HCCA - Hitchcock Center for Communication Art - 306F
George (Guy) F . McHendry, PhD
Director, Magis Core Curriculum
Associate Professor
George F. McHendry, Jr., Ph.D. received a B.A. in Communication from Ripon College in 2006, a M.A. in Speech Communication from Colorado State University in 2008, and a Ph.D. from the Department of Communication at the University of Utah in 2013. His research examines the intersections of the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze, contemporary rhetorical theory, critical/cultural studies, and performance studies. He studies the complex array of discourses and performances that make up the public controversy over the airport security techniques adopted by the Transportation Security Administration. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Creighton University.
Research Focus
Theoretical/Methodological Areas: Rhetoric, Critical/Cultural Studies, Performance Studies, Argumentation Topical Areas: Surveillance and Security, Political Rhetoric, Social Media, Climate Change
The Rhetoric of Western Thought McHendry, George F., Jr., M. Elizabeth Thorpe, Jessica Kurr, James L. Golden, Goodwin E. Bequest, William Coleman, and J. Michael Sproule Building upon a rich legacy, the new edition of The Rhetoric of Western Thought provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of rhetoric from its inception in the ancient world, to its present day expression in contemporary practice and scholarship. 11 2020
Through the Black Mirror: Deconstructing the Side Effects of the Digital Age McHendry, George F., Jr. , 'Arkangel: Postscript on Families of Control' In T. Sweeney and S. Joy, Though the Black Mirror. 2019
Affect, Emotion, and Rhetorical Persuasion in Mass Communication Bodtkee, Jaimee, George F. McHendry, Jr. Chapter in L. Zhang and C. Carlton 2019
Argumentation and Advocacy McHendry, George F. Jr., “Instagrams that Wound: Punctum, Visual Enthymemes, and the Visual Argumentation of the Transportation Security Administration.” Argumentation and Advocacy 53(4) 2017. 53(4), p. 310-326 2017
Argumentation and Advocacy Paliewicz, Nicholas and George F. McHendry, Jr., “When Good Arguments Do Not Work: Post-Dialectics, Argument Assemblages, and the Networks of Climate Skepticism.” Argumentation and Advocacy 53(4) 2017. 53(4), p. 287-309 2017
Macmillian Learning McHendry, Jr., George F., Kirby, Erika, & Leighter, Jay. “John Oliver’s Long Rants: Teaching the Modes of Persuasion in an Online Public Speaking Class.” In J. Seiter, J. Peeples, and M. Sanders (Eds), Communication in the Classroom: A Collection of GIFTS. 2017, Macmillan Learning., p. 65-69 2017
Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies McHendry, George F. Jr., “Thank You for Participating in Security: Engaging Airport Security Checkpoints via Participatory Critical Rhetoric.” Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies 16(6) 2016. 16 (6) 2016
Journal of Contemporary Rhetoric Martin, Steve and George F. McHendry, Jr., “Kaepernick’s Stand: Patriotism, Protest, and Professional Sports.” Journal of Contemporary Rhetoric 6(3/4) 2016. 6 (3/4) 2016
Debates for the Digital Age by Danielle Sarver Coombs and Simon Collister, Editors Finding Fascism in the Comments Section: Online Responses to Viral Videos of the Transportation Security Administration 2015
Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts McHendry, George F. Jr., “The Re(d)active Force of the Transportation Security Administration.” Criticism 57 (2) 2015. 57 (2) , p. 211-233 2015
Southern Communication Journal McHendry, George F.; Middleton, Michael K.; Endres, Danielle; Senda-Cook, Samantha; O'Byrne, Megan. Rhetorical Critic(ism)'s Body: Affect and Fieldwork on a Plane of Immanence. 79, p. 293-310 2014
Border Rhetorics Edited by D. Robert DeChaine Hasain, Jr., Marouf and George F. McHendry, Jr. “The Attempted Legitimation of the Vigilante Civil Border Patrols, the Militarization of the Mexican-U.S. Border, and the Law of Unintended Consequences” In Daniel Robert Dechaine, Border Rhetorics: Charting Enactments of Citizenship and Identity on the U.S.-Mexico Frontier (August 30, 2012, University of Alabama Press). 2012
Liminalities McHendry, George F. Jr., “Fascism & The Classroom.” 8(2) 2012
Environmental Communication-a Journal of Nature and Culture McHendry, George F. Jr., “Whale Wars and the Axiomatization of Image Events on the Public Screen.” Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture 6(2) 2012. Lead Article. 6 (2) 2012
White House Studies McHendry, George F. Jr. and Karrin Vasby Anderson, “Commemorating Freedom’s Flight: The Space Shuttle as Partisan Vehicle in Presidential Eulogies.” 11(2) 2011
Argumentation and Advocacy Paliewicz, Nicholas, George F. McHendry, Jr. Argumentation is in the midst of a crisis that imperils deliberative rhetoric from working how it should when good arguments matter most. Rising trends of verbal aggression, hostility, and control in political contexts, which violate most argumentative norms but garner populistic adherence, are not only troubling for argumentation but also for the sustainability of life itself when it comes to the issue of global climate change. We argue that desires to control ideas and attitudes toward the environment demonstrate what we call fascistic argument—a form of argumentation that regales the domination of materialities, discourses, and bodies through nationalistic structures of feeling. Fascistic argument is one of many possible implications of a post-dialectical turn in argumentation, a perspective which understands argument as a constellation of assemblages, affects, and forces rather than a process of testing and contesting good reasons. We explore the rise of fascistic argument as an effect of the failure of reason to compel policy. This failure generates a contagion of affects and desires that control the argumentative process and infect dialectic debates aimed at achieving consensus. 56(3) 2020
Rhetoric and Society Quarterly Larson, Kyle, George F. McHendry, Jr. We introduce parasitic publics as a necessary, generative addition to scholarship on publics and counterpublics. Parasitic publics are reactionary discursive spaces formed residually and institutionalized affectively through the invention, circulation, and uptake of demagogic rhetorics. They feed off of oppressive conditions in the public sphere by (1) articulating with dominant discourses to exploit dominant publics centripetal force and (2) safeguarding the assemblage of dominant publics against counterdiscursive challenge. To illustrate and elaborate on this concept, we use articulation theory to analyze a highly organized white nationalist collective that swarms digital forums and comment sections. Founded by a former Republican congressional aid and Ronald Reagan appointee, this collective maintains training podcasts on their politics and debate strategies, two different databases of copy-and-paste rhetorics, two rhetorical style guides, and a subforum through which they direct each other to swarm digital spaces. We conclude with implications for future research on contemporary public spheres. 49(5) 2019
Editing and Reviews
Palgrave Macmillan McGreavy, Bridie, Justine Wells, George F. McHendry, Jr., Samantha Senda-Cook. Tracing Rhetoric and Material Life: Ecological Approaches. 2018, Palgrave MacMillan. 2017
Kirby, Erika, Kuhn, Timothy, McBride, M. Chad, McHendry, Jr., George F., Meisenbach, Rebecca, Remke, Robin, and Wieland, Stacy. "Opting (Back) In to Paid Work: A Capitalist, Gendered, Classed, Careerist Analysis." National Communication Association, Organizational Communication Division. November 2016, Philadelphia, PA. 2016
Paliewicz, Nicholas and McHendry Jr., George F. "Manufacturing Dissent: The Forms and Functions of Corporate Arguments in the Global Climate Change Controversy and the Limits of the Idea of the Public Sphere." National Communication Association, Argumentation and Forensics Division. November 2016, Philadelphia, PA. Top Paper Panel. 2016
McHendry, George F. Jr., "Opting in from a Cultural Studies Lens." Panel Presentation, Multiple Perspectives on "Opting In": Scholars Respond to the Women of the "Opt-Out Revolution" Who (10 Years Later) "Want Back In, National Communication Association, Organizational Communication Division, November 2014. 2014
McHendry, George F. Jr., "Embodying Resistance: De Certeau and Bordieu Ground Rhetorics Materiality." Panel Presentation, (Re)Historicizing New Materialist Methodologies \National Communication Association, Rhetorical and Communication Theory Division, November 2014. 2014
McHendry, George F. Jr., "Women and the Web." Lieben Center, Creighton University, February 12, 2014, Panelist, Omaha, NE. 2014
McHendry, George F. Jr., "Deleuze and Rhetoric." Ripon College Department of Communication, Communication 326, Historical Development of Rhetorical and Communication Theory, December 11, 2013, via WebEx. 2013
McHendry, George F. Jr., "Rape Culture, Rape Prevention, and Masculinity." Your Community Center, April 2012, Orem, UT. 2012
McHendry, George F. Jr. "Whale Wars and the Axiomatization of Image Events on the Public Screen." National Communication Association, Environmental Communication Division, November, 2010, San Francisco, CA. 2010
McHendry, George F. Jr. "Liminal Space and Social Movements: Strategies, Tactics, and the Religious Right." Western States Communication Association, Rhetoric and Public Address Interest Group, March, 2010, Anchorage, AK 2010
Top Paper Top Paper, Performance Studies Division, 2015 Western States Communication Association Conference, Spokane, WA, February, 2015. "Problematizing the Reliance on Sex as a Biological Binary: Gender as Communication and Performance in TSA's Advanced Imaging Technology." 2015 Western States Communication Association Conference
Top Paper Top Paper, Performance Studies Division, 2014 Western States Communication Association Conference, Anaheim, CA, February, 2014. "The Airport as Repertoire and my Becoming-Rhetorician." 2014 Western States Communication
Steffensen Cannon Graduate Scholarship 2012/2013 Steffensen Cannon Graduate Scholarship for Graduate Study at the University of Utah Awarded for to facilitate the completion of my Dissertation Research. University of Utah
Campus Commitment Award Recipient, Campus Commitment Award, Colorado State University, Spring 2008. Colorado State University
College of Liberal Arts Excellence in Teaching Award (Graduate Student Assistant) Recipient, College of Liberal Arts Excellence in Teaching Award (Graduate Student
Assistant), Colorado State University, Fall 2007. Colorado State University