Kenneth Jackimczyk, MD



School of Medicine
Emergency Medicine Residency
Arizona Health

Kenneth Jackimczyk, MD



Emergency Medicine (Phoenix)




  • Jackimczyk K., Dystonic reaction [Book Chapter] 2014
  • Jackimczyk K. C., Altered mental status and coma [Book Chapter] 2011
  • Jackimczyk K. C., Geriatric emergency medicine [Book Chapter] 2011
  • Jackimczyk K. C., Altered mental status and coma [Book Chapter] 2010


  • Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
    Smith A. J., Use of polarized sunglasses during video laryngoscopy: A cause of difficult prehospital intubation
    34:1, p. 30 - 37 2019
  • Annals of Emergency Medicine
    Hannafin B., Images in Emergency Medicine
    49:4 2007
  • Emergency medicine clinics of North America
    Fulton S., Antidysrhythmics: Emergent
    18:4 2000
  • Emergency medicine clinics of North America
    Graeme K. A., The extremities and spine
    15:2 1997
  • Pediatric annals
    Jackimczyk K., Management of Pédiatrie Wounds
    25:8 1996
  • Annals of Emergency Medicine
    Hite P. R., Injuries resulting from bungee-cord jumping
    22:6 1993
  • Emergency medicine clinics of North America
    Jackimczyk K., Blunt chest trauma
    11:1 1993
  • Annals of Emergency Medicine
    Krishel S., Endotracheal tube whistle: An adjunct to blind nasotracheal intubation
    21:1 1992
  • Clinical therapeutics
    Bayer M. J., Treatment of benzodiazepine overdose with flumazenil
    14:6 1992
  • Emergency medicine clinics of North America
    Krishel S., Cyclic antidepressants, lithium, and neuroleptic agents: Pharmacology and toxicology
    9:1 1991
  • Topics in emergency medicine
    Jackimczyk K. C., Approach to the intoxicated patient
    6:2 1984
  • Annals of Emergency Medicine
    Wales J., Aspiration following a cave-in
    12:2 1983
  • Annals of Emergency Medicine
    Roberts M. R., Diagnosis of ruptured ectopic pregnancy with peritoneal lavage
    11:10 1982