Dr. Julie Manz joined the College of Nursing in 2003 as a Clinical Teaching Assistant in medical-surgical nursing, and was hired as faculty in 2005. She was promoted to Associate Professor and granted tenure in 2014. She serves as the Assistant Dean of the Undergraduate Nursing Program in which she oversees the traditional four-year and one-year accelerated BSN programs for the College of Nursing. Prior to that, Dr. Manz served as the BSN Program Chair and the Curriculum Coordinator for the Accelerated Nursing Curriculum. She offers course content in care management of populations with various medical surgical disorders, including gastrointestinal, neurological, and immune diseases. Dr. Manz's research interests are in the areas of assessment of student learning in simulated and live clinical experiences, new and emerging clinical teaching models, interprofessional education, and correctional health care. Dr. Manz is a co-developer of the Creighton Competency Evaluation Instrument (C-CEI), a 23-item instrument to evaluate student learning in simulated clinical environments. The C-CEI is utilized internationally and in all 50 states to evaluate student performance in the clinical environment.
Clinical Simulation in Nursing Manz, J. , , Tracy, M., Hercinger, M., Todd, M., Iverson, L., & Hawkins, K. Assessing competency: An integrative review of the Creighton Simulation Evaluation Instrument (C-SEI) and Creighton Competency Evaluation Instrument (C-CEI) 66, p. 66-75 2022
Journal of Interprofessional Care Jessen, J., Somers, K., Manz, J., Foster, S., Beran-Shepler, K. Competency assessment in health professions education: Development of an interprofessional situational judgment test. 2022
International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship Flott, E., Ball, S, Manz, J., Beiermann, T Supporting the transition to practice: Preceptor behaviors that foster a positive student preceptorship experience 19(1) 2022
International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship Flott, Elizabeth, Ball, Sarah; Manz, Julie; Beiermann, Trisha Supporting the transition to practice: Preceptor behaviors that foster a positive student preceptorship experience 2021
Nursing Education Perspectives Manz, J. Nursing Education Perspectives, , Iverson, L., Hawkins, K., Tracy, M., Hercinger, M., Todd, M. Assessing student performance in a dedicated education unit: Validity of the Creighton Competency Evaluation Instrument. 2021
AORN Manz, J., Williams, K., Jessen, J., Kirkpatrick, A. Addressing the perioperative nursing shortage via a perioperative nursing preceptorship for baccalaureate nursing students. 113(1), p. 52-63 2021
Nurse Education in Practice Rusch, L., McCafferty, K., Schoening, A., Hercinger, M., Manz, J. Impact of the dedicated education unit teaching model on the perceived competencies and professional attributes of nursing students 33, p. 90-93 2019
Nurse Educator Rusch, L., McCafferty, K., Schoening, A., Hercinger, M., Manz, J. Nurse preceptor perceptions of nursing student progress toward readiness for practice. 44(1), p. 34-37 2019
Journal of Interprofessional Care Iverson, L., Todd, M., Haddad, A., Packard, K., Begley, K., Doll, J., Hawkins, K., Laughlin, A., Manz, J., Wichman, C. The development of an instrument to evaluate interprofessional student team competency 32(5), p. 531-538 2018
Nurse Educator Rusch, L., Beiermann, T., Schoening, A., Slone, C., Flott, B., Manz, J., Miller, J. Defining roles and expectations for faculty, nurses, and students in a dedicated education unit model. 43(1), p. 14-17 2018
Journal of Interprofessional Care Packard, K., Ryan-Haddad, A., Begley, K., Doll, J., Hawkins, K., Laughline, A., Manz, J., Todd, M., Wichman, C. Development of an instrument to evaluate interprofessional student team competency 2017
Clinical Simulation in Nursing Manz, J., Hercinger, M., Todd, M., Hawkins, K., & Parsons, M. Improving consistency of assessment of student performance during simulated experiences 9(7), p. e229-233 2013
Clinical Simulation in Nursing Parsons, M. E., Hawkins, K. S., Hercinger, M., Todd, M., & Manz, J. A. Improvement in scoring consistency for the C-SEI, p. e1-e6 2012
Journal of Nursing Education Adamson, Katie Anne, Parsons, Mary, E., Hawkins, Kim, Manz, Julie, A., Todd, Martha, Hercinger, Maribeth Reliability and Internal Consistency Findings from the C-SEI 50(10), p. 583-586 2011
Journal of Nursing Education Hawkins, K., Todd, M., Manz, J. A unique simulation teaching method 47, p. 524-527 2008
International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship Todd, M., Manz, J. A., Hawkins, K. S., Parsons, M. E., Hercinger, M. The development of a quantitative evaluation tool for simulations in nursing education 5, p. Article41 2008
Creighton University Todd, M., Hawkins, K., Manz, J., Parsons, M., & Hercinger, M. Website developed for training in the use of the Creighton Simulation Evaluation Instrument 2014
Creighton University Manz, J., Tracy, M., & Todd, M. Resources for simulated clinical experiences at the Virtual Center for Teaching Excellence at www.creighton.edu/cte 2013
Collaborating Across Institutions: Combining Competency-Based Educational Strategies with Competency-Based Assessment. National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty (NONPF) 49th Annual Conference: Momentum and Sustainability in Advancing NP Education. Orlando, FL. 2023
Competency assessment: Balancing rigor with adaptability 8th International Nursing Education Conference. Barcelona, Spain 2022
Competency-based assessment using the CCEI and CSEI. 5th International Conference on Nursing Science & Practice. 7/20-7/22/2022. New York, NY. 2022
Implementation of an Enteral Nutrition Tool to Decrease the Frequency of Gastric Residual Volume Checks to Prevent Underfeeding in Intensive Care Patients. 33rd Annual Iota Tau Scholarship Forum. Omaha, NE 2022
Williams, K. Manz, J. Jessen, J. Kirkpatrick, A. (2022). Perioperative Partnership- 3 Ps to Increase Your Perioperative People. AORN Global Surgical Conference & Expo. New Orleans, LA, March. 2022
Creighton University College of Nursing Scholarship Salon. Creighton Competency Evaluation Instrument: Update and Future Directions 2021
Forming agents of change: IPE in a Covid-19 vaccination clinic. Nexus Summit 2021. Virtual Event sponsored by National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education founded by: Josiah Macy Jr, Foundation, the RWJF, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, US Health and Human Services Health Resources and University of Minnesota. 2021
Interprofessional competency assessment in a COVID-19 vaccination clinic. 3rd Annual Heartland Interprofessional Education Conference. Sponsored by Des Moines University; Clarkson College, UNMC, Creighton University. Virtual. 2021
Preceptors role in next generation nursing. Nurse Educators Conference in the Rockies. Copper Mountain, CO. 2021
Forming agents of change: IPE in a Covid-19 vaccination clinic. 2021 Innovation Summit for Health Professions Education. Virtual Event, Regis University; Rockhurst University; Creighton University Center for Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research (CIPER). 2021
Manz, J. Tilleman, J., Miller, M., Sharrar, T., Bogard M. (5/21/2021). Transforming turf into healing and hope. Creighton University COVID-19 vaccination clinic. 18th Annual Immunize Nebraska Conference, Omaha, NE Virtual. POSTER 2021
Prevention of cardiovascular disease through the use of the Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk Score Calculator. 31st Annual Iota Tau Research Day, Omaha, NE. 2021
Mettler, H. & Manz, J. (4/15-16/2021). Prevention of cardiovascular disease through the use of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk score calculator. University of Iowa National Evidence-Based Practice Conference 2021. 2021
Addressing the perioperative nursing shortage via a perioperative nursing preceptorship for baccalaureate nursing students. CHI Health Continuing Education Nursing Journal Club 1-2p via Zoom Omaha, NE. 2021
Using education to improve nurses understanding and acceptance of capnography monitoring. Presentation to the Graduate Nursing Faculty, Creighton University College of Nursing, Omaha, NE. 2020
Innovative assessment of interprofessional student team competency: The development of the Creighton Interprofessional Collaboration Instrument (C-ICE). AACN Baccalaureate Education Conference, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Buena Vista Palace; Orlando, Fl. 2019
Assessing Student Performance in a Dedicated Education Unit: Validity and Reliability of the Creighton Competency Evaluation Instrument (C-CEI). Creighton University Assessment Symposium 2019, Omaha, NE. 2019
Effect of dietary screening and motivational interviewing on HbA1c, BMI, and dietary habits in adults with prediabetes. 29th Annual Iota Tau Research Day, Omaha, NE. 2019
Flott, E. A., Beiermann, T. Rusch, L., Schoening, A., Slone, C., Manz, J., & Miller, J. (July 13, 2018). Defining Roles and Expectations for Faculty, Nurses, and Students in a Dedicated Education Unit. DEU Symposium Conference: Learning Today for Tomorrow's DEU. Portland, OR. 2018
Robinette, S. & Manz, J. (05/03/2018). Increasing adherence in ESRD patients. 28th Annual Iota Tau Research Day, Omaha, NE. 2018
Ryan Haddad A., Begley K., Todd M., Packard K., Laughlin A., Yee J., Doll J., Hawkins K., Iverson L., Manz J., Tracy M. (10/3/2017). The Creighton Interprofessional Collaborative Evaluation (C-ICE): An Instrument to Assess Student Interprofessional Team Interactions. Collaboration Across Boarders, VI. Banff, Alberta, Canada. 2017
Rusch, L., Oertwich, A., Schoening, A., Hercinger, M., Manz, J., McCafferty, K. (5/4/2017). Impact of a DEU teaching model on readiness for preceptorship. 27th Annual Iota Tau Research Day, Omaha, NE 2017
Alphonso, C. & Manz, J. (4/30/2017). Promoting sleep health education and awareness. 27th Annual Iota Tau Research Day, Omaha, NE. 2017
Challenging Student Situations: Advice from the Trenches. Sponsored by Creighton University Health Sciences Continuing Education 2017
Simulation in Nursing Education: Evidence & Best Practices. Sponsored by Creighton University Health Sciences Continuing Education. 2016
Dedicated Education Unit Orientation for Evaluation of Students using the Creighton Competency Evaluation Instrument. Sponsored by Creighton University Health Sciences Continuing Education 2016
Modlin, A. & Manz, J. (5/5/2016). Prevention for the prediabetic population ages 18 and older in the primary care setting. 26th Annual Iota Tau Research Day, Omaha, NE. 2016
Rusch, L., Oertwich, A., Schoening, A., Hercinger, M., Manz, J., & McCafferty, K. (11/19-11/21/2015). Quantitative outcomes of the DEU clinical teaching model. AACN Baccalaureate Education Conference, American Association of Colleges of Nursing,. Buena Vista Palace; Orlando, FL (Contributed equally in preparation of presentation) 2015
The Interactive use of the Modified Creighton Competency Evaluation Instrument (C-CEI) as a Student Driven Peer Evaluation Tool. Poster Presentation. 14th INACSL Conference, Atlanta, GA (Contributed equally in preparation of presentation). 2015
Patients or Prisoners? A Grounded Theory of How Nurses Provide Care to Inmate-Patients. 25th Annual Iota Tau Research Day, Omaha, NE. 2015
Peer evaluation of simulated clinical experiences utilizing the Creighton Competency Evaluation Instrument (C-CEI). Poster Presentation. 2015 ATI National Nurse Educator Summit, San Diego, CA. (Contributed equally in preparation of presentation). 2015
Patients or Prisoners? A Grounded Theory of How Nurses Provide Care to Inmate-Patients. Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Research Conference, Indianapolis, IN 2015
Utilizing the Creighton Competency Evaluation Instrument (C-CEI) as a Real-Time Method of Online Peer Evaluation in the Simulation Setting. Poster Presentation. Creighton University Assessment Symposium, Omaha, NE. 2015
Laughlin, A., Todd, M., Jesus, C., & Manz, J. (9/19/14). Creightons focus on health promotion/disease prevention in vulnerable populations. Caring in a Complex World: Nursing Strategies to Improve Patient-Centered Care. Continuing Education Conference sponsored by Creighton University Health Science Continuing Education. (Invited panel presentation, 1 of 4 panelists) 2014
Tools Used for Simulation Evaluation: Part II, The Creighton Simulation Evaluation Instrument, National League for Nursing Webinar. (Invited speaker). 2014
Creighton simulation evaluation model. ATI National Nurse Educator Summit, Las Vegas, NV (Invited & contributed equally in preparation of presentation, 1 of 3 presenters) 2013
An innovative strategy for improving consistency in assessment of student performance during simulated clinical experiences. 39th Annual National Conference on Professional Nursing Education and Development. Poster Presentation. Philadelphia, PA (Contributed equally in preparation of presentation) 2012
External Evaluation of Curriculum: Preceptor Perceptions of Students Readiness for Preceptorship. 39th Annual National Conference on Professional Nursing Education and Development. Poster Presentation. Philadelphia, PA (Contributed equally in preparation of presentation) 2012
An innovative strategy for improving consistency in assessment of student performance during simulated clinical experiences. 23rd Annual Iota Tau Research Day, Omaha, NE. (Contributed equally in preparation of presentation, 1 of 2 presenters). 2012
An innovative strategy for improving consistency in assessment of student performance during simulated clinical experiences. Poster Presentation. Creighton University Research Day: St. Alberts Day, Omaha, NE (Contributed equally in preparation of presentation) 2012
Development and Use of the Creighton Tool. 2011 Midwest Conference for Excellence in Clinical simulation, Lincoln, NE. (Invited & contributed equally in preparation of presentation, presented by M. Todd) 2011
Healthcare for prisoners. Attitudes & Aspirations. A Community Forum for Nursing. Healthcare ethics and the Underserved: Human vulnerability & Human flourishing. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. (Invited speaker). 2011
Update on tools for simulation evaluation. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 21 26, 2011. (Invited & contributed equally in preparation of presentation, presented by K. Hawkins & M. Hercinger) 2011
Preceptor Perceptions of Student Readiness for Preceptorship: Innovations in Curriculum Evaluation. Poster presentation: PNEG Nursing Education Conference, Baltimore, MD. (Contributed equally in preparation of presentation) 2011
Tools for simulation evaluation. 9th Annual International Nursing Simulation/Learning Resource Centers Conference. Las Vegas, NV. (Invited & contributed equally in preparation of presentation, 1 of 2 presenters) 2010
Todd, M., Manz, J., Hawkins, K., Parsons, M., & Hercinger, M. (6/17-19/2010). Tools for simulation evaluation. 9th Annual International Nursing Simulation/Learning Resource Centers Conference. Las Vegas, NV. (Invited & contributed equally in preparation of presentation, 1 of 2 presenters) 2010
Student performance across the curriculum. Medical Education Technologies, Inc., Human Patient Simulation Network Conference, Tampa, Florida. (Invited & contributed equally in preparation of presentation) 2010
Manz, J. Hawkins, K., Todd, M., Parsons, M., Hercinger, M. (9/2/2008). A Comprehensive Approach to Simulation. net2008 (Nursing Education Tomorrow) Conference, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England. (Contributed equally in preparation of presentation, presented by J. Manz) 2008
Manz, J., Hawkins, K., Todd, M., Parsons, M., Hercinger, M. (5/2/2008). Quantitative Evaluation in Simulated Clinical Experiences: The Creighton Simulation Evaluation Tool. 19th Annual Iota Tau Research Day, Omaha, NE. (Contributed equally in preparation of presentation, 1 of 2 presenters) 2008
Hawkins, K., Manz, J., Todd, M., Parsons, M., Hercinger, M. (3/26-28/2008). A Comprehensive View of Simulation. Drexel University Technologic Innovations in Nursing Education & Practice: Best practices in Informatics and Simulation Conference, Hilton Head, South Carolina. (Contributed equally in preparation of presentation) 2008
Manz, J., Hawkins, K., & Todd, M. (6/28-30/2007). Clinical Learning Through Simulation and Reflection. 7th National Conference on Nursing Skills Laboratories, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX. (Contributed equally in preparation of presentation) 2007
Nursing, New Orleans, LA. (Invited & contributed equally in preparation of presentation) Parsons, M., Hercinger, M., Todd, M., Manz, J., Hawkins, K. (6/7-9/2007). Simulation as a Teaching Strategy. National CASTL Institute. Chicago, IL. (Contributed equally in preparation of presentation) 2007
Manz, J. (Co-Investigator), Parsons, M. (Co-I), Hercinger, M. (Co-I), Todd, M.(Co-I), Hawkins, K (Co-I). Development of Training Materials for Simulation Evaluation Instrument, Sponsor: Dean’s Award, $600, 6/2009.
DAISY Award Faculty Nominee Creighton University College of Nursing
March of Dimes Heroes in Action Award March of Dimes
Heroes In Action Award Winner - Leadership Category March of Dimes
Champion of Humanistic Care Arnold P. Gold Foundation
Advocacy Award Nebraska Immunization Task Force
Positive Image in Nursing Award Nebraska Nurses Association
Distinguished Educator in Teaching as Scholarship Award Creighton University
40 Under 40 Nursing Leader Awardee, Nebraska Action Coalition.
Teaching Excellence Award for Classroom Instruction Creighton University College of Nursing ABSN Students Class of Dec 2013
Dean's Award for Faculty Excellence Creighton University College of Nursing Dean
Teaching Excellence Award Creighton University School of Nursing ABSN Students August 2012
2011 Positive Image of Nursing Award, Nebraska Nurses Association. 2011 Positive Image of Nursing Award, Nebraska Nurses Association.
Teaching Excellence Award Creighton University School of Nursing ANC Class of 2010 Creighton University School of Nursing ANC Class of December 2010
Teaching Excellence Award Creighton University School of Nursing ANC Class of December 2009
Teaching Excellence Award Creighton University School of Nursing ANC Class of August 2009
Teaching Excellence Award Creighton University School of Nursing Class of May 2007
Teaching Excellence Award Creighton University School of Nursing ANC Class of August 2006
Outstanding Omaha ANC Faculty Award Creighton University School of Nursing Class of August 2004
HCA Healthcare Corporation Consultant on Competency Assessment • Consulted with HCA Healthcare Corporate leadership to use the C-CEI for Nurse Residency Programs and Annual Nurse Competencies throughout their enterprise
o HCA Healthcare is comprised of 185 hospitals and 2000+sites of care in 20 states and the United Kingdom (4/20/2021)
HCA Healthcare Corporation 2021 - 2021