Southern Medical Journal Patil Shantanu, Rajendraprasad Sanu, Velagapudi Manasa, Aurit Sarah, Andukuri Venkata, Alla Venkata, Readmissions among People Living with HIV Admitted for Hypertensive Emergency 115:7, p. 429 - 434 2022
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Sharma Arindam, Patil Shantanu, Balakrishna Akshay Machanahalli, Slattery Terrence, TO ANTICOAGULATE OR NOT - A CASE OF RIGHT ATRIAL APPENDAGE THROMBUS IN A PATIENT WITH LEFT ATRIAL APPENDAGE CLOSURE DEVICE 77:18, p. 2622 - 2622 2021
JACC: Case Reports Kousa Omar, Mahfood-Haddad Toufik, Patil Shantanu M., Agarwal Himanshu, Abuissa Hussam, Left Atrial Appendage Closure in a Patient With a Patent Foramen Ovale Septal Occluder Device 3:3, p. 508 - 511 2021
Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases Guddeti Raviteja R., Patil Shantanu, Ahmed Aiza, Sharma Arindam, Aboeata Ahmed, Lavie Carl J., Alla Venkata Mahesh, Lipoprotein(a) and calcific aortic valve stenosis 63:4, p. 496 - 502 2020
The American journal of cardiology Shah Mahek, Patil Shantanu, Patnaik Soumya, Agrawal Manyoo, Patel Brijesh, Tripathi Byomesh, Jorde Ulrich, Lavie Carl, Outcomes in Cardiogenic Shock from Acute Coronary Syndrome Depending on Severity of Obesity 123:8, p. 1267 - 1272 2019
International journal of cardiology Shah Mahek, Agarwal Manyoo, Patnaik Soumya, Ram Pradhum, Patil Shantanu, Shin Jooyoung, Jorde Ulrich P., Patel Brijesh, Tripathi Byomesh, Hospital mortality and thirty day readmission among patients with non-acute myocardial infarction related cardiogenic shock 270, p. 60 - 67 2018
Clinical cardiology (Mahwah, N.J.) Ram Pradhum, Shah Mahek, Sirinvaravong Natee, Figueredo Vincent, Lo Kevin Bryan, Patil Shantanu, Patel Brijesh, Tripathi Byomesh, Garg Lohit, Left ventricular thrombosis in acute anterior myocardial infarction: Evaluation of hospital mortality, thromboembolism, and bleeding 41:10, p. 1289 - 1296 2018
The American journal of cardiology Shah Mahek, Patnaik Soumya, Patel Brijesh, Tripathi Byomesh, Patil Shantanu, Lu Marvin, Jorde Ulrich P., Figueredo Vincent M., Ram Pradhum, Lo Kevin Bryan, Etiologies, Predictors, and Economic Impact of 30-Day Readmissions Among Patients With Peripartum Cardiomyopathy 122:1, p. 156 - 165 2018
Clinical cardiology (Mahwah, N.J.) Shah Mahek, Ram Pradhum, Lo Kevin Bryan U., Sirinvaravong Natee, Tripathi Byomesh, Patil Shantanu, Figueredo Vincent M., Patel Brijesh, Etiologies, predictors, and economic impact of readmission within 1 month among patients with takotsubo cardiomyopathy 41:7, p. 916 - 923 2018
Circulation. Heart failure Shah Mahek, Patel Brijesh, Agarwal Manyoo, Kapur Navin K, Garg Lohit, Agrawal Sahil, Jorde Ulrich P, Davila Carlos D, Patil Shantanu, Causes and Predictors of 30-Day Readmission in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction and Cardiogenic Shock 11:4, p. e004310 - e004310 2018
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Sirinvaravong Natee, Ram Pradhum, Shah Mahek, Patil Shantanu, Patel Brijesh, Arora Shilpkumar, Patel Nilay, Garg Lohit, Agrawal Sahil, Jacobs Larry, Figueredo Vincent, CARDIAC THROMBOSIS IN ACUTE ANTERIOR MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION: EVALUATION OF HOSPITAL MORTALITY, THROMBOEMBOLISM AND BLEEDING 71:11, p. A41 - A41 2018
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Patil Shantanu, Shah Mahek, Patel Brijesh, Jorde Ulrich, READMISSIONS AMONG PATIENTS ADMITTED WITH ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME ASSOCIATED WITH SPONTANEOUS CORONARY ARTERY DISSECTION 71:11, p. A1400 - A1400 2018
Circulation. Arrhythmia and electrophysiology Ladejobi Adetola, Pasupula Deepak K., Adhikari Shubash, Rijal Shasank, Wayne Max, Adelstein Evan, Jain Sandeep, Javed Awais, Durrani Asad F., Patil Shantanu, Qin Dingxin, Ahmad Shahzad, Munir Muhammad Bilal, Saba Samir, Implantable Defibrillator Therapy in Cardiac Arrest Survivors With a Reversible Cause 11:3, p. e005940 - e005940 2018
Case reports in cardiology Patil Shantanu, Islam Nauman, Martinez Matthew, Shah Mahek, Patel Brijesh, Garg Lohit, Jacobs Larry, Incidental Finding of the Anomalous Origin of Left Main Coronary Artery from Pulmonary Artery in an Adult Presenting with Arrhythmia-Induced Myocardial Ischemia 2018, p. 1 - 4 2018
Journal of cardiac failure Patil Shantanu, Jorde Ulrich P., Shah Mahek, Davila Carlos D., Patel Brijesh, Shin Jooyoung J., Kapur Navin K., 302 - Etiologies and Predictors of 30-Day Readmission in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction and Cardiogenic Shock 23:8, p. S109 - S109 2017
The American journal of cardiology Munir Muhammad Bilal, Sharbaugh Michael S, Ahmad Shahzad, Patil Shantanu, Mehta Kathan, Althouse Andrew D, Saba Samir, Causes and Predictors of 30-Day Readmissions in Atrial Fibrillation (from the Nationwide Readmissions Database) 120:3, p. 399 - 403 2017
American journal of hypertension Shah Mahek, Patil Shantanu, Patel Brijesh, Arora Shilpkumar, Patel Nilay, Garg Lohit, Agrawal Sahil, Jacobs Larry, Steigerwalt Susan P., Martinez Matthew W., Trends in Hospitalization for Hypertensive Emergency, and Relationship of End-Organ Damage With In-Hospital Mortality 30:7, p. 700 - 706 2017
Medicine (Baltimore) Shah Mahek, Alnabelsi Talal, Patil Shantanu, Reddy Shilpa, Patel Brijesh, Lu Marvin, Chandorkar Aditya, Perelas Apostholos, Arora Shilpkumar, Patel Nilay, Jacobs Larry, Eiger Glenn G., IVC filters—Trends in placement and indications, a study of 2 populations 96:12, p. e6449 - e6449 2017
Ladejobi Adetola, Pasupula Deepak Kumar, Patil Shantanu, Rijal Shasank, Munir Bilal, Durrani Asad, Javed Awais, Wayne Max, Ajala Oluremi, Kassim Natasha A, Adhikari Shubash, Saba Samir, Abstract 16097: Reversible Cause of Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Rates of Defibrillator Implantation 2016
International journal of cardiology Shah Mahek, Pressman Gregg S, Figueredo Vincent M, De Venecia Toni Anne, Patil Shantanu, Curet Karla, Chinualumogu Nwakile, Maludum Obiora, Bhalla Vikas, QRS duration and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) 221, p. 524 - 528 2016
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Shah Mahek, Bhalla Vikas, Nwakile Chinualumogu, De Venecia Toni, Patil Shantanu, Curet Karla, Maludum Obiora, Pressman Gregg, Figueredo Vincent, QRS DURATION AND LEFT VENTRICULAR EJECTION FRACTION IN NON ST SEGMENT ELEVATION MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION 65:10, p. A193 - A193 2015
European heart journal cardiovascular imaging Mirrani Ghazi, Akbar Ghulam, Saeed Wajeeha, Patil Shantanu, Sardar Muhammad Rizwan, Unusual Doppler finding in fatal right ventricular outflow obstruction caused by lymphoma 15:11, p. 1304 - 1304 2014
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