Services for Creighton Students, Faculty and Staff

Creighton University Intellectual Policy

Creighton University Intellectual Policy (section 4.2.3, available here) governs intellectual property developed by individuals using a substantial amount of Creighton resources. Please contact IRM with any detailed questions about the policy.

Invention Disclosure Form

Creighton University's Invention Disclosure Form creates a record of the invention, including a description of the invention, identification of the inventor(s) involved, the sponsors of the work, public disclosures relating to the invention and other information required to evaluate the patentability of the invention/discovery. To report your invention/discovery, please print the Invention Disclosure Form and return it to the IRM Director, Stuart Martens, or the IRM office.


IRM can assist with implementing a number of different legal agreements, including Material Transfer Agreements (MTA), Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDA), and License Agreements. 

Staff and faculty do not have legal authority to sign agreements on behalf of Creighton University.  It is, therefore, important to work with IRM anytime a legal agreement is proposed that includes Creighton as a party.


If you are interested in learning more about what IRM does upon receiving a new invention disclosure, visit our procedures page.