A community that is for and with others.

In accordance with the Jesuit values that guide our institution, we encourage students to share their gifts, nurture their commitments to justice, and develop themselves academically, mentally, and spirituality.

The Creighton community is based on a Catholic, Jesuit tradition and is committed to supporting the intrinsic value of each human being. This tradition involves striving to create a human community influenced by the principles of justice and love, complete with respect and concern for all persons as children of God. The Creighton University community is dedicated to the promotion of values consistent with personal and academic excellence.

Creighton fosters an environment of learning from experience and moving beyond negative choices. We support students as they work through the potentially uncomfortable process of making choices that better reflect the personal and communal values articulated by the Jesuit values central to the mission of Creighton University.

Creighton, a Jesuit University, is convinced that the hope of humanity is the ability of men and women to seek truths and values essential to human life. It aims to lead all its members in discovering and embracing the challenging responsibilities of their intelligence, freedom, and value as persons. We therefore profess, and pledge our commitment to, the following creed:

  • We believe in God, our loving Creator.
  • We believe each person, created in God’s image, is called to be God’s child, and therefore possesses intrinsic value as a human being. This includes all persons and excludes any form of discrimination.
  • We believe that the deepest purpose of each person is to enrich and share life through love and reverence in the human community. This motivates our open and continuous pursuit of truth. For this reason we foster reverence for life in all of its human potential.
  • We believe in supporting all persons in their responsible contributions to the community through family, social interactions, and all life endeavors.
  • We believe that we must strive for a human community of justice, mutual respect, and concern. In this context we must cultivate care for our planet and its resources.
  • We believe that laws exist for the benefit and well-being of individual persons, that legal systems must express the common good, and that all government must be subject to the courageous, through respectful, criticism of intelligent and responsible citizens.
  • ​We believe that the laws of justice and love must regulate the personal, family, economic, and international life of all persons if civilization is to progress.
  • We believe in the teachings and example of Jesus Christ.

How do I access Bridge? 
You can access Bridge at learning.creighton.edu. Single Sign-On (SSO) has been established for Bridge, so you will log in using your Creighton Net ID and Blue Password.  
Why am I unable to log into Bridge? I receive a message that says ''Oh Snap! Sorry, something went wrong'' 
We recommend accessing Bridge with the Google Chrome browser. If you receive this message, we recommend you first clear your internet browser cache. This error message can sometimes appear when using SSO for a new program. Another option is to try a different browser, such as Google Chrome. If you continue to receive this message after clearing your browser cache and trying a new browser, please contact learning@creighton.edu.  
How to clear browser cache in Chrome 
How to clear browser cache in Firefox 
How to clear browser cache in Edge 
Why Bridge? 
Adopting Bridge offers 

  • A central hub for compliance training 

  • A modern and friendly user-interface for easy navigation 

  • Registration for live learning events 

  • Tracking completion status of your learning and compliance trainings  

  • Tools to create custom learning experience for Learners 

Is Bridge replacing BlueLine? 
No! Bridge will be specifically used for compliance training requirements and professional development courses.  
Whom may I speak with to get support on my Bridge account? 
Reach out to our Learning and Development Team in Student Life at learning@creighton.edu. The Bridge support page also provides training resources and assistance.   
How do I know which trainings I need to complete?  
On your Bridge dashboard, click on the My Learning tab to see your assigned trainings.   
What University-required training courses am I required to complete? 
Creighton University requires that all students complete the following trainings on recurring basis:  

  • Student Handbook - Standards of Conduct 

  • Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act notice and attestation  

Based upon your year and college/school at Creighton University, you may be required to complete additional trainings.   
When am I required to complete the above University-required trainings? 
The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act notice and attestation, and the Student Handbook will be assigned to you in Bridge. With this initial launch in January 2023, currently enrolled students will receive an email from Creighton Learning on Jan. 31 with a link to complete the two trainings. Students will have 30 days from initial notification to complete these trainings. Additional trainings may be assigned later in the academic year.   
What does the “Required” section mean?  
As courses are assigned to each learner, the “Required” section contains the Programs and individual course content that each learner is required to complete. As each of these modules is completed, those courses or programs (groupings of courses) will move out of this section and moved into the “Completed” category below. 
What does the "Recommended" section mean?  
Courses listed in the "Recommended" section have been identified as courses you may find helpful for your role at Creighton. You are not required to complete these courses; however, we encourage you to review your recommended courses and complete those you feel would be helpful.  
What does the "Added by You" section mean?  
In Bridge, you have access to a full Learning Library. We encourage you to browse the learning offerings available in the library. You can add courses you may be interested in completing. The courses you add will appear on your dashboard under "Added by You."  
Do I have to complete an entire course or program in one sitting, or will the system record my progress? 
The system will record and save your progress—even if you’re in the middle of a course. Learners do not have to re-do any work they’ve already done. 
What does the check mark next to a course mean? 
The check mark means the course has been completed. 
What does the ribbon/certificate symbol next to a course mean? 
This symbol indicates that a course or program has a certificate and a completion pin that accompanies it. 
How can I access my certificate of completion?  
Certificate of completion can be accessed by simply clicking on the ''view certificate'' option below the course title. If you are still not able to see it, your dashboard view may need to be switched from ''Grid'' to ''List'' view. 
What does a paperclip icon to the right of a course mean? 
This symbol indicates that there is an attachment associated with that course or program. 
What is the Learning Library? How do I use it? 
The Learning Library contains self-directed learning content, including thousands of courses from LinkedIn Learning, that can assist you with improving a wide variety of skills. Content in the Learning Library does not have a due date. Certificates are granted after completing a learning item. 
How do I search for live trainings?  
On your Bridge dashboard, click on the Training Calendar to view upcoming live training events. 
How do I unregister from a live training?  
Find the class from which you want to unregister on your Dashboard. Click RESCHEDULE and/or UNREGISTER. That’s it! 
Can I print a transcript of all my completed learning events? 
Yes! On your Bridge dashboard, click "EXPORT TRANSCRIPT." 
Can I access a course after I have completed it? 
Yes. Simply click on the course to review the content. 
I just completed a training, but it is not showing as complete in my list. What can I do? 
If you completed a training but it is not displayed as complete, refresh your browser window. Sometimes Bridge needs a minute to update its records page. 

Being a Bluejay means taking advantage of all of the opportunities that are given to you, challenging yourself, and making choices in order to live the best version of yourself.
— Creighton Bluejay

Contact Information

Student Life

Creighton Hall Suite 224
P: 402.280.2775
F: 402.280.4706
