Teaching and Learning in Medicine Sakowski Henry A., Markert Ronald J., Jeffries William B., Coleman Robert M., Houghton Bruce L., Kosoko-Lasaki Sade, Goodman Mark D., Rich Eugene C., Dimensions of clinical medicine 17:4, p. 370 - 375 2005
Journal of General Internal Medicine Knight Christopher L., Sakowski Henry A., Houghton Bruce L., Laya Mary B., DeWitt Dawn E., Developing a peer review process for web-based curricula 19:5 PART 2, p. 594 - 598 2004
Journal of General Internal Medicine Bramble James D., Sakowski Henry, Rich Eugene C., Esterbrooks Dennis, Resource Use in Treating Alcohol- and Drug-related Diagnoses 19:1, p. 36 - 42 2004
MedGenMed Medscape General Medicine Markert Ronald J., Rich Eugene C., Sakowski Henry A., Maio Anna C., Haist Steven A., Hillson Steven D., Comparative value of clinical information in making a diagnosis 6:2 2004
Journal of General Internal Medicine Maio Anna, Markert Ronald J., Sakowski Henry A., Haist S. A., Hillson S., Rich Eugene C., Comparative value of clinical information in making a diagnosis. 18, p. 248 - 248 2003
Academic Medicine Sakowski Henry A., Houghton Bruce L., Jeffries William B., Critical Appraisal of Alternative Therapies:A Mini‐course 77:5, p. 471 2002
Academic Medicine Sakowski Henry A., Rich Eugene C., Turner Paul D., Web-based case simulations for a primary care clerkship 76:5, p. 547 - 547 2001
Academic Medicine Sakowski Henrya, Rich Eugenec, Turner Pauld, Anderson M. Brownell, Web-based case simulations for a primary care clerkship 76:5, p. 547 2001
Sakowski, H, Carbullido, D, Unlocking the Value of Transitional Care Management across Payment Models. Podium Presentation, HIMMS National Meeting Orlando, FL March 12, 2024. 2024
Sakowski, H, Torontow J. Strengthening Value-based Care through Provider Partnerships. CMS SSP Learning System Webinar. Panelist Discussion. April 27, 2023 2023
Hanke, L, Sakowski, H, Hoover B, Sher B, Miller Katherine. Pursuing Value: Whats Next for Medicare and Medicaid? Panelist Presentation. HFMA Nebraska Chapter Annual Meeting Omaha, NE March 23, 2023. 2023
Sakowski, H From Volume to Value: The Road Less Traveled. Leadership Lincoln February 20, 2020. Lincoln, NE 2020
Oasan, A, Sakowski, H, Grundy P. Connecting the Dots: Data Activation for High-intensity Care Delivery at CHI Health Partners. Webinar 4/25/2019. 2019
Sakowski, H Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska Value-based Care and Care Management Forum. March19, 2019, Panelist. 2019
Sakowski, H. How Physicians are paid. Creighton University, Dimensions of Clinical Medicine: How Medicine is Paid for-2016. 2017
Sakowski, H. Value-based care and ACOs. Creighton University, Dimensions of Clinical Medicine: How Medicine is Paid for-2016 2016
Sakowski, H. The Changing Healthcare Landscape. Creighton UNMC Psychiatry Residency Program Medical Economics Lecture Series. 2016
Sakowski H, Oasan A. "How a Clinically Integrated Network Reduced Risk by Engaging High-Risk Patients" HFMA Webinar. 2014
Oasan A, Sakowski H. How a physician hospital organization reduced risk through engagement with high-risk members: UniNet Healthcare Network. HFMA ANI meeting. Las Vegas, NV. 2014
Sakowski H. What Success Looks Like After Healthcare Reform. 4th Annual Creighton Cardiovascular Symposium. Phoenix, AZ. 2013
Sakowski H. Preoperative Assessment. Creighton Internal Medicine Resident Board Review. 2013
16) Cichowski E, Sakowski H, Hashish H, Baltaro R. A case of Wide anion gap non-acidosis. Poster presentation National SGIM meeting. May 2004 Chicago, IL 2004
Sakowski H, Markert R, Rich E, Jeffries W,Coleman R, Houghton B, Kosoko-Lasaki, S, Goodman M. Dimension in Clinical Medicine: An Interclerkship Program. Poster Presentation CGEA Meeting Omaha, NE 2004
Young D, Houghton B, Sakowski H, Dunlay R, Rich E. Introduction of Handheld Computers into the 3rd year Medical Student Internal Medicine Clerkship. Poster presentation 2004 CGEA meeting Omaha, NE. 2004
Delos Santos R, Sakowski H. Hunting for Zebras: From Histoplasmosis to Waldenstroms. Poster presentation at 2003 Nebraska ACP meeting. 2003
Using Interclerkships to Fill Gaps in the Clinical Curriculum 2003
SGIM Web-based Curriculum Interest Group 2003
Declining Interest in Primary Care: One School's experience 2002
Web-based Clinical Curriculum Interest Group 2002
Declining Interest in Primary Care. Sakowski H, Markert R, Rich E. National SGIM meeting-poster presentation 2002
An evidence based approach to teaching complimentary and alternative medicine. National CDIM meeting 2001
An Evidence based approach to teaching complimentary and alternative medicine. Midwest regional SGIM meeting. 2001
Web-based Clinical Curriculum SGIM Interest group San Diego, CA 2001
Transforming Medicine Clerkship Case-based Curriculum for Web-based Instruction: Lessons Learned. SGIM national Meeting San Diego, CA 2001
Bramble J, Sakowski H, EsterBrooks D, Rich E. The Treatment of Alcohol and Drug Related Diagnosis in Teaching Hospitals: Hospital Resource Use And Efficiency. Abstract and poster presentation, National SGIM meeting San Diego, CA 2001
Appel J, Friedman E, Jacobs M, Aranha A, Defer T, Gordon J, Sakowski H. ACDIM Analysis of Student Learning in an Ambulatory Setting. Abstract and Poster National CDIM meeting. 2000
Maio A, Sakowski H, Turner P, Rich E. Effect of the Clinical Setting of an Early Longitudinal Primary Care Clinical Experience on Medical Student's Career Choice. Abstract and poster presentation. Midwest regional SGIM. 2000
Sakowski H, Maio A, Turner P, Rich E. Effect of an Early Longitudinal Primary Care Clinic Experience on Student Attitudes and Interest in Primary Care. Abstract and poster presentation. Midwest regional SGIM 2000
Developing Interactive cases for student education on the Internet, SGIM 1999
Effect of a Third-year Ambulatory Block on Student Performance on the Internal Medicine Subject Examination, SGIM poster 1999
Using Electronic Communication in the Clerkship, CDIM 1999
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Internal Medicine Ambulatory noon conference series 1999
Management of Shock, Internal Medicine Student Club 1999
Mistakes to avoid in residency, Senior colloquim 1999