Max Thomas Engel, PhD
Associate Professor
Max Engel was raised in western Michigan. After teaching in Catholic high schools for eight years, he earned his PhD in Religious Education / Catechetics after submitting his dissertation analyzing the cognitive, affective, and catechetical dimensions of selected contemporary Catholic high school religion textbooks.
He teaches courses in both the Education and Theology departments at Creighton University. He researches in the areas of religious formation and instruction in Catholic schools as well as the formation and identity of Catholic school faculty. Recent publications include co-authoring "Why inclusion isn't coming, it is already here: Catholic schools and inclusive education" in
Journal of Catholic Education and was the lead author and editor of
Name It, Claim It, and Build on It: Your School's Catholic Identity, published by NCEA press.
He lives in Omaha, NE with his wife and four children.
Curriculum VitaeResearch Focus
Religious and theological education Preparation of Catholic school teachers Preparation of Theology teachers and catechists Intersection of religious faith, spirituality, and sports. Department
Associate Professor
- *Engel, M.T. (2018). “Enhancing Curriculum Syllabi andFrameworks: Catechetical, Cognitive, and Affective Principles In Global Perspectives on Catholic Religious Education Volume II: Learning and Leading in a Pluralist World. Michael Buchanan (Ed.) (Under Review)
- Engel, M. et al. Your School's Catholic Identity: Name It, Claim It, and Build on It. National Catholic Education Association Press
- *Engel, M. & Engel, E. A. (2014). Reflection: Saint Joseph, fatherof Jesus. In L. Delfra & A. P. Berends (Eds), 5 Minutes with the Saints: More Spiritual Nourishment for Busy Teachers. SouthBend, IN: Ave Maria Press. 2014
- Religious Education
*Engel, M. & Dickel, C.T. (2018). Creating Changes in FaithPractices through an Entry-Level Theology Class at a Catholic University. Religious Education. (17 May, 2018). doi: 10.1080/00344087.2018.1456066 - Journal of Catholic Education
*Simonds, T.A., Brock, B.L., Cook, T.J., Engel, M. (2017). Seminarian perspectives on Catholic schools and the New Evangelization. Journal of Catholic Education, 20(2), 98-108.
20(2), p. 98-108 - International Journal of Education Organization and Leadership
*Simonds, T., Brock, B.L., Engel, M. (2016). Peer course review as a means to support adjunct faculty in an online program. International Journal of Education Organization and Leadership, 23(3), 1-13. [peer-reviewed]
23(3), p. 1-13 - Educational Foundations
Engel, M. & Miller, P. (2011). Forging vertical linkages in the public sphere: Schools, churches, and social justice. Educational Foundations, 25(1/2), 25-42. ###Journal mistakenly recorded P. Miller as lead.
25(1/2), p. 25-42 - Academic Leadership
Miller, P. & Engel, M. (2008). Personal faith and public religiousneutrality: A brief history of the separation of church andstate for school leaders. Academic Leadership, 6(2), 47-48.
6(2), p. 47-48 - Academic Leadership
Miller, P. & Engel, M. (2008). Critically prophetic action in thepublic square: Transformational insights for school andcommunity. Academic Leadership, 6(2), 10-13.
6(2), p. 10-13 - Journal of Empirical Theology
Cook, T. and Engel, M. (2006). Predicting retention of Catholic high school religion teachers in the United States. Journal of Empirical Theology, 19(2), 163-181.
19(2), p. 163-181 - Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice
Engel, M. (2005). Response from the field: Narrative theology in the high school classroom: Teaching theology through literature. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 8(3), 375-377.
8(3), p. 375-377 - Momentum
Engel, M. (2001). Sacraments for the world. Momentum, 32(1), 22-25.
32(1), p. 22-25 - Engel, M. (2010). Prayer and reflections. In J. Frabutt, A. Holter, R. Nuzzi (Eds), No Greater Work: Meditations on Church Documents for Educators. Notre Dame, IN: Alliance for Catholic Education Press.
- Journal of Catholic Education
Faggella-Luby, M., Engel, M., Smith, S., Bonfiglio, C. (2020). Why inclusion isn't coming, it is already here: Catholic schools and inclusive special education
Editing and Reviews
- International Journal of Evangelization and Catechetics
Engel, M. (2019). Book review: Christ in the Classroom: Lesson Planning for the Heart and Mind, by Jared Dees. International Journal of Evangelization and Catechetics. (expected fall 2019) 2019 - Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice
Engel, M. (2013). Book review: When the sisters said farewell: The transition of leadership in Catholic elementary schools, byMichael P. Caruso, S.J. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 16 (2).
15(2) - Religious Education
Engel, M. (2010). Book review: The decades of life: A guide to human development, by Donald Capps. Religious Education, 105 (2), 223-224.
105(2), p. 223-224 - Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice
Engel, M. (2005). Book review: The holy longing: The search for a Christian spirituality, by Ronald Rolheiser. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 9(1), 97-100.
9(1), p. 97-100
- Co-presented at NCEA Conference, A Spiritual Formation Program for Personnel—Name It, Claim It, and Build on It. 2019
- *Engel, M.T. (2018). A Theoretical Basis for Catholic High School Religious Education Curriculum Design and Analysis: Catechetical, Cognitive, and Affective Principles. Paper presentation at the International Conference on Catholic Religious Education in Schools, February 8, Rabat, Malta. Type of Conference: International Type of Presentation: Peer-reviewed 2018
- *Engel, M.T. (2017). "Creating Changes in Faith Practices throughan Entry-Level Theology Class at a Catholic University." Paper Presentation at the Religious Education Association Annual Meeting, November 3, St. Louis, MO. Type of Conference: National Type of Presentation: Peer-reviewed 2017
- *Simonds, T.A. & Engel, M.T. (2017). Your Catholic School's Identity: Name It, Claim, and Build on It. Keynote Address at the Catholic School Teacher Convention for the Diocese of Grand Island, October 2, Kearney, NE. Type of Conference: Regional Type of Presentation: Invited 2017
- *Simonds, T.A. & Engel, M.T. (2017). Planning to be Known as Catholic. Presentation at the National Catholic Education Association Conference, April 17, St. Louis, MO. Type of Conference: National Type of Presentation: Peer-reviewed 2017
- Engel, M., Dickel, C. "Creating Changes in Faith Practices." Presentation of research findings funded by AEA grant award. 2017
- *Simonds, T.A. & Engel, M.T. (2016). Exploring ways to enhance full-time and part-time online instructor satisfaction. Presentation at the International Conference on Learning, Vancouver, BC. Type of Conference: International Type of Presentation: Peer-reviewed
- *Simonds, T.A., Brock, B.L., Engel, M.T. (2016). Writing a new story for Catholic schools—keeping it really different. Presentation at the Institute for Catholic Leaders (ICSL) Conference sponsored by the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA), Omaha, NE. Type of Conference: National Type of Presentation: Peer-reviewed
- Co-Presentation with C. Timothy Dickel on Service Learning in a CU undergraduate course (Spring 2017)
- Michael Pressley Award for a Promising Scholar in the Education Field
Alliance for Catholic Education, Institute for Educational Initiatives, University of Notre Dame - Teaching for Tomorrow Faculty Award 2019
This award publicly acknowledges a faculty member who has positively impacted students’ lives by going above and beyond the call of duty to serve Creighton students.
Creighton Student Union - Dean's Award for Professional Excellence: Major Advising
CCAS Dean's Office - Faculty Member of the Game: Recognized by CU Athletic Department for Teaching
CU Athletics