EARLY CLOSURE MARCH 4 - Due to the forecast for severe winter weather, Creighton's Omaha campus will close at 7 P.M. this evening.
All in-person classes, clinics, and events, regardless of start time, are asked to end by 7 P.M. For those needing a shuttle, please visit my.creighton.edu for the most up-to-date maps and schedule. Shuttles will run until 8 P.M. this evening. We encourage you to be mindful of other closures or impacted services across the city as well.
Employees, including those classified as responsible for “essential operations” should review Creighton's Weather and Emergency-Related Absence Policy and work with your immediate supervisor on expectations for job functions during this curtailment of campus operations.
Please take proper winter weather precautions throughout the day and contact public safety at 402.280.2911 for any emergencies.
Students participating in any Creighton In Program or other program for university credit must complete the course pre-approval process. Students will complete this process within their Jays Abroad online portal.
Courses taken while studying abroad will transfer back to Creighton University with a letter grade. These grades will be factored into your Creighton GPA.
Grade conversions between a school abroad and Creighton vary based on country and institution, and grading culture can differ greatly from country to country. When grades are assigned by faculty from the host country using the local grading scale, equivalency scales are used to translate the grades to Creighton grades. The scales used capture the spirit and culture of the grading system abroad in comparison to the scale utilized across U.S. higher education institutions.
"Creighton In" and Encuentro Dominicano program equivalency charts are predetermined by Creighton and made available for students prior to their term abroad.
The same variation that occurs between the differing demands of professors at Creighton is likely to occur with teachers abroad and Creighton does not make adjustments to the grading scale on this count. Students are expected to complete all coursework before they leave the study abroad site. When enrolling in courses taught by host country nationals, students are expected to select courses that require work that can be assessed for a grade. If no such academic work can be arranged, students will not receive credit for the class. To dispute a grade from a study abroad program, students should directly contact the program sponsor, host institution, or faculty member. Creighton and/or GEO cannot intervene or assist with grade disputes for courses taken during a study abroad period.
For complete information regarding academic matters and study abroad, please review the Study Abroad Policies & Procedures.
Creighton defines study abroad as a term in which Creighton University students receive academic credit for courses taken abroad through an approved study abroad program. Students must receive final approval to study abroad from GEO and/or the respective Dean's Office. Final approval will be given after all study abroad forms and documentation have been turned in and the student has cleared the second disciplinary and academic record checks prior to their term abroad. Students who do not receive final study abroad approval from GEO are not eligible to study abroad. If a student chooses to study abroad without approval, the student will not retain status as a Creighton student, will not receive academic credit from Creighton for the courses taken abroad, and will not be eligible for Creighton financial aid for any study abroad program. CREIGHTON IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY WITHDRAWAL FEES OR OTHER MONETARY LOSSES INCURRED BY STUDENTS WHO BECOME INELIGIBLE TO STUDY ABROAD.
For complete information regarding academic matters and study abroad, please review the Study Abroad Policies & Procedures.
Students must follow the procedure at institution abroad to request that an official study abroad transcript is sent to GEO upon completion of the term(s) abroad. Credit for the term(s) abroad will not be granted unless an official transcript is received. The GEO - in conjunction with the student's College of registration and Creighton's Office of the Registrar - will process the grades received. Please note that transcripts often are received in the GEO between 1 and 3 months following the completion of the academic term abroad.
For complete information regarding academic matters and study abroad, please review the Study Abroad Policies & Procedures.
Depending on the institution, 12 or 15 US credits is the minimum course load each semester abroad. Exceptions are considered only in cases of illness or similar extenuating circumstances. If students drop below the minimum credit hours required to be considered a full-time student at both Creighton and/or the institution abroad, they will jeopardize status as Creighton students and may lose awarded financial aid. Some programs have specific course requirements and you will discuss these with your Global Programs Coordinator.
Students are responsible for providing coursework, syllabi, reading lists, and any other necessary documents from study abroad courses, if required by the Dean or Department Chair at Creighton.
If a student's major dictates that they need to take a correspondence course while abroad, it is the responsibility of the student to make the necessary arrangements prior to departure to the host site. Students will be responsible for any fees associated with correspondence courses (test proctor, computer usage, etc.).
Shadowing doctors in a Rome hospital showed California native Avani Khaparde that the meaning of care goes beyond language.