Annals of thoracic surgery short reports Stanley Steven, Braaten Marco, Mishra Anjali, Abdul Jabbar Ali Bin, Tauseef Abubakar, Silberstein Peter, Balters Marcus, Gillaspie Erin, DeVrieze Bradley, Asghar Muhammad Sohaib, Lobectomy vs. Segmentectomy in Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer with Lymphatic Vascular Invasion 2025
Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) Keirns Darby L, Rajan Ajay K, Wee Shirline H, Govardhan Isheeta S, Eitan Dana N, Dilsaver Danielle B, Ng Ian, Balters Marcus W, Tracheal Stenosis in Open Versus Percutaneous Tracheostomy 16:3, p. e57075 - e57075 2024
The Journal of surgical research Minami Hataka R., Allen Steven, Ansari Parswa, Balters Marcus, Han Daniel, Hess Donald, Jackson Patrick, Kimbrough Mary, Porter Michael, Schroll Rebecca, Ong Samantha K., Li Xujia, Sussman Jeffrey J., Shames Brian, Shelton Julia, Soult Michael, Williams Michael, Yoo Peter, Smeds Matthew R., Frequency and Characteristics of Social Media Use among General Surgery Trainees 277, p. 342 - 351 2022
Journal of Surgical Education LaFemina Jennifer, Ahuja Vanita, Alseidi Adnan, Balters Marcus, Brasel Karen, Clark Clarence, Delman Keith A., Farley David, Lindeman Brenessa, Harrington David, Relles Daniel, Shabahang Mohsen, Sohn Vance, APDS Consensus Statement: Ideal Senior Medical Student Experiences for Preparedness for General Surgery Internship 78:1, p. 69 - 75 2021
Cureus Schenkel Rachel, Altfillisch Charles, Chung Janice, Verma Ankit, Balters Marcus, Malignant Degeneration of Biopsy-Proven Hamartoma to Chondrosarcoma 2020
Gynecologic Oncology Reports Larsen Nicholas K., Reilly Matthew J., Kwon Seunghyug, Loggie Brian W., Balters Marcus W., Cytoreduction with hyperthermic intra peritoneal and intra thoracic chemotherapy for metastatic Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor of the ovary 34 2020
The American Journal of Surgery Smeds Matthew R., Janko Matthew R., Allen Steven, Amankwah Kwame, Arnell Tracey, Ansari Parswa, Balters Marcus, Hess Donald, Ferguson Elizabeth, Jackson Patrick, Kimbrough Mary K., Knight David, Schroll Rebecca, Johnson Melissa, Porter Michael, Shames Brian D., Shelton Julia, Sussman Jeffrey, Yoo Peter, Burnout and its Relationship with Perceived Stress, Self-Efficacy, Depression, Social Support, and Programmatic Factors in General Surgery Residents 219:6, p. 907 - 912 2020
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports Verma Ankit, Jacobson Xander, Nordick Katherine, Nicchi Vincent, Balters Marcus, Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return in a Patient Undergoing Left Upper Lobectomy for Adenocarcinoma of the Lung: A Case Report 76, p. 90 - 93 2020
Cureus Nguyen Cam, Larsen Nicholas K, Dietz Nick, Sirineni Gopi, Balters Marcus, Pulmonary Atypical Adenomatous Hyperplasia: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Implications, p. e6079 - e6079 2019
Journal of vascular and interventional radiology Ali M., Aly A., Aurit S., Balters M., Nguyen C., Stavas J., Abstract No. 502 Comparative analysis of overall survival based on hospital type following percutaneous ablation of stage T1N0M0 non–small cell lung cancer 30:3, p. S217 - S218 2019
Proceedings of the International Symposium of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare Kalaga Pramila, Forse Armour, Alsagar Barb, Culbertson Sandy, Kayl Matt, Jessen Christopher, Wright Christine, Myers Janel, Patterson Emalee, Balters Marcus, Crowley Lynn, Paulsen Lisa, Erkes Laura Peet, Boes Emily, Carr Jill, Ergonomics and Prevention of Injuries From Needles Sticks and Sharps in the OR 5:1, p. 140 - 140 2016
Surgical Clinics of North America Torgersen Zachary H., Balters Marcus W., Perioperative Nutrition 95:2, p. 255 - 267 2015
Annals of Surgery Gupta H., Mactaggart J. N., Johanning J. M., Fang Xiang, Forse R. Armour, Balters Marcus W., Lynch T. G., Pipinos I. I., Sundaram Abhishek, Sugimoto Jeffrey T., Longo G. M., Preoperative anemia is an independent predictor of postoperative mortality and adverse cardiac events in elderly patients undergoing elective vascular operations 258:6, p. 1096 - 1102 2013
European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery Gupta P.K., Ramanan B., Lynch T.G., Gupta H., Fang X., Balters M., Johanning J.M., Longo G.M., Pipinos I.I., MacTaggart J.N., Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm does not Improve Early Survival versus Open Repair in Patients Younger than 60 Years 43:5, p. 506 - 512 2012
Annals of Thoracic Surgery Bikhchandani Jai, Balters Marcus W., Sugimoto Jeffrey T., Conservative Management of Traumatic Lung Hernia 93:3, p. 992 - 994 2012
Journal of Vascular Surgery Natarajan Bala, Gupta Himani, Lynch Thomas G., Mactaggart Jason, Balters Marcus W., Longo G. M., Johanning Jason M., Pipinos Iraklis I., PS128. In-Hospital and Post-Discharge Venous Thromboembolism after Vascular Surgery 55:6, Supplement, p. 59S - 60S 2012
Journal of Vascular Surgery Natarajan Bala, Balters Marcus W., Fang Xiang, Longo G. M., Johanning Jason M., Pipinos Iraklis I., Mactaggart Jason, Gupta Himani, Lynch Thomas G., PS100. Prosthetic Graft versus Vein as Conduit for Extra-Anatomic Bypass: Short-term Outcomes from a National Database 55:6, Supplement, p. 52S - 53S 2012
Journal of the American College of Surgeons Sundaram Abhishek, Gupta Prateek K., Ramanan Bala, MacTaggart Jason N., Longo G. M., Johanning Jason M., Forse R. Armour, Balters Marcus W., Lynch Thomas G., Pipinos Irkalis I., Impact of renal function on outcomes after elective endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair 215:3, Supplement, p. S156 - S157 2012
Annals of Vascular Surgery Bathla Lokesh, Panwar Aru, Fitzgibbons Robert J., Balters Marcus, Duodenocaval fistula from inferior vena cava filter penetration masquerading as lower gastrointestinal bleeding 25:8, p. 1140.e7 - 1140.e11 2011
Journal of vascular surgery Gupta Prateek K., Arya Shipra, Natarajan Bala, Fang Xiang, Gupta Himani, Balters Marcus, Pipinos Iraklis I., Johanning Jason M., Lynch Thomas G., Longo G. Matthew, MacTaggart Jason N., PS6. Suprarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: Which Patients Would Benefit More from Fenestrated Endograft Rather than Open Repair? 53:6, p. 31S - 31S 2011
Journal of vascular surgery Gupta Prateek K., Natarajan Bala, Gupta Himani, Fang Xiang, Balters Marcus, Johanning Jason M., Lynch Thomas G., Forse R. Armour, Longo G. Matthew, MacTaggart Jason, Pipinos Iraklis I., PS14. Contemporary Outcomes following Endovascular versus Open Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm 53:6, p. 33S - 34S 2011
Journal of vascular surgery Gupta Prateek K., Natarajan Bala, Reddy Yeruva M., Gupta Himani, Balters Marcus, Johanning Jason M., Lynch Thomas G., Longo G. Matthew, MacTaggart Jason N., Pipinos Iraklis I., PS64. Open Revascularization for Chronic Mesenteric Ischemia 53:6, p. 47S - 47S 2011
Journal of vascular surgery Gupta Prateek K., Johanning Jason M., Lynch Thomas G., Forse R. Armour, Longo G. Matthew, MacTaggart Jason N., Pipinos Iraklis I., Natarajan Bala, Reddy Yeruva M., Gupta Himani, Balters Marcus, PS176. Thirty Day Outcomes following Brachiocephalic and Brachiobasilic Arteriovenous Fistula Formation: National Benchmarks for Standard of Care 53:6, p. 75S - 76S 2011
Journal of Vascular Surgery Gupta Prateek K., Natarajan Bala, Fang Xiang, Balters Marcus W., Johanning Jason M., Lynch Thomas G., Longo Gernon M., MacTaggart Jason N., Pipinos Iraklis I., Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Does Not Improve Survival versus Open Repair in Patients Sixty Years or Younger 54:5, p. 1540 2011
20th Annual Academic Surgical Congress 2025
Emotional Responses to Postoperative Complications in General Surgery - 18th Annual Academic Surgical Congress - Houston, TX. Authors: Raymond Okeke MD, MPH, David Annakie MPH, Michaela Wycoff BS, Jacob Tiede BS, Luke Van Gorp BS, Aaliyah Sevier BS, Marcus Balters, Jonathan Bath, Patrick Jackson, Mary K. Kimbrough, Leigh Ann OBanion, Michael Porter, Brian Shames, Julia Shelton, Brigitte Smith, Michael Soult, Jeffrey Sussman, Peter Yoo, Matthew R. Smeds MD 2023
I discussed how to become a doctor and more specifically a cardiothoracic surgeon at Career Day for the 5th graders at Manchester Elementary school. 2022
Frequency and Characteristics of Social Media Use in General Surgery Trainees has been accepted for Quickshot Presentation at the 17th Annual Academic Surgical Congress to be held in Orlando, FL. 2022
Speaker at Career Day at Manchester Elementary School. 2021
Inflammatory Pathways Associated with Post-CABG Vein Graft Failure Patricia Le, Palanikumar Gunasekar, Mohammed Radwan, Marcus Balters, Finosh G Thankam, Chandrasekar Boosani, Devendra K. Agrawal. 51st Midwest Biomedical Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2020
"Comparative Analysis Of Overall Survival For Treated Stage T1n0m0 Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Following Surgical Resection, Thermal Ablation And Stereo Tactic Beam Radiotherapy" A. Aly, M. Ali, S. Aurit, M. Balters, J. Stavas. AATS International Thoracic Surgical Oncology Summit, NY, NY 2019
Burnout and its Relationship with Perceived Stress, Self-Efficacy, Depression, Social Support, and Programmatic Factors in General Surgery Residents. 2019
Ali Mahmoud, Aly Ahmed, Busireddy Kiran, Balters Marcus, Nguyen Cam, Stavas Joseph. Comparative analysis of over survival based on hospital type following percutaneous thermal ablation of stage T1N0M0 non small cell lung cancer. Poster presentation at the Society of Interventional Radiology Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. 2019
Burnout and its Relationship with Perceived Stress, Self-Efficacy, Depression, Social Support, and Programmatic Factors in General Surgery Residents. Matthew R. Smeds MD1*, Matthew R. Janko MD2, Steven Allen MD3, Kwame Amankwah MD4, Tracey Arnell MD5, Parswa Ansari MD6, Marcus Balters MD7, Donald Hess MD8, Elizabeth Ferguson MD9, Patrick Jackson MD10, Mary K. Kimbrough MD11, David Knight MD12, Melissa Johnson MD13, Michael Porter MD14, Brian Shames MD15, Rebecca Schroll MD16, Julia Shelton MD17, Jeffrey Sussman MD18, Peter Yoo MD19. Oral presentation at annual meeting October 2018. 2018
"Modified ACS/APDS/ASE Surgery Prep Curriculum Increased Confidence for Internship in Medical Students". Association of Program Directors in Surgery (APDS) meeting for May 4, 2018 in Austin, TX - Poster Presentation 2018
Invited Speaker, Surgical Grand Rounds, Creighton University Medical Center, "IVC Filters in Trauma and Non-trauma Patients" 2016
Invited Speaker, Surgical Grand Rounds, Creighton University Medical Center, "Hemodialysis Access: Past, Present, and Future 2016
HFES 2016 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, San Diego, CA.Ergonomics and Prevention of Injuries From Needles Sticks and Sharps in the OR Authors: Pramila Kalaga, Ergonomics Specialist, CHI Health Outpatient Rehabilitation Services; Marcus Balters, MD, Cardiovascular/Thoracic Surgeon, CHI Health Creighton University Medical Center(CUMC); Lynn Crowley, Operations Leader - Surgical Services, CHI Health; Lisa Paulsen, Clinical Educator - Surgical Services, CHI Health CUMC; Laura Peet Erkes, Patient Safety/Risk Officer, CHI Health CUMC; Emily Boes, Study Assistant, CHI Health CUMC; Emalee Patterson, Study Assistant, CHI Health CUMC; Jill Carr, Clinical Educator - Surgical Services, CHI Health, CUMC; Dr. Armour Forse, Professor, Gastrointestinal and Bariatric Surgeon, CHI Health CUMC; Barb Alsagar, Perioperative Services Division Educator; Sandy Culbertson, Perioperative Services Manager; Matt Kayl, Director - Surgical Services, CHI Health CUMC; Christopher Jessen, Director, Outpatient Rehabilitation Services; Christine Wright, Supervisor, Surgical Services, CHI Health CUMC; Janel Myers, RN, Interim Manager, Surgical Services 2016
Specialty Chat: Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery" Creighton University School of Medicine 2016
Specialty Chat: Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery" Creighton University School of Medicine 2015
Invited Speaker, Creighton University Medical Center, "Central High School Career Day: What is Surgery? 2014
Invited Speaker, Elkhorn Middle School, "Career Day Discussions: What is Surgery? 2014
Invited Speaker, Creighton University Medical Center, "Central High School Career Day: What is Surgery? 2013
Invited Speaker, Surgical Grand Rounds, Creighton University Medical Center, "(Bedside) Manners Matter: Integrating Compassion as a Measure of a Surgeon's Competency in the Modern Era 2013
Invited Speaker, Elkhorn Middle School, "Career Day Discussions: What is Surgery? 2013
American College of Surgeons: Sundaram A, Gupta PK, Ramanan B, MacTaggart JN, Longo GM, Johanning JM, Forse RA, Balters M, Lynch TG, Pipinos II. Impact of gender on outcomes after carotid endarterectomy. Poster presentation at American College of Surgeons annual meeting. 2012
Ramanan B, Gupta PK, Johanning JM, MacTaggart JN, Longo GM, Baxter BT, Balters M, Forse RA, Lynch TG, Pipinos II.Carotid Endarterectomy in Octogenarians: Outcomes from a National Database. Poster presentation at the American College of Surgeons annual meeting. 2012
Natarajan B, Gupta PK, Lynch TG, MacTaggart JN, Balters M, Gupta H, Fang X, Longo GM, Johanning JM, Pipinos II. Prosthetic Graft versus Vein as Conduit for Extra-Anatomic Bypass: Short-term Outcomes from a National Database. Poster presentation at Society for Vascular Surgeons annual meeting. 2012
Natarajan B, Gupta PK, Lynch TG, MacTaggart JN, Balters M, Gupta H, Longo GM, Johanning JM, Pipinos II. In-Hospital and Post-Discharge Venous Thromboembolism after Vascular Surgery. Poster presentation at Society for Vascular Surgery annual meeting. 2012
Gupta PK, Natarajan B, Gupta H, Fang X, Balters M, Johanning JM, Lynch TG, Longo GM, MacTaggart JN, Pipinos II. Suprarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: Which Patients Would Benefit More From Branched Or Fenestrated Endograft Repair Rather Than Open Repair? Poster presentation at Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society annual meeting. 2011
Gupta PK, Natarajan B, Gupta H, Fang X, Balters M, Johanning JM, Lynch TG, Forse RA, Longo GM, MacTaggart JN, Pipinos II. Contemporary Outcomes following Endovascular versus Open Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Poster presentation at Society for Vascular Surgery annual meeting. 2011
Gupta PK, Natarajan B, Reddy YM, Gupta H, Balters M, Johanning JM, Lynch TG, Longo GM, MacTaggart JN, Pipinos II. Open Revascularization for Chronic Mesenteric Ischemia. Poster presentation at Society for Vascular Surgeon annual meeting. 2011
Gupta PK, Natarajan B, Reddy YM, Gupta H, Balters M, Johanning JM, Lynch TG, Forse RA, Longo GM, MacTaggart JN, Pipinos II. Thirty Day Outcomes following Brachiocephalic and Brachiobasilic Arteriovenous Fistula Formation: National Benchmarks for Standard of Care. Poster presentation at Society for Vascular Surgery annual meeting 2011
Gupta PK, Arya S, Natarajan B, Fang X, Gupta H, Balters M, Johanning JM, Lynch TG, Longo GM, MacTaggart JN, Pipinos II. Suprarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: Which Patients Would Benefit More From Fenestrated Endograft Rather Than Open Repair? Poster presentation at Society for Vascular Surgery annual meeting. 2011