How‐to Manual for Pacemaker and ICD Devices Roka Attila, Upadhyay Gaurav, Singh Jagmeet, Heist E. Kevin, How to Maximize CRT Response at Implant [Book Chapter] 2018
Roka Attila, Das Mithilesh R, Vonend Oliver, Min Mart, Research collection on Pacemakers 2014
Roka Attila, Roka Attila, Current issues and recent advances in pacemaker therapy 2012
Roka Attila, Atrioventricular Conduction in Atrial Fibrillation : Pathophysiology and Clinical Implications [Book Chapter] 2012
Roka Attila, Electrocardiographic Troubleshooting of Implanted Cardiac Electronic Devices [Book Chapter] 2012
Béla Merkely, Attila Róka, Ritmuszavar és szívelégtelenség kezelése beültethető eszközökkel 2009
The Journal of innovations in cardiac rhythm management (Print) Roka Attila, Srikanth Kishan K., Abuissa Hussam, Hidden in Plain Sight—An Unusual Case of Acute-onset Persistent Dyspnea 14:7, p. 5504 - 5508 2023
Heart rhythm Abusnina Waiel, Kousa Omar, Abuissa Hussam, Roka Attila, Halawa Ahmad, PO-04-087 NOT ALL THAT SHINES IS GOLD AND NOT EVERY LIGHT UP ON PET SCAN IS CARDIAC SARCOIDOSIS 20:5, p. S551 - S551 2023
The Journal of innovations in cardiac rhythm management (Print) Abuissa Hussam, Roka Attila, How to Perform a Completely Fluoroless Ablation 14:5, p. 5455 - 5464 2023
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Ahmed Arslan, Roka Attila, Mohammed Selma, Abuissa Hussam, Halawa Ahmad, HYPERTROPHIC CARDIOMYOPATHY AND LONG QT SYNDROME, RISK OF SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH, AND IMPORTANCE OF GENETIC TESTING - A CASE REPORT 81:8, p. 3250 - 3250 2023
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Roka Attila, Solsi Anup, Abuissa Hussam, Halawa Ahmad, MULTIPOINT ESOPHAGEAL TEMPERATURE MONITORING DURING COMPLETELY FLUOROLESS LEFT ATRIAL CATHETER ABLATION 81:8, p. 201 - 201 2023
Physiologia Roka Attila, Burright Isaac, Remodeling in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: Pathophysiology and Therapeutic Targets—A Systematic Review 3:1, p. 43 - 72 2023
Cardio-oncology (London, England) Strobel George B., Ponamgi Shiva P., Roka Attila, Aboeata Ahmed S. A., Exercise-induced Brugada pattern and ventricular tachycardia during Capecitabine treatment 8:1, p. 1 - 19 2022
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) Alugubelli Navya, Abuissa Hussam, Roka Attila, Wearable Devices for Remote Monitoring of Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability—What We Know and What Is Coming 22:22, p. 8903 2022
Circulation (New York, N.Y.) Mai Phu, Kim Michael H, Roka Attila, Abstract 14028: Predictors of Atrial Fibrillation Free Survival in Patients With Implantable Cardiac Devices 146:S_1, p. A14028 2022
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Roka Attila, Matsuura Samuel, Kim Michael H., REGULARIZATION OF VENTRICULAR ACTIVATION DURING ATRIAL FIBRILLATION USING PARAHISIAN AND VENTRICULAR PACING 79:9, p. 93 2022
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Roka Attila, Cardiac resynchronization with dual capture during His bundle pacing in patients with intraventricular conduction delay 75:11, p. 442 - 442 2020
JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology Kutyifa Valentina, Kosztin Annamaria, Klein Helmut U., Biton Yitschak, Nagy Vivien Klaudia, Solomon Scott D., McNitt Scott, Zareba Wojciech, Merkely Bela, Goldenberg Ilan, Roka Attila, Moss Arthur J., Singh Jagmeet P., Left Ventricular Lead Location and Long-Term Outcomes in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Patients 4:11, p. 1410 - 1420 2018
American Journal of Cardiology Rozen Guy, Vaid Jeena, Hosseini Seyed Mohammadreza, Kaadan M. Ihsan, Rafael Allon, Roka Attila, Poh Yukkee C., Poh Ming Zher, Heist Edwin Kevin, Ruskin Jeremy Neil, Diagnostic Accuracy of a Novel Mobile Phone Application for the Detection and Monitoring of Atrial Fibrillation 121:10, p. 1187 - 1191 2018
Heart Failure Clinics Roka Attila, Singh Jagmeet, Borgquist Rasmus, Coronary Sinus Lead Positioning 13:1, p. 79 - 91 2017
Europace Merkely Bela, Kosztin Annamaria, Roka Attila, Geller Laszlo, Zima Endre, Kovacs Attila, Boros Andras Mihaly, Clemens Marcell, Klein Helmut, Wranicz Jerzy K., Hindricks Gerhard, Duray Gabor Z., Moss Arthur J., Goldenberg Ilan, Kutyifa Valentina, Rationale and design of the BUDAPEST-CRT Upgrade Study 19:9, p. 1549 - 1555 2017
European Heart Journal Chatterjee Neal A., Roka Attila, Lubitz Steven A., Gold Michael R., Daubert Claude, Linde Cecilia, Steffel Jan, Singh Jagmeet P., Mela Theofanie, Reduced appropriate implantable cardioverter-defibrillator therapy after cardiac resynchronization therapy-induced left ventricular function recovery 36:41, p. 2780 - 2789 2015
Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology Roka Attila, Heist E. Kevin, Refaat Marwan, Ruskin Jeremy, Mansour Moussa, Novel Technique to Prevent Phrenic Nerve Injury during Pulmonary Vein Isolation Using Preprocedural Imaging 26:10, p. 1057 - 1062 2015
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Kutyifa Valentina, Klein Helmut, McNitt Scott, Roka Attila, Zareba Wojciech, Goldenberg Ilan, Moss Arthur, Merkely Bela, Singh Jagmeet, Kosztin Annamaria, LEFT VENTRICULAR LEAD LOCATION IMPACTS LONG-TERM CLINICAL OUTCOME IN LEFT BUNDLE BRANCH BLOCK PATIENTS 65:10, p. A910 - A910 2015
Cardiac Electrophysiology Clinics Roka Attila, Borgquist Rasmus, Singh Jagmeet, Coronary Sinus Lead Positioning 7:4, p. 635 - 647 2015
Global heart Merkely Béla, Geller Laszlo, Zima Endre, Szilagyi Szabolcs, Roka Attila, Nagy Klaudia Vivien, Kosztin Annamaria, Molnar Levente, Szeplaki Gabor, Kutyifa Valentina, O152 Intraoperative right to left ventricular interlead delay predicts outcome in de novo CRT recipients 9:1, p. e41 - e41 2014
Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology Roka Attila, Schoenfeld Mark H., The pathway to physician reimbursement for cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) 36:2, p. 137 - 144 2013
Europace Kutyifa Valentina, Merkely Béla, Szilágyi Szabolcs, Zima Endre, Róka Attila, Király Ákos, Osztheimer István, Molnár Levente, Gellér László, Széplaki Gábor, Usefulness of electroanatomical mapping during transseptal endocardial left ventricular lead implantation 14:4, p. 599 - 604 2012
Heart Rhythm Roka Attila, Merkely Bela, Dual-chamber pacemaker implantation via both superior vena cavae in a patient with persistent left superior vena cava 8:11, p. 1815 - 1816 2011
The Journal of innovations in cardiac rhythm management (Print) Roka Attila, Schoenfeld Mark, Remote Monitoring of Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices 2:7, p. 381 - 393 2011
Merkely Bela, Roka Attila, Assessment of heart rate recovery after exercise stress test 2011
Europace Merkely Bela, Boersma Lucas, Leenhardt Antoine, Lubinski Andrzej, Oto Ali, Proclemer Alessandro, Brugada Josep, Vardas Panos E., Wolpert Christian, Roka Attila, Kutyifa Valentina, Tracing the European course of cardiac resynchronization therapy from 2006 to 2008 12:5, p. 692 - 701 2010
Orvoskepzes Béta Merkely, Attila Róka, A szívelégtelenség nem gyógyszeres kezelésének lehetöségei-beültethetö eszközök 85:1, p. 65 - 74 2010
Journal of Electrocardiology Roka Attila, Toth Erika, Szilagyi Szabolcs, Merkely Bela, Electrical atrial fibrillation induction affects the characteristics of induced arrhythmia 41:2, p. 131 - 137 2008
Merkely Béla, Roka Attila, Geller Laszlo, Electrophysiologic practice in Hungary 2007
Lege Artis Medicinae Béla Merkely, Attila Róka, A krónikus szívelégtelenség nem gyógyszeres kezelése 17:6-7, p. 481 - 487 2007
Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology Szilagyi Szabolcs, Merkely Bela, Roka Attila, Zima Endre, Fulop Gabor, Kutyifa Valentina, Szucs Gabor, Becker David, Apor Astrid, Geller Laszlo, Stabilization of the coronary sinus electrode position with coronary stent implantation to prevent and treat dislocation 18:3, p. 303 - 307 2007
Acta Chirurgica Hungarica Béla Merkely, Attila Róka, Szabolcs Szilágyi, Endre Zima, Valentina Kutyifa, Astrid Apor, László Gellér, Gábor Szücs, Szívelégtelenség reszinkronizációs kezelése. 60:1, p. 481 - 487 2007
Experimental Biology and Medicine Dézsi Csaba A., Szucs Andrea, Szucs Gábor, Róka Attila, Kiss Orsolya, Becker David, Merkely Béla, Short-term effect of rate control on plasma endothelin levels of patients with tachyarrhythmias 231:6, p. 852 - 856 2006
Lege Artis Medicinae Attila Roka, Tamás Simor, Hajnalka Vágó, Csaba Minorics, György Acsády, Béla Merkely, Pacemakerfejlesztés biventricularis rendszerré, MR-vizsgálat segítségével 15:7, p. 568 2005
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology Vágó Hajnalka, Soós Pál, Zima Endre, Gellér László, Keltai Katalin, Róka Attila, Kékesi Violetta, Juhász-Nagy Alexander, Merkely Béla, Changes of endothelin-1 and big endothelin-1 levels and action potential duration during myocardial ischemia-reperfusion in dogs with and without ventricular fibrillation 44:SUPPL. 1, p. S376 - S379 2004
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology Szûcs Andrea, Róka Attila, Soós Pál, Szilágyi Szabolcs, Vágó Hajnalka, Keltai Katalin, Dezsi Andras Csaba, Gellér László, Merkely Béla, Effect of incessant ventricular tachyarrhythmias on serum endothelin and big-endothelin levels 44:SUPPL. 1, p. S402 - S406 2004
PACE - Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology Róka Attila, Simor Tamás, Vágó Hajnalka, Minorics Csaba, Acsády György, Merkely Béla, Magnetic resonance imaging-based biventricular pacemaker upgrade 27:7, p. 1011 - 1013 2004
Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology Vágó Hajnalka, Róka Attila, Acsády György, Merkely Béla, Parasympathetic cardiac nerve stimulation with implanted coronary sinus lead 15:5, p. 588 - 590 2004
Clinical Science Szucs Andrea, Merkely Béla, Zima Endre, Vágó Hajnalka, Soós Pál, Róka Attila, Szabolcs Zoltán, Gellér László, Keltai Katalin, Effects of implantable cardioverter defibrillator implantation and shock application on serum endothelin-1 and big-endothelin levels 103:SUPPL. 48, p. 233S - 236S 2002
Journal of Physiology Petheo G. L., Molnár Z., Róka A., Makara J. K., Spät A., A pH-sensitive chloride current in the chemoreceptor cell of rat carotid body 535:1, p. 95 - 106 2001
Roka A. Cardiac resynchronization with dual capture during His bundle pacing in patients with intraventricular conduction delay. J Am Coll Cardiol 2020; 3(75): 11(S1), 442. ACC/20 World Congress in Cardiology (virtual), March 24, 2020 2020
Roka A. Use of an Automated Electrocardiogram Screening Application and Referral Process to Analyze and Enhance Utilization of Cardiac Electrophysiology Services. Poster presentation, ACC Cardiovascular Summit, Washington DC, February 6-8, 2020 2020
Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Center of Excellence Award - EP Team Commonspirit ‘Atrial Fibrillation ablation center of excellence award’ with the EP team – 2024 Commonspirit Health