EARLY CLOSURE MARCH 4 - Due to the forecast for severe winter weather, Creighton's Omaha campus will close at 7 P.M. this evening.
All in-person classes, clinics, and events, regardless of start time, are asked to end by 7 P.M. For those needing a shuttle, please visit my.creighton.edu for the most up-to-date maps and schedule. Shuttles will run until 8 P.M. this evening. We encourage you to be mindful of other closures or impacted services across the city as well.
Employees, including those classified as responsible for “essential operations” should review Creighton's Weather and Emergency-Related Absence Policy and work with your immediate supervisor on expectations for job functions during this curtailment of campus operations.
Please take proper winter weather precautions throughout the day and contact public safety at 402.280.2911 for any emergencies.
Pharmacy Practice
Ryan Haddad A, Packard K, Begley K, Todd M, Yee J, Laughlin A, Harris B, Doll J. Developing Care for a Vulnerable Population: An Interprofessional Collaborative Approach for Health Promotion. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Student Community Engaged Service Award.
Ryan Haddad A, Coover K. Interprofessional Fall Risk Assessment Program. American Association Colleges of Pharmacy Student Community Engaged Service Award.
Doll J, Todd M, Ryan Haddad A, Huggett K, Begley K, Yee J, Laughlin A, Packard K, Maio A. National Board of Medical Examiners Centennial Prize Competition entitled “Tying Teams Together: The Interprofessional Education Toolkit.”
Skradski J, Johnson K, Wiggins M, Kessler C, Ryan Haddad A. Million Hearts Campaign – HTN Screening at Porto Clinic. NACDS Foundation.
Begley K, Ryan Haddad A, Packard K, Todd M, Laughlin A, Doll J, Cochran T. Community-based interprofessional hypertension prevention and education program. NABP/AACP District V Individual Study Grant.
Parker M, Gillespie N, Pol A, Ryan Haddad A, Tanner P. Medicare Diabetes Screening Project. National Senior Corps Association.
Ryan Haddad A, Begley K, Pick A, Johnson L. Development of a Healthcare Consortium to Expand Resources for Uninsured Patients. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholars Program. $420,000. 2017. 15% participation.
Kalkowski J, Packard KA, White N, Black L, Flecky K, Furze J, Ryan Haddad A, Peterson J, Rusch L. Weitz Family Foundation Grant entitled “Nebraska Healthcare Collaborative Study:Finances First Longitudinal Extension, Durability of Health Benefits and Impact on Cardiovascular Risk of the Financial Success Program in Single Mothers of Low Income. Jan 2020-Dec 2020, $50,000. Funded. 10% participation.
Ryan Haddad A, Coover K, Doll J, Cochran T. Assessment of health science students engaged in an interprofessional fall prevention program. Creighton University Office for Academic Excellence and Assessment.
Haddad A, Doll J, Ryan Haddad A, Maio A, Packard K, Potthoff M, Qi Y. Collaborating with Health Professions Students to Establish Best Practices in Interdisciplinary Ethics Education. Creighton University President’s Faculty Research Fund Interdisciplinary Team Grant.
Begley K, Ryan Haddad A, Packard K, Pick A, Coover K, Johnson K, O’Brien K, Todd M. Development and Implementation of Interactive Interprofessional Telehealth Activities. Creighton University Center for Academic Innovation Teaching and Learning with Technology Grant.
Packard K, Ryan Haddad A, Monaghan M, Doll J, Qi Y. Mixed Methods of University-Wide Interprofessional Education (IPE) Student Assessment Data. 2015 AEA Development Grant Application for the Assessment of Student Learning/Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
Todd M, Abbott A, Laughlin A, Ryan Haddad A, Yager A, Wickman C. Quit4Good. Creighton University President’s Faculty Research Fund Interdisciplinary Team Grant.
Todd M, Ryan Haddad A, Hoskey C. Smoking Cessation Program for Clients at a Free Interprofessional Clinic in North Omaha. Health Futures Foundation Internal Grant to School of Nursing. Bridging Innovation and Effectiveness 2013 – 2014 Faculty Research Development Grant.
Packard K, Kalkowski J, Ryan Haddad A, Furze J, Rusch L, Flecky K, Gillespie N, Cochran T, Black L. Improving health outcomes in women and children through a multidisciplinary financial education program. Creighton University President’s Faculty Research Fund.