Office for Catholic School Initiatives

The Office for Catholic School Initiatives has been established to provide a centralized and coordinated effort to build on Creighton University’s commitment to Catholic schools both locally and nationally.

At the present time, we offer the online Catholic School Leadership Certificate for current and aspiring leaders in Catholic schools. We also coordinate our efforts with the Magis Catholic Teacher Corps at Creighton, which seeks to provide a new generation of educators for Catholic schools through graduate level preparation programs. Our Office will coordinate new initiatives to address current trends and issues in Catholic schools, such as:

  • conflict engagement
  • enrollment management, and
  • Catholic school culture and identity.

We currently partner with the Archdiocese of Omaha, Neb; the Diocese of Sioux City, Iowa; the Diocese of Salt Lake City, Utah; and the Archdiocese of Hartford, Conn. Through these partnerships, we help to develop a pipeline of new leaders for Catholic schools. Through additional partnerships, our Office will expand Creighton’s collaborative work with P-12 Catholic education in Omaha and across the United States.