulation of cardiovascular inflammation I [Book Chapter] 2010
Mast Cells and Cardiovascular Disease Negi Smita, Halawa Ahmad, Miller Christopher, Chi David S., Hossler Fred E., Krishnaswamy Guha, Guha Krishnaswamy, Mast cell regulation of cardiovascular inflammation II [Book Chapter] 2010
Qian Pierre C., Halawa Ahmad, Sauer William H., Tedrow Usha B., Sweeney Michael O., Zei Paul, A Maze-ing crisscross interval plot 2020
Kosseifi Semaan G., Halawa Ahmad, Bailey Beth, Micklewright Melinda, Roy Thomas M., Byrd Ryland P., Erratum 2010
Heart rhythm Abusnina Waiel, Kousa Omar, Abuissa Hussam, Roka Attila, Halawa Ahmad, PO-04-087 NOT ALL THAT SHINES IS GOLD AND NOT EVERY LIGHT UP ON PET SCAN IS CARDIAC SARCOIDOSIS 20:5, p. S551 - S551 2023
Heart rhythm Batnyam Uyanga, Halawa Ahmad, Tedrow Usha B., Vlassakov Kamen V., Janfaza David R., Redouane Brahim, Nauffal Victor, PO-04-185 SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF BEDSIDE ULTRASOUND-GUIDED SYMPATHETIC BLOCKADE BY PROXIMAL INTERCOSTAL BLOCK IN PATIENTS WITH ELECTRICAL STORM 20:5, p. S564 - S565 2023
Heart rhythm Batnyam Uyanga, Zei Paul C., Tedrow Usha B., Sauer William H., Romero Jorge, Koplan Bruce A., Chang David, Halawa Ahmad, Sharma Esseim, Gracia Ely, Agboola Kolade M., Steiger Nathaniel, PO-05-038 CONDUCTION SYSTEM CONCERNS DURING PVC ABLATION AT THE POSTERIOR SUPERIOR PROCESS OF THE LEFT VENTRICLE: A SAFE APPROACH FROM ALL ANGLES 20:5, p. S630 - S630 2023
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Ahmed Arslan, Roka Attila, Mohammed Selma, Abuissa Hussam, Halawa Ahmad, HYPERTROPHIC CARDIOMYOPATHY AND LONG QT SYNDROME, RISK OF SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH, AND IMPORTANCE OF GENETIC TESTING - A CASE REPORT 81:8, p. 3250 - 3250 2023
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Roka Attila, Solsi Anup, Abuissa Hussam, Halawa Ahmad, MULTIPOINT ESOPHAGEAL TEMPERATURE MONITORING DURING COMPLETELY FLUOROLESS LEFT ATRIAL CATHETER ABLATION 81:8, p. 201 - 201 2023
Heart rhythm Dherange Parinita A., Thurber Clinton, Halawa Ahmad, Kreidieh Omar, Whitaker John, Steiger Nathaniel, Martin David T., Zei Paul, Koplan Bruce, Tadros Thomas M., Kapur Sunil, Tedrow Usha B., Sauer William H., B-PO02-012 USE OF STORED DEFIBRILLATOR ELECTROGRAMS AND EXTRA STIMULUS MAPPING FOR IDENTIFICATION OF VENTRICULAR ECTOPY TRIGGERING VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION 18:8, p. S100 - S100 2021
Heart rhythm Halawa Ahmad, Dherange Parinita A., Whitaker John, Steiger Nathaniel, Thurber Clinton J., Kreidieh Omar, Tadros Thomas M., Koplan Bruce A., Sauer William H., Zei Paul C., Tedrow Usha B., Kapur Sunil, B-PO02-210 INFERRED INTRAMURAL ACTIVATION FACILITATED BY EPICARDIAL AND ENDOCARDIAL ACTIVATION MAPPING DURING VENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA IN LAMIN CARDIOMYOPATHY 18:8, p. S184 - S184 2021
Heart rhythm Kreidieh Omar, Sauer William H., Dherange Parinita A., Halawa Ahmad, Steiger Nathaniel, Thurber Clinton J., Whitaker John, Tadros Thomas M., Kapur Sunil, Tedrow Usha B., Zei Paul C., Antman Elliott M., Koplan Bruce A., B-PO02-085 OBESITY IS ASSOCIATED WITH INCREASED COMORBIDITIES, BUT NOT ADVERSE OUTCOMES IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING ABLATION FOR PERSISTENT AF 18:8, p. S130 - S131 2021
Heart rhythm Halawa Ahmad, Qian Pierre C., Steiger Nathaniel, Kreidieh Omar, Tadros Thomas M., Dherange Parinita A., Whitaker John, Thurber Clinton J., Koplan Bruce, Zei Paul C., Kapur Sunil, Sauer William H., Janfaza David, Tedrow Usha B., Vlassakov Kamen, B-PO05-168 BEDSIDE PERCUTANEOUS SYMPATHETIC BLOCK IS SAFE AND EFFECTIVE IN REFRACTORY ELECTRICAL STORM AS A BRIDGE TO ADVANCED THERAPIES 18:8, p. S440 - S441 2021
Heart rhythm Whitaker, BCH John, Martin David T., Kapur Sunil, Tadros Thomas M., Thurber Clinton J., Williams Steven Edwin, Tzou Wendy S., Kreidieh Omar, Halawa Ahmad, Dherange Parinita A., Sauer William H., Zei Paul C., Koplan Bruce A., Tedrow Usha B., B-PO02-175 ENDOCARDIAL UNIPOLAR VOLTAGE UNDERESTIMATES INTRAMYOCARDIAL AND EPICARDIAL SCAR IN PATIENTS WITH CARDIAC SARCOIDOSIS 18:8, p. S169 - S169 2021
A&A practice Bains Kavin, Janfaza David, Flaherty Devon, Zeballos Jose, Halawa Ahmad, Tedrow Usha, Vlassakov Kamen, Sympathetic Blockade for the Management of Refractory Ventricular Tachycardia 15:4, p. e01456 2021
HeartRhythm Case Reports Halawa Ahmad, Kapur Sunil, Aguilar Martin, Sweeney Michael O., Syncope after successful implantation of atrioventricular synchronous leadless pacemaker caused by polymorphic ventricular tachycardia 6:8, p. 503 - 506 2020
Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology Halawa Ahmad, Jain Rahul, Turagam Mohit K., Kusumoto Fred M., Woldu Henok G., Gautam Sandeep, Outcome of implantable cardioverter defibrillator in cardiac sarcoidosis 58:2, p. 233 - 242 2020
Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology Halawa Ahmad, Woldu Henok G., Kacey Kristina Gifft, Alpert Martin A., Effect of ICD implantation on cardiovascular outcomes in patients with cardiac amyloidosis 31:7, p. 1749 - 1758 2020
Journal of Cardiology Cases Halawa Ahmad, Dave Isha, Gautam Sandeep, Torsade de Pointes with severe vitamin D deficiency, an unusual presentation of a common problem 20:4, p. 132 - 134 2019
Heart Asia Ghadban Rugheed, Enezate Tariq, Payne Joshua, Allaham Haytham, Halawa Ahmad, Fong Hee Kong, Abdullah Obai, Aggarwal Kul, The safety of morphine use in acute coronary syndrome 11:1 2019
Journal of Arrhythmia Halawa Ahmad, Gautam Sandeep, T wave oversensing in subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator secondary to hematoma formation 35:1, p. 130 - 132 2019
Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy Halawa Ahmad, Enezate Tariq, Flaker Greg, Device monitoring in heart failure management 9:4, p. 386 - 393 2019
Southern Medical Journal Halawa Ahmad, Vargas Emily R., Dawson Nancy, Burton M. Caroline, Maniaci Michael J., Shapiro Brian P., Yip Daniel S., Hodge David O., Association of anemia with outcomes of acute heart failure 111:2, p. 103 - 108 2018
Balkan Medical Journal Shomaf Maha, Rashid Mohammad, Faydi Dana, Halawa Ahmad, Is the diagnosis of celiac disease possible without intestinal biopsy? 34:4, p. 313 - 317 2017
Annals of Pharmacotherapy Mueller Julia A., Patel Tulsi, Halawa Ahmad, Dumitrascu Adrian, Dawson Nancy L., Warfarin Dosing and Body Mass Index 48:5, p. 584 - 588 2014
Mycoses Halawa Ahmad, Henry Philip D., Sarubbi Felix A., Candida endocarditis associated with cardiac rhythm management devices 54:4, p. e168 - e174 2011
Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease Kosseifi Semaan G., Micklewright Melinda, Roy Thomas M., Byrd Ryland P., Bailey Beth, Halawa Ahmad, Reduction of amiodarone pulmonary toxicity in patients treated with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers 3:6, p. 289 - 294 2009
Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association Halawa Ahmad, Yacoub George, Al Hassan Muhanad, Byrd Ryland P., Roy Thomas M., Dacryocystitis 106:11, p. 520 - 524 2008
Internal Medicine Halawa Ahmad, Skeik Nedaa, Large abdominal mass in a young healthy lady 47:23, p. 2095 - 2096 2008
Reviews in Neurological Diseases Halawa Ahmad, Krishnaswamy Guha, Tussive headache with weakness and atrophy of the right hand 4:4, p. 224 - 228 2007
Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine Halawa Ahmad, Iskandar Said B., Brahmbhatt Vipul, Fahrig Stephen A., Atrial flutter and myotonic dystrophy in a male adolescent treated with radiofrequency catheter ablation 8:2, p. 118 - 122 2007
Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine Halawa Ahmad, Iskandar Said, Garcia Israel, Constrictive pericarditis after coronary artery bypass 7:4, p. 238 - 243 2006
Waiel Abusnina, MD, Hussam Abuissa, MD, Attila Roka, MD and Ahmad Halawa, DM. Not All That Shines is Gold and Not Every Light up on PET Scan is Cardiac Sarcoidosis. HRS meeting New Orleans, LA 2023. 2023
Arslan Ahmed, MD, Hussam Abuissa, MD, Attila Roka, MD and Ahmad Halawa, DM. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and Long QT Syndrome, Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death, and Importance of Genetic Testing: A Case Report. ACC New Orleans, LA 2023 2023
Ahmad Halawa MD, Pierre Qian MD PhD .William H. Sauer MD, Kamen V. Vlassakov MD, David R. Janfaza MD and Usha Tedrow MD MSc. Bedside percutaneous sympathetic block is safe and effective in refractory electrical storm as a bridge to advanced therapies HRS meeting Boston, MA 2021. 2021
Ahmad Halawa MD, Parinita Dherange.Usha Tedrow MD, William Sauer MD and Sunil Kapur MD. Inferred Intramural Activation Facilitated by Epicardial and Endocardial Activation Mapping during Ventricular Tachycardia in Lamin Cardiomyopathy. HRS meeting Boston, MA 2021. 2021
Ahmad Halawa MD.Usha Tedrow MD, William Sauer MD and Bruce Koplan, M.D. Left Ventricle Posterior Superior Process Ectopy: ECG characteristics Risk of AV Node Block During Ablation and outcomes. HRS meeting Boston, MA 2021. 2021
Abdullah O, Omran J, Succari L, Mustapha J, Enezate T, Alahdab F, Abu-Fadel M, Saab F, Ghadban R, Halawa A, Aggarwal K and Al-Dadah A. Outcomes Of Atherectomy in Patients with Infrainguinal Arterial Disease. ACC.18 Milwaukee, WI 2018. 2018
Ahmad Halawa, M.D. and Sandeep Gautam, M.D. T wave Oversensing in Subcutaneous Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Secondary to Hematoma formation: The Importance of Early Post-Implantation Device Interrogation. HRS meeting Boston, MA 2018 2018
Halawa, A. Enezate, T. Ghadban, R. Abdullah, O. Omran, J and Kumar, A. The Role of Invasive Device Monitoring on Heart Failure Management and Outcome a Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis. SCAI Meeting May 2017 2017
Ghadban, R. Enezate, T. Omran, J. Allaham, H. Abdullah, O. Halawa, A and Aggarwal, K. Systematic Review on the Safety of Morphine Use in Acute Coronary Syndrome. SCAI Meeting May 2017 2017