African Studies Program

The cradle of humanity, Africa today is the most dynamic continent in the world in economic, demographic and religious terms. From business and politics to health and medicine, Creighton students need to be prepared in the 21st century to understand and engage Africa. In light of the continent's burgeoning growth and structural challenges, the importance of informed analysis of Africa cannot be underestimated. The African Studies Program is dedicated to enhancing knowledge and understanding of Africa and its peoples by members of the Creighton University community.

It seeks to do this by:

  • Developing and delivering diverse and dynamic courses in multiple disciplines on Africa.
  • Providing an African Studies Minor for students interested in delving into the interdisciplinary study of Africa.
  • Facilitating deeper campus conversations on Africa by bringing dynamic African speakers, films and other Africa-related events to campus.
  • Encouraging student study, travel and research internships in Africa.
  • Encouraging scholarly research on Africa, including joint faculty-student research.
  • Enhancing the exchange of ideas between the local African diaspora and the Creighton community.
  • Collaborating with Creighton’s African Students Association (AFSA) and other Creighton students interested in Africa.

In summary, the program’s goal is to develop, strengthen and sustain nuanced and in-depth knowledge and understanding of Africa and its peoples and the challenges they face in the 21st century.

African Studies Minor

Any Creighton student looking to engage Africa during or after college should do so through an informed academic lens. Toward this end, African Studies offers a flexible 18-hour Undergraduate Minor through the College of Arts and Sciences. We have included below African Studies classes that are currently offered at Creighton. In addition to being listed under African Studies (AFS), most of these courses can count toward Creighton’s Black Studies (BKS) Minor. New courses are also being developed in light of faculty interests and Creighton’s new Magis Core.