Reviews in cardiovascular medicine Foley Olivia, Bin Abdul Jabbar Ali, Millner Paul, Hammond Rebecca, Au Kristine, Asghar Noureen, Tauseef Abubakar, Mirza Mohsin, Disparities in Mitral Valve Disease Associated with Heart Failure 25:4, p. 129 2024
Proceedings - Baylor University. Medical Center Schelzel George, Palicherla Anirudh, Millner Paul, Tauseef Abubakar, Low-dose methotrexate toxicity leading to pancytopenia: leucovorin as a rescue treatment, p. 1 - 5 2023
Journal of family medicine and primary care Abodunrin Faith, Masih Durva, Khan Saber, Teplitsky Ella, Mirza Mohsin, Mirza Muazzam, Siddiqui Sameed H, Tauseef Abubakar, Millner Paul, Zafar Maryam, Bevacizumab combined with platinum-based chemotherapy in primary or relapsed ovarian cancer patients: Meta-analysis and literature to review 12:11, p. 2797 - 2023
The American journal of gastroenterology Sobczyk Patricia, Saurabh Chandan, Suhail Sidhu, Millner Paul, Mukherjee Sandeep, S2549 A Case of Acute Diverticulitis Without Diverticula 118:10S, p. S1773 - S1774 2023
Microorganisms (Basel) Swaney Richard, Millner Paul G., Selim Mohammad, Destache Christopher J., Velagapudi Manasa, Jokomo-Nyakabau Rutendo, Nguyen Anny A. N., Kenny Dorothy, Diagnosis and Outcomes of Fungal Co-Infections in COVID-19 Infections: A Retrospective Study 11:9, p. 2326 2023
Critical care medicine Swaney Rick, Millner Paul, Velagapudi Manasa, Destache Chris, Nguyen Anny, Kenny Dorothy, Jokomo-Nyakabau Rutendoj, 461: UTILITY OF FUNGAL BIOMARKERS IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS WITH COVID-19 AND FUNGAL COINFECTION 51:1, p. 218 - 218 2023
The American journal of gastroenterology Reiche William, Schutte Bryce, Suhail Sidhu, Darby Keirns, Durva Masih, Isaac Burright, Millner Paul, Bradley DeVrieze, Venkata Andukuri, Mukherjee Sandeep, S1270 Reducing Inappropriate Serum Venous Ammonia Ordering: A Quality Improvement Initiative 117:10S, p. e917 - e918 2022
Jokomo-Nyakabau R., Velagapudi M., Mendoza N., Vivekanandan R., Millner P., A Rare Presentation of 'the Forgotten Disease': Septic Thrombophlebitis of the Internal Jugular Vein (Lemierre’s Syndrome) Complicated by Empyema and Pyogenic Brain Abscess 2022
Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine Lambrecht Jason E., Zhang Kang, Tierney David M., Millner Paul, Giovannini David, Barron Keith, Novak William, Patel Sanjay A., Dversdal Renee, Cox Emily J., LoPresti Charles M., Integration of Point-of-Care Ultrasound Education Into the Internal Medicine Core Clerkship Experience 41:1, p. 33 - 40 2022
Chest Lambrecht JASON, Narechania SHRADDHA, Morrow LEE, Sheridan NICHOLAS, Graumann EVAN, Millner PAUL, Devrieze BRAD, Cavalieri STEPHEN, Walters RYAN, POINT-OF-CARE ULTRASOUND: TO CLEAN OR NOT TO CLEAN 160:4, p. A1017 - A1017 2021
Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) Ahmed Moeed, Millner Paul G, Sanchez Thomas, Norgbe Selinam, Picking Christopher R, Rasburicase-Induced Methemoglobinemia 13:4, p. e14406 2021
Chest Jackson Ian, Pajjuru Venkata, Varghese Marisa, Nayfeh Ali, Andukuri Venkata, Millner Paul, Landeen Carolina, Walters Ryan, IN-HOSPITAL OUTCOMES OF ACUTE COPD EXACERBATION IN ELDERLY PATIENTS WITH DEMENTIA: A NATIONWIDE ANALYSIS 158:4, p. A1815 - A1815 2020
Chest Mueller Kenneth, Gastelum Alheli Arce, Alberts Jared, Millner Paul, DePew Zachary, HIGH GRADE SARCOMA WITH MYXOID FEATURES 158:4, p. A1542 - A1543 2020
Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) Dehal Navdeep, Gastelum Alheli Arce, Millner Paul G., Neurofibromatosis-Associated Diffuse Lung Disease: A Case Report and Review of the Literature 12:6 2020
Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine Kousa Omar, Essa Amr, Ramadan Bashar, Aly Ahmed, Awad Dana, Zhao Xing, Millner Paul, Multiorgan fatal gas gangrene in the setting of clostridium septicum bacteremia: a case report 4, p. 21 - 21 2020
Intractable and Rare Diseases Research Qasim Abdallah, Mansour Mohamed, Kousa Omar, Awad Dana, Abuhazeem Bader, Millner Paul, Velagapudi Manasa, A case of coronavirus disease 2019 in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patient 9:4, p. 256 - 259 2020
Critical Care Medicine Jhand Aravdeep, Munir Ahmed, Macaraeg Jeffrey, Walters Ryan, Millner Paul, Andukuri Venkata, Impact of Anemia on Mortality of Patients with Acute COPD exacerbation 47, p. 525 - 525 2019
Cureus Parekh Jai D, Iguidbashian John, Kukrety Shweta, Guerins Kelsey, Andukuri Venkata, Millner Paul G, A Rare Case of Isolated Left Ventricular Non-compaction in an Elderly Patient 2018
Jokomo R., Velagapudi . Millner PG. A Rare Presentation of "the Forgotten Disease": Septic Thrombophlebitis of the Internal Jugular Vein (Lemierres Syndrome) Complicated by Empyema and Pyogenic Brain Abscess - Presented at ATS 2022. 2022
Darland H, Schutte B, Palicherla A, Thirumalereddy J, Millner P. Bilateral Endogenous Bacterial Endophthalmitis Secondary to MRSA Bacteremia. Nebraska Chapter American College of Physicians Virtual Poster Competition. October 7, 2021. Poster 2021
Kenneth Mueller MD, Alheli Arce Gastelum MD, Jared Albers MD, Paul Millner MD, Zachary Depew MD. High Grade Sarcoma with Myxoid Features. Presented at CHEST 2020. 2020
Pinjala A, Addula M, Millner PG. Recurrent Transient Dysarthira due to FOLFIRINOX. E-Poster Presentation at AVAHO 2020. 2020
Pajjuru V, Millner PG. Late Complications After Aortic Root Replacement in a Patient with Marfan Syndrome. Poster Presentation at SGIM 2019. 2019
Jhand A,, Munir A, Macaraeg J, Walters R, Millner P, Andukuri V. Impact of Anemia on Mortality of Patients with Acute COPD Exacerbation. Accepted for presentation at the Critical Care Congress 2019. 2019
Wittenburg Z, Kumar M, Millner PG, Velagapudi M. Sour Milk is Bad for your Bones. Presented at Nebraska ACP 2018. 2018
Hu H, Millner PG. Darier-White: A rare skin disorder. Presented at Nebraska ACP 2018. 2018
Griffin E, Millner PG. Rhabdomyolysis in a Patient with Legionnaires Disease. Presented at Nebraska ACP 2018. 2018
Lambrecht JE, Millner PG, Matthias T, Smith C. Point of Care Ultrasound Hands-On Training Session. Presented at ACP Nebraska Chapter Meeting 2018. 2018
A.S. Jhand, M.F Anwar, O. Bhatty, P.G. Millner, Z.S. DePew. Histoplasmosis: A great imitator. Presented at ATS 2018. 2018
Aravdeep Jhand, Amr Essa, Abhishek Thandra, Paul Millner. Choose your pain: Headache or Heartache. A case of sumatriptan induced myocardial infarction. Presented at SGIM 2018. 2018
M.F Anwar, A.S. Jhand, O. Bhatty, P.G. Millner, Z.S. DePew. Histoplasmosis: A great imitator. Presented at Nebraska ACP 2017. 2017
Aravdeep Jhand, Abhishek Thandra, Paul Millner. Left ventricular non-compaction(LVNC) as the cause of cardiomyopathy in a patient presenting with heart failure. Presented at Nebraska ACP 2017. 2017
Sen, R, Millner P, George E, Valenta C. Decreased Usage of Unnecessary Daily Labs. Presented at Nebraska ACP. 2017. 2017
Millner P, Zelus C, Cichowski E. Multifocal, Bilateral, Synchronous Neck Masses. Presented at Society of General Internal Medicine in Washington D.C. 2017. 2017
Millner P, Sen R, George E, Valenta C. Decreased Usage of Unnecessary Daily Labs. Presented at CUMC QI Symposium in Omaha NE. 2017.
Millner P, Jagadesh S, Lambrecht J. Medication Induced Renal Failure in an HIV Patient. Presented at Regional American College of Physicians Conference in October 2016
Millner P, Wong G, Vallabhajosyula S, Nawaz M, Alsuwaidan A, Polich A. Ezcema Herpeticum: A Severe Manifestation of Herpes Simplex Infection. Presented at Society of Hospital Medicine Conference in Washington D.C. in March 2015.
Lee J, Hoang P, Millner P, Weber W, Malesker M. Diabetic ketoacidosis secondary to intolerance with inhaled insulin. Presented by Jacky Lee and Hoang Pham at ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting 2015. (Reviewer)