EARLY CLOSURE MARCH 4 - Due to the forecast for severe winter weather, Creighton's Omaha campus will close at 7 P.M. this evening.
All in-person classes, clinics, and events, regardless of start time, are asked to end by 7 P.M. For those needing a shuttle, please visit my.creighton.edu for the most up-to-date maps and schedule. Shuttles will run until 8 P.M. this evening. We encourage you to be mindful of other closures or impacted services across the city as well.
Employees, including those classified as responsible for “essential operations” should review Creighton's Weather and Emergency-Related Absence Policy and work with your immediate supervisor on expectations for job functions during this curtailment of campus operations.
Please take proper winter weather precautions throughout the day and contact public safety at 402.280.2911 for any emergencies.
The Creighton University community is based on a Catholic, Jesuit tradition and is committed to supporting the intrinsic value of each human being. This tradition involves striving to create a human community influenced by the principles of justice and love, complete with respect and concern for all persons as children of God. The Creighton University community is dedicated to the promotion of values consistent with personal and academic excellence.
Consistent with our Standards of Conduct is the affirmative support for equal rights and opportunities for all members of the Creighton University community, realizing that you are a member of a larger community, understanding societal issues, and being a responsible participant in the civic and Creighton community. Always try to do what is right and fair by treating others as you would expect to be treated yourself. Know that being a good neighbor can be difficult because people hold different beliefs and perceptions. It is important that all of us respect the rights of others and that we accept the responsibilities, as well as the benefits, of good citizenship. These guidelines give students an understanding of how behavior may affect others.
Students must adhere to the Creighton University Community Standards on and off campus. Students who allow or sponsor house parties that disturb the neighborhood and adversely affect the surrounding community, will be subject to review by the University and be referred to the Office of Community Standards and Student Conduct.
Protect the environment from noise, litter and other intrusions. This includes being appropriately quiet during evening and night hours, keeping auto and home stereo systems at acceptable sound levels, and not leaving litter or trash on campus, city of Omaha streets or neighbors’ or students’ properties.
Properly maintain off-campus rooms, apartments or houses. This includes many of the recommendations stated above plus other vital information, such as keeping rooms, apartments and houses litter-free and putting trash on the street curb for pickup once per week. Students who live off campus can contact the City of Omaha and Deffenbaugh Trash to find out about trash pickups and recycling.
Educate yourself on how to report things to your local precinct, Mayor’s hotline (402.444.5555) or your neighborhood association. All tenants and landlords are subject to the zoning and health and safety laws of the city of Omaha. Please feel free to contact the Office of Community Standards and Wellbeing, to find out more about the zoning laws and how they affect students as tenants.
All students are encouraged to join on-campus clubs/organizations, which perform community service by working with such groups as the Sienna Francis House or Lydia House, local parishes such as Sacred Heart and Holy Family and local soup kitchens.
Students who live off campus are also encouraged to join civic programs and neighborhood associations because membership for these groups is not limited to homeowners. It is rewarding and mutually beneficial to participate in community-service learning and neighborhood activities, such as civic meetings and block parties.
Office of Community Standards and Student Conduct
Creighton Hall 224
P: 402.280.2775
F: 402.280.4706