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Neuman, PhD
Associate Dean, Operations & Graduate Programs
Associate Professor
Eric J. Neuman, Ph.D., is Associate Dean for Operations & Graduate Programs and Associate Professor of Management at the Heider College of Business. He teaches the strategic management capstone course in the B.S.B.A. and M.B.A. programs and formerly taught the behavioral research methods course in the D.B.A. program. Eric has been voted Faculty of the Year by the graduating senior class at the Heider College of Business and Professor of the Year by the Beta Gamma Sigma business honor society. Eric joined Creighton in 2015 after seven years at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where he taught management courses in the undergraduate, M.B.A., Executive M.B.A., and Ph.D. programs. Eric holds a B.S. degree in Computer Science from the University of Notre Dame, an M.S. degree in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a Ph.D. in Management and Organizations from the University of Michigan. Prior to earning his Ph.D., Eric worked five years as a software engineer.
Eric conducts research in a variety of areas. He has presented his findings at conferences around the world and has published papers in Social Networks, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, Journal of Management Inquiry, Advances in Strategic Management, Annals of Social Responsibility, Managerial Decision and Economics, and Journal of Education for Business. His research has won Best Paper Awards at the International Association of Conflict Management and the Academy of Management’s Conflict Management division. He was formerly an Associate Editor at Negotiation and Conflict Management Research.
Eric resides in Omaha, Nebraska, with his wife and four children. As a native Iowan, the only thing bad he can say about Omaha is that it’s on the wrong side of the Missouri River.
Journal of Education for Business Neuman, E. J., & Briggs, K. 2022. 'Geographical location and its impact on demand for online MBA programs.' 2022
Managerial and Decision Economics Kruse, D., Briggs, K., & Neuman, E. J. 2022. 'Mitigating endogeneity in corporate social responsibility research: An investigation using a neoclassical production function.' 43(1), p. 3-15 2022
Negotiation and Conflict Management Research Gross, M. A., Neuman, E. J., Adair, W. L., & Wallace, M. 2019. 'NCMR's First Decade: An Empirical Examination.' 12(1), p. 3-22 2019
Negotiation and Conflict Management Research Gross, M. A., Adair, W. L., & Neuman, E. J. 2017. "Emotion and Deception, Jewish–Arab Community Peace Building, Restorative Justice and Communication, and Anger and Attribution: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Conceptual Reviews." 10(3), p. 155-157 2017
Annals of Social Responsibility Minefee, I., Neuman, E.J., Isserman, N., & Leblebici, H. “Corporate foundations and their governance: Unexplored territory in the corporate social responsibility agenda.” 1, p. 57-75 2016
Palgrave Macmillan Avgar, A.C., Neuman, E.J., & Chung, W. “Social Structure and Conflict: A Relational Approach to the Study of Conflict and its Management in Organizations.” In R. Saundry, P. Latreille, & I. Ashman (Eds.), Reframing Resolution: Innovation and Change in the Management of Workplace Conflict, p. 79-101 2016
Negotiation and Conflict Management Research Avgar, A.C., & Neuman, E.J. “Seeing Conflict: A Study of Conflict Accuracy in Work Teams.” 8(2), p. 65-84 2015
Social Networks Wang, W., Neuman, E.J., & Newman, D.A. “Statistical Power of the Social Network Autocorrelation Model.” 38(3), p. 88-99 2014
Social Networks Neuman, E.J., & Mizruchi, M.S. “Structure and Bias in the Network Autocorrelation Model.” 32(4), p. 290-300 2010
Social Networks Mizruchi, M.S., & Neuman, E.J. “The Effect of Density on the Level of Bias in the Network Autocorrelation Model.” 30(3), p. 190-200 2008
Negotiation and Conflict Management Research Sanchez-Burks, J., Neuman, E.J., Ybarra, O., Kopelman, S., Park, H., & Goh, K. “Folk Wisdom about the Effects of Relationship Conflict.” 1(1), p. 53-76 2008
Emerald JAI Press Neuman, E.J., Davis, G.F., & Mizruchi, M.S. “Industry Consolidation and Network Evolution in U.S. Global Banking, 1986-2004.” In J.A.C. Baum and T.J. Rowley (eds.), Network Strategy: Advances in Strategic Management 25, p. 213-248 2008
Journal of Management Inquiry Anderson, P.J.J., Blatt, R., Christianson, M.K., Grant, A.M., Marquis, C., Neuman, E.J., Sonenshein, S., & Sutcliffe, K.M. “Understanding Mechanisms in Organizational Research: Reflections from a Collective Journey.” 15(2), p. 102-113 2006
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management Neuman, E.J., & Avgar, A.C. “A Bridge over Troubled Water? The Push and Pull of Team Conflict on Between-Team Network Ties.” In L.A. Toombs (Ed.) 2013
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management Neuman, E.J., & Avgar, A.C. “Blind Spots and Mirages: A Dyadic Approach to the Study of Team Conflict.” In L.A. Toombs (Ed.) 2012
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management Neuman, E.J. “The impact of the Enron accounting scandal on impressions of managerial control.” In K.M. Weaver (Ed.) 2005
Neuman, E.J., & Briggs, K. Geographical Location and Its Impact on Demand for Online MBA Programs. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA 2022
Neuman, E.J., & Briggs, K. Geographical Location and Its Impact on Demand for Online MBA Programs. Midwest Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Davenport, IA 2021
Strom, P., Avgar, A.C., & Neuman, E.J. The effects of gender on task and relationship conflict: A multilevel approach. International Association of Conflict Management Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA 2018