Kelly K . Nystrom, PharmD, BCOP

Director, Director for School Educational Data and Outcomes, Office of the Dean - SPAHP

Associate Professor


School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
Pharmacy Faculty
Pharmacy Practice
Faculty - Pharmacy, OT, PT
Office of Academic and Student Affairs Faculty
CRISS III - Criss 3 - 154F

Kelly K . Nystrom, PharmD, BCOP

Director, Director for School Educational Data and Outcomes, Office of the Dean - SPAHP

Associate Professor

Teaching Interests

  • Oncology

Research Focus

Pharmacy Remediation
IPE Palliative Care


Pharmacy Practice


Associate Professor


  • American journal of pharmaceutical education
    Nystrom Kelly, A Remediation Program to Promote On-Time Graduation and Reduce Student Attrition
    87:8, p. 100416 2023
  • Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice
    Kirkpatrick Amanda J., Building interprofessional team competence through online synchronous simulation of palliative care scenarios
    27 2022
  • Journal of Pharmacy Practice
    Pick Amy M., Nonchemotherapy Drug-Induced Neutropenia and Agranulocytosis: Could Medications be the Culprit?
    27:5, p. 447 - 452 2014
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Nystrom Kelly K., An oncology pharmacy practice elective course for third-year pharmacy students.
    77:1, p. 12 2013
  • Clinical Therapeutics
    Pick Amy, Pazopanib for the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma
    34:3, p. 511 - 520 2012
  • Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice
    Pick Amy M., Fatal hepatic and renal toxicity as a complication of trabectedin therapy for radiation-induced sarcoma
    16:4, p. 269 - 272 2010
  • Pharmacotherapy
    Pick Amy M., Temozolomide-induced desquamative skin rash in a patient with metastatic melanoma
    28:3, p. 406 - 409 2008
  • American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy
    Davis Estella M., Patient satisfaction and costs associated with insulin administered by pen device or syringe during hospitalization
    65:14, p. 1347 - 1357 2008
  • Southern Medical Journal
    Foral Pamela A., Oxycodone accumulation in a hemodialysis patient
    100:2, p. 212 - 214 2007
  • Hospital Pharmacy
    Nystrom Kelly K., Personal digital assistant (PDA) clinical intervention documentation system: Development, implementation, and comparison to a previous paper-based system
    41:2, p. 143 - 150 2006
  • ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting
    Nystrom Kelly K., Justifying a medication reconciliation program at a community health system, p. P - 184D 2005
  • Nystrom Kelly K, Book Review: The Breast Cancer Care Book: A Survival Guide for Patients and Loved Ones 2004
  • Drugs of Today
    Foral Pamela A., Gastrointestinal-related adverse effects of COX-2 inhibitors
    39, p. 939 - 948 2003
  • Hospital pharmacy (Philadelphia)
    Wilson Amy Friedman, A Review of Clinical Pharmacy Interventions Prior to Implementation of a Personal Digital Assistant Intervention Program in a Community Hospital
    38:11, p. 1047 - 1051 2003
  • Pharmacotherapy
    Foral Pamela A., Gastrointestinal bleeds associated with rofecoxib
    22, p. 384 - 386 2002


  • Selig, C., Kirkpatrick, A., Hercinger, M., Chapple, H., Iverson, L., Jorgensen, D., Nystrom, K., Pick, A., Shirley, N., & Thinnes, A. Interprofessional team development through virtual palliative care simulations. Midwest Nursing Research Symposium (MNRS) 44th Annual Research Conference. Shaumburg, IL, April 1-4, 2020. 2020
  • Shirley, N., Thinnes, A., Nystrom, K., Kirkpatrick, A., Chapple, H., Hercinger, M., Iverson, L., Jorgensen, D., Pick, A., & Selig, C. Interprofessional competence development through online palliative care education. 2nd Annual Arizona Nexus Interprofessional Conference. Glendale, AZ, November 15-16, 2019. 2019
  • Thinnes, A., Nystrom, K., Kirkpatrick, A., Chapple, H., Hercinger, M., Iverson, L., Jorgensen, D., Pick, A., Selig, C., & Shirley, N. Interprofessional competence development through online palliative care education. 2019 University Assessment Symposium Office of Academic Excellence. Omaha, NE, October 25, 2019. 2019
  • Selig, C., Kirkpatrick, A., Thinnes, A., Hercinger, M., Chapple, H., Iverson, L., Jorgensen, D., Nystrom, K., Pick, A., & Shirley, N. Interprofessional team development through virtual palliative care simulations. 2019 University Assessment Symposium Office of Academic Excellence. Omaha, NE, October 25, 2019. 2019
  • Kirkpatrick, A., Chapple, H., Hercinger, M., Iverson, L., Jorgensen, D., Nystrom, K., Pick, A., Selig, C., Shirley, N., & Thinnes, A. A VISion for collaboration through online palliative care education. Collaborating Across Borders VII Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Peer-reviewed. Invited. October 20-23, 2019. 2019
  • Nystrom KK. Breast Cancer: Treating Second Base. Metro Omaha Coders Association. Omaha, NE October 12, 2019. 2019
  • Kirkpatrick, A., Iverson, L., Chapple, H., Hercinger, M., Jorgensen, D., Nystrom, K., Pick, A., Selig, C., Shirley, N., & Thinnes, A. Interprofessional team development through virtual palliative care simulations. 2019 Heartland Interprofessional Education (HIPE) Conference. Omaha, NE, August 1-2, 2019. 2019
  • Thinnes, A., Nystrom, K., Kirkpatrick, A., Chapple, H., Hercinger, M., Iverson, L., Jorgensen, D., Pick, A., Selig, C., & Shirley, N. Interprofessional competence development through online palliative care education. 2019 Heartland Interprofessional Education (HIPE) Conference. Omaha, NE, August 1, 2019. 2019
  • Selig, C., Kirkpatrick, A., Thinnes, A., Hercinger, M., Chapple, H., Iverson, L., Jorgensen, D., Nystrom, K., Pick, A., & Shirley, N. Interprofessional team development through virtual palliative care simulations. 30th Annual Iota Tau Research Day. Creighton University, Omaha, NE, May 2, 2019. 2019
  • Selig, C., Kirkpatrick, A., Thinnes, A., Hercinger, M., Chapple, H., Iverson, L., Jorgensen, D., Nystrom, K., Pick, A., & Shirley, N. Interprofessional team development through virtual palliative care simulations (poster presentation). 2019 Creighton University (St. Alberts) Research Day. Omaha, NE, April 2, 2019 2019
  • Brongiel S, Nystrom KK, Silberstein P. Chemotherapy patient education assessment and quality improvement in an academic center oncology outpatient clinic. American Society of Health-System Pharmacy 53rd Annual Midyear Clinical Meeting. Anaheim, California. December 6, 2018.Brongiel S, Nystrom KK, Silberstein P. Chemotherapy patient education assessment and quality improvement in an academic center oncology outpatient clinic. ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting 2018:53 2018
  • Alcorn A, Nystrom KK, Fuji KT. Evaluation of an in-house vancomycin protocol in a community teaching hospital. American Society of Health-System Pharmacy. 52nd Annual Midyear Clinical Meeting. Orlando, Florida. December, 4, 2017.Abstract: Alcorn A, Nystrom KK, Fuji KT. Evaluation of an in-house vancomycin protocol in a community teaching hospital. Abstract #: 378846. ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, 2017. 2017
  • Nystrom KK. Targeted Therapies for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Midwest College of Clinical Pharmacy, Creighton University, Omaha, NE March 3, 2015 2015
  • Nystrom KK. Drugs for Treatment of Diarrhea and Constipation with an Ostomy. Ostomy Support Group, Methodist School of Nursing, Omaha, NE March 2, 2015 2015
  • Nystrom KK. Drug Issues with Colon Cancer. Colorectal Support Group. American Cancer Society, Omaha, NE September 18, 2014. 2013
  • Nystrom KK. Complementary and Alternative Medication Use in Leukemia and Lymphoma. Leukemia Lymphoma Support Group, Omaha, NE January 8, 2013 2013
  • Nystrom KK. New Therapies in Multiple Myeloma. Multiple Myeloma Support Group. March 2012. 2012
  • Nystrom KK. Controversies in Care: Peripheral Neuropathy, 7th Annual Conference, Hematology Oncology Pharmacy Association, Salt Lake City, UT. Peer-reviewed. Invited. March 25, 2011. 2011


  • Alcorn A (CO-PI), Nystrom KK (CO-PI), Fuji KT. Evaluation of an in-house vancomycin protocol in a community teaching hospital. SPAHP Student Research Program. School of Pharmacy and Health Professions Internal Gran. $3,000. January 2017-September 2018.


  • Alcorn A (CO-PI), Nystrom KK (CO-PI), Fuji KT. Evaluation of an in-house vancomycin protocol in a community teaching hospital. SPAHP Student Research Program. School of Pharmacy and Health Professions Internal Grant.

  • Kirkpatrick, A., Chapple, H., Hercinger, M., Iverson, L., Jorgensen, D., Nystrom, K., Pick, A., Selig, C., Shirley, N., & Thinnes, A. Interprofessional Team Development Through Virtual Palliative Care Simulations: Funding for Standardized Patients. Submitted September 2019 for Dean’s Faculty Research Grant from Creighton University College of Nursing.

  • Kirkpatrick, A., Chapple, H., Hercinger, M., Iverson, L., Jorgensen, D., Nystrom, K., Pick, A., Selig, C., Shirley, N., & Thinnes, A. Interprofessional Team Development Through Virtual Palliative Care Simulations: Funding for Standardized Patients. Submitted January 2019 for Faculty Research Grant from Creighton University Graduate School.


  • CHI National Pharmacy Vision and Innovation Award
    CHI National
  • Nursing Excellence Research Award and Platform
    Alegent Health System