
Our current initiatives offer themes that sharpen our focus. We have named signature programs within each of these to serve as concrete examples of how we are living our mission and working toward our vision, though they do not represent the full scope. Most of our work exists at the intersection of these initiatives, much as our mission and vision focus on the intersection of the humanities and the professions.


In line with the university's commitment to becoming an antiracist institution, we declare with Ibram X. Kendi that it is not enough to be simply "not racist." We strive to be antiracist in all aspects of our work and to co-create a culture of antiracism. This involves collaboration and listening across our campus and our local community.

Signature program: Omaha Community Council for Racial Justice and Reconciliation: Community Remembrance Project with the Equal Justice Initiative
The city we call home has witnessed acts of racial violence that we must recognize in order to reckon with them and their legacies. We are proud to be part of the OCCRJR, which is a network of community leaders collaborating on these efforts. Learn more at

Juneteenth parade for racial justice
Humane health speaker at Creighton

Humane Health

We seek to prepare students to live the Jesuit value of cura personalis by orienting them toward a human-centered model of health and care. Though essential, a biomedical model alone cannot account for the powerful social aspects that shape experiences of health, illness, and care. The humanities offer frameworks for expressing, understanding, and responding compassionately to these lived human experiences. 

Signature program: Health humanities faculty lyceum
Inspired by Aristotle's lyceum and the lyceum movement of the early 1900's in the U.S., this series seeks to bring together faculty to learn about and discuss issues of health humanities education while building relationships with fellow faculty members.

Sustainable Development Goals logo

Sustainable Development

Sustainable development requires a global perspective of humanity and accounts for complex social, economic, and ecological systems to ultimately serve the common good. As a practical framework for locating the humanities in sustainable development, we refer to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.

Signature program: Seminar on Sustainable Development
We have partnered with the Global Engagement Office to advance capacity-building across the University for regional and global partnerships. Faculty and staff participants will develop project proposals for Creighton's Common Home Project.