Julia Ye-Jin Shin, EdD, MS, OTR/L, BCP

Assistant Professor


School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
Faculty - Pharmacy, OT, PT
Occupational Therapy Faculty
HLSB - Hixson Lied Science Building - 175

Julia Ye-Jin Shin, EdD, MS, OTR/L, BCP

Assistant Professor

Research Focus

Culturally Effective Care in Pediatric Rehabilitation; Type I Diabetes and Telehealth; Intervention Mapping and Fidelity Standards in OT Research


Occupational Therapy


Assistant Professor


  • The American journal of occupational therapy
    Jewell Vanessa D, Abbott Amy A, Knezevich Emily, Russell Marion, Shin Julia, Qi Yongyue, Telehealth Occupation-Based Coaching for Rural Parents of Children With Type 1 Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Trial
    79:1 2025
  • The British journal of occupational therapy
    Abbott Amy Ann, Qi Yongyue, Carlson Kathryn, Russell Marion, Storm Hannah, Jewell Vanessa Dawn, Shin Julia, Achieving Inter-Rater Agreement and Inter-Rater Reliability to Assess Fidelity of an Occupation-Based Coaching (OBC) Clinical Trial Intervention 2024
  • OTJR (Thorofare, N.J.)
    Jewell Vanessa D., Funk Katie J., Currie Alexis, Shin Julia, Knezevich Emily L., Valdez Andrea, Bunsness Maggie, Rural Caregiver Perceptions on the Content and Receipt of a Diabetes Management Telehealth Occupation-Based Coaching Intervention, p. 15394492241280916 2024
  • The American journal of occupational therapy
    Jewell Vanessa, Qi Yongyue, Knezevich Emily, Abbott Amy, Shin Julia, Bulleigh Brianne, Evaluation of a Rural Telehealth Occupation-Based Coaching Intervention for Type 1 Diabetes Health Management
    76:Supplement_1, p. 7610510018 - 7610510018p1 2022
  • Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy
    Shin Julia, Jewell Vanessa D., Abbott Amy A., Russell Marion, Carlson Kathryn, Gordon Madison, Fidelity Protocol Development for a Telehealth Type 1 Diabetes Occupation-Based Coaching Intervention
    89:2, p. 159 - 169 2022
  • The American journal of occupational therapy
    Carlson Kathryn, Russell Marion, Abbott Amy, Jewell Vanessa, Shin Julia, Establishing Interrater Agreement for the Occupation-Based Coaching Fidelity Measure
    75:Supplement_2, p. 7512500021 - 7512500021p1 2021
  • Student Journal of Occupational Therapy
    Griffin Margaret, McGuff Christina, Willse Nicole, Twaddell MacKenzie, Shin Julia, Application of the Kinesio Taping Method for a Child with Hypotonia: A Pilot Case Study
    2:2, p. 28 - 41 2021
  • Physical & Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics
    Shin Julia, Decker Bonnie, Blanchard Shirley, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living in Pediatric Occupational Therapy Practice: A Survey of Current Practice Patterns and Perceived Importance, p. 1 - 16 2021
  • Journal of occupational therapy education
    Coppard Brenda M, Bagby Lisa, Shin Julia, Qi Yongyue, Fee-for-Placement in Level II Fieldwork: Prevalence and Context
    5:3 2021
  • International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
    Shin J.Y., Yoon J.K., Shin A.K., Diaz A.Z., The influence of insurance status on treatment and outcomes in oral cavity cancer: an analysis on 46,373 patients
    47:10, p. 1250 - 1257 2018


  • Jewell, V., Shin, J., Bulleigh, B., Qi, Y., Knezevich, E., Abbott, A., & Russell, M. (2022, August). Evaluation of a novel telehealth intervention for type 1 diabetes health management. Oral presentation at the World Federation of Occupational Therapy Congress, Paris, France. 2022
  • Jewell, V., Funk, K.J., Currie, A., Shin, J., Knezevich, E., Valdez, A., & Bunsness, M. (2022, June). Rural caregiver perceptions of an occupation-based coaching telehealth intervention to improve child diabetes management and quality of life [Poster presentation]. American Diabetes Association 82nd Scientific Sessions. New Orleans, LA. 2022
  • Shin, J., Jewell, V.D., Qi, Y., & Valdez, A. (2022, June). Retrospective analysis of caregiver health management competence during an occupational therapy coaching telehealth intervention [Poster Presentation]. American Diabetes Association 82nd Scientific Sessions. New Orleans, LA. 2022
  • Greiner, B., Qi, Y., Lampe, A., Shin, J., Jewell, V., Bruner, R., Coppard, B., Domina, A. & Fecht, A. (2022, June). Evaluating team teaching effectiveness: Describing the process and survey development [Poster presentation]. Innovation Summit for Health Professions Education. Omaha, NE. 2022
  • Lampe, A, Domina, A., & Shin J. (2022, June). Supporting students with disabilities in postbaccalaureate and clinical learning environments [Poster presentation]. Innovation Summit for Health Professions Education. Omaha, NE. 2022
  • Shin, J., Jewell, V., Bruner, R., Coppard, B., Greiner, B., Lampe, A., Qi, Y., Domina, A., & Fecht, A. (2022, June). Formative Assessment Plan and Instruments for a novel occupational therapy hybrid pathway [Poster presentation]. Innovation Summit for Health Professions Education. Omaha, NE. 2022
  • Shin, J., Bekmuratova, S., Nesbit, J., Han, I., Tung, A., Wright, T., Ortiz, J., & Bergjord, J. (2022, June). Measuring culturally responsive care in pediatric rehabilitation: A scoping review [Poster presentation]. OT Summit of Scholars. Chicago, IL. 2022
  • Bekmuratova, S., Shin, J., Nesbit, J., Tung, A., Wright, T., Ortiz, J., Han, I., & Bergjord, J. (2022, June). Promoting culturally responsive care in pediatric occupational therapy and physical therapy practice: A scoping review [Poster presentation]. OT Summit of Scholars. Chicago, IL. 2022
  • Fronckowiak, L., Rambo, K., Shin, J., & Jewell, V. (2022, April). The effectiveness of occupation-based coaching and other coaching frameworks used in occupational therapy practice: An integrative review [Oral presentation]. St. Alberts University Research Day. Creighton University. Omaha, NE. 2022
  • Eiberger, M., OBrien, M., Jewell, V.D., Shin, J., & Knezevich, E. (2022, April). Scoping review of occupational therapy assessments for caregivers of children with diabetes[Oral presentation]. St. Alberts University Research Day. Creighton University. Omaha, NE. 2022
  • Signa, H., Huhn, M., Jewell, V., Shin, J., Fellman, S., & Kenevich, E. (2022, April). Assessment development in type 1 diabetes [Oral presentation]. St. Alberts University Research Day. Creighton University. Omaha, NE. 2022
  • Abbott, A., Shin, J., Jewell, V.D., Valdez, A., OBrien, M., & Storm, H. (2022, April). Telehealth occupation-based coaching intervention: Measuring evidence of independent capacity of caregivers of children with type 1 diabetes [Poster presentation]. 33rd Annual Nursing Scholars Forum Program, Creighton College of Nursing Iota Tau Chapter of Sigma Tau International Nursing Honor Society. Omaha, NE. 2022
  • Jewell, V.D., Russell, M., Shin, J., Feiten, B., & Bulleigh, B. (2022, April). Use of occupation-based coaching with families with a young child with type 1 diabetes [Short course]. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX 2022
  • Jewell, V.D., Shin, J., Russell, M., Feiten, B., & Bulleigh, B. (2022, April). Evaluation of rural telehealth occupation-based coaching intervention for type 1 diabetes health management [Scientific research panel]. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX 2022
  • Abbott, A., Shin, J., & Storm, H. (2022, March). Establishing interrater agreement between nursing evaluators using the occupation-based coaching fidelity protocol for children with type 1 diabetes [Poster presentation]. Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Research Conference. Schaumberg, IL. 2022
  • Shin, J., Jewell, V.D., Valdez, A., O'Brien, M., Erickson, J., & Abbott, A.A. (2022, February). Measuring evidence of independent capacity in clients/caregivers in occupation-based coaching telehealth intervention [Poster presentation]. Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association. Creighton University, Omaha, NE 2022
  • Shin, J., Abbott, A.A., & Jewell, V.D. (2022, February). The NIH Behavioral Change Consortiums Five-Domain Fidelity Framework: Exemplary application to clinical practice and research [Poster presentation]. Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association. Creighton University, Omaha, NE 2022
  • Fellman, S., Jewell, V.D., Shin, J., Eiberger, M., O'Brien, M., & Knezevich, E. (2022, February). Scoping review of occupational therapy assessments for caregivers of young children with diabetes [Poster presentation]. Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association. Creighton University, Omaha, NE 2022
  • Jewell, V.D., Shin, J., Bulleigh, B., Qi, Y., Knezevich, E., Russell, M., & Abbott, A.A. (2022, February). Occupation-based coaching telehealth intervention for type 1 diabetes health management: A randomized control trial [Poster presentation]. Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association. Creighton University, Omaha, NE 2022
  • Funk, K.J., Jewell, V.D., Currie, A., Shin, J., Valdez, A., Bunsness, M., Knezevich, E., & Abbott, A.A. (2022, February). Caregivers perceptions of caring for their child with type 1 diabetes [Poster presentation]. Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association. Creighton University, Omaha, NE 2022
  • Shin, J., Domina, A., & Fecht, A. (2022, February). Attribution-retraining intervention for occupational therapy students: A report of preliminary findings [Poster presentation]. Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association. Creighton University, Omaha, NE 2022
  • Jewell, V., Shin, J., Bulleigh, B., Qi, Y., Knezevich, E., Abbott, A., & Russell, M. (2021, October). Telehealth occupation-based coaching for rural families with young children with diabetes: Integrating novel findings into practice [Poster presentation]. Arizona Occupational Therapy Conference. Peoria, AZ 2021
  • Jewell, V., Shin, J., Bulleigh, B., Qi, Y., Knezevich, E., Abbott, A., & Russell, M. (2021, October). Telehealth occupation-based coaching for rural families with young children with diabetes: Integrating novel findings into practice [Poster presentation]. Arizona Occupational Therapy Conference. Peoria, AZ 2021
  • Shin, J., Domina, A., & Kaipust, M. (2021, September). Effectiveness of attribution retraining program in enhancing occupational therapy fieldwork student outcomes: A Randomized Control Trial [Oral presentation]. Creighton University Teaching and Learning Center. Omaha, NE. [Virtual] 2021
  • Storm, H., Abbott, A., & Shin, J. (2021, July). Rater agreement between nursing evaluators on the occupation-based coaching fidelity protocol [Poster presentation]. 32nd Annual Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Research Congress [Virtual] 2021
  • Shin, J., Jewell, V., Carlson, K., Russell, M., & Abbott, A. A. (2021, June). Developing fidelity standards for a novel randomized control trial involving occupation-based coaching delivered through telehealth and rural-dwelling families affected by type 1 diabetes [Poster presentation]. OT Summit of Scholars, Fort Collins, CO [Virtual] 2021
  • Carlson, K., Abbott, A., Jewell, V., Shin, J., & Russell, M. (2021, April). Establishing inter-rater agreement for the occupation-based coaching fidelity measure [Poster presentation]. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference and Expo, San Diego, CA [Virtual] 2021
  • Luo, M., Lorey, L., Jewell, V.D., Shin, J., & Abbott, A.A. (2021, April). Diabetes management for children with type 1 diabetes through telehealth occupation-based coaching. University Research Week, Creighton University [Virtual] 2021
  • Storm, H., Abbott, A. & Shin, J. (2021, April). Occupation-based coaching fidelity protocol: Establishing interrater reliability. 32nd Iota Tau Research Day, Creighton University [Virtual] 2021
  • Shin, J., Domina, A., Ratliff, R., Kaipust, M., & Bagby, L. (2021, April). Surveying attribution style characteristics of occupational therapy students to promote student preparedness for fieldwork [Poster presentation]. Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference. Omaha, NE [Virtual] 2021
  • Harmon, K., Shin, J., Rogge, A., Junker J., & Sleeth, K. (2021, April). A novel intergenerational occupational therapy program for grandparent-grandchild dyads: A pilot study [Poster presentation]. Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference. Omaha, NE [Virtual] 2021
  • McCarthy, M., & Shin, J. (2021, April). Prevalence and predictors of burnout among occupational therapy practitioners in the U.S. [Poster presentation]. Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference. Omaha, NE [Virtual] 2021
  • Braun, M., Bjorklund, S., & Shin, J. (2021, April). Promoting participation in sensory-based barn activities for children with sensory processing disorder [Poster presentation]. Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference. Omaha, NE [Virtual] 2021
  • Shin, J., & Blanchard, S. (2020, December). Instrumental activities of daily living in pediatric occupational therapy practice: Surveying practice pattern and perceived importance [Poster presentation]. American Occupational Therapy Association Children and Youth Specialty Conference, Orlando, FL [Virtual] 2020
  • Shin, J., Rossow, J., Oehrke, S, Mong, M., & Blanchard, S. (2020, December). Instrumental activities of daily living: Surveying parent perspectives [Poster presentation]. American Occupational Therapy Association Children and Youth Specialty Conference, Orlando, FL [Virtual] 2020
  • Bruner, R., Gerg, M., Shin, J. Coppard, B., & Lampe, A. (2020, November). Development of the qualitative data analysis process to report aggregate and cohort-specific student outcomes [Poster presentation]. Creighton University Assessment Symposium Assessing and Reflecting on Student Learning Amidst Change, Omaha, NE [Virtual] 2020
  • Blanchard, S., Shin, J., Qi, Y., & Kaufman, T. (2020, November). 4-year trend analysis: How did the results inform the instructor, course, and student learning outcomes? [Poster presentation]. Creighton University Assessment Symposium Assessing and Reflecting on Student Learning Amidst Change, Omaha, NE [Virtual] 2020
  • Shin, J., Greiner, B., Qi, Y., & Lampe, A. (2020, November). Monitoring curricular and assessment changes under crisis: A Collaborative Approach [Poster presentation]. Creighton University Assessment Symposium Assessing and Reflecting on Student Learning Amidst Change, Omaha, NE [Virtual] 2020
  • Jewell, V., Shin, J., Russell, M., Knezevich, E., Abbott, A., George, A., & Qi, Y. (2020, June). Family-centered type I diabetes management: The role of occupational Therapy [WiP presentation]. OT Summit of Scholars, Fort Collins, CO [Conference cancelled] 2020
  • Shin, J., Jewell, V., Carlson, K., Russell, M., & Abbott, A. (2020, June). Developing fidelity standards of occupation-based coaching delivered through telehealth for families with type 1 diabetes [Poster presentation]. OT Summit of Scholars, Fort Collins, CO [Conference cancelled] 2020
  • Jewell, V.D., Feiten, B., Russell, M., Shin, J., & Schultes, S. (2020, February). Family-centered type 1 diabetes management: The role of occupational therapy [Poster presentation]. Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference. Omaha, NE 2020
  • Shin, J., Lampe, A., Flecky, K., Bagby, L., Russell, M., Jewell, V., & Coppard, B. (2019, October). Assessing team-teaching effectiveness on the circular model of collegiate coaching [Poster presentation]. Creighton University Assessment Symposium Understanding IDEA's Student Ratings of Instruction: Where Learning and Student Evaluations Meet, Omaha, NE 2019
  • Shin, J., Blanchard, S., & Domina, A. (2019, October). Analyzing occupational therapy program outcomes across 3 years: Closing the loop [Poster presentation]. Creighton University Assessment Symposium Understanding IDEA's Student Ratings of Instruction: Where Learning and Student Evaluations Meet, Omaha, NE 2019
  • Shin, J., Messer, M., Bagby, L., Domina, A., & Kim, H. (2019, June). The role of attributional style and self-efficacy on level II fieldwork occupational therapy student outcomes: A pilot study [Poster presentation]. Innovations in Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Education Summit, Omaha, NE 2019
  • Baker, D., Lay, C., Engbers, P., Ludwig, E., McCarthy, C., & Shin, J. (2019, April). The effectiveness of slow linear swinging to increase on-task behavior in children with sensory processing difficulties: Does length of time matter? [Poster presentation]. Creighton University St. Alberts University Research Day, Omaha, NE 2019
  • Shin, J., & Mitchell, G. (2019, April). Attributional style characteristics of occupational therapy practitioners: Implications for burnout prevention [Poster presentation]. Creighton University St. Alberts University Research Day, Omaha, NE 2019
  • Shin, J., Messer, M., Bagby, L., Domina, A., & Kim, H. (2019, April). The role of attributional style and self-efficacy on level II fieldwork occupational therapy student outcomes: A pilot study [Poster presentation]. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference and Expo, New Orleans, LA 2019
  • Fluke, C., Griffin, M., Twaddell, M., Willse, N., & Shin, J. (2019, March). Investigating the effectiveness of Kinesiotaping method combined with traditional occupational therapy in improving functional hand outcomes in children with hypotonia [Poster presentation] Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, Omaha, NE 2019
  • Schmidt, C., Zellner, J., Ellerman, K., Juarez, A., Britton, M., & Shin, J. (2019, February). Burnout among occupational therapists: A preliminary report [Poster presentation]. Global Health Conference Midwest, Omaha, NE 2019
  • Shin, J., & Smith, A. (2019, January). Attributional style characteristics of occupational therapy practitioners: A preliminary report [Poster presentation]. Creighton University Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (CURAS) Research and Scholarship Fair, Omaha, NE 2019
  • Coppard, B., Bagby, L., Shin, J., Qi, Y., & Messer, M. (2018, October). Prevalence of paid level II fieldwork in occupational therapy [Poster presentation]. Creighton University Assessment Symposium Closing the Loop: Using Assessment Data, Omaha, NE 2018


  • Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) in Pediatric Occupational Therapy Practice: Surveying Consumer Perspectives. Love of Learning Award, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. (Principal Investigator; $500)

  • Efficacy of Occupation-Based Coaching for Rural Families with a Child with Type 1 Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study. Winifred J. Ellenchild Pinch Research Award, Sigma Theta Tau-Iota Chapter. (Co-Investigator; $1,000)

  • Psychometric Testing of the Diabetes Health Management and Distress Scale-Parents of Young Children (DHMDS-PYC). Research Fellowship, International Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD), Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). (Co-Investigator; $25,000)


  • Use of Dexcom Continuous Glucose Monitoring System to Assess Time-in-Range Following Delivery of Occupation-Based Coaching for Families with a Child with Type 1 Diabetes. Dexcom, Inc. (Co-Investigator; $42,260)


  • Attributional Style Characteristics of Occupational Therapy Practitioners: Implications for Burnout Prevention. Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (CURAS) Faculty Research Fund, Creighton University. (Principal Investigator; $1,940)

  • A Randomized Control Pilot Study to Examine the Effectiveness of Telehealth Occupation-Based Coaching for Families with a Child with Type 1 Diabetes. Health Science Strategic Investment Faculty Development Fund, Creighton University. (Co-Investigator; $49,340)

  • The Effectiveness of Attribution Retraining Program in Enhancing Occupational Therapy Fieldwork Student Outcomes: A Randomized Control Trial. Teaching and Learning Center Development Grant, Creighton University. (Principal Investigator); $1,940

  • A RCT Pilot Study to Examine the Effectiveness of Telehealth Occupation-Based Coaching for Families with a Child with T1D. Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (CURAS) Faculty Research Fund, Creighton University. (Co-Investigator; $4,940)

  • Outcomes Evaluation and Establishing Inter-rater Reliability of a Fidelity Measure for Occupation-Based Coaching Telehealth Interventions Delivered to Caregivers of Children with Type 1 Diabetes. Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (CURAS) Faculty Research Fund, Creighton University. (Co-Investigator; $2,000)

  • Evaluation of Hypoglycemic Episodes During Telehealth Occupation-Based Coaching Protocol with Caregivers of Young Children with Type 1 Diabetes. Health Science Strategic Investment Faculty Development Fund, Creighton University. (Co-Investigator; $31,835)

  • Development of an Occupation-Based Coaching Training Manual. School of Pharmacy and Health Professions Fellowship, Creighton University. (Principal Investigator; $3,000)

  • A Scoping Review of Childhood Diabetes Assessments within the Occupational Therapy Scope of Practice. School of Pharmacy and Health Professions Fellowship, Creighton University. (Co-Investigator; $3,000)

  • Culturally Responsive Pediatric Rehabilitation Services for Racial-Ethnic Minority Groups: An Exploration of Needs, Barriers, and Facilitators. Dr. George F. Haddix President’s Faculty Research Fund, Creighton University. (Principal Investigator; $15,000)

  • Defining, Measuring, and Promoting Leadership for Public Purpose: Application of Creighton University's Leadership Values and Behaviors Framework. Mission Innovation Grant, Creighton University. (Co-Investigator; $20,000)

  • Transcription Accuracy for Improved Intervention Fidelity. College of Nursing Dean’s Research Award, Creighton University. (Co-Investigator; $500)


  • Young/Early-Stage Investigator Standard Travel Award
    International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD)
  • Research Fellow
    Health Disparities Research Education Program (HDREP); Minority Health & Health Equity Research Center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • OT Summit Outstanding Scholar Award
    OT Summit of Scholars
  • Travel Award
    Workshop in Implementation Science and Health Sciences (WISH); LeaRRn, CoHSTAR, & AOTF
  • Scholar
    Workshop in Implementation Science and Health Sciences (WISH); LeaRRn, CoHSTAR, & AOTF
  • Visiting Scholar
    Lifestyle Redesign® for Chronic Conditions (LRCC) Research Lab; University of Southern California
  • Excellence in Scholarship Award
    University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
  • Educator of the Year Award
    Awardee (Post-Professional OTD Program 2023); Nominee (Entry-Level OTD Program Hybrid Pathway 2020); Nominee (Entry-Level OTD Program Omaha Campus Pathway 2019)


  • Peer Reviewer
    American Journal of Occupational Therapy; Occupational Therapy Journal of Research; Journal of Occupational Therapy Education; Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy