Weather Alert

EARLY CLOSURE MARCH 4 - Due to the forecast for severe winter weather, Creighton's Omaha campus will close at 7 P.M. this evening. 

All in-person classes, clinics, and events, regardless of start time, are asked to end by 7 P.M. For those needing a shuttle, please visit for the most up-to-date maps and schedule. Shuttles will run until 8 P.M. this evening. We encourage you to be mindful of other closures or impacted services across the city as well. 

Employees, including those classified as responsible for “essential operations” should review Creighton's Weather and Emergency-Related Absence Policy and work with your immediate supervisor on expectations for job functions during this curtailment of campus operations. 

Please take proper winter weather precautions throughout the day and contact public safety at 402.280.2911 for any emergencies.

Bluejay Visit Day - October 17, 2024

Thursday, October 17, 2024 / 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Creighton University
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178
Add to Calendar 20241017T083000Z 20241017T140000Z America/Chicago Bluejay Visit Day - October 17, 2024 <p>We’re thrilled to invite you and your family to join us for a Bluejay Visit Day event in the summer or fall to experience firsthand what it’s like to be a Creighton Bluejay! Bluejay Visit Day events are held in the fall while classes are in session, making it a great way to get a feel for Creighton’s community.</p><p>You will have a choice of breakouts, allowing you to tailor the day to your interests. Whether you’re interested in science, art, business or anything in between, we have something for everyone!</p><ul><li>Get helpful tips to get your college search off to a great start</li><li>Learn about Creighton’s admissions, scholarship and financial aid processes</li><li>Tour campus</li><li>Explore academic opportunities in breakout sessions</li></ul> Creighton University 2500 California Plaza Omaha, NE 68178
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We’re thrilled to invite you and your family to join us for a Bluejay Visit Day event in the summer or fall to experience firsthand what it’s like to be a Creighton Bluejay! Bluejay Visit Day events are held in the fall while classes are in session, making it a great way to get a feel for Creighton’s community.

You will have a choice of breakouts, allowing you to tailor the day to your interests. Whether you’re interested in science, art, business or anything in between, we have something for everyone!

  • Get helpful tips to get your college search off to a great start
  • Learn about Creighton’s admissions, scholarship and financial aid processes
  • Tour campus
  • Explore academic opportunities in breakout sessions