Side Effects of Drugs Annual Chung Steve S., Schusse Courtney, Antiepileptic drugs [Book Chapter] 2014
Neurology Kingsford Olivia, Schusse Courtney, A Reversible Splenium Lesion on MRI in the Setting of Migraine Aura (P5-12.004) 102:17_supplement_1 2024
Journal of neurosurgery Schusse Courtney M., Smith Kris, Drees Cornelia, Outcomes after hemispherectomy in adult patients with intractable epilepsy: institutional experience and systematic review of the literature 128:3, p. 853 - 861 2018
The American journal of case reports Dardis Christopher, Schusse Courtney M., Lawlor David, Transient Coma Due To Epidural Anesthesia: The Role of Loss of Sensory Input 16, p. 893 - 898 2015
Psychosomatics Schusse Courtney M., Peterson Alicia L., Caplan Jason P., Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome 54:3, p. 205 - 211 2013
Journal of epilepsy research Chung Steve S, Kelly Kristen, Schusse Courtney, New and emerging treatments for epilepsy: review of clinical studies of lacosamide, eslicarbazepine acetate, ezogabine, rufinamide, perampanel, and electrical stimulation therapy 1:2, p. 35 - 46 2011
World neurosurgery Newman C. Benjamin, Schusse Courtney, Hu Yin C., McDougall Cameron G., Albuquerque Felipe C., Acute Transient Cortical Blindness Due to Seizure Following Cerebral Angiography 75:1, p. 83 - 86 2011