Johnson Ronn, First-Line Clinical Approaches with Active Duty Service Members and Veterans 2023
, First-line clinical approaches with active duty service members and veterans 2023
Global Perspectives on Reforming the Criminal Justice System Mueller-Coyne Jessica, Johnson Ronn, Gresham Valene, The five Rs of prison reform with ethnoracially diverse offenders [Book Chapter] 2021
Accessibility and Diversity in Education : Breakthroughs in Research and Practice Johnson Ronn, Lee Jo Jo Yanki, Kim Ji Youn Cindy, A forensic psychological perspective on racism in schools of educational leadership [Book Chapter] 2019
Handbook of Police Psychology : Revised Edition Johnson Ronn, The integration section of forensic psychological reports in law enforcement [Book Chapter] 2019
Johnson Ronn, Emerging and Advanced Technologies in Diverse Forensic Sciences Preface [Book Chapter] 2019
Emerging and Advanced Technologies in Diverse Forensic Sciences Johnson Ronn, Jacob Tanna M., Advances and emerging clinical forensic psychological trends with Juvenile Fire Setting and Bomb Making behavior [Book Chapter] 2019
Emerging and Advanced Technologies in Diverse Forensic Sciences Mueller Jessica, Johnson Ronn, Emerging trends in technology and forensic psychological roots of radicalization and lone wolf terrorists [Book Chapter] 2019
Emerging and Advanced Technologies in Diverse Forensic Sciences Johnson Ronn, An overview of current and emerging technologies in diverse forensic science settings [Book Chapter] 2019
, Emerging and Advanced Technologies in Diverse Forensic Sciences 2018
Gaming and Technology Addiction : Breakthroughs in Research and Practice Johnson Ronn, Kim Ji Youn Cindy, Lee Jo Jo Yanki, Asians and the myth of the model minority in higher education [Book Chapter] 2016
Gaming and Technology Addiction : Breakthroughs in Research and Practice Johnson Ronn, Jacobs Eric, Klas Karla, Grace Elizabeth, Murillo Alejandra, Clinical forensic issues in child trauma stemming from juvenile fire setting and bomb making [Book Chapter] 2016
Gaming and Technology Addiction : Breakthroughs in Research and Practice Johnson Ronn, Forensic psychological perspectives on youth gang involvement in juvenile fire setting and bomb making weapons cases [Book Chapter] 2016
Johnson Ronn, Supernatural: a Study Guide 2016
Global Perspectives on Youth Gang Behavior, Violence, and Weapons Use Johnson Ronn, Forensic psychological perspectives on youth gang involvement in juvenile fire setting and bomb making weapons cases [Book Chapter] 2016
Identifying, Treating, and Preventing Childhood Trauma in Rural Communities Johnson Ronn, Klas Karla, Jacobs Eric, Grace Elizabeth, Murillo Alejandra, Clinical Forensic Issues in Child Trauma Stemming from Juvenile Fire Setting and Bomb Making: Culturally Responsive Risk Assessment and Treatment Paradigm for Rural Settings [Book Chapter] 2016
Handbook of Police Psychology Johnson Ronn, The integration section of forensic psychological evaluation reports in law enforcement [Book Chapter] 2011
Zapf Patricia A., Roesch Ronald, Johnson Ronn, Evaluation of competence to stand trial 2013
Journal of Medical Systems Wescott Siobhan, Johnson Ronn, Lamba Sangeeta, Olson Devon, Haywood Yolanda, Meltzer Carolyn C., Correa Ricardo, Feasibility of an Assessment Tool as a Data-Driven Approach to Reducing Racial Bias in Biomedical Publications 46:1 2022
Johnson Ronn, Jacobs Eric, Edgar Max M., Terrorism in Prison 2018
Security Journal Johnson Ronn, Forensic psychological mindset of a terrorist 29:2, p. 185 - 197 2016
Journal of psychology & psychotherapy Johnson Ronn, Culturally Responsive Family Therapy with Post-Risk Assessment Juvenile Fire Setting and Bomb Making: A Forensic Psychology Paradigm 6:3 2016
Global Journal of Nursing & Forensic Studies Johnson Ronn, A Forensic Psychological Research Question of Whether or Not High Profile Cross-Racial Police Incidents Compromise Officer Safety: A Dissenting Voice on Bias Training 1:4 2016
Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice Johnson Ronn, Towards an Evidence-Based Clinical Forensic Diagnostic Assessment Framework for Juvenile Fire Setting and Bomb Making 15:3, p. 275 - 293 2015
Journal of forensics research Johnson Ronn, A conversation on the ethics of assessing competence for forensic psychological practice with Juvenile Fire Setters and Bomb makers 6:5 2015
Journal of forensics research Johnson Ronn, Police Psychologists as Expert Witnesses in Appeal Hearings: Testimony for Disqualified Applicants and Fitness-for-Duty Forensic Psychological Evaluations 6:2 2015
The journal of campus behavioral intervention , Training College Police Officers on PTSD using the DSM-5 as part of an Antiterrorism and Threat Assessment Strategy 2, p. 36 - 47 2014
Journal of forensics research Johnson Ronn, Clinical forensic implications for the DSM-5 quadrant in JFSB s1:1 2014
Journal of forensics research Johnson Ronn, Risk Assessment of School Police Officers in Addressing Public Safety Related to School Violence: A Biopsychosocialcultural Perspective 5:1 2014
Journal of forensics research Johnson Ronn, Towards a Forensic Psychological Evaluation of Juvenile Fire Setters: Parent Power 5:1 2014
Journal of Criminal Psychology Johnson Ronn, Kilbourne Samantha, Beckenbach Heidi, Forensic psychological public safety risk assessment integrated with culturally responsive treatment for juvenile fire setters 3:1, p. 49 - 64 2013
Journal of forensics research Johnson Ronn, Clinical & forensic psychological applications of geoprofiling with juvenile fire setters & bomb makers s2:1 2013
Psychological Injury and Law Young Gerald, Johnson Ronn, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the DSM-5 3:4, p. 314 - 319 2010
San Diego business journal Johnson Ronn, Risk assessment, reduction and management issues for workplace violence 30:29, p. 14 2009
Early Childhood Research Quarterly Ritblatt Shulamit Natan, Johnson Ronn, Gomez Francisco, Brassert Sarah Maury, 'Are two better than one?' the impact of years in head start on child outcomes, family environment, and reading at home 16:4, p. 525 - 537 2001
Psychological reports Gómez Francisco C., Johnson Ronn, Davis Qiana, Velásquez Roberto J., MMPI-A performance of African and Mexican American adolescent first-time offenders 87:1, p. 309 - 314 2000
Psychological reports Johnson Ronn, Gomez Francisco C., Sanders-Phillips Kathy, Factor structure and subtest differences on the Preschool Behavior Questionnaire in a Latino, African-American, Euro-American, and Asian preschool population 84:3 PART 1, p. 936 - 942 1999
Journal of Black Psychology Johnson Romn, Clinical Issues in the Use of the DSM-III-R With African American Children 19:4, p. 447 - 460 1993
Counselor Education and Supervision VELÁSQUEZ ROBERTO J., Johnson Ronn, BROWN‐CHEATHAM MICHAELANTHONY, Teaching Counselors to Use the DSM‐III‐R With Ethnic Minority Clients 32:4, p. 323 - 331 1993
Keefner, K., Johnson, R., Bloomquist, C. (2024, March 28). The Clinical Learning Environment: Bridging academic, clinical, community teaming and trust. [Invited interprofessional presentation]. Creighton University Department of Family and Community Medicine and Creighton University Department of Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging. Creighton University Medical Center- University Campus, Omaha, NE, United States 2024
An hour with CIPER Associates and Scholars Panel on IPECP in Family Medicine. Presenters: Ronn Johnson, Bill Howard. Kristy Keefner, Naureen Rafiq, Diva Wilson 2024
Johnson, R. (2024) Forensic psychological accountability perspective on the decertification of police officers and law enforcement agencies: An anti-diversity paradigm. Paper presented at 39th Annual Meeting of the American College of Forensic Psychology, San Diego, CA. 2024
Classroom to Clinic: Preparing Medical Students for the Ambulatory Clinical Experience Amy McGaha, M.D., Ronn Johnson, PhD, Sara Bharwani, EdD, Tina Younger, M.D, Deyanna Boston, M.D. AnnaRose Rojas; Innovations Summit for Health Professions Education; June 23, 2023; Creighton University, Omaha, NE 2023
Johnson, R (2021). Advancing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion as Psychologist as a Psychologist in Academic Medicine at the Mid-Career Boot Camp for the Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers (APAHC). Boston Childrens Hospital, Boston, MA (virtual). 2021
Johnson, R (2021). Assessment & Interventions for Biases in Global Medicine for Doctors Without Borders. Brooklyn, NY (virtual). 2021
Johnson, R. (2021). Towards an empirically-based model for recruitment and retention for shaping organizational culture: Creightons SOM Three R DEI Approach. Paper presented at the Group for Diversity Interests of the American Association of Medical College.(virtual). 2021
Johnson, R. (2021). Crisis Intervention Training: Police Responses for Mentally Ill Citizens. Douglas County 2021
Johnson, R. (2021). Forensic Psychological Role in Screening for Racial Microaggression in Police: An antiracism paradigm. Paper presented at the 36th Annual Symposium of the American College of Forensic Psychology, San Diego, CA (virtual) 2021
Wescott, S., Johnson, R., Lamb, S., Correa, R., Haywood, Y., & Meltzer C. (2021). Reducing Racial Bias in Research: Defining the Dimensions of Race for a Screening. Paper presented at the Group for Diversity Interests of the American Association of Medical College.(virtual) 2021
Johnson, R & Nelson, R (2020) (Poster Presentation). Self-Assessment of Vulnerabilities and Maintenance of Professionalism in Response to Veteran Patient Microaggressions: A culturally incongruent C. Second Annual Diversity in Medicine Conference, University of Michigan, School of Medicine. Ann Arbor, Michigan 2020
Johnson, R & Nelson, R (2020). (Poster Presentation). Post cross-sex hormone psychotherapy for ethnoracially diverse veterans: Does it represent a healthcare disparity begging for guidelines. Second Annual Diversity in Medicine Conference, University of Michigan, School of Medicine. Ann Arbor, Michigan 2020
Ryan, K. & Johnson, R. (2019, March) Selling of Fear of Racially-Based Crime as a Threat to Legitimacy and Procedural Justice: A Forensic Psychological Paradigm. Paper presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Baltimore, MD 2019
Johnson, R. & Jacobs, E. (2019, March). A Clinical Forensic Nexus Between Separated Parents and Failing Asylum Screenings. Paper presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Baltimore, MD 2019
Ryan, K. & Johnson, R. (2019, March). Frequent Mental Health Questions and Some Answers During CIT Training: Not All Forensic. Paper presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Baltimore, MD 2019
Johnson, R., Mueller, J., Jacobs, E. & Andreas, A. (2019, March) Forensic Psychological Paradigm for Copycat School Shootings. Paper presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Baltimore, MD 2019
Johnson, R., Jacobs, E., & Aviles, A. (2019, March) Facilitating Conversations About Guns with Families. Paper presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Baltimore, MD. 2019
Johnson, R. & Mueller, J. (2019, March) Police Misconduct and Serial Killer as Police Officers. Paper presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Baltimore, MD 2019
Johnson, R., Mueller, J, Jacobs, E. (2019, March) A Forensic Psychological Paradigm for Female Mass Shooters: A Psychosocial Composite. Paper presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Baltimore, MD 2019
Johnson, R. & Aviles, A. (2019, March). Immigrant Shelter Child Sexual Abuse: A Crime Embedded in a Crime that Requires Culturally Responsive Interventions. Paper presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Baltimore, MD 2019
Ryan, K. & Johnson, R. (2019, March) Can Still Get Black People Charged and Sometimes Killed: More Questions than Answers. Paper presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Baltimore, MD. 2019
Chapman, M., Johnson, R., Johnson, C., & Jacobs, E. (2018, February). Are there Ethnoracial and Policing Lessons to be Learned from Ferguson, Charlotte, and Baltimore? Presented at the55th Annual Meeting of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, New Orleans, LA. 2018
Johnson, R., Bosi, T., & Ryan, K. (2018, February). Citizen Review Boards and Police Accountability, Ethnoracial Perceptions of Legitimacy, and Procedural Justice. Presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, New Orleans, LA. 2018
Johnson, R., Chapman, M., Adamian, L., Johnson, C., & Ryan, K. (2018, February). Psychological Factors in Dealing with Transgender Issues in Policing as a Profession: Another Call for Cross-cultural responsiveness. Presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, New Orleans, LA. 2018
Johnson, R., Chapman, M., & Kuntz, R. (2018, February). Policing and Racial Trauma in Diverse Ethnoracial Citizens: A public safety urgency. Presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, New Orleans, LA. 2018
Johnson, R., Cohen, E., Adamian, L., Seger, A., & Bosi, T. (2018, February). Utility of a Circle of Trust as a Ethnoracial and Police Relational Approach for Restorative Healing of Racial Trauma. Presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, New Orleans, LA. 2018
Johnson, R., Sanders, S., Meiners, L., & Ryan, K. (2018, February). Police Officer and Ethnoracial Conflicts Over Perceived Race Conscious Behavior: An Officer Safety Paradigm. Presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, New Orleans, LA. 2018
Johnson, R., Seger, A., Meiners, L., & Ryan, K. (2018, February). Violence Against Police Officers: A Forensic Psychological Review. Presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, New Orleans, LA. 2018
Kuntz, R., Johnson, R., & Hoerschgen, K. (2018, February). ISIS Recruitment and Sociodemographics for Female Terrorists: Mindset of a Terrorist. Presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, New Orleans, LA. 2018
Mueller, J., Johnson, R., & Kuntz, R. (2018, February). Are Foreign Terrorists the New Child Molester/Rapist Inmates for Targeted Violence by Other Non-Terrorists Inmates? Presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, New Orleans, LA. 2018
Johnson, R. & Vroman, R. (2018). Practice Management, Burnout, Substance Abuse and Mandatory Reporting Obligations. Presentation at Pathways and Opportunities for Advancing the Medical and Legal Professions Through Addressing Mandatory Reporting, Disclosure of Protected Health Information, and Best Practices in Communication at the Creighton Medical- Legal Seminar, Omaha, NE. 2018
Johnson, R. (2018). Crisis Intervention Training: Police Responses for Mentally Ill Citizens. Douglas County 2018
Johnson, R. (2017, April). Clinical forensic issues for OEF/OIF/OND veterans involved in child custody or visitation cases: psychoeducational challenges. Paper presented at the American College of Forensic Psychology, San Diego, CA. 2017
Johnson, R., Chapman, M. & Meiners, L. (2017). What Forensic Psychological Lessons, if any, were Learned from the Ferguson Commission Report? Paper presented at the 54th Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Kansas City, Mo. 2017
Johnson, R., Dobleman, J.& Meiners, L. (2017). Mentally ill citizens and police officer safety as curriculum elements for Crisis Intervention 21st Century Policing: A Nebraska Public Safety Paradigm. Paper presented at the 54th Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Kansas City, Mo. 2017
Johnson, R., Dobleman, Campbell, J., & Ryan, K. (2017). Forensic psychological elements of Explicit and Implicit ethnoracial bias in police: Is this really a training issue? Paper presented at the 54th Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Kansas City, Mo. 2017
Johnson, R., Jacobs, E., Chapman, M., Thiets, R., Mueller, J., Hochstetler, E. & Barganski, M. (2017). Forensic Psychological Motives in Self-Radicalized Homegrown Terrorists. Paper presented at the 54th Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Kansas City, Mo. 2017
Johnson, R., Campbell, J., & Kuntz, R. (2017). Conflicts over Race and Perceived Racism: A Police Officer Safety Paradigm. Paper presented at the 54th Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Kansas City, Mo. 2017
Johnson, R., (2017). Campbell, J. & Ryan, K. (2017). Can Citizen Review Boards help facilitate both Police Officer and Public Safety? Paper presented at the 54th Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Kansas City, Mo. 2017
Johnson, R., Jacobs, E., Dobleman, J., Stephens, B. & Chapman, M. (2017). DSM-5 Quadrant for Juvenile Fire Setting and Bomb Making Cases. Paper presented at the 54th Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Kansas City, Mo. 2017
Johnson, R., Jacobs, E., Stephens, B., Thiets, R., Kuntz, R., & M. (2017). Are prisons really the last frontier for the recruitment and radicalization of homegrown terrorists? Paper presented at the 54th Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Kansas City, Mo. Johnson, R., Campbell, J., Stephens, B., Chapman, M., & Kuntz, R. (2017). Police involved shootings and the forensic psychological screening process: Are there lessons to be learned from Charlotte and Ferguson? Paper presented at the 54th Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Kansas City, Mo. 2017
Johnson, R., Acosta, D., Davis, N. (2016, June). Terrorism Exposed: Exploring Evidence-based Treatments for Direct and Indirect Exposure to Terrorism. Paper presented at the 97th annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science: Pacific Division: San Diego, CA. 2016
Johnson, R., Akkaya, N., Dominguez, C., Davis, N., Mueller, J., Vizcaino, C. (2016, June). What Does Science Reveal about the Forensic Psychological Mindset of Terrorists that Engage in Senseless Acts of Violence? Paper presented at the 97th annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science: Pacific Division: San Diego, CA. 2016
Johnson, R., Acosta, D., Bennett, J., Kim, J.Y.C., Mueller, J. (2016, June). What Empirically based Threat Assessment Models Are Effective in Identifying PTSD Vulnerabilities in Homeland Security Personnel? Paper presented at the 97th annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science: Pacific Division: San Diego, CA. 2016
Johnson, R., Bennett, J., Davis, N. (2016, June). The Power of Resilience: Exploring Stress Inoculation Approaches as Evidence-Based Anti-Terrorism Strategies. Paper presented at the 97th annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science: Pacific Division: San Diego, CA. 2016
Johnson, R., Cassell, T., Szakony, S. (2016, June). Arrest of Incarceration of Women of Color. Paper presented at the 97th annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science: Pacific Division: San Diego, CA. 2016
Johnson, R., Cassell, T., Collins, C. (2016, June). The Forensic of Policing in Diverse Communities: Post-Ferguson Commission Report. Paper presented at the 97th annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science: Pacific Division: San Diego, CA. 2016
Johnson, R., Acosta, D., Bennett, J., Kim, J.Y.C., Mueller, J. (2016, June). What Empirically based Threat Assessment Models Are Effective in Identifying PTSD Vulnerabilities in Homeland Security Personnel? Paper presented at the 97th annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science: Pacific Division: San Diego, CA. 2016
Johnson, R., Bennett, J., Davis, N. (2016, June). The Power of Resilience: Exploring Stress Inoculation Approaches as Evidence-Based Anti-Terrorism Strategies. Paper presented at the 97th annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science: Pacific Division: San Diego, CA. 2016
Johnson, R., Cassell, T., Szakony, S. (2016, June). Arrest of Incarceration of Women of Color. Paper presented at the 97th annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science: Pacific Division: San Diego, CA. 2016
Johnson, R., Cassell, T., Collins, C. (2016, June). The Forensic of Policing in Diverse Communities: Post-Ferguson Commission Report. Paper presented at the 97th annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science: Pacific Division: San Diego, CA. 2016
Johnson, R., Collins, C., Kim, J.Y.C. (2016, June). Culturally Responsive use of Clinical Forensic Psychological Evaluation Tools for Various Public Safety Purposes. Paper presented at the 97th annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science: Pacific Division: San Diego, CA. 2016
Johnson, R., Atiyeh, L., Davis, N., Dominguez, C., Gonzalez, B. (June, 2016). Integrating Evidence-based and Culturally Responsive Mental Health Services for Policing Diverse Communities. Paper presented at the 97th annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science: Pacific Division: San Diego, CA. 2016
Johnson, R., Kim, J.Y.C. (2016, June). Can Citizen Review Boards Fulfill a Dual Role ofFacilitating Police Accountability and Promoting Ethnoracial Trust from Diverse Communities? Paper presented at the 97th annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science: Pacific Division: San Diego, CA. 2016
Johnson, R. (2016). Ethical Misconduct Issues Related to Procedural Justice and Legitimacy as Ethnoracial Bias Factors in Police Officer Safety. Paper presented 32ND Annual Meeting of the American College of Forensic Psychology, San Diego, CA. 2016
Johnson, R. (2016). The Threat of the Islamic State. Session Chair at the 53rd Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Denver, CO. 2016
Johnson, R. (2016). Police Psychological Implications Stemming from the Ferguson Commission Report. Paper presented at the 53rd Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Denver, CO. 2016
Johnson, R., Gonzales, B. & Jacobs, E. (2016). Police Misconduct Issues Related to Procedural Justice and Legitimacy as Ethno-racial Factors in Officer Safety: A Forensic Paradigm. Paper presented at the 23RD Annual Forensic Mental Health Conference at Patton State Hospital, Patton, CA. 2016
Johnson, R. (2016). Diverse Issues in Criminal Justice Education. Session Chair at the 53rd Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Denver, CO. 2016
Johnson, R., Akkaya, N., Dominguez, C., Henry, S., Jones, P., J. Kim, C. (2016).Women of Color on Death Row in Prisons. Paper presented at the 53rd Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Denver, CO. 2016
Johnson, R., Akkaya, N., Jones, P., Mueller, J., Parker, C. (2016). Use of the DSM-5 Quadrant for Juvenile Fire Setting and Other Forensic Psychological Cases. Paper presented at the 53rd Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Denver, CO. 2016
Johnson, R., Bennett, Julie., Collins, Christine., Ryan, Kori. (2016). A Forensic Psychological Analysis of Correctional Officers and Civilians that Assist Inmates Escape. Paper presented at the 53rd Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Denver, CO. 2016
Johnson, R., Jacobs, E., Akkaya, N., Mueller, J. Kim, C. (2016). Antiterrorism as a Forensic Psychological Approach to PTSD Police Officers and Other First Responders. Paper presented at the 53rd Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Denver, CO. 2016
Johnson, R., Jacobs, E., J. Kim, C., Ryan, K. (2016). Integrating Mental Health into 21st Century Work in Corrections. Paper presented at the 53rd Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Denver, CO. 2016
Johnson, R., Ryan, K. (2016). Integrating Ethics into Interdisciplinary Teaching and Training of Criminal Justice Students. Paper presented at the 53rd Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Denver, CO. 2016
Johnson, R., J. Kim, C., Touckly, Lara., Young, Derrick. (2016). Internal Police Officer Psychocultural Conflict over Race and Racism: An Officer Safety Paradigm. Paper presented at the 53rd Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Denver, CO. 2016
Johnson, R., Jones, P., Matteson, R., Young, Derrick. (2016). Role of Citizen Review Boards as Police Accountability and Ethnoracial Trust Resources in Diverse Communities. Paper presented at the 53rd Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Denver, CO. 2016
Johnson, R. (2015). Ethical Issues and Forensic Psychological Practice Using the DSM-5Quadrant with Juvenile Fire Setting and Bomb Making. Paper presented at the 4TH Annual International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology, Atlanta, Georgia. 2015
Johnson, R., Young, D. Mueller, J. & Moreia, S. (2015). Ethical & Clinical considerations for mental health professionals working with juvenile fire setting and bomb making. Paper presented at the 4th Annual International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology, Atlanta, Georgia. 2015
Johnson, R. , Gonzales, B, & Lopez, M (2015). A Multicultural approach to assessing and treating juvenile fire setters and bomb makers. Paper presented at the 4th Annual International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology, Atlanta, Georgia. 2015
Johnson, R. (2015). Chair, Forensic Psychology & Forensic Psychiatry section at the 4TH Annual International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology, Atlanta, Georgia. 2015
Johnson, R., Kim, J.Y.C. Grace, E., & Young, D (2015). Forensic Psychology in Evaluating a Lone Wolf Terrorist: An Analysis of the New York City Cop Killer. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 96th Annual Meeting, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. 2015
Johnson, R., Jacobs, E., & Kim, J.Y.C. (2015). A Forensic Psychological Analysis of Violence against Police Officers. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 96th Annual Meeting, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. 2015
Johnson, R., Mueller, J., Saadatzadeh, Y, & Akkaya, N (2015). Self-Radicalization and the Online Violent Extremist's Use of the Internet in the Recruitment of Lone Wolf Terrorists. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 96th Annual Meeting, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. 2015
Johnson, R. Mueller, J., Henry, S. & Akkaya, N (2015). The Public's Role in Antiterrorism Aimed at Violent Extremism. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 96th Annual Meeting, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. 2015
Johnson, R., Kim, J.Y.C, Lopez, M. & Henry, S. (2015). Forensic Psychological Risk Assessment for Online Violent Extremists. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 96th Annual Meeting, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. 2015
Johnson, R., Jacobs, E., Lee, J. Y.K. & Grace, E. (2015). Group Treatment and Psychopathology: Building Community Capacity via Culturally Responsive Mental Health Services. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 96th Annual Meeting, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. 2015
Johnson, R., Jimenez, M & Kim, J.Y.C. (2015). Procedural Justice Theory around Legitimacy and Public Confidence in Community-Police Relationships. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 96th Annual Meeting, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 2015
Johnson, R., Young, D. Juarez, T & Jacobs, E. (2015). Black and Brown Level of Satisfaction Perceptions and Building Positive Community Connections to Police Departments. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 96th Annual Meeting, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. 2015
Johnson, R., Grace, E., Lee, J. Y.K., Gonzales, B. (2015). Community-Police Relations: A Muslim Perspective. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 96th Annual Meeting, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. 2015
Johnson, R., Lee, J. Y.K, Young, D. (2015). Collaboration and Diverse Citizen Participation in Police Conduct Review Boards. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 96th Annual Meeting, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. 2015
Stepensky, A., Johnson, R. (2015). A Mindfulness Based Therapeutic Perspective to Sexual Dysfunction/ Healthy Sexual Functioning in Women: Clinical Mental Health DSM-5 Implications. Poster Presentation at the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health Annual Meeting, 2015, Austin, Texas. 2015
Johnson, R. (2015). Ethical issues in working with attorneys in forensic of juvenile fire setters and bomb makers. Paper presented at the 31st Annual Symposium of the American College of Forensic Psychology, San Diego, CA. 2015
Johnson, R. & Boyd, N. (2015). Ethical Assessment of Licensed Mental Health Professional's Juvenile Fire Setters and Bomb Makers. Competence: A Forensic Psychology and Public Safety Paradigm. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Department of State Hospitals-Patton Forensic Mental Health Conference, San Bernardino, CA. 2015
Johnson, R., Kim, J.Y., Collins, C., Lee, J., Lopez, M., & Axler, D. (2015). Forensic Psychological interviews for Pre-K Youth Involved in Juvenile Fire Setting and Bomb Making. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, FL. 2015
Johnson, R., Jacobs, E., Ryan, K., Saadatzadeh Y., Lee, J., & Jimenez, M. (2015). Forensic Assessment, Selection, and Prevention of Juvenile Fire Setters and Bomb Makers for Group Treatment. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, FL. 2015
Johnson, R. (2015). Homeland Security: Forensic Analysis, Global Impact. Paper Chair at the annual conference of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, FL 2015
Johnson, R. (2015). Assessing and Responding to Domestic Terrorism in the United States. Paper Chair at the annual conference of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, FL 2015
Johnson, R., Ryan, K., Norton, E., Link, M., Grace, E., & Young, D. (2015). Clinical Forensic Psychological Ethical Issues in the Delivery of Treatment Services to Juvenile Fore Setters and Bomb Makers. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, FL. 2015
Johnson, R., Mueller, J., Collins, C., Story, S., Ross, D., & Matteson, R. (2015). Jihadist Web Postings and popular Social Media: A Forensic Psychological Analysis. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, FL. 2015
Johnson, R., Mueller, J., Henry, S., Akkaya, N., Ross, D., & Matteson, R. (2015). Forensic Psychological Perspectives in Deterring the Impact of Acts of Terrorism from ISISL and Khorasan: An Antiterrorism Paradigm. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, FL. 2015
Johnson, R., Lopez, M., Graze E., Link, M., Ross, D., Matteson, R., Henry, S., & Axler, D. (2015). A Forensic Psychological Assessment of Terrorists: An Antiterrorism Approach for Radicalized Westerners. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, FL. 2015
Johnson, R., Saadatzadeh, Y., Kim. J.Y., Grace, E., Ross, D., & Matteson, R. (2015). Forensic Psychological Mindset of an American Suicide Bomber: The Next Risk Assessment Terrorism Frontier. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, FL. 2015
Johnson, R., Kim, J.Y., Collins, C., Del Vecchio, A., & Jimenez, M., (2015). Forensic Psychological Suitability of Police Officers to Work in Racially Diverse Communities. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, FL. 2015
Johnson, R., Jacobs, E., Del Vecchio, A., Cunningham, S., Ross, D., & Matterson, R. (2015). A Forensic Psychological Perspective on Criminal Looters, Suicide by Police Seekers, and Bad Cops: An Imperfect Cross-Cultural Storm. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, FL. 2015
Johnson, R., Norton, E., Ryan, K., Lee, J., Fessler. A., & Jimenez, M. (2015). Use of Therapeutic Enhancement (TEA) with Juvenile Fire Setters and Bomb Makers. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, FL. 2015
Johnson, R., Leark R., & Ryan, K. (2014). Fire District Forensic Geospatial Psychological Profiling for Juvenile Fire Setters and Bomb Makers. Paper Presented the XIV Annual Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Toronto, Canada. 2014
Johnson, R., Leark R., Ryan, K. (2014). DSM-5 Quadrant as a Clinical-Forensic Risk Assessment Tool for Juvenile Fire Setters. Paper Presented the XIV Annual Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Toronto, Canada. 2014
Johnson, R., Jones, P., & Ryan, K. (2014) Clinical forensic psychological nuts and bolts of a juvenile arson, explosives, research and intervention center (JAERIC). Poster Presented the XIV Annual Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Toronto, Canada. 2014
Leark R., Johnson, R., Jones, P., Ryan, K., Vicenzutto, A., Galez, C., Pham, T. (2014). International collaboration on fire setting: Report on juvenile and female offenders. Symposium presented at the XIV Annual Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Toronto, Canada. 2014
Stepensky, A., Johnson, R. (2014). Clinical Mental Health Issues for the Genito-Pelvic Pain Disorder/Penetration Disorder: A DSM-5 Paradigm. Poster Presentation at the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health 2014 Annual Meeting, San Diego, California. 2014
Johnson, R., Forensic and Clinical Service Challenges in Juvenile Arson, Explosive and Research Center (2014). Symposium presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 94th Annual Meeting, Riverside, CA. 2014
Johnson, R., (2014). Forensic and Clinical Psychological Research in Uganda: Challenges for Trauma on Top of Trauma Service Delivery. Symposium presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 94th Annual Meeting, Riverside, CA. 2014
Johnson, R., (2014). Forensic and Clinical Psychological Research in Uganda: Challenges for Trauma on Top of Trauma Service Delivery. Symposium presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 94th Annual Meeting, Riverside, CA. 2014
Johnson, R., Jacobs, E., Del Vecchio, A, & Saadatzadeh, Y.M. (2014). DSM-5 Quadrant as a forensic mental health assessment approach for juvenile fire setters and bomb makers. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Mental Health Counseling Association, Seattle, WA. 2014
Johnson, R. Jacobs, E. Saadatzadeh, Y.M. & Stepensky, A. (2014). Risk Assessment Issues for Mental Health Counselors in advance of a School Shooting: A Family counseling antiterrorism paradigm. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Mental Health Counseling Association, Seattle, WA. 2014
Johnson, R, Grace, E., Jacobs, E., & Fessler, A. (2014). Clinical Issues for Mental HealthCounselors in advance of a School Shooting: Stress Inoculation Training as an Antiterrorism Strategy. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Mental Health Counseling Association, Seattle, WA. 2014
Johnson, R., Grace, E., Jacobs, E, Del Vecchio, A. & Jimenez, M. (2014). Clinical Issues for Mental Health Counselors after a School Shooting: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Mental Health Counseling Association, Seattle, WA. 2014
Johnson, R., Fessler, A. Jones, P. & Saadatzadeh, Y.M. (2014). Geopsychological Profiling of juvenile fire setters and bomb makers in San Diego County. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 95th Annual Meeting, University of California-Riverside, Riverside, CA. 2014
Johnson, R. Young, D, Jones, P., & Ryan, K., & Mueller, J. (2014). Use of a DSM-5 Quadrant with juvenile fire setters and bomb makers. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 95th Annual Meeting, University of CaliforniaRiverside, Riverside, CA. 2014
Johnson, R., Young, D., Fessler, A. & Wilson, A. (2014). Clinical decision making in the treatment of juvenile fire setters during the treatment termination phase: A second risk assessment. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 95th Annual Meeting, University of California-Riverside, Riverside, CA. 2014
Johnson, R., Jacobs, E. Saadatzadeh, Y.M., Kim, C. & Fessler, A. (2014). Mental Health Trauma Treatment for Child Burn Survivors: Risk Assessment Framework. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Mental Health Counseling Association, Seattle, WA. 2014
Johnson, R., Kim, C. & Stepensky, A. (2014). Ethical Issues for dual credentialed and licensed mental health counselors: Unrecognized malpractice risks. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Mental Health Counseling Association, Seattle, WA. 2014
Johnson, R., Grace, E., Jacobs, E. & Del Vecchio, A. (2014). Trauma and Terrorism in Uganda: An Ethical and Clinical Mental Health Paradigm. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Mental Health Counseling Association, Seattle, WA. 2014
Johnson, R., Jacobs, E., Del Vecchio, A, & Collins, C. (2014). Geopsychological Profiling of juvenile fire setters and bomb makers in San Diego County for schools. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 95th Annual Meeting, University of California-Riverside, Riverside, CA. 2014
Johnson, R., Kim, C., Saadatzadeh, Y.M., Fessler, A. & Mueller, J. (2014). The forensic psychological patterns of "No Shows" in juvenile fire setters and bomb makers. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 95th Annual Meeting, University of California-Riverside, Riverside, CA. 2014
Johnson, R., Grace, E., Wilhelm, M., Gambilado, M. & Boyd, N. (2014). An overview of East African Research & Trauma Hope (EARTH). Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 95th Annual Meeting, University of CaliforniaRiverside, Riverside, CA. 2014
Johnson, R., Grace, E, Kim, C., Saadatzadeh, Y.M., Little, M. & Koeingsberg, M. (2014). Organization and Delivery of Clinical Mental Health Services in Uganda. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 95th Annual Meeting, University of California-Riverside, Riverside, CA 2014
Johnson, R., Jimenez, M., Del Vecchio, A. & Fessler, A. (2014). Training Clinical Mental Health Counselors Ethical Decision Making: A Malpractice Risk Assessment Paradigm Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Mental Health Counseling Association, Seattle, WA. 2014
Johnson, R., Saadatzadeh, Y.M. & Kim, C. (2014). Ugandan Risk Assessment versus Western American Therapeutic Approaches for PTSD: EARTH Model. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Mental Health Counseling Association, Seattle, WA. 2014
Johnson, R. Jacobs, E., Grace, E., Wilhelm, M., Kim, C. Del Vecchio, A. & Thomas, K. (2014). Culturally-responsive Approaches for Addressing the Perceptions and Acceptability of Trauma Interventions in Uganda. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 95th Annual Meeting, University of California-Riverside, Riverside, CA. 2014
Johnson, R., Young, D., Wilhelm, M. Little, M. & Thomas, K. (2014). Group Counseling Training and Supervision for Trauma Issues Faced in Uganda: Why a Counseling Theory is Important. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 95th Annual Meeting, University of California-Riverside, Riverside, CA. 2014
Johnson, R., Thomas, K., Koenigsberg, M., Collins, C., & Gambilado, M. (2014). Culturally responsive approaches for addressing severe mental health issues associated with HIV and AIDS. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 95th Annual Meeting, University of California-Riverside, Riverside, CA. 2014
Johnson, R., Cunningham, S., & Saadatzadeh, Y.M. (2014). Can Historical Trauma and Racial Trauma be addressed in Diverse Cross-Cultural patients using DSM-5? "The Road to Cultural Competency: What Road Are You On?" Paper presented at the 6th Annual Multicultural Conference. San Diego State University, San Diego, California. 2014
Johnson, R., Inacay, R, & Gamilado, M. (2014). Diagnosis and Treatment for Trauma and Stress Related Disorders in Bisexual Women: DSM-5. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Multicultural Conference. San Diego State University, San Diego, California. 2014
Johnson, R., Yanki, J.L.,Huynh, H.T., & Jacobs, E. Saadatzadeh, Y.M., (2014). Persistent Depressive Disorder in Women from College to Older Adults: DSM-5 Implications. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Multicultural Conference. San Diego State University, San Diego, California. 2014
Johnson, R., Jacobs, E. Young, D., & Cunningham, S. (2014). Training Clinical Mental Health Counselors to use the DSM-5 in Work with Women Exposed to Military Sexual Assault: A CrossCultural Forensic Psychological Paradigm. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Multicultural Conference. San Diego State University, San Diego, California. 2014
Johnson, R., (2014). Gender and Cross-cultural Issues in Using the DSM-5. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Multicultural Conference. San Diego State University, San Diego, California 2014
Johnson, R. & Jones, P. (2014). Forensic psychological implications of geoprofiling in juvenile fire setters and bomb makers: toward culturally responsive contextual risk assessments. 30th Annual Symposium, American College of Forensic Psychology, San Diego, California. 2014
Johnson, R . (2014). Police Legitimacy and Perceptions. Chair panel session presented at the 51st annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 2014
Johnson, R., Boyd, N., Wehrle, C. & Grace, E. (2014). Clinical and Forensic Psychological Culturally-Relevant Risk Assessment Family Issues in Juvenile Fire Setters and Bomb Makers. Paper presented at the 21st annual Forensic Mental Health Conference at Patton State Hospital, Patton, California. 2014
Johnson, R . (2014). Examining Special Offender Groups and Controversial Issues in Corrections. Chair panel session presented at the 51st annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2014
Johnson, R., Boyd, N., Bartuski, G., & Grace, E. (2014). Antiterrorism, Police Officers and PTSD, A DSM-5 Paradigm. Paper presented at the 51st annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2014
Stepensky, A., & Johnson, R. (2014). Clinical Mental Health Issues for the Genito-Pelvic Pain Disorder/Penetration Disorder: A DSM-5 Paradigm. Poster Presentation at the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health 2014 Annual Meeting, San Diego, California. 2014
Johnson, R., Ryan, K., Jones, P., Pueschel, E., & Gafford, O. (2014). Juvenile Fire Setters and Bomb Makers: Forensic Psychological Update. Paper presented at the 51st annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2014
Johnson, R., Jones, P., Ryan, K., Pueschel, E., Gafford, O. (2014). Biopsychosocialcultural Parent Endorsement Patterns in Juvenile Fire Setters and Bomb Makers. Paper presented at the 51st annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 2014
Johnson, R., Jacobs, E., & Bartuski, G. (2014). Islamophobia in Police Officer Applicants: Is this a Worthy Forensic Pre-employment Psychological Screening Matter? Paper presented at the 51st annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2014
Johnson, R., Lee, J., & Wehrle, C. (2014). OEF/OIF Veterans Applying to Become Police Officers with Undiagnosed Personality Disorders: A Forensic Psychological Analysis. Paper presented at the 51st annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2014
Johnson, R., Ryan, K., & Fessler, A. (2014). Pre-employment Forensic Psychological Screening of Correctional Officers for the DSM-5. Paper presented at the 51st annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 2014
Johnson, R., Zures, C., & Garcia, A. (2014). Pre-employment Forensic Psychological Screening of OEF/OIF Veterans Applying for Correctional Officer. Paper presented at the 51st annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2014
Johnson, R . (2014). Recruitment, Testing, and Selection in Police Organizations. Chair paper section presented at the 51st annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2014
Johnson, R., and Bartuski, G. A Forensic Psychological Paradigm on Terrorism Enterprise Investigations: Is this Another Form of Racial Profiling? Paper presented at the 51st annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2014
Johnson, R., Jacobs, E., & Boyd, N. (2014). An Antiterrorism Approach for Radicalization of Inmates. Paper presented at the 51st annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2014
Johnson, R. 2014). Military Sexual Assault in OEF/OIF Female Veterans Seeking Police Officer Positions. Paper presented at the 51st annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Rose Tyson 20 Seminar in the Forensic Science, San Diego, CA. 2014
Johnson, R., Lee, J., Dixon, H. (March, 2013). Diagnosis and treatment planning from traumatized diverse Asian groups: Implications for the DSM-5 and ICD-11. The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Science, Osaka, Japan. 2013
Johnson, R. (2013). Forensically oriented police officer PTSD preparation for school shootings. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual International Conference on Forensic Research and Technology. Las Vegas, Nevada. 2013
Johnson, R., Lee, J. (June, 2013). An antiterrorism approach for promoting help seeking in Asian trauma survivors: A DSM-5 paradigm. The Hong Kong Psychological Society Annual Conference, Hong Kong, China. 2013
Johnson, R. (2013). Forensic risk assessments of juvenile fire setters based on parental endorsement responses. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual International Conference on Forensic Research and Technology. Las Vegas, Nevada. 2013
Johnson, R., Lee, J. (2013). An antiterrorism approach for promoting help seeking in Asian trauma survivors: A DSM-5 paradigm. The Hong Kong Psychological Society Annual Conference, Hong Kong, China. 2013
Johnson, R., Callahan, E., Wehrle, C., Lee, J.J., Stepensky, A., & Grace, E. (2013) Use of the DSM-5 with Juvenile Fire Setters and Bomb Makers, Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 94th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada. 2013
Johnson, R., Jones, P., & Callahan, E. (2013). Forensic Psychological Evaluations and Risks Assessments of Juvenile Fire Setters and Bomb Makers Using the CBCL. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 94th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada 2013
Johnson, R., Stepensky, A., Zures, C, (2013) Clinical and Forensic Psychological Issues in Work with Latino Juvenile Fire Setters, Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 94th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada. 2013
Johnson, R. & Jones, P. (2013). Clinical Decision Making in the Treatment of Juvenile Fire Setters Referred by the Courts: Transdisciplinary Service Coordination, Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 94th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada. 2013
Johnson, R., Stepensky, A., & Jones, P. (2013). Towards A National Data Base from A Community-Based Juvenile Fire Setter Service In San Diego County: FATJAM Program, Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 94th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada. 2013
Johnson, R., Quo, B., Zures, C., Grace, E., Garcia, A. (2013) Is There A Nexus Between Historical Trauma and PTSD Vulnerability in Military Personnel? Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 94th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada. 2013
Johnson, R., Quo, B., Wehrle, C. Wilhelm. M., Zanger, M. (2013). Evidence-Based Treatment Issues for Victims of Terrorism: Boston Marathon Explosion,. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 94th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada. 2013
Johnson, R., & Wehrle, C. (2013). Radicalization of Prison Inmates: An Antiterrorism Paradigm, Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science PacificDivision, 94th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada. 2013
Johnson, R., Fessler, A., & Garcia, A. (2013). Can Stress Inoculation Training Be Used As An Evidence-Based Antiterrorism Strategy? Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 94th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada. 2013
Johnson, R., Zures, C., & Garcia, A. (2013). Radicalization Resistance Training As An Antiterrorism Strategy: Is This A Pipe Dream? Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 94th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada. 2013
Johnson, R., Quo, B., & Wilhelm, M. (2013) A Forensic Psychological Perspective on Terrorism Enterprise Investigations or Stop-and-frisk policy. Paper presented at the Rose Tyson 20th Seminar in the Forensic Science, San Diego, California. 2013
Yanki Lee, J, Johnson, R., & Tran, L. (2013). Antiterrorism, Police and PTSD: A DSM-5 Paradigm. Paper presented at the Rose Tyson 20th Seminar in the Forensic Science, San Diego, California. 2013
Stepensky, A., Johnson, R., Fessler, A. Young, D. (2013) Mindset of a Salisfist Jihadist: Is there an antiterrorism response? Paper presented at the Rose Tyson 20th Seminar in the Forensic Science, San Diego, California. 2013
Johnson, R. & Kang, M. (2013). The Cross Cultural Road to Korean Clinical Mental Health Counseling Services. Paper presented at the 5th Annual Multicultural Conference at San Diego State University, San Diego, CA. 2013
Johnson, R. & Alejandra Stepensky, M. (2013). Cultural Assessment and Intervention for the Gender-Based Silence Related to Female Sexual Dysfunction: DSM 5 Implications. Paper presented at the 5th Annual Multicultural Conference at San Diego State University, San Diego, CA. 2013
Johnson, R., Inacay, R. & Huynh, H. (2013). Assessment & Mental Health-Interventions for Barriers to Asian Sexual Minorities in Need of Mental Health Care: Tearing Down Cultural Barriers. Paper presented at the 5th Annual Multicultural Conference at San Diego State University, San Diego, CA. 2013
Johnson, R., & Yang, J.Y. & Dixon, H.. (2013). Clinical Assessment of Help Seeking Behaviors in Traumatized Diverse Asian Clients. Paper presented at the 5th Annual Multicultural Conference at San Diego State University, San Diego, CA. 2013
Johnson, R., & Yang, J.Y. & Dixon, H.. (2013) Diagnosis and Treatment Planning from Traumatized Diverse Asian Groups: Implications for the DSM-5 and ICD-11. Paper presented at the Third Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, Osaka, Japan. 2013
Johnson, R. (2013). Art and Science of Writing Forensic Psychological Reports for OEF/OIF Veterans Applying to be Civilian Police Officers. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Forensic Psychology, San Diego, CA. 2013
Johnson, R. & Stern, L. (2013) Film Segment Use as Examples in Teaching Forensic Psychology: Case Example. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Dallas, Texas. 2013
Johnson, R. & Matteson, R. (2013) Ayuda! An Examination of the U.S. Border Patrol and its Anti-terrorism Intelligence and Enforcement Programs. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Dallas, Texas. 2013
Johnson, R. (2013). Use of Therapeutic Jurisprudence Practicums in Securing Employment Possibilities. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal JusticeSciences, Dallas, Texas. 2013
Johnson, R., Boyd, N. & Wehrle, C. (2013). Who may be rehabilitated? A case of anti-terrorism study of the mindset of enemy combatants, lone wolf and small group terrorists. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Dallas, Texas. 2013
Johnson, R., Stepenshy, A. & Wehrle, C. (2013). Transition Stress in OEF/OIF Women Veterans in New Careers as Police Officers. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Dallas, Texas. 2013
Johnson, R. with Matteson, R. (2013).: Wrongfully Convicted: Not by a Jury of My Peers…Mas Pelgroso- A Discussion with a Former Cuban Refugee and Former Death Row Inmate. Roundtable at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Dallas, Texas. 2013
Johnson, R. Boyd, N. Stepensky, A. (2013) Risk Assessment Screening Tool Assessment Screening Tool for Use in Determining Disruptive Behavior in Inmates. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Dallas, Texas. 2013
Johnson, R. (2013). Perceptions and Effectiveness of Counterterrorism Practices. Chair paper of session at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Dallas, TX. 2013
Johnson, R. & Bartuski, G. (2013) OEF/OIF Veteran Adjustments as Correctional Officers. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Dallas, TX. 2013
Johnson, R. (2013). Forensic Psychological Issues From Terrorism to Officer-Involved Shootings: U.S. Border Patrol Critical Incident Investigative Teams. Paper presented at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. 2013
Johnson, R. & Lee, J.J. (2013). Use of Clinical Mental Health Professionals in Transition Adjustment Programs for OEF/OIF Veterans as New Police Officer Recruits. Paper presented at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.. 2013
Johnson, R., Boyd, N., Tran, L. & Wehrle, C. (2013). Collaborations Between Clinical Mental Health and Police Wellness Units: A San Diego Police Department Projects. Paper presented at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.. 2013
Johnson, R., Boyd, N. & Wehrle, C. (2013). Antiterrorism Role for the Forensic Mental Health Professionals in Work with Police Officers. Paper presented at the 20th Annual Patton State Hospital Forensic Psychology Conference, Patton, CA. 2013
Johnson, R. M. & Scott, M. (2012). Interventions for Police Officers with PTSD and TBI. Paper presented at the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) 119th Annual Meeting, Police Physicians Section San Diego, CA. 2013
Johnson, R. & Greider, K. (2012). A Forensic Theoretical Foundation for Bomb Maker and Youthful Misuse of Fire Cases: Restorative Justice Paradigm. Annual Juvenile Fire Setter Conference, University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO. 2013
Johnson, R (2012). Forensic Psychology in Evaluating a Lone Wolf Terrorist: An Analysis of the Norway Killer. Symposium Program Chair at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 93rd Annual Meeting, Boise, ID. 2012
Johnson, R. (2012). Overview and Questions for Forensic Psychology in Home Grown Lone Wolf Terrorism Cases. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 93rd Annual Meeting, Boise, ID. 2012
Johnson, R. with Greider, K.N. Wehrle, C., Boyd, N. (2012). Forensic Psychology Cultural and Ethical Considerations in Homegrown Lone Wolf Terrorism Cases. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 93rd Annual Meeting, Boise, ID. 2012
Johnson, R. Wehrle, C. Greider, K. (2012). Identifying, Securing, Organizing and Reviewing Mental Health Data in the Norway Killer Case. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 93rd Annual Meeting, Boise, ID. 2012
Johnson, R. with Boyd, N. & Tran, L. (2012) Opposing Psychological Reports on the Norway Killer Case. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 93rd Annual Meeting, Boise, ID. 2012
Johnson, R. with Wehrle, C. Bessen, E. (2012). Women and Children Suicide Bombers: The Next Terrorist Frontier. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 93rd Annual Meeting, Boise, ID. 2012
Johnson, R. with Wehrle, C. & Descanio, K. (2012). Antiterrorism from an Alternate Behavioral Threat Assessment Perspective. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 93rd Annual Meeting, Boise, ID. 2012
Johnson, R (2012). The Forensic Psychology of Women Death Penalty Cases. Symposium Program Chair at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 93rd Annual Meeting, Boise, ID. 2012
Johnson, R. with Greider, K. (2012). Overview of Questions for Forensic Psychology in Women Death Penalty Cases: Teresa Lewis as a Framework. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 93rd Annual Meeting, Boise, ID 2012
Johnson, R. & Greider, K. (2012). Can a Forensic Psychological Report be Crafted in the Most Recent Women Death Penalty Cases of Lynda Lyon Block and Aileen Wuornos? Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 93rd Annual Meeting, Boise, ID. 2012
Johnson, R. with Rains, K. Descanio, K. & Boyd, N. (2012). Forensic Mental Health Cultural and Ethical Considerations in Death Penalty Cases: Wanda Jean Allen, Teresa Lewis, and Frances Newton. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 93rd Annual Meeting, Boise, ID. 2012
Johnson, R. with Bessen, E (2012). Dependent Personality Disorder as a Mitigating Factor in Death Penalty Cases, Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 93rd Annual Meeting, Boise, ID. 2012
Johnson, R. with Greider, K. & Wehrle, C. (2012). Forensic Psychology in Select Female Death Penalty Cases II: Black Widows. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 93rd Annual Meeting, Boise, ID. 2012
Johnson, R. with Tran, L. (2012). Forensic Psychology in Select Female Death Penalty Cases III: Other Mental Health Issues. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 93rd Annual Meeting, Boise, ID. 2012
Johnson, R. Grieder, K. & Descanio, K. Aleem, A. (2012). Forensic Role of Clinical Mental Health Professionals in On-scene Risk Assessment Responses in Collaboration with Police. Paper presented at the 48th annual meeting of the California Association of Marriage & Family Therapists. San Diego, CA. 2012
Johnson, R., Beckenbach, H. & Smith, K. (2012). Assessing Behavioral Disorders in NativeAmericans Presenting with Clinical and Forensic Issues: Implications for the DSM-5. Paper presented at the 48th annual meeting of the California Association of Marriage & Family Therapists. San Diego, CA. 2012
Johnson, R. & Marek, W. (2012) Professional and ethical issues in outside forensic psychological evaluations of police officers. Paper presented at the 28TH Annual Symposium of the American College of Forensic Psychology. San Francisco, CA. 2012
Johnson, R., Wehrle, C. & Boyd, N. (2012). Forensic psychology and the lone wolf terrorist. Poster presentation at the 37TH annual meeting of the Forensic Mental Health Association. Seaside, CA. 2012
Johnson, R. (2012). Ethical Decision-Making for Forensic Psychology Cases. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Science conference. New York, NY. 2012
Johnson, R. with Beckenbach, H. (2012). Integrating Forensic Issues and Restorative Justice into Clinical Mental Health Services to Native Americans. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Science conference. New York, NY. 2012
Johnson, R. with Beckenbach. H. (2012). Use of Films to Teach Risk Assessment to Students with Forensic Interests. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Science conference. New York, NY. 2012
Johnson, R. (2012). Triggering Events for Decision-Making in Forensic Fitness for Duty Evaluations of Police Officers. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Science conference. New York, New York. 2012
Johnson, R. with Wehrle, C. (2012). Forensic Psychology and Profiling of Lone Wolf Terrorists: More Questions than Answers. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Science conference. New York, New York. 2012
Johnson, R. with Brown, R. L. (2012). Forensic Psychological Considerations for Conceptualizing the Mindset of a Terrorist. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Science conference. New York, New York. 2012
Johnson, R. with Greider, K. (2012). Crafting Forensic Reports for MSO Evaluations. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Science conference. New York, New York. 2012
Johnson, R. with Beckenbach, H. & Rowlett, A. (2012) Applications of Psychotherapy Theory for Culturally Diverse Forensic Psychology Cases: DSM-5 Implications. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Science conference. New York, New York 2012
Johnson, R. with Beckenbach, H. & Wehrle, C. (2012). Cognitive-Behavior Therapy within a Forensic Psychology Setting. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Science conference. New York, New York. 2012
Johnson, R. with Beckenbach, H. & Rowlett, A. (2012). Forensic Psychology Issues in SelfMutilation Juvenile Cases. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Science conference. New York, New York. 2012
Johnson, R. with Wehrle, C. (2012). Forensic Psychological Evaluations of Police Officers for the demand of Terrorism Responsiveness. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Science conference. New York, New York. 2012
Johnson, R. with Brown, R. L. & Beckenbach, H. (2012). Advising Ethno-racially diverse students in Hostile Cultural Environments. A forensic Mental Health Paradigm. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Science conference. New York, New York. 2012
Johnson, R. with Greider, K. (2012). Intelligence Testing as a mitigating Factor in Forensic Psychology Death Penalty Cases Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Science conference. New York, New York. 2012
Johnson, R. (2012). Collaborative Risk Assessment Training for Police Officers Responding to Suicidal Citizens. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Science conference. New York, New York. 2012
Johnson, R. (2012). Ethical Decision-Making for Forensic Psychology Cases. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Science conference. New York, New York. 2012
Johnson, R. (2012). Use of Police Culture and Ethics as a Decision Making Resource in Forensic Pre-Employment Psychological Evaluations of Police Officer Applicants. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences conference. Atlanta, Georgia. 2012
Johnson, R. (2012). A Decision-Making Approach for Offering Risk Assessment Ratings in Forensic Psychological Evaluations of Police Officers. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences conference. Atlanta, Georgia. 2012
Johnson, R. with Greider, K. (2012). Use of Law Enforcement Oath of Honor in Forensic Psychological Evaluations of Police Officers. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences conference. Atlanta, Georgia. 2012
Johnson, R. (2012). Crafting Forensic Psychology Response Reports for Attorneys to Use in Appellant Hearings. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences conference. Atlanta, Georgia. 2012
Johnson, R. & Rains, K. (2012). The Four D's of Decision Making of Police Officer Applicants in Forensic Psychological Evaluations. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences conference. Atlanta, Georgia. 2012
Johnson, R. (2012). Reviewing and Synthesizing Culturally Responsive Forensic Psychological Data in Pre-Employment Psychological Evaluations. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences conference. Atlanta, Georgia. 2012
Johnson, R. (2012). Writing Forensic Psychological Reports for Police Officer Applicants: First Responders in the War on Terrorism. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences conference. Atlanta, Georgia. 2012
Johnson, R. (2012). Forensic Applications of the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) with Pre-Employment Psychological Evaluations of Law Enforcement Applicants. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences conference. Atlanta, Georgia. 2012
Johnson, R. with Greider, K. (2012). Forensic Applications of the MMPI2-RF With PreEmployment Psychological Evaluations of Police Officer Applicants. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences conference. Atlanta, Georgia. 2012
Johnson, R. (2012). Ethical and Professional Issues in Crafting Outside Evaluation Reports (OE Reports) for Police Officer Applicants. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences conference. Atlanta, Georgia. 2012
Johnson, R. (2011). Forensic Psychological Services for Youthful Misuse of Fire. Paper presented at the Annual Juvenile Fire Setter Conference. Ontario, California. 2011
Johnson, R. (2011) Cultural and Ethical Issues in Delivering Services in a Forensic Psychology Setting. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Patton State Hospital Forensic Psychology Conference, San Bernardino, California. 2011
Johnson, R with Rowlett, A., & Beckenbach, H. (2011). Applications of Psychotherapy Theory for Culturally Diverse Forensic Psychology Cases: DSM-5 Implications Paper presented at the 19th Annual Rose Tyson Forensic Science Conference, San Diego, California.. 2011
Johnson, R. (2011). Clinical and Forensic Mental Health Skill Development for Death Penalty Cases. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Rose Tyson Forensic Science Conference, San Diego, California. 2011
Johnson, R. & Brown. R.L. (2011). Preparing for Forensic Psychology Cases: Art and Science. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Rose Tyson Forensic Science Conference, San Diego, California. 2011
Johnson, R. Greider, K. & Kehret, H. (2011). Ethical and Professional Issues for Mental Health Practitioners Working in Involuntary Patient Medication Cases Paper presented at the 19th Annual Rose Tyson Forensic Science Conference, San Diego, California. 2011
Johnson, R. & Middlestewart, B. (2011). Crafting Intervention Plans for Adolescent Offenders in Forensic Psychology Settings. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Rose Tyson Forensic Science Conference, San Diego, California. 2011
Wehrle, C. & Johnson, R. (2011). Culturally Responsive Approaches within Forensic Psychology. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Rose Tyson Forensic Science Conference, San Diego, California. Johnson, R. (2011). Forensic Mental Health Nexus Between Juvenile Fire Setters and Arsonist Psychological Profiling. Poster presented at the Annual Conference American Mental Health Counseling Association, San Francisco, California. 2011
Johnson, R. & Smith, K. (2011). Counseling-Relevant Impacts of Labeling and Subjective Judgment of Adolescents in Detention Centers. Poster presented at the Annual Conference American Mental Health Counseling Association, San Francisco, California. 2011
Johnson, R. & Beckenbach, H. (2011). Clinical and Forensic Mental Health Issues for SelfMutilating Adolescents. Poster presented at the Annual Conference American Mental Health Counseling Association, San Francisco, California. 2011
Johnson, R. & Campion, K. (2011). Co-Occurring Disorders in Incarcerated Latinos: Forensic Mental Health Issues. Poster presented at the Annual Conference American Mental Health Counseling Association, San Francisco, California. 2011
Johnson, R. & Middleswart, B. (2011). Effective Pathways to Juvenile Delinquents' Mental Health. Poster presented at the Annual Conference American Mental Health Counseling Association, San Francisco, California. 2011
Johnson, R., Morrello, K. & Pedersen, A. (2011). Ethical Decision-Making with Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa: DSM-V Implications. Poster presented at the Annual Conference American Mental Health Counseling Association, San Francisco, California. 2011
Johnson, R. (2011). Overview and wrap-up questions for forensic mental health in death penalty cases. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 92nd Annual Meeting, San Diego, California. 2011
Johnson, R (2011). Care of the mental health professional in death penalty cases. Paperpresented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 92nd Annual Meeting, San Diego, California. 2011
Bessen, E.J., Johnson, R. & Bowman, B. (2011). Opposing forensic mental health reports in death penalty cases. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 92nd Annual Meeting, San Diego, California 2011
Dascanio, K & Johnson, R. (2011). IQ as a mitigating factor in death penalty cases Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 92nd Annual Meeting, San Diego, California. 2011
Bessen, E. J. & Johnson, R. (2011). Dependent personality disorder as a mitigating factor in death penalty cases. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 92nd Annual Meeting, San Diego, California. 2011
Johnson, R., & Brockhoff, S. (2011). Forensic mental health issues in domestic violence. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 92nd Annual Meeting, San Diego, California. 2011
Greider, K. & Johnson, R. (2011). Forensic mental health, cultural and ethical considerations. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 92nd Annual Meeting, San Diego, California. 2011
Johnson, R. & Beckenbach, H. (2011). Behavioral disorders or mental impairment not contained in the DSM-IV-TR: Clinical and forensic implications. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 92nd Annual Meeting, San Diego, California. 2011
Greider, K. & Johnson, R. (2011). Clinical mental health issues in death penalty cases. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 92nd Annual Meeting, San Diego, California. 2011
Campion, K. & Johnson, R. (2011). Identifying, securing, organizing and reviewing mental health data in death penalty cases. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, 92nd Annual Meeting, San Diego, California 2011
Johnson, R. Aleem, A., & Smith. K (2011) Training mental health counseling students forensic mental health assessment skills needed for culturally diverse patients. Poster presentation at the 36th annual meeting of the Forensic Mental Health Association. Seaside, CA. 2011
Johnson, R. & Beckenbach, H (2011). Adequate, Efficient Clinical Mental Health Counseling for Juvenile Inmates in California's Juvenile Correctional Settings. Poster presentation at the 36th annual meeting of the Forensic Mental Health Association. Seaside, CA. 2011
Johnson, R., Pederson, A. & Morrello K. (2011). Schizophrenia with Co-occurring Substance Use Disorder. Poster presentation at the 36th annual meeting of the Forensic Mental Health Association. Seaside, CA. 2011
Johnson, R. & Fowler, J. (2011). Developmental Immaturity and Forensic Mental Health. Poster presentation at the 36th annual meeting of the Forensic Mental Health Association. Seaside, CA. 2011
Johnson, R. & Rowlett, A. (2011). Breaking the Cycle of Violence: Effective Treatment Plans for Juvenile Offenders. Poster presentation at the 36th annual meeting of the Forensic Mental Health Association. Seaside, CA. 2011
Johnson, R. & Campion K. (2011). Co-occurring disorders in incarcerated Hispanics: Forensic mental health issues. Poster presentation at the 36th annual meeting of the Forensic Mental Health Association. Seaside, CA 2011
Johnson, R., Reynolds, M., DeBoth, K., Onsott, A., Malezadeh, P., Castro, R. Garcia, V., Malechuk, T. & Wilson, B, (2010). Developing cross-cultural competence for evidence-based practice in clinical mental health students: A forensic paradigm. Paper presented at the XXth Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP) (July, 2010, in Melbourne, Australia). 2010
Johnson, R. & Scott, M. (2010). Physical Disorders Presenting with Psych Symptoms. Paper presented at the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) 117th Annual Meeting, Law Enforcement and Technology Conference. Police Physicians Section Meeting, Orlando, Florida. 2010
Johnson, R. with Carlozzi, A (2010). Ethics and diversity considerations in psychotherapy. Poster Presentation, Division 29 (Psychotherapy). Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, California. 2010
Johnson, R. with Carlozzi, A (2010). Ethics and diversity considerations in psychotherapy. Poster Presentation, Division 29 (Psychotherapy). Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, California. 2010
Johnson, R. with Carlozzi, A, (2010). Infidelity in LGBTT relationships: challenging society and cultural assumptions. Presentation, Division 44 (LGBTT). Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, California. 2010
Johnson, R, Scott, & M. Muldoon, E. (2010). Prescription Drugs At Work The Good, The Bad & The Ugly. 4th Annual Behavior Risk Conference of the Disability Management Employer Coalition, San Diego, California. 2010
Johnson, R., Rasmussen W. Garcia, V. Beckenwith, H., Smith, K., & Reynolds, M. (2010) Developing Clinical, Forensic Assessment, and Culturally Responsive Treatment Skills in Mental Health. Paper symposia presented at the Annual Conference of the American Mental Health Counseling Association, Boston, Ma. 2010
Johnson, R. & Scott, M. (2010). Forensic ethical and risk assessment factors in law enforcement pre-employment psychological evaluations: Race matters. Paper Presented at the American College of Forensic Psychiatry 26th Annual Symposium, San Francisco, CA. Scott, M, & Johnson, R. (2010). The "epidemic" of prescription medications at work. Paper Presented at the American College of Forensic Psychiatry 28th Annual Symposium, San Francisco, CA. 2010
Johnson, R (2009) Forensic Assessment, Therapeutic Justice Assistance Services: The San Diego Model. Annual Conference Western Juvenile Fire Setters Conference at Children's' Hospital. Aurora, Colorado. 2010