Julie A . Stading, PharmD, CDE, CDCES

Associate Professor


School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
Pharmacy Faculty
Pharmacy Practice
Faculty - Pharmacy, OT, PT
HLSB - Hixson Lied Science Building - 179

Julie A . Stading, PharmD, CDE, CDCES

Associate Professor

Teaching Interests

  • 1992: Clinical Cardiovascular Fellowship

Research Focus



Pharmacy Practice


Associate Professor


  • Diabetes Spectrum : A Publication of the American Diabetes Association
    Walter, A. N., Stading, J. A., Qi, Y. Assessment of group-based diabetes education using the 'continuing your journey with diabetes' conversation map in the veteran population
    28, p. 127-131 2015
  • Journal of Pharmacy Technology
    Stading, JA, Phan, L., Walter, A., Bilslend, L., Qi, YY, et al Initial Experience of Clinical Pharmacy Services Delivered by Computer Communication via Cisco Jabber Video in a US Veterans Administration Medical Center
    30, p. 76-80 2014
  • US Pharmacist
    Educating community pharmacists about stroke risks and primary prevention
    36, p. 67-77 2011
  • US Pharmacist
    Chock AWY, O’Brien KK, Stading JA, Shea JL. Educating community pharmacists about stroke risks and primary prevention. US Pharmacist, 2011; 36:67-77.
    36, p. 67-77 2011
  • Diabetes Spectrum
    Stading, J. A., Hermann, J., Walters, R., Destache, C. J., Chock, A. Impact of pharmacist intervention on diabetes patients in an ambulatory setting.
    22, p. 241-246 2009
  • US Pharmacist
    Food and lifestyle interactions with warfarin: a review.
    34, p. 28-29 2009
  • American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy
    Stading, J. A. Effects of prednisone on the international normalized ratio
    63, p. 2354-2356 2006
  • American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy
    Chock, A. W. Y., Stading, J. A. Indeterminable International Normalized Ratio with concurrent use of warfarin and gatifloxacin
    63, p. 1539-1542 2006
  • International Journal of COPD
    Faulkner, M. A., Lenz, T. L., Stading, J. A. Cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation and implications for COPD
    1, p. 279-287 2006
  • American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy
    Stading, J. A., Chock, A. W., Skrabal, M. Z., Faulkner, M. A. Development of diabetes after gatifloxacin therapy
    62, p. 2293-2295 2005
  • American Journal of Pharmacy Education
    Designing an Assessment for an Abilities-based Curriculum: Process Reliability of the First Two Years.
    69(article 19), p. 118-125 2005
  • Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association
    Lenz, T. L., Stading, J. A. Lifestyle modification counseling of patients with dyslipidemias by pharmacists and other health care professionals
    45, p. 709-713 2005
  • Southern Medical Journal
    Skrabal, M. Z., Stading, J. A., Monaghan, M. S. Rhabdomyolysis associated with simvastatin-nefazodone therapy
    96, p. 1034-1035 2003
  • American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy
    Skrabal, M. Z., Stading, J. A., Cannella, C. A., Monaghan, M. S. Two cases of rhabdomyolysis associated with high-dose simvastatin
    60, p. 578-581 2003
  • US Pharmacist
    Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy: Minimizing and Treating Its Pain.
    27(11), p. 56-67 2002
  • American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy
    Stading, J. A., Skrabal, M. Z., Faulkner, M. A. Seven cases of interaction between warfarin and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors
    58, p. 2076-2080 2001
  • Pharmacotherapy
    Skrabal, M. Z., Stading, J. A., Behmer-Miller, K. A., Hilleman, D. E. Advances in the treatment of congestive heart failure: New approaches for an old disease
    20, p. 787-804 2000
  • Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy
    Comparative Cost-Effectiveness of Bile Acid Sequestering Resins, HMG Co-A Reductase Inhibitors, and Their Combination in Patients with Hypercholesterolemia,
    1(Nov/Dec), p. 188-191 1995
  • Clinical Therapeutics
    Cost-Minimization Analysis of Initial Antihypertensive Therapy in Patients with Mild to Moderate Hypertension.
    16(01), p. 88-102 1994


  • Sero-negative immunization titers for measle-mumps-rubella and hepatitis B in healthcare personnel and subsequent vaccine re-administratoin. Boehme J, Stading J, Schneider A, Bittner M, Qi Y. Poster presented at the national ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, Annaheim, CA. Dec 2014. 2014
  • Management of congestive heart failure in the ambulatory care setting. Stading J. Local podium presentation. Lincoln, NE. Aug 9, 2013 2013
  • Diabetes management in the ambulatory care setting. Stading J. Local podium presentation. Lincoln, NE. July 24, 2013. 2013
  • Diabetes medications, individualizing patient treatment. Stading J. Local podium presentation. Lincoln, NE. May 6, 2013. 2013
  • Assessment of group-based diabetes education using the "continuing your journey with diabetes" conversation map in the veteran population. Walter A, Stading J, Qi Y. Poster presented at the national ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting. Las Vegas, NV. December 2012 2012
  • Tobacco cessation. Stading J. Local tobacco cessation class. Lincoln, NE. Weekly starting May 2012. 2012
  • Preparing for a professional interview. Stading J. Local invited presentation at Creighton University to pre-professional students. Omaha, NE. Feb 7, 2012 2012
  • Diabetes and Native Americans. Stading J. Local invited presentation at Creighton University. Omaha, NE. 2011
  • Diabetes and Native Americans. Stading J. Local invited presentation at Creighton University. Omaha, NE. April, 2011. 2011
  • An overview of diabetes and diabetes medications. Stading J. Local diabetes education class. Lincoln, NE. January, 2011. 2011
  • Impact of pharmacist intervention on monitoring in long term oral amiodarone therapy in the outpatient setting. Stading J, Walters R, Chock A, Kuhlmann V, Messer J. Poster presented at the national ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting. Anaheim, CA. 2010
  • Update on hyperlipidemia treatments. Stading J. Regional health professionals meeting. Chicago, IL. October 2009 2009
  • Warfarin resistance in a patient with hyperparathyroidism. Stading J, Chock A, West V. National poster presented at ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting. Orlando, FL. 2008
  • Atrial fibrillation, an overview of treatment. Stading J. Regional Clinical Pharmacists Retreat, Lincoln VAMC, Lincoln, NE. 2008
  • Coagulation cascade: how it all works. Stading J. Regional Clinical Pharmacists Retreat. Lincoln VAMC, Lincoln, NE. 2008
  • The Impact of Pharmacist Intervention on Diabetes Patients in an Ambulatory Setting, Stading J, Herrmann J, Destache C, Faulkner M. Poster presented at ACCP Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. 2007
  • Stroke: new trends in pharmacology. Stading JA. State continuing education program for Nebraska Health and Human Services (physicians, pharmacists, nurses). Lincoln, NE. 2007
  • Lipid Management Program (sections: Case 1, Introduction to the Nine Step Process, Case 4 Titrating the Statin Dose, Case 5 Follow-Up Visits, Management of a Clinic). Stading J, Koenigsfeld C, This is a national program sponsored by APhA. Colorado Springs, CO. 2006
  • Effects of bone density screening and individualized education about osteoporosis on patient behavior. Faulkner MA, Ryan-Haddad AM, Coover K, Burns T, Lenz T, Stading J. National poster presented at ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting. Las Vegas, Nevada 2005
  • Lipid Management Program (sections: Case 1 with introduction of Nine Step Process, Case 4, Checking lipid levels and Case 5). Stading J, Bradberry C, Shaw B. This is a national program sponsored by APhA to educate pharmacists in lipid management. San Antonio, Texas. 2005
  • Undetermined international normalized ratio and rising prothrombin time with concurrent use of warfarin and gatifloxacin. Chock AW, Stading JA. National poster presentation at American College of Clinical Pharmacists Annual Clinical Meeting 2005
  • Whats new in smoking cessation. Stading J. Presented at the Alumni and Friends Continuing Education Program Centennial Year Celebration. Omaha, Nebraska. 2005
  • Cost-effectiveness of intensive insulin therapy in critical illness: literature review and meta-analysis. Hilleman DE, Burns TL, Knudsen D, Monaghan MS, Stading JA, Skrabal MZ. American Diabetes Association 65th Annual Meeting, San Diego, California 2005
  • Use of medications affecting fracture risk in long-term care residents with multiple sclerosis. Faulkner M, Ryan-Haddad A, Lenz T, Stading J. National poster presentation to American Society of Health-System Pharmacist 39th Midyear Clinical Meeting. Orlando, Florida. 2004
  • Volunteer experience at the Nebraska Humane Society: what do pharmacy students learn from animal interactions? Lust E, Galt K, Ohri L, Stading J, Coover K, National poster presentations at Society of Veterinary Hospital Pharmacists, 23rd Annual Meeting, June 2-6, 2004. Virginia Beach, VA and American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. 2004
  • Pills, Pills, and More Pills All About Heart Failure Medications, Stading J, Local presentation at BryanLGH Heart Institute, February 25th and 28th, 2004, Lincoln, Nebraska 2004
  • Effects of Multi-Discipline Educational Forum on Diabetes Patients Glycemic Control and Behavior Modification. Stading J, National poster presentation at ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana 2003
  • Multidisciplinary Team Taught Educational Session for Diabetes Patients. Stading J, Skrabal M, Faulkner M. National platform presentation at American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. 2002
  • Review of New Study: The Essence Study, The Efficacy and Safety of Subcutaneous Enoxaparin in Non-Q-Wave Coronary Events: A Double Blind, Randomized, Parallel Group, Multicenter Study Comparing Enoxaparin and Intravenous Unfractionated Heparin, Stading J. Local in-service to inpatient pharmacists, St. Joseph Hospital, Omaha, NE. 1996
  • Pharmacologic Stress Testing for the Unstressable, Stading J. continuing education presentation to regional pharmacists, and physicians, Marriot Hotel, Omaha, Nebraska. 1993
  • Arbutamine Stress versus Exercise Stress in Detection of Coronary Artery Disease. & Hypotension During Arbutamine Stress Testing in Healthy Subjects and Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: Clinical Significance? Stading J. Cardiology research conference. Presented to local cardiologists, cardiology fellows, and cardiac nurses, Creighton University Cardiac Center, Omaha, Nebraska. 1993
  • History of Research at Creighton University's Cardiac Center, Stading J. One hundredth anniversary of Creighton University's School of Medicine. Presented to regional alumni of Creighton's School of Medicine, Creighton Cardiac Center, Omaha, Nebraska. 1993
  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support Medications, Stading J. ACLS classes to local hospital staff, St. Joseph Hospital, Omaha, Nebraska, 1992
  • Effect of Buspirone Symptoms Associated with Smoking Cessation, Stading J. National oral presentation to pharmacists, American Society of Hospital Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. 1991


  • Student/Faculty Research Grant – Diabetes Survey Study
    Creighton University, $3,000

  • Student/Faculty Research Grant – Diabetes Education Study Creighton University

  • Student/Faculty Research Grant – Amiodarone Review Study Creighton University


  • Continuing Education Grant (unrestricted)

  • Comparison of the Impact of a Multidisciplinary Educational Program with and without Pharmacy Management with Primary Care Provider Standard Care on the Outcomes of Diabetes Patients
    Bristol-Meyers-Squibb, $4,000

  • Impact of Pharmaceutical Counseling on Compliance with Combination Therapy in Patients at High Risk of Recurrent Cardiovascular Events
    The Upjohn Company, $20,000


  • 80+ Hemorrhagic Cohort Study Extension Massachusetts Veterans Epidemiology Research and Information Center, Co-Investigator with M. Skrabal

  • 80+ Hemorrhagic Cohort Study
    Massachusetts Veterans Epidemiology Research and Information Center, Co-Investigator with M. Skrabal


  • Multidisciplinary Diabetes Management Program at VAMC, Bristol-Meyers-Squibb
    Co-Investigator with M. Skrabal


  • Clinical Pharmacy Committee Member
    meets every 2 weeks
    Lincoln VA
    2003 - 2003
  • Diabetes Education Committee Member
    meets quarterly
    Lincoln VA
    1999 - 2011
  • Clinical Practice - VAMC
    • Diabetes education and management • Lipid education and management • Hypertension education and management • Anticoagulation management: warfarin, lovenox, dabigatran • Medication Therapy Management • Provide 24-hour BP monitoring service as needed • Tobacco cessation group education and weekly support group
    1998 - 1998