Digital Product Management, Technology and Practice : Interdisciplinary Perspectives Hendrickson Anthony, Digital media [Book Chapter] 2010
Wachner Trent, Relationship strategies over the customer relationship lifecycle 2008
Journal of international business Gustafson Andrew, Global pharmaceutical marketing incentive 2:1, p. 29 - 50 2010
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Plouffe Christopher R., Customer-directed selling behaviors and performance: a comparison of existing perspectives 37:4, p. 422 - 439 2009
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management Plouffe Christopher R., Navigating difficult waters: Publishing trends and scholarship in sales research. 28:1, p. 79 - 92 2008
Panelist for Keidanren Delegation w/ Ed Morse, Kristie Briggs and former CEO's of Toyota and Canon 2018
Panelist with Professor Koichi Hamada special adivsor for Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe 2018
Panelist at 9th International Conference on Peace and Nonviolent Action 2017