Emerging Therapeutic Targets in Ovarian Cancer Farley John, Birrer Michael J., Discovery of Novel Targets [Book Chapter] 2011
Cancer Treatment and Research Farley John, Birrer Michael J., Novel Therapeutic Targets [Book Chapter] 2009
Pathway Analysis for Drug Discovery Farley John, Ozbun Laurent L, Birrer Michael J, Whole‐Genome Expression Profiling of Papillary Serous Ovarian Cancer: Activated Pathways, Potential Targets, and Noise [Book Chapter] 2008
Gynecologic oncology Tumas Jordyn, Tian Chunqiao, Kopelman Zachary, Phippen Neil, Chan John, Tarney Christopher, Jokajtys Suzanne, Kucera Calen, Cosgrove Casey, Rocconi Rodney, Farley John, Secord Angeles Alvarez, Powell Matthew, Leath Charles, Maxwell G. Larry, Darcy Kathleen, Richardson Michael, Kapp Daniel, Hamilton Chad, Jones Nathaniel, Bateman Nicholas, Klopp Ann, Walker Joan, Fleming Gini, Conrads Thomas, Racial disparities in survival and molecular features among Black versus White patients with uterine serous carcinoma: An integrated study in real-world registries and legacy NRG Oncology/Gynecologic Oncology Group clinical trials 190, p. S123 - S125 2024
Gynecologic oncology Kopelman Zachary, Phippen Neil, Tarney Christopher, Jokajtys Suzanne, Kucera Calen, Chan John, Conrads Thomas, Maxwell G. Larry, Darcy Kathleen, Leath Charles, Richardson Michael, Kapp Daniel, Hamilton Chad, Secord Angeles Alvarez, Jones Nathaniel, Rocconi Rodney, Farley John, Cosgrove Casey, Fleming Gini, Powell Matthew, Klopp Ann, Walker Joan, Bateman Nicholas, Tumas Jordyn, Tian Chunqiao, Disease progression, survival, and molecular disparities among Black and White patients with endometrioid endometrial carcinoma in real-world registries and legacy NRG oncology phase III trials 190, p. S34 - S35 2024
Gynecologic oncology Kopelman Zachary A., Tian Chunqiao, Phippen Neil T., Tumas Jordyn, Winkler Stuart S., Kucera Calen W., Jones Nathaniel L., Darcy Kathleen M., Walker Joan L., Tarney Christopher M., Hope Erica R., Jokajtys Suzanne, Chan John K., Richardson Michael T., Kapp Daniel S., Hamilton Chad A., Leath Charles A., Rocconi Rodney P., Farley John H., Fleming Gini F., Bateman Nicholas W., Conrads Thomas P., Maxwell G. Larry, Secord Angeles Alvarez, Cosgrove Casey M., Powell Matthew A., Klopp Ann, Disease progression, survival, and molecular disparities in Black and White patients with endometrioid endometrial carcinoma in real-world registries and GOG/NRG oncology randomized phase III clinical trials 183, p. 103 - 114 2024
Journal of clinical oncology Arend Rebecca C., Harats Dror, Penson Richard T., Pothuri Bhavana, Stephan Jean-Marie, Callahan Michael, Alvarez Edwin A., Amit Amnon, Muller Carolyn, Alvarez Secord Angeles, Rachmilewitz Minei Tamar, Lavi Michal, Tchabo Nana, Bradley William, Monk Bradley J., Shapira-Frommer Ronnie, Haggerty Ashley F., Casado Herraez Antonio, Herzog Thomas J., Ledermann Jonathan A., Tewari Krishnansu S., Cohen Joshua G., Huang Marilyn, Yachnin Adelya, Holeman Laura L., Buyse Marc, Fain Shmueli Shifra, Estevez Purificacion, Yunokawa Mayu, Chambers Setsuko, Holman Laura, Landrum Lisa, Seidel Jean, Lentz Samuel, Barroilhet Lisa, McCann Georgia, Rosengarten Ora, Tsoref Daliah, Lucci Joseph, Harano Kenichi, Kagabu Masahiro, Dimitrova Irina, Elder Jeffrey, Mahmood Tariq, Wong Cheung, Chu Christina, Suzuki Shiro, Einstein Mark, Farley John, Anderson Charles, Romero Noguera Ignacio, Watari Hidemichi, Saito Tsuyoshi, John Veena, Fleming Evelyn, Van Le Linda, Barlin Joyce, Jewell Andrea, Churucca Cristina, Blecharz Pawel, Breuer Shani, Reid Thomas, Cunningham Mary, Podzielinski Iwona, Ueland Frederick, Teneriello Michael, Woliver Thomas, Gil Marta, Marie Roque Dana, Krivak Thomas, Godoy Heidi, Nishio Shin, Garcia Yolanda, Ramlau Rodryg, Takano Masashi, Sudo Kazuki, Grosse-Perdekamp Maria, Taylor Nicholas, Perez Sara, Barter James, Matsumoto Takashi, Tokunaga Hideki, Morris Shelly, Bell Maria, Markham Merry, Brown Amy, Schink Julian, Kikuchi Akira, Marquez Raul, Caballero Cristina, Kubiatowski Tomasz, , Ofranergene Obadenovec (Ofra-Vec, VB-111) With Weekly Paclitaxel for Platinum-Resistant Ovarian Cancer: Randomized Controlled Phase III Trial (OVAL Study/GOG 3018), p. JCO2202915 - JCO2202915 2023
Journal of minimally invasive gynecology Stewart Chelsea, Moreno Andrea, Vo Elise, Bhattarai Bikash, Farley John, Willmott Lyndsay, Monk Bradley, Chase Dana, Factors associated with inpatient narcotic medication usage after robotic assisted laparoscopy 2023
Journal of geriatric oncology Moore Madison S., Willmott Lyndsay J., Chase Dana M., Vo Elise H., Bhattarai Bikash, Farley John H., Monk Bradley J., Robotic-assisted gynecologic surgery in an older population: A comparison study 14:6, p. 101533 - 101533 2023
Gynecologic oncology reports Schink Julian, Garg Ruchi, Buttin Barbara, Elvin Julia, Godbee Natalie, Moran Amber, Doctor Vicki, Tan Bradord, Markman Maurie, Farley John, 36 Mutational landscape of low-grade serous carcinoma of the ovary 44, p. S18 - S19 2022
Gynecologic oncology reports Garg Ruchi, Schink Julian, Buttin Barbara, Elvin Julia, Godbee Natalie, Moran Amber, Doctor Vicki, Sequeira Judy, Farley John, Markman Maurie, Tan Bradord, 6 Racial differences in the mutational landscape of serous endometrial cancer 44, p. S3 - S4 2022
Gynecologic oncology reports Garg Ruchi, Doctor Vicki, Tan Bradord, Sequeira Judy, Farley John, Markman Maurie, Schink Julian, Buttin Barbara, Elvin Julia, Godbee Natalie, Moran Amber, 37 Therapeutic implications of mutations in high grade serous ovarian carcinoma when evaluated by race 44, p. S19 - S19 2022
Gynecologic oncology Sitler Collin, Tian Chunqiao, Casablanca Yovanni, Farley John, Phippen Neil, Kucera Calen, Hamilton Chad, Chan John, Liao Cheng-I, Shriver Craig, Bateman Nicholas, Conrads Thomas, Maxwell G. Larry, Darcy Kathleen, Do U.S. Screening Guidelines Contribute to Higher Stage and Worse Survival in our Youngest and Oldest Cervical Cancer Patients? (019) 166, p. S14 - S15 2022
Journal of clinical oncology Schink Julian C., Garg Ruchi, Tan Bradford A., Farley John H., Markman Maurie, Doctor Vicki, Buttin Barbara, Elvin Julia Andrea, Godbee Natalie, Moran Amber, Racial differences in the mutational landscape of serous endometrial cancer 40:16_suppl, p. 5600 - 5600 2022
Journal of clinical oncology Schink Julian C., Garg Ruchi, Farley John H., Elvin Julia Andrea, Godbee Natalie, Moran Amber, Doctor Vicki, Tan Bradford A., Markman Maurie, Mutational landscape of low-grade serous carcinoma of the ovary 40:16_suppl, p. 5578 - 5578 2022
Journal of clinical oncology Garg Ruchi, Farley John H., Markman Maurie, Schink Julian C., Buttin Barbara, Elvin Julia Andrea, Tan Bradford A., Godbee Natalie, Moran Amber, Doctor Vicki, Sequeria Judy, Therapeutic implications of mutations in high grade serous ovarian carcinoma when evaluated by race 40:16_suppl, p. e17590 - e17590 2022
Gynecologic oncology Jokajtys Suzanne, Bateman Nicholas, Conrads Thomas, Maxwell George, Casablanca Yovanni, Darcy Kathleen, Tian Chunqiao, Mhawech-Fauceglia Paulette, Tarney Christopher, Phippen Neil, Kucera Calen, Winkler Stuart, Presti Cassandra, Cosgrove Casey, Rocconi Rodney, Powell Matthew, Winterhoff Boris, Jones Nathaniel, Farley John, Shriver Craig, Cote Michele, O’Connor Timothy, P9 Mixed endometrial cancer a rare histology with the largest racial disparity in survival 165, p. S9 - S10 2022
Gynecologic oncology Chase Dana M., Salani Ritu, Farley John, Torres Tara, Stone Jeff, Unwittingly biased: A note to gynecologic cancer providers 160:3, p. 646 - 648 2021
Gynecologic oncology Brown J., Chen W., Ramos P., ElNaggar A.C., Farley J.H., Covens A.L., Herzog T.J., Crane E.K., Arguello D., Feasibility of a platform trial in rare gynecologic cancers based on molecular analysis 159, p. 144 - 145 2020
Gynecologic oncology Crane E.K., Ramos P., Farley J.H., Naumann R.W., Brown J., Tait D.L., Higgins R.V., Molecular profiling in a large cohort of gynecologic neuroendocrine tumors 159, p. 262 - 262 2020
Tewari Krishnansu S, Sill Michael W, Coleman Robert L, Aghajanian Carol, Mannel Robert, Farley John, Randall Leslie M, Rubin Stephen C, Monk Bradley J, Powell Matthew, DiSilvestro Paul A, Bevacizumab plus fosbretabulin in recurrent ovarian cancer: Overall survival and exploratory analyses of a randomized phase II NRG oncology/gynecologic oncology group study 2020
Gynecologic oncology Tewari Krishnansu S., DiSilvestro Paul A., Powell Matthew, Randall Leslie M., Farley John, Rubin Stephen C., Monk Bradley J., Mannel Robert, Sill Michael W., Coleman Robert L., Aghajanian Carol, BEVACZIUMAB PLUS FOSBRETABULIN IN RECURRENT OVARIAN CANCER: OVERALL SURVIVAL AND EXPLORATORY ANALYSES OF A RANDOMIZED PHASE II NRG ONCOLOGY/GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY GROUP STUDY 159:1, p. 79 - 87 2020
Journal of clinical oncology Brown Jubilee, Farley John H., Herzog Thomas J., Crane Erin, Covens Al, Arguello David, Ramos Pilar, Chen Wangjuh, ElNaggar Adam, Feasibility of a platform trial based on molecular analysis in rare gynecologic cancers 37:15_suppl, p. e14585 - e14585 2019
Gynecologic oncology Konstantinopoulos Panagiotis A., Brady William E., Farley John, Armstrong Amy, Uyar Denise S., Gershenson David M., Phase II study of single-agent cabozantinib in patients with recurrent clear cell ovarian, primary peritoneal or fallopian tube cancer (NRG-GY001) 150:1, p. 9 - 13 2018
Gynecologic oncology Oliver Kate E., Brady William E., Birrer Michael, Copeland Larry J., Tewari Krishnansu, Burger Robert A., Gershenson David M., Fleming Gini, Mutch David G., Stehman Frederick B., Argenta Peter A., Mannel Robert S., Secord Angeles Alvarez, Stephan Jean-Marie, Rose Peter G., Armstrong Deborah K., Bookman Michael A., Farley John H., Muggia Franco M., An evaluation of progression free survival and overall survival of ovarian cancer patients with clear cell carcinoma versus serous carcinoma treated with platinum therapy: An NRG Oncology/Gynecologic Oncology Group experience 147:2, p. 243 - 249 2017
Gynecologic oncology Moreno A., Vo Elise, Bhattarai B., Patel S., Farley J., Willmott L., Monk B., Chase D., Factors Associated with Increased Narcotic Usage after Undergoing Robotic Assisted Laparoscopy 147:1, p. 203 - 203 2017
Gynecologic oncology Barnes Dominique, Monk Bradley J., Chase Dana, Shields Kristin M., Willmott Lyndsay J., Farley John, Patient characteristics associated with obesity in an endometrial cancer patient: first steps towards the design of a weight loss intervention 147:1, p. 215 - 215 2017
Gynecologic oncology Barnes Dominique, Willmott Lyndsay J., Farley John, Monk Bradley J., Chase Dana, Clinic-based Depression Screening in Gynecologic Oncology Patients using the Patient Health Questionnaires-2 (PHQ-2): are we identifying the highest risk patients? 147:1, p. 215 - 215 2017
Gynecologic oncology Vo E.H., Moreno A.E., Bhattarai B., Patel S., Farley J.H., Monk B.J., Willmott L.J., Chase D.M., Robotic-assisted Gynecologic Surgery in an Elderly Population: A Comparison Study 147:1, p. 204 - 205 2017
Cancer Dalton H. J., Farley John H., Racial Disparities in Cervical Cancer: Worse than we Thought 123:6, p. 915 - 916 2017
European journal of gynaecological oncology Niu J., Kundranda M. N., Markman M., Farley J., Platinum-Gemcitabine-Avastin (PGA) for platinum-resistant/refractory ovarian cancer 38:1, p. 40 - 44 2017
Gynecologic oncology research and practice Minion Lindsey E., Chase Dana M., Farley John H., Willmott Lyndsay J., Monk Bradley J., Safety and efficacy of salvage nano-particle albumin bound paclitaxel in recurrent cervical cancer: a feasibility study 3:1, p. 4 - 4 2016
Molecular cancer therapeutics Weiss Glen J., Pierog Marci, Blaydorn Lisa, Niu Jiaxin, Farley John H., Sangal Ashish, Khemka Vivek, Abstract A50: Phase Ib/II study of pembrolizumab plus chemotherapy: Initial results of metastatic cancer patients 14:12_Supplement_2, p. A50 - A50 2015
Cancer Causes & Control Best Lyle G., García-Esquinas Esther, Lee Elisa T., Howard Barbara V., Farley John H., Welty Thomas K., Rhoades Everett R., Umans Jason G., Association of diabetes and cancer mortality in American Indians: the Strong Heart Study 26:11, p. 1551 - 1560 2015
Obstetrics and gynecology (New York. 1953) Chase Dana M, Craig Christine D, Fedewa Stacey A, Virgo Katherine S, Farley John H, Halpern Michael, Monk Bradley J, Lin Chun Chieh, Disparities in Vulvar Cancer Reported by the National Cancer Database: Influence of Sociodemographic Factors 126:4, p. 792 - 802 2015
Clinical cancer research Ramos Pilar, Karnezis Anthony N., Craig David W., Sekulic Aleksandar, Russell Megan L., Hendricks William P.D., Corneveaux Jason J., Anthony Stephen P., Farley John H., Roden Richard B.S., Cunliffe Heather E., Huntsman David G., Trent Jeffrey M., Zismann Victoria L., McEachron Troy A., Salhia Bodour, Prat Jaime, Marra Marco A., Clarke Blaise A., Pressey Joseph G., Barrett Michael T., Shumansky Karey, Yang Yidong, Shah Sohrab P., Prentice Leah M., Kiefer Jeffrey, Abstract POSTER-BIOL-1327: Small cell carcinoma of the ovary, hypercalcemic type displays frequent inactivating germline and somatic mutations in SMARCA4 21:16_Supplement, p. POSTER-BIOL-1327 - POSTER-BIOL-1327 2015
Journal of clinical oncology Niu Jiaxin, Kundranda Madappa N., Weiss Glen J., Farley John H., Platinum-gemcitabine-bevacizumab (PGA) for platinum-resistant/refractory recurrent ovarian cancer 33:15_suppl, p. e16534 - e16534 2015
Gynecologic oncology Shields K.M., Willmott L., Farley J.H., Monk B.J., Chase D., Factors associated with low educational background in uterine cancer patients 137, p. 123 - 123 2015
International Journal of Gynecological Cancer Gourley C., Kim J. W., Pujaide-Lauraine E., Gershenson D., Maenpaa J., Farley John H., Ray-Coquard I., Provencher D. M., Pignata S., Mileshkin L., Harter P., Glasspool R. M., Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup (GCIG) consensus review for ovarian and primary peritoneal low-grade serous carcinomas 24:9 Suppl 3, p. S9 - 13 2014
Cancer research (Chicago, Ill.) Ramos Pilar, Karnezis Anthony, Craig David, Sekulic Aleksandar, Russell Megan, Hendricks William, Barrett Michael, Shumansky Karey, Yang Yidong, Shah Sohrab, Prentice Leah, Marra Marco, Kiefer Jeffrey, Zismann Victoria, McEachron Troy, Salhia Bodour, Pressey Joseph, Cunliffe Heather, Farley John, Anthony Stephen, Roden Richard, Huntsman David, Trent Jeffrey, Abstract LB-202: The rare, highly malignant small cell carcinoma of the ovary displays common inactivating germline and somatic mutations in the tumor suppressor SMARCA4 74:19_Supplement, p. LB-202 - LB-202 2014
Gynecologic oncology research and practice Foss Cassandra D, Farley John H, Dalton Heather J, Chase Dana M, Monk Bradley J, Protein profiling of ovarian cancers by immunohistochemistry to identify potential target pathways 1:1, p. 4 - 4 2014
Gynecologic oncology Oliver K.E., Brady W.E., Birrer M.J., Fleming G., Farley J.H., Gershenson D.M., An evaluation of progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) of ovarian cancer patients with clear cell carcinoma vs serous carcinoma treated with platinum therapy: A Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) experience 133, p. 26 - 27 2014
Nature Genetics Ramos Pilar, Barrett Michael T., Shumansky Karey, Yang Yidong, Shah Sohrab P., Prentice Leah M., Marra Marco A., . . . Trent, Jeffrey M., Farley John H., Karnezis Anthony N., Craig David W., Sekulic Aleksandar, Russell Megan L., Hendricks William P. D., Corneveaux Jason J., Small cell carcinoma of the ovary, hypercalcemic type, displays frequent inactivating germline and somatic mutations in SMARCA4 46:5, p. 427 - 429 2014
Gynecologic Oncology Collins Yvonne, Holcomb Kevin, Chapman-Davis Eloise, Khabele Dineo, Farley John H., Gynecologic cancer disparities: A report from the Health Disparities Taskforce of the Society of Gynecologic Oncology 133:2, p. 353 - 361 2014
Gynecologic Oncology Miller Caela R., Oliver Kate E., Farley John H., MEK1/2 inhibitors in the treatment of gynecologic malignancies 133:1, p. 128 - 137 2014
Supportive care in cancer Craig Christine D, Monk Bradley J, Farley John H, Chase Dana M, Cognitive impairment in gynecologic cancers: a systematic review of current approaches to diagnosis and treatment 22:1, p. 279 - 287 2014
Rare diseases (Austin, Tex.) Ramos Pilar, Karnezis Anthony N, Hendricks William P D, Wang Yemin, Tembe Waibhav, Zismann Victoria L, Legendre Christophe, Liang Winnie S, Russell Megan L, Craig David W, Cunliffe Heather E, Monk Bradley J, Anthony Stephen P, Sekulic Aleksandar, Huntsman David G, Trent Jeffrey M, Farley John H, Loss of the tumor suppressor SMARCA4 in small cell carcinoma of the ovary, hypercalcemic type (SCCOHT) 2:1, p. e967148 - e967148 2014
Gynecologic oncology Craig C., Gibson S.J., Osann K.E., Farley J., Willmott L., Monk B.J., Chase D.M., The characteristics and associations of pelvic pain in gynecologic cancer patients: A single institution study 131:1, p. 264 - 264 2013
Gynecologic oncology Craig C., Gibson S., Osann K., Farley J., Monk B., Chase D., Pelvic pain, quality of life (QOL), and exercise in gynecologic cancer patients: A single institution study 130:1, p. e31 - e32 2013
Gynecologic oncology Craig C., Lin C., Fedewa S., Virgo K., Farley J., Monk B., Chase D., Therapeutic choices and outcomes in vulvar cancer cases reported by the National Cancer Database Registry 130:1, p. e163 - e163 2013
Gynecologic oncology Miller C., Muggia F., Farley J., Miller A., Hamilton C., Alvarez-Secord A., Havrilesky L., An evaluation of molecular markers that predict maximal surgical cytoreduction: A Gynecologic Oncology Group trial 130:1, p. e20 - e20 2013
Journal of clinical oncology Farley John H., Fleming Gini F., Brady William E., Birrer Michael J., Gershenson David Marc, , An evaluation of survival of ovarian cancer patients with clear cell carcinoma versus serous carcinoma treated with platinum therapy: A Gynecologic Oncology Group experience 31:15_suppl, p. 5534 - 5534 2013
The lancet oncology Farley John, Brady William E., Vathipadiekal Vinod, Lankes Heather A., Coleman Robert, Morgan Mark A., Mannel Robert, Birrer Michael, Yamada S. Diane, Mutch David, Rodgers William H., Gershenson David M., Selumetinib in women with recurrent low-grade serous carcinoma of the ovary or peritoneum: an open-label, single-arm, phase 2 study 14:2, p. 134 - 140 2013
Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology Monk Bradley J., Dalton Heather, Farley John H., Chase Dana M., Benjamin Ivor, Antiangiogenic agents as a maintenance strategy for advanced epithelial ovarian cancer 86:2, p. 161 - 175 2013
Gynecologic oncology Moore Kathleen N., Sill Michael W., Miller David S., Rose Peter G., McCourt Carolyn, De Geest Koen, Farley John H., Schilder Russell J., Fracasso Paula M., Mannel Robert S., Cardenes Higinia R., A phase I trial of tailored radiation therapy with concomitant cetuximab and cisplatin in the treatment of patients with cervical cancer: A gynecologic oncology group study 127:3, p. 456 - 461 2012
Cancer research (Chicago, Ill.) Farley John H., Brady William E., Birrer Michael J., Lankes Heather, Coleman Robert, Morgan Mark, Mannel Robert, Yamada Diane, Mutch David, Rodgers William H., Gershenson David M., Abstract CT-05: A phase II trial of selumetinib in women with recurrent low-grade serous carcinoma of the ovary or peritoneum 72:8_Supplement, p. CT-05 - CT-05 2012
Gynecologic Oncology Farley John H., Gibson Steven J., Monk Bradley J., American Society of Clinical Oncology 2012 Annual Meeting update: Summary of selected gynecologic cancer abstracts 126:3, p. 319 - 324 2012
Journal of reproductive medicine Larsen Wilma I, Strong Jennifer E, Farley John H, Risk factors for late postpartum preeclampsia 57:1-2, p. 35 - 38 2012
Clinical ovarian cancer and other gynecologic malignancies Boruta David, Farley John, Birrer Michael J., PRO: Patients With Recurrent Ovarian Cancer Should be Treated With Antiangiogenic Agents in Combination With Chemotherapy 4:2, p. 70 - 73 2011
Gynecologic oncology Hamilton Chad A., Miller Austin, Miller Caela, Krivak Thomas C., Farley John H., Chernofsky Mildred R., Stany Michael P., Armstrong Deborah K., Rose G. Scott, Markman Maurie, Ozols Robert F., Maxwell G. Larry, The impact of disease distribution on survival in patients with stage III epithelial ovarian cancer cytoreduced to microscopic residual: A gynecologic oncology group study 122:3, p. 521 - 526 2011
Journal of clinical oncology Oliver K. E., Enewold L., Zhu K., Conrads T. P., Rose G. S., Maxwell G. L., Farley J. H., The presence of racial disparities in histopathologic characteristics of uterine cancer in an equal-access environment 29:15_suppl, p. 5094 - 5094 2011
Gynecologic oncology Farley John, Sill Michael W., Birrer Michael, Walker Joan, Schilder Russell J., Thigpen J. Tate, Lankes Heather A., Coleman Robert L., Miller Brigitte E., Rose Peter G., Phase II study of cisplatin plus cetuximab in advanced, recurrent, and previously treated cancers of the cervix and evaluation of epidermal growth factor receptor immunohistochemical expression: A Gynecologic Oncology Group study 121:2, p. 303 - 308 2011
Gynecologic oncology Farley John, Brady Mark F., Bell Jeffrey, McGuire William, Birrer Michael J., Smith Leia M., Darcy Kathleen M., Nuclear P27 expression in benign, borderline (LMP) and invasive tumors of the ovary and its association with prognosis: A gynecologic oncology group study 121:2, p. 395 - 401 2011
Journal of clinical oncology Matei Daniela, Sill Michael W, Petricoin Emanuel F, Birrer Michael J, Lankes Heather A, Degeest Koen, Bristow Robert E, Mutch David, Yamada S. Diane, Cohn David, Calvert Valerie, Farley John, Activity of Sorafenib in Recurrent Ovarian Cancer and Primary Peritoneal Carcinomatosis: A Gynecologic Oncology Group Trial 29:1, p. 69 - 75 2011
Journal of clinical oncology Farley J. H., Clark M., Wu T. J., Regulation of proliferation in endometrial carcinoma cell line by the epidermal growth factor receptor and estrogen receptor beta 28:15_suppl, p. 5087 - 5087 2010
Gynecologic oncology Farley John, Rose Peter G., Trial design for evaluation of novel targeted therapies 116:2, p. 173 - 176 2010
Oncology & Hematology Review (US) Oliver Kate E, Farley John H, , Cisplatin plus Cetuximab in the Treatment of Recurrent and Persistent Cancers of the Cervix 6, p. 45 2010
International journal of gynecological cancer Na Young-Jeong, Farley John, Zeh Audrey, del Carmen Marcela, Penson Richard, Birrer Michael J., Ovarian Cancer Markers of Response 19:11 Suppl 2, p. S21 - S29 2009
Gynecologic oncology Farley John, Darcy Kathleen M., Tian Chunqiao, Fuchiuji Sartoru, McGuire William P., Hanjani Parviz, Warshal David, Greer Benjamin E., Belinson Jerome, Birrer Michael J., Hoskins William J., Associations between ERBB2 amplification and progression-free survival and overall survival in advanced stage, suboptimally-resected epithelial ovarian cancers: A Gynecologic Oncology Group study 113:3, p. 341 - 347 2009
Journal of clinical oncology Farley J. H., Schilder R. J., Coleman R. L., Miller B. E., Thigpen J. T., Walker J. L., Sill M., Phase II evaluation of cisplatin plus cetuximab in the treatment of recurrent and persistent cancers of the cervix: A limited access phase II study of the Gynecologic Oncology Group 27:15_suppl, p. 5521 - 5521 2009
Clinical ovarian cancer and other gynecologic malignancies Farley John, Birrer Michael J., CON: Therapy for a Patient with Platinum–Resistant/Refractory Ovarian Cancer Should Not Be Selected Based on Results of an In Vitro Extreme Drug Sensitivity/Resistance Assay 1:2, p. 99 - 103 2008
Gynecologic oncology Hamilton Chad A., Maxwell G. Larry, Rose G. Scott, Farley John H., Bernstein Sarah A., Chemofsky Mildred R., Intraperitoneal bevacizumab for the palliation of malignant ascites in refractory ovarian cancer 111:3, p. 530 - 532 2008
Journal of clinical oncology Farley J. H., Tian C., Rose G. S., Brown C. L., Risinger J. I., Maxwell G. L., Ethnicity and clinical outcome for advanced epithelial ovarian cancer patients treated by standard cisplatin/paclitaxel chemotherapy: A combined analysis of gynecologic oncology group clinical trials 26:15_suppl, p. 5573 - 5573 2008
The Surgical clinics of North America Stany Michael P., Farley John H., Complications of Gynecologic Surgery 88:2, p. 343 - 359 2008
Cell Res Farley John, Ozbun Laurent L, Birrer Michael J, Genomic analysis of epithelial ovarian cancer 18:5, p. 538 - 548 2008
Disease markers Farley John, Ozbun Laurent, Samimi Goli, Birrer Michael J., Cell cycle and related protein 23:5-6, p. 433 - 443 2007
Gynecologic oncology Farley John, Bast Robert C., Birrer Michael J., Biomarkers and clinical trial design 103:2, p. 3 - 5 2006
Journal of reproductive medicine Farley John H, Alexander Alma, Branch Walter, Larsen Wilma, Homas Dallas, Nielsen Peter, Zahn Christopher, Harrison Terry A, Far forward gynecologic care of the female soldier 51:1, p. 31 - 35 2006
Journal of clinical oncology Farley J. H., McBroom J., Goo E., Truong V., Larsen W., A randomized double-blind phase II evaluation of the cyclooxygenase-2 protein inhibitor celecoxib in treating severe dysplasia of the cervix 23:16_suppl, p. 5106 - 5106 2005
Clinical obstetrics and gynecology Farley John, McBroom John W, Zahn Christopher M, Current techniques for the evaluation of abnormal cervical cytology 48:1, p. 133 - 146 2005
Current oncology reports Farley John H, Birrer Michael J, Biologic directed therapies in gynecologic oncology 5:6, p. 459 - 467 2003
Gynecologic oncology Nycum L.R., Smith L.M., Farley J.H., Kost E.R., Method M.W., Birrer M.J., The Role of p27 in Endometrial Carcinoma 81:2, p. 242 - 246 2001
Cancer Farley John H, Hines Jeffrey F, Taylor Robert R, Carlson Jay W, Parker Mary F, Kost Edward R, Rogers Stacey J, Harrison Terry A, Macri Cynthia I, Parham Groesbeck P, Equal care ensures equal survival for African-American women with cervical carcinoma 91:4, p. 869 - 873 2001
Gynecologic oncology Farley John H., Nycum Lawrence R., Birrer Michael J., Park Robert C., Taylor Robert R., Age-Specific Survival of Women with Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma of the Uterus 79:1, p. 86 - 89 2000
Gynecologic oncology Farley John, Gray Karen, Nycum Lawrence, Prentice Margaret, Birrer Michael J., Jakowlew Sonia B., Endocervical Cancer Is Associated with an Increase in the Ligands and Receptors for Transforming Growth Factor-β and a Contrasting Decrease in p27Kip1 78:2, p. 113 - 122 2000
Analytical and quantitative cytology and histology Farley J, Taylor R, Gray K, Loup D, Nelson M, Miller M J, Transferrin in normal and neoplastic endocervical tissues: distribution and receptor expression 20:4, p. 238 - 249 1998
Military medicine Farley John H., Seyfer Alan E., Chest Wall Tumors: Experience with 58 Patients 156:8, p. 413 - 415 1991
Military medicine Farley J. H, Seyfer A. E, Chestwall tumors : experience with 58 patients 156:8, p. 413 - 415 1991