Dermatologic surgery Swedek Michelle, Silberstein Peter, Trowbridge Ryan, Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Wide Local Excision in Pleomorphic Dermal Sarcoma on a National Scale 2024
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Grinnell Madison, Trowbridge Ryan, Lee Erica, Wysong Ashley, 31932 Mentorship opportunity for female dermatologists seeking to balance family and career 87:3, p. AB182 2022
Journal of Drugs in Dermatology Clarey Dillon, DiMaio Dominick, Trowbridge Ryan, Deep Sweet Syndrome Secondary to Pegfilgrastim 21:4, p. 422 - 424 2022
Journal of Drugs in Dermatology Priluck Aaron A., Burkholder Bryn M., Clarey Dillon D., Trowbridge Ryan M., Uveitis for Dermatologists 19:12, p. 1192 - 1198 2020
American Journal of Dermatopathology Kingsley Jacob, Clarey Dillon, Lauer Scott R., Trowbridge Ryan M., Disseminated Histoplasmosis Diagnosed by 'touch Prep' 42:8, p. 597 - 600 2020
Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) Clarey Dillon D., Trowbridge Ryan M., Lauer Scott R., Clinical, Dermatoscopic, and Histological Findings in a Diagnosis of Pityriasis Lichenoides 12:6 2020
Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) Thieman Taylor, Clarey Dillon, Trowbridge Ryan M, Johnson Richard A, Trachyonychia Secondary to Acitretin Usage 12:1, p. e6703 2020
Clinical and Translational Science Nguyen Austin Huy, Koenck Carleigh, Quirk Shannon K., Lim Victoria M., Mitkov Mario V., Trowbridge Ryan M., Hunter William J., III, Agrawal Devendra K., Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid Cells in Cutaneous Melanoma 2015
Experimental and Molecular Pathology Trowbridge Ryan M., Mitkov Mario V., Hunter William J., III, Agrawal Devendra K., Vitamin D receptor and CD86 expression in the skin of vitamin D-deficient swine 96:1, p. 42 - 47 2014
Journal of Drugs in Dermatology Trowbridge Ryan M., Pittelkow Mark R., Epigenetics in the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of psoriasis vulgaris 13:2, p. 111 - 118 2014
Psychosomatics Mitkov Mario V., Trowbridge Ryan M., Lockshin Benjamin N., Caplan Jason P., Dermatologic Side Effects of Psychotropic Medications 55:1, p. 1 - 20 2014
Expert Review of Clinical Immunology Trowbridge Ryan M., Mitkov Mario V., Pittelkow Mark R., Agrawal Devendra K., Immunomodulation of malignant melanoma by contact sensitizing agents 10:1, p. 63 - 76 2014
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention Trowbridge Ryan, Mittal Sumeet K., Agrawal Devendra K., Vitamin D and the epidemiology of upper gastrointestinal cancers 22:6, p. 1007 - 1014 2013
Experimental and Molecular Pathology Trowbridge Ryan, Hunter William J., Agrawal Devendra K., Sharma Poonam, Vitamin D receptor expression and neoadjuvant therapy in esophageal adenocarcinoma 93:1, p. 147 - 153 2012
Experimental and Molecular Pathology Trowbridge Ryan M., Hunter William J., III, Agrawal Devendra K., Sharma Poonam, Vitamin D receptor expression in the mucosal tissue at the gastroesophageal junction 93:2, p. 246 - 249 2012