Tirimba Obonyo, PhD, CFA

Associate Professor

Economics and Finance

T Obonyo


Heider College of Business
Economics & Finance - Business
Graduate School
Finance (Master's)
Investment Management and Financial Analysis (Master's)
African Studies
HARP - Harper Center for Student Life & Learn

Tirimba Obonyo, PhD, CFA

Associate Professor

Economics and Finance


Economics and Finance


Associate Professor


  • Applied Economics Letters
    With C. Braymen & N. Woessner, This article examines the relationship between US dollar-denominated debt and the correlations between the equity markets of 31 countries from 2007 to 2016. Our results indicate that the balance sheet mismatch imposed by the issuance of dollar-denominated debt by foreign firms leads to a common risk factor that extends across international boundaries. These results suggest that dollar-denominated debt should be considered in the design of internationally diversified equity portfolios alongside other factors of economic integration such as trade and foreign direct investment.
    28, p. 1021-1025 2020