Weather Alert

EARLY CLOSURE MARCH 4 - Due to the forecast for severe winter weather, Creighton's Omaha campus will close at 7 P.M. this evening. 

All in-person classes, clinics, and events, regardless of start time, are asked to end by 7 P.M. For those needing a shuttle, please visit for the most up-to-date maps and schedule. Shuttles will run until 8 P.M. this evening. We encourage you to be mindful of other closures or impacted services across the city as well. 

Employees, including those classified as responsible for “essential operations” should review Creighton's Weather and Emergency-Related Absence Policy and work with your immediate supervisor on expectations for job functions during this curtailment of campus operations. 

Please take proper winter weather precautions throughout the day and contact public safety at 402.280.2911 for any emergencies.

Student Accounts Holds

The Business Office reserves the right to place a hold on a student account for the reasons listed below. Please read about your hold type, and how to remove it. Some of holds listed below prevent registration for a future term. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Hold Code: BO
Name: Business Office Hold
Description: This hold can be placed for any reason but is generally used on past due tuition and past due payment plan installments. This hold prevents registration and diploma & certificate requests.
How to Release: This hold can be removed once all outstanding items have been satisfied, which may include paying the account in full or making a past due payment on your payment plan.

Hold Code: DD​
Name: Direct Deposit of Refund
Description: The Direct Deposit of Refund Hold is a placeholder letting the Business Office know you are signed up for direct deposit. This hold does not prevent registration.
How to Release: This hold will remain on your account until you cancel your direct deposit account.

Hold Code: FR
Name: Statement of Financial Responsibility Hold
Description: The Statement of Financial Responsibility (SFR) needs to be accepted each academic year between June 1 and June 30 to avoid a hold. You will have this hold if you have not yet completed the SFR. This hold prevents registration.
How to Release: To clear this hold, please log on to your NEST account and accept the Statement of Financial Responsibility on the opening page. Once you accept the statement, the hold will be immediately removed. 

Hold Code: IF
Name: Returned Payment Hold
Description: If a payment has been attempted and returned to the University for any reason, this hold will be placed until the payment is made and clears the bank (6 business days). This hold prevents registration.
How to Release: Successful completion of the payment must be made for the hold to be removed. If you make your next payment by e-credit card, the hold may be removed immediately. If you pay by e-check, the hold may be removed after 6 business days (after 10 a.m.).

Hold Code: PP​
Name: Payment Plan Hold​​​​​​​
Description: The Payment Plan Hold is a placeholder letting the Business Office know you are signed up for a payment plan. This hold does not prevent registration.
How to Release: This hold will remain on your account until the payment plan is complete.

​​​​​​​Hold Code: SA
Name: Student Account Hold​​​​​​​
Description: You must pay the balance down to a minimum of $1,500 to have the hold removed. This hold prevents registration and diploma & certificate requests. 
How to Release: You must pay the balance down to a minimum of $1,500 to have the hold removed. The hold will be automatically released by 6 a.m. the following business day after payment is made.

​​​​​​​Hold Code: SC
Name: Scholarship Check Hold​​​​​​​
Description: Congratulations on your scholarship! If you have this hold, we require your signature on the check we received. This hold prevents registration.
How to Release: Please stop by the Student Financial Services Office to endorse your scholarship check. The office is open 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. M-F and in the Harper Center, Suite 1100. Once endorsed, the hold will be removed from your account.

​​​​​​​Hold Code: SE
Name: Heartland ECSI Student Exit Interview Hold
Description: Students that fall below half-time status at any time and have a loan held through Creighton University must complete an Exit Interview with Heartland ECSI (our loan servicer). This hold prevents registration and diploma & certificate requests.
How to Release: Search your Creighton email account for an email from with instructions on how to complete the Exit Interview. If you cannot find the webmaster email, contact us at to have a new email sent. The online interview takes about 20 minutes to complete. Once the interview is completed, the hold will be automatically removed the following business day by 12 p.m.

​​​​​​​Hold Code: SL
Name: Heartland ECSI Student Loan Past Due Hold​​​​​​​
Description: This hold is used when a student is past due on their student loan held with Creighton University (serviced by Heartland ECSI). This hold prevents registration.​​​​​​​
How to Release: A Student Loan Hold has been placed on your account regarding your loans held with Creighton University and Heartland ECSI (our loan servicer). This hold is used when a borrower is past due on their loan payments. You must pay the balance in full for the hold to be released.

​​​​​​​Hold Code: TU
Name: Tuition Account Hold​​​​​​​
Description: This hold is placed when a student has an outstanding tuition account balance with the University. This hold does not prevent registration but does prevent diploma & certificate requests.
How to Release: The hold can only be removed if the balance is paid in full. The hold will be automatically released by 6 a.m. the following business day after payment is made in full.