Public knowledge and acceptance of vaccination guidelines begins with healthcare professionals. This conference provides healthcare professionals the latest information on immunizations as well as tools to increase vaccinations and public health partnerships.
The Immunize Nebraska Conference Program Committee invites attendees to submit original abstracts to be considered for presentation as posters at the Immunize Nebraska Conference. The Program Committee is seeking to complement a dynamic conference with topics related to education, health promotion or innovative research topics focusing on improving immunization rates among individuals and communities.
Posters that have been presented at other conferences within the past year or those you plan to present at future conferences in the next year may be submitted. Abstracts will be peer reviewed for outstanding quality and timely content. Posters must be educational and must not promote any commercial product or service. The poster presenter(s) must be registered to attend the conference, with at least one presenter present. Poster abstracts are limited to 300 words and should include title, name/credentials of presenter(s), purpose, design (if appropriate), findings and implications for practice.
Abstracts are to be submitted by April 30, 2023. Individuals who submit abstracts will be notified of acceptance decision by email by May 12, 2023.
This conference is designed to bring together individuals from Nebraska and surrounding states who are interested in promoting optimal immunization levels that will eliminate vaccine-preventable diseases throughout the lifespan of all persons.
Designed For
Physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, nurses, public health officials, fellows, residents, students and other interested healthcare professionals
Jointly Provided By
- Immunization Task Force - Metro Omaha
- Methodist Health System
- DHHS Nebraska
- Creighton University Health Sciences Continuing Education
- Recommend adult vaccines in accordance with ACIP's Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule
- Identify conditions that place an adult at high-risk for infection by vaccine-preventable diseases
- Review for contraindications and precautions to adult vaccines
- Communicate with a range of parents regarding the value of routine pediatric vaccines
- Organize your office team to catch-up adolescents on routine adolescent vaccines efficiently
- Recommend child vaccines in accordance with ACIP's Recommended Child/Adolescent Immunization Schedule
- Review for contraindications and precautions to pediatric vaccines
- Recommend travel vaccines for children
- Recommend travel vaccines for adults
- Distinguish indications for primary series and booster COVID-19 doses
- Provide an update on 2022-23 statewide school-aged children vaccination rates
- Discuss historical trends in school-aged children vaccination and exemption rates
- Recognize current vaccine-preventable disease trends in Nebraska
- Review statewide school-aged children routine vaccination rates
- Review the community our reach efforts for immunization
- Review COVID-19 vaccination rates for residents of Douglas County and Nebraska
- Review routine vaccination rates for residents of Douglas County and Nebraska.
- Define current interventions, challenges and outcomes for immunization efforts in Douglas County and Nebraska
8:10 a.m.
Laura K. Klug, PharmD
8:15 a.m.
CDC Update Pediatric
Andrew Kroger, MD, MPH
9:15 a.m.
CDC Update Adult
Janelle King, MPH, BSN, RN
10:15 a.m.
Break and Exhibits
10:30 a.m.
Vaccine Disparities
Lynn Bahta, RN, MPH
11:15 a.m.
Ask the Experts Panel
Andrew Kroger, MD, MPH
Janelle King, MPH, BSN, RN
Lynn Bahta, RN, MPH
12 p.m.
Lunch and Exhibits
1 p.m.
Pediatric and Adult Travel Vaccine
Meera Varman, MD
Rudolf Kotula, MD
1:45 p.m.
Poster Presentations
2:15 p.m.
Break and Exhibits
2:30 p.m.
DHHS Data: Vaccine Related Updates in Nebraska
Derek Julian, MPH
Alison Keyser-Metobo, MPH
3 p.m.
Community Outreach
Richard Brown, PhD
3:30 p.m.
Immunization Updates in Douglas County
Molly Elston, MS Global Health, RN/BSN
Avery Wallace, MPH
4 p.m.
Door Prizes, Evaluation and Adjournment
Accreditation Statement

In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by Creighton University Health Sciences Continuing Education, Immunization Task Force Metro Omaha, Methodist Health System, and Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. Creighton University Health Sciences Continuing Education (HSCE) is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.