John Francis Shea , BS, PhD

Associate Professor


College of Arts and Sciences
Jesuit Community
HLSB - Hixson Lied Science Building - 423

John Francis Shea , BS, PhD

Associate Professor

I grew up in Cleveland, Ohio where I attended Cleveland Benedictine High school and John Carroll University. After finishing my Bachelor of Science in biology, I attended the Ohio State University for graduate studies in Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology. I defended my dissertation entitled, Gender in Factors Influencing the Infection of the Beetle, Tenebrio molitor with the Tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta in 2003 and entered the Jesuits in the same year. After two years as a novice in Detroit, I took vows and began my Masters in Social Philosophy at Loyola University of Chicago. I then taught biology and did research at Gonzaga University as part of the Jesuit formation known as regency. While at Gonzaga, I investigated the use of snail parasites as indicators of ecosystem health. Following regency, I attended the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley where I completed my Masters of Divinity. After my ordination as a priest in 2014, I began teaching Zoology and Parasitology at Creighton University.

Teaching Interests

  • parasitology

Research Focus

My research interests lie in two areas of Parasitology. First, I am interested in parasite-altered behavior of hosts. Parasites that require multiple hosts often employ strategies to increase the probability of transmission to their next host, including altering host behavior. I conduct lab experiments to study such questions using infected invertebrates. I also ask how chemicals such as fertilizers and heavy metals alter the normal behavior and growth of invertebrates. Second, I am interested in using parasites as indicators of ecosystem health. Some parasites such as trematodes have complicated life cycles involving multiple hosts. Thus, the presence of the parasite in an ecosystem suggests the presence of its hosts. Since larval trematodes are easily and quickly collected from their snail intermediate hosts this research holds promise for a cheap and accurate way to assess ecosystems.




Associate Professor


  • Invertebrate Biology
    John F. Shea, Anna Sniezek, James Marchant Hairworms (Nematomorpha) have indirect life cycles that require a terrestrial arthropod definitive host and an aquatic arthropod host that serves as a paratenic host, transferring the hairworm from the aquatic to the terrestrial environment. The life cycles for most hairworms remain unknown, especially the paratenic host. The hairworm Chordodes morgani lays its eggs on sticks, which are susceptible to the activity of aquatic insects such as larvae of the flatheaded mayfly (Heptageniidae), which feed by scraping algae and detritus. To test the likelihood that scrapers serve as the paratenic host for C. morgani, we collected sticks and their accompanying invertebrates from three sites near Lincoln, NE. We noted the presence of eggs of C. morgani on each stick, placed them in labeled resealable bags, and examined the invertebrates microscopically for the presence of hairworm cysts. We predicted that scrapers found on sticks with eggs of C. morgani will harbor the highest number of cysts. To confirm that larvae of the flatheaded mayfly serve as the aquatic host, we fed field-collected specimens to three captive-reared wood roaches (Parcoblatta pensylvanica). Of the three exposed roaches, one yielded nine individuals of C. morgani 63days after exposure. Understanding the life cycle of this horsehair worm will allow researchers to rear the species in the lab, which could become a model for parasite research. 2023
  • Journal of Parasitology
    T. Figueira, T., Owen, D., Hanelt, B. and Shea, J. F. (in press). New Definitive Host Record for Chordodes morgani (Nematomorpha) in Nebraska with Notes on Ecology. Journal of Parasitology. 2021
  • Comparative Parasitology
    Seoane-Scheitermaier, E., Dang, Michael Barry, M. and Shea, J.F. 2020. Observations on the Occurrence of Knotting Behavior in the Horsehair Worm, Paragordius varius. Comparative Parasitology. 87(1): 16-18.
    87 (1), p. 16-18 2019
  • Shea, J.F. 2010. Do male and female beetles (Tenebrio molitor) respond differently to rat feces containing eggs from the tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta? Natural Science. doi:10.4236/ns.2010.28107.
    2, 8, p. 855-859 2010
  • Journal of Helminthology
    Shea, J.F. 2007. Lack of preference for infective faeces in Hymenolepis diminuta-infected beetles (Tenebrio molitor).
    81, p. 293-99 2007
  • Journal of Insect Science
    Shea, J.F. 2005. Sex differences in frass production and weight change in Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera) infected with cysticercoids of the tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta (Cestoda). DOI:
    5, 31 2005
  • Parasitology Research
    Shea, J.F. 2005. The effect of Hymenolepis diminuta (Cestoda) cysticercoids on the weight change, frass production, and food intake of the intermediate host, Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera).
    98, 1, p. 1-4 2005
  • Freshwater Biology
    Conroy, J.D., Edwards, W.J., Pontius, R.A., Kane, D.D., Zhang, H., Shea, J.F., Richey, J.N. and Culver, D.A. 2005. Soluble nitrogen and phosphorus excretion of exotic freshwater mussels (Dreissena spp.): potential impacts for nutrient remineralisation in western Lake Erie.
    50, p. 1146-62 2005
  • Ohio Journal of Science
    Shea, J.F. 2005. A survey of the Coleoptera associated with carrion at sites with varying disturbances in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
    105, 2, p. 17-20 2004


  • Orbis Press
    Shea, J.F. “A Tribute To a Worm” The Jesuit Post: #Faith #God #Frontiers #Culture #Mystery #Love. ed. Patrick Gilger. Orbis Press, 2014
  • Ecological Indicators
    Shea, J.F., Kersten, G. J., Puccia, C. M., Stanton, A. T., Stiso, S. N., Helgeson, E. S., Back, E. J. The use of parasites as indicators of ecosystem health as compared to insects in freshwater lakes of the Inland Northwest.
    13, p. 184-188 2012


  • Bolger, A. , Shea, J., Julian, J., Poggi, J., Ustohal, M. Leffingwell, R., Salgado, C. and Worthington, A. Understanding the behavior of Gryllus firmus infected with Paragordius varius when in the presence of water. Rocky Mountain Conference of Parasitologists. Ogallala, NE. 9/8/23 [winner of best undergraduate oral presentation] 2023
  • Shea, J.F., Worthington, A.M. Testing behavior alteration in crickets experimentally infected with horsehair worms. American Society of Parasitologists. Kansas City, MO 7/16/23 2023
  • FitzGerald, N., Klawiter, E. and Shea, J.F. Linking horsehair worm presence with insect diversity: Implications for ecosystem health. American Society of Parasitologists. Kansas City, MO 7/15/23 2023
  • Over, E. and Shea, J. Alternative definitive hosts for the horsehair worm Chordodes morgani. American Society of Parasitologists. Kansas City, MO 7/15/23 2023
  • Hayssen, T., Pfaff, J., Takamiya, N. and Shea, J. F. Chordodes morgani effect on host growth and its development time in differing diet and temperature conditions. American Society of Parasitologists. Kansas City, MO 7/15/23 2023
  • Farrington, V. and Shea, J. F. Viability of snail-to-snail transfer of Paragordius varius cysts to crickets. American Society of Parasitologists. Kansas City, MO 7/15/23 2023
  • Ibaan, G. and Shea, J. F. Extrapolating large scale parasite data from public repositories. American Society of Parasitologists. Kansas City, MO 7/15/23 2023
  • Snyder, J., Shea, J., Nguyen, C. and Hanelt, B. Alteration of behavior in aquatic snails due to larval infections of Paragordius varius. American Society of Parasitologists. Kansas City, MO 7/15/23 2023
  • Snyder, J. R., Engle, B., Shea, J.F. Alteration of behavior in aquatic snails due to larval infections of Paragordius varius. American Society of Parasitologists. College Station, TX. 7/11/22 2022
  • Pfaff, J., Teague, B., Paul, B. Strehlow, J. and Shea, J.F. Chordodes morgani effect on host growth and its development time in differing diet and temperature conditions. American Society of Parasitologists. College Station, TX. 7/11/22 2022
  • FitzGerald, N. and Shea, J.F. Utilizing insect diversity and horsehair worm presence to measure an ecosystems health. American Society of Parasitologists. College Station, TX. 7/11/22 2022
  • Shea, J. F., Okuno, C., Cook, J.H., Howard, C., and Carstens, M. Larval trematode diversity and its correlation with aquatic invertebrate diversity and water quality over five years at three sites in Oglala Lakota County, SD. American Society of Parasitologists. College Station, TX. 7/9/22 2022
  • FitzGerald, N. and Shea, J.F. Utilizing insect diversity and horsehair worm presence to measure an ecosystems health. Southwestern Association of Parasitologists. Lake Texoma, OK. 4/22/22 2022
  • Sera, S. and Shea, J.F. Tenebrio molitor as a paratenic host for Chordodes morgani and Paragordius varius. Southwestern Association of Parasitologists. Lake Texoma, OK. 4/22/22 2022
  • Snyder, J. Engle, B. and Shea, J.F. Alteration of behavior in Physa spp. by larval infection of Paragordius varius. Northern California Parasitologists. Zoom. 4/9/2022 2022
  • Shea, J.F., Klawiter, E. and FitzGerald, N. Horsehair Worm Diversity, Aquatic Insect Diversity and Water Quality in Creeks Near Lincoln, NE. Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology Seminar Series. Lincoln, NE via Zoom. 2/24/22 2022
  • Teague, B. and Shea, J.F. Changes in horsehair worm prevalence in eastern Nebraska. Rocky Mountain Conference of Parasitologists. Zoom. 9/10/21 2021
  • Arakaki, J. and Shea, J. F. Using online digital data to detect patterns in horsehair worm distributions. Rocky Mountain Conference of Parasitologists. Zoom. 9/10/21 2021
  • Jagelski, J., Shea, J F. and Brockhouse, C. Using eDNA to complete the horsehair worm (Chordodes morgani) life cycle. Rocky Mountain Conference of Parasitologists. Zoom. 9/10/21 2021
  • FitzGerald, N. and Shea, J. Utilizing insect diversity and horsehair worm presence to measure an ecosystems health. Rocky Mountain Conference of Parasitologists. Zoom. 9/10/21 2021
  • Churness, E, Klawiter, E and Shea, J. Atrazine, aquatic insect diversity and horsehair worm presence in creeks near Lincoln, NE. Rocky Mountain Conference of Parasitologists. Zoom. 9/10/21 2021
  • Engle, B. and Shea, J. Dead end host? Altered behavior in aquatic snails infected with cysts of Paragordius varius. Rocky Mountain Conference of Parasitologists. Zoom. 9/10/21. 2021
  • Shea, J., Marchant, J. and Sniezek, A. Flatheaded mayflies (Heptageniidae) as a likely paratenic host of Chordodes morgani (Nematomorpha) American Society of Parasitologists. Zoom. 7/26/21. 2021
  • Engle, B. and Shea, J. Dead end host? Altered behavior in aquatic snails infected with cysts of Paragordius varius. American Society of Parasitologists. Zoom. 7/26/21. 2021
  • Lawler, M, Lee, R. and Shea, J. Environmental factors affecting the emergence of Chordodes morgani and host growth in Parcoblatta fulvescens. Southwestern Association of Parasitologists. Zoom. 2021
  • Nguyen, E. and Shea, J. Change in horsehair worm prevalence and intensity in eastern Nebraska since 2001. Southwestern Association of Parasitologists. Zoom 2021
  • Jagelski, J. and Shea, J. Possible use of a terrestrial insect as a paratenic host for the horsehair worm, Chordodes morgani. Southwestern Association of Parasitologists. Zoom. 2021
  • Sniezek, A, Shea, J, Jagelski, J. Prevalence of Chordodes morgani Cysts in Heptageniidae over Time. Rocky Mountain Conference of Parasitologists. Zoom. 9/12/20 [co-winner of best undergraduate poster] 2020
  • Poster presentation: Shea, J.F., Howard, C., Palmer, C., Wong, M., Okuno, C., Seoane-Scheitermaier, E. Creighton University Collaborative Research Experience: A partnership with Creighton, Red Cloud High School and Oglala Lakota College. CreightonUniversity's All Things Ignatian Poster Event. Omaha, NE 9/12/19 2019
  • Student poster presentation: *Wong, M., *Tobin, S.M., Gardner, S.L., Shea, J.F. Impact of Behavioral Patterns and Habitat Preferences on Gregarine (Eugregarinorida) Prevalence in Crickets (Gryllus) and Grasshoppers (Acrididae). Rocky Mountain Conference of Parasitologists. Ogallala, NE. 9/6/19 2019
  • *Sarvis, E.M., Shea, J.F., Hanelt, B. Can a Horse (Hairworm) Lead a Cricket to Water? A New Method to Evaluate Host Manipulation of the Cricket, Acheta domesticus Infected with a Horsehair Worm, Paragordius varius: Is Humidity the Key? Rocky Mountain Conference of Parasitologists. Ogallala, NE. 9/6/19 2019
  • Shea, J.F. The "Other" John Shea. Rocky Mountain Conference of Parasitologists. Ogallala, NE. 9/7/19 2019
  • Shea, J.F., Figueira, T., Owen, D. Understanding the Ecology of the Hairworm [Nematomorpha], Chordodes morgani in Creeks Near Lincoln, NE. American Society of Parasitologists. Rochester, MN. 7/13/19 [Invited talk, Arthropods and their Pathogens Symposium] 2019
  • Student poster presentation: *Wong, M., Shea, J.F., Haas, E. Characterization of Sex Pheromones in Three Species of Nematomorphs. American Society of Parasitologists. Rochester, MN. 7/13/19 2019
  • Student poster presentation: *Lawler, M., Shea, J.F. Comparing Infection Rates of Chordodes morgani in Two Species of Wood Roaches. American Society of Parasitologists. Rochester, MN. 7/13/19 2019
  • Student poster presentation: *Dang, S., Shea, J.F. Parasite Persistence: Horsehair Worm [Nematomorpha] Prevalence and Intensity in Eastern Nebraska Twenty Years Later. American Society of Parasitologists. Rochester, MN. 7/13/19 2019
  • Student poster presentation: *Marchant, J., Shea, J.F. The Missing Host: Confirming Heptageniidae as the Aquatic Insect Host Of Chordodes morgani [Nematomorpha]. American Society of Parasitologists. Rochester, MN. 7/13/19 2019
  • Student poster presentation: *Seoane-Scheitermaier, E., Shea, J.F., Bourret, T., *Cook, J. Tick Pathogen Survey on Pine Ridge Reservation, SD. American Society of Parasitologists. Rochester, MN. 7/13/19 2019
  • *Sarvis, E.M., Shea, J.F., Hanelt, B. Can a Horse (Hairworm) Lead a Cricket to Water? A New Method to Evaluate Host Manipulation of the Cricket, Acheta domesticus Infected with a Horsehair Worm, Paragordius varius: Is Humidity the Key? American Society of Parasitologists. Rochester, MN. 7/12/19 2019
  • Shea, J.F., Assessing the Use of the Nematomorpha Parasite System in an Undergraduate Parasitology Teaching Lab. Southwestern Association of Parasitologists. Lake Texoma, OK. 2019
  • Student Poster Presentation: *Gboun, S., *Kuwong, P., Zalud, A., Bourret, T., Shea, J.F. Survey of Ticks and their Pathogens in Pine Ridge Reservation, SD. Southwestern Association of Parasitologists. Lake Texoma, OK. 2019
  • Student Poster Presentation: *Marchant, James, Shea, J.F. The Missing Host: Confirming Heptageniidae as the Aquatic Insect Host of Chordodes morgani [Nematomorpha], Southwestern Association of Parasitologists. Lake Texoma, OK. 4/26/19 2019
  • Student Poster presentation: Gboun, S.*, Kuwong, P.*, Zalud, A., Bourret, T., Shea, J.F. Survey of Ticks and their Pathogens in Pine Ridge Reservation, SD. Rocky Mountain Conference of Parasitologists. Ogallala, NE. 9/7/18 2018
  • Student Poster Presentation: Carstens, M.*, Howard, C., Shea, J.F. Use of Snails as Indicators of Ecosystem Health. Rocky Mountain Conference of Parasitologists. Ogallala, NE. 9/7/18 2018
  • Student Poster Presentation: Carstens, K.*, Shea, J.F. Testing Baits to Attract the Wood Cockroach, Parcoblatta pennsylvanica near Lincoln, NE. Rocky Mountain Conference of Parasitologists. Ogallala, NE. 9/7/18 2018
  • Student Poster Presentation: Noss, B.*, Márquez, C., Shea, J.F. Parasites Infecting Roadkill American Badger (Taxidea taxus) in Pine Ridge, SD. Rocky Mountain Conference of Parasitologists. Ogallala, NE. 9/7/18 2018
  • Shea, J.F., Barry, M. Mate Preference of the Horsehair Worm, Paragordius varius (Nematomorpha). American Society of Parasitologists. Cancun, Mexico. 6/24/18 2018
  • Shea, J.F., Figueira, T., Owen, D. Understanding the Ecology of the Hairworm [Nematomorpha], Chordodes morgani in Creeks Near Lincoln, NE. Southwestern Association of Parasitologists. Lake Texoma, OK. 4/20/18 2018
  • Figueira, T.*, Farr, A., Shea, J.F. Female Mate Choice of Crickets (Gryllus firmus) Infected with Horsehair Worms (Paragordius varius). Southwestern Association of Parasitologists. Lake Texoma, OK. 4/20/18 2018
  • Student Poster presentation: Barry, M.*, Shea, J.F. Mate Preference of the Horsehair Worm, Paragordius varius [Nematomorpha] Creighton Honors Day. Omaha, NE 4/18/18 2018
  • Fairbourn, C.*, Shea, J.F. Determining the Method of Nematomorph Infection and Charting its Progress. Creighton Honors Day. Omaha, NE 4/18/18 2018
  • Student Poster presentation: Owen, D.*, Figueira, T., Shea, J.F. Correlating the chemical and physical properties of Nebraska streams with the presence of the horsehair worm, Chordodes morgani. Creighton St. Albert's Day/University Research Day. Omaha, NE. 3/22/18 2018
  • Hagen, S.*, Shea, J.F., West, R., Fane, K. and Brennan, J. Physaloptera spp. infecting Lynx spp. in the range of Pine Ridge, SD. Rocky Mountain Conference of Parasitologists. Ogallala, NE. 9/8/17 [winner of best undergraduate poster] 2017
  • Student Poster Presentation: Figueira, T.*, Owen, D., Shea, J.F. The terrestrial host of Chordodes morgani [Nematomorpha] and its possible role in the parasite's distribution in creeks near Lincoln, NE. Rocky Mountain Conference of Parasitologists. Ogallala, NE. 9/8/17 2017
  • Shea, J.F., Barry, M. Mating Behavior of the Horsehair Worm, Paragordius varius (Nematomorpha). American Society of Parasitologists. San Antonio, TX. 2017
  • Shea, J.F., Barry, M. Mating Behavior of the Horsehair Worm, Paragordius varius (Nematomorpha). Southwestern Association of Parasitologists. Lake Texoma, OK. 2017
  • Jones, T.*, Tinant, J., West, R., Gasper, R., Shea J.F. Snail preference for nitrogen enriched water. Accelerating Innovative Urban Ideas in Water. Omaha, NE. 4/22/16 (Tyler Jones won an award for this presentation) 2016
  • Hanser, A.*, Hagen, S.*, West, R., Gasper, R., Shea J.F. Parasites as an Ecological Barometer. Nebraska Academy of Science. Lincoln, NE. 4/22/16 2016
  • Hanser, A.*, Hagen, S.*, West, R., Gasper, R., Shea J.F. Parasites as an Ecological Barometer. Southwestern Association of Parasitologists. Lake Texoma, OK. 4/15/16 2016
  • Tompson, A.* West, R., Gasper, R., Shea, J.F. Chaetogaster intensity and snail (Physa) size. Creighton St. Alberts Day/University Research Day. Omaha, NE. 4/12/16 2016
  • Member of a panel on Laudato Si at St. Michael's in Lincoln, NE. Presented talk: "Praying with Laudato Si" 2016
  • Shea, J.F. Survey of Parasites and Their Hosts in Pine Ridge, SD: Where we didn't find Echinococcus. Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology Seminar Series. Lincoln, NE. 11/12/15 2015
  • Shea, J.F. "Why Did God Create Mosquitoes? Reconciling Evolutionary Evil From the Perspective of Parasites," Gods Action in the World Clavius Society Symposium, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN. 2015
  • Student poster presentation: Ermer, J.*, Blaser, K., West, R., Shea, J.F. Survey of Bobcat Intestinal Helminths on the Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota. American Society of Parasitogists. Omaha, NE. 2015
  • Shea, J.F. Diversity and Ends: Finding Parallels in the Mutuality and Acceptance Models with Evolutionary Biology. Engaging Particularities. Boston College. Boston, MA. 2013
  • Shea, J.F. Assessing the use of larval trematodes as indicators of ecosystem health in lakes of the Inland Northwest. Northern California Parasitologists Conference. San Francisco State University. Tiburon, CA. 2012
  • Koberstein, S., Shea, J.F. Agricultural impact on selected organs of Lymnaea stagnalis wasatchensis. West Coast Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference. Pacific Lutheran University. Tacoma, WA. [winner of Best Student Oral Presentation] 2011
  • Snider, C., Shea, J.F. Field study of heavy metal contaminants in the hepatopancreas of Lymnaea stagnalis wasatchensis snails. SIRC. Whitworth University. Spokane, WA. 2011


  • Haddix Grant: Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Serve Creighton’s Mission with Biological Field Research-Learning and Mathematical Modeling
    Biology Department: John Shea, S.J., Ph.D.
    Mathematics Department: Rebecca Gasper, Ph.D.

  • CURAS Faculty Research Fund: Understanding the Ecology of Chordodes morgani in Nebraska

  • CURAS Faculty Research Fund: Collaborative Research-Learning: Invertebrate Parasite Survey in Pine Ridge, SD

  • CURAS Faculty Research Fund: Correlating Water Quality with Parasite Presence