Jonathan Paul Wrubel, BS, PhD

Associate Professor


J Wrubel


College of Arts and Sciences
Graduate School
Medical Physics (Master of Science)
Physics (Master of Science)
HLSB - Hixson Lied Science Building - G68

Jonathan Paul Wrubel, BS, PhD

Associate Professor


Dr. Jonathan Wrubel joined the faculty in 2012. His research is in the field of ultracold atomic physics and Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs). Besides his research, he is also keenly interested in issues of science and faith. Prior to joining the faculty at Creighton, Dr. Wrubel was a National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow with the Joint Quantum Institute at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Maryland. From 2006-2009 he was a postdoctoral fellow with Harvard University as part of a collaboration seeking to produce, trap and study anti-hydrogen (the anti-matter opposite of the hydrogen atom).

Research Focus

I study the magnetic interactions between potassium-41 atoms at temperatures approaching absolute zero. I am primarily interested in studying how magnetism manifests itself when these ultracold atoms behave quantum-mechanically (i.e. like waves instead of particles).




Associate Professor


  • Physical review. A
    DalFavero Benjamin, Constant-time quantum search with a many-body quantum system
    110:5 2024
  • Review of scientific instruments
    Aboyewa O. B., Design of a simple radio frequency circuit for implementing the open-ended coaxial probe method for permittivity measurement
    93:11, p. 114705 - 114705 2022
  • Physical Review A
    Wrubel J. P., Spinor Bose-Einstein-condensate phase-sensitive amplifier for SU(1,1) interferometry
    98:2 2018
  • Physical Review Letters
    Pechkis H. K., Spinor Dynamics in an Antiferromagnetic Spin-1 Thermal Bose Gas
    111:2, p. 025301 - 1 2013
  • Nano Letters
    Hyun Byung Ryool, Far-infrared absorption of PbSe nanorods
    11:7, p. 2786 - 2790 2011
  • Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
    Wrubel J., Pumped helium system for cooling positron and electron traps to 1.2 K
    640:1, p. 232 - 240 2011
  • Physical Review Letters
    Gabrielse G., Centrifugal separation of antiprotons and electrons
    105:21 2010
  • Physical Review Letters
    Gabrielse G., Antihydrogen production within a penning-ioffe trap
    100:11 2008
  • AIP Conference Proceedings
    Storry C. H., Cryogenic particle accumulation in ATRAP and the first antihydrogen production within a magnetic gradient trap for neutral antimatter
    1037, p. 254 - 265 2008
  • Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
    Levitt B., Single-component plasma of photoelectrons
    656:1-3, p. 25 - 29 2007
  • Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
    Speck A., Density and geometry of single component plasmas
    650:2-3, p. 119 - 123 2007
  • Physical Review Letters
    Gabrielse G., Antiproton confinement in a penning-ioffe trap for antihydrogen
    98:11 2007
  • Physical Review Letters
    Wrubel J. P., Glasslike two-level systems in minimally disordered mixed crystals
    96:23 2006
  • Physical Review Letters
    Wrubel J. P., Controlled switching of intrinsic localized modes in a one-dimensional antiferromagnet
    95:26 2005


  • A. Tarter, J. P. Wrubel. Student Presentation: A compact atomic source and radio-frequency circuit for ultra-cold atoms. Sigma Xis Annual Meeting and Student Research Conference, Kansas City, MO 2015
  • J. P. Wrubel. Laser-cooled atoms, clocks, and strange quantum mechanics. Department of Physics, University of Nebraska, Omaha. 2015
  • A. Tarter, J. P. Wrubel. Student Presentation: A compact atomic source and radio-frequency circuit for ultra-cold atoms. Ferlic Scholar Poster Presentation, Creighton University, Omaha, NE. 2015
  • N. Holman, S. Prathivadhi-Bhayankaram, A. Tarter, and J. P. Wrubel (P.I.). Contributed Student Talk: Development of a laser-cooling and trapping apparatus to study the magnetic phases of a spinor 41K BEC via radio-frequency Fano-Feshbach resonances. Nebraska Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, Lincoln, NE. 2015
  • N. Holman, B. Gruberg. Student Presentation: Passive magnetic field cancellation device for use in atom trapping experiments. Creighton University St. Alberts Day Presentation, Omaha, NE. 2015
  • N. Holman, S. Prathivadhi-Bhayankaram, B. Schmachtenberger, L. Slattery, A. Tarter, and J. P. Wrubel (P.I.). Student Poster Presentation: Progress towards a 41K Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate. APS DAMOP Annual Meeting, Madison, WI. 2014
  • S. Prathivadhi and J. P. Wrubel. Student Poster Presentation: High Precision, Low-Cost Michelson Interferometry. Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physical Sciences, Lincoln, NE. 2013
  • A. Schwettmann, H. K. Pechkis, J. P. Wrubel, R. Barnett, E. Tiesinga, P. D. Lett. Contributed Poster: Decoherence of spin oscillations in an ultracold F=1 sodium gas. APS DAMOP Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Canada. 2013
  • J. P. Wrubel. Laser-cooled atoms, clocks, and strange quantum mechanics. Department of Physics, University of Nebraska Omaha, Omaha, NE. 2013
  • J. P. Wrubel. Invited Talk: Interactions between atomic coherent states: spinor dynamics manipulated by microwaves. New Laser Scientists Conference, Rochester, NY. 2012
  • J. P. Wrubel, H. K. Pehckis, A. Schwettmann, P. F. Griffin, R. Barnett, E. Tiesinga, and P. D. Lett. Contributed Talk: Matter-wave amplification in a seeded 23Na spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. 2012 APS DAMOP Annual Meeting, Orange County, CA 2012
  • J. P. Wrubel, P. F. Griffin, H. K. Pechkis, J. Han, R. Barnett, E. Tiesinga, and P. D. Lett. Contributed Talk: Nonlinear matter-wave amplification in a 23Na spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. 2011 APS DAMOP Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. 2011
  • J. P. Wrubel, P. F. Griffin, H. K. Pechkis, R. Barnett, E. Tiesinga, and P. D. Lett. Contributed Poster: Nonlinear matter-wave amplification in a 23Na spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. Quantum Science and Technologies Conference, Rovereto, Italy. 2011
  • J. P. Wrubel, B.-R. Hyun, N. I. Agladze, F. W. Wise, and A. J. Sievers. Contributed Talk: Frohlich Phonon Modes in PbSe and PbS Colloidal Quantum Dots, 2008 APS March Meeting, New Orleans, LA. 2008
  • J. P. Wrubel, et al. (ATRAP Collaboration). Contributed Poster: Cold Antihydrogen Production in the ATRAP2 Apparatus. 2008 APS March Meeting, New Orleans, LA. 2008
  • J. P. Wrubel, M. Sato, and A. J. Sievers. Contributed Talk: Correlation of intrinsic localized mode properties with sample temperature, 2005 APS March Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, March 21-25, 2005. 2005
  • J. P. Wrubel, N. I. Agladze, and A. J. Sievers. Contributed Poster: Influence of processing conditions on the low temperature properties of glasses, 2002 NASA Materials Science Conference, Huntsville, AL. 2002
  • N. I. Agladze, J. P. Wrubel, and A. J. Sievers. Contributed Poster: Impurity-Induced mm-Wave Absorption in Amorphous Ice, NASA Laboratory Astrophysics Workshop, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA. 2002
  • J. P. Wrubel, N. I. Agladze, and A. J. Sievers. Contributed Talk: Influence of impact milling on two-level systems in solids, 2002 March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Indianapolis, IN, March 18-22, 2002. 2002


  • Dynamically controlled magnetism in a 41K spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. (2014 Creighton University Summer Research Fellowship, role: P.I.). The goal of this research is to construct a two-dimensional magneto- optical trap, which is a first step in achieving Bose-Einstein condensation. Application: October 31, 2013. Funded: December 11, 2013.

  • Laser-Cooling Atoms: Making the Coldest Stuff in the Universe. (Dr. George F. Haddix President’s Faculty Research Fund, Creighton University, role: P.I.) The goal of this research is to lead two undergraduate students during the summer of 2013 in building two critical components of the Bose-Einstein condensation apparatus. The first is the laser required to cool the atoms, and the second is a wavelength-meter needed to set the laser to the proper wavelength. Application: December 1, 2012. Funded: February 22, 2013.


  • 2015 Teaching Achievement Award
    Creighton University Graduate Student Government
  • Sigma Xi, National Institute of Standards and Technology Postdoctoral Poster Presentation
    Winner, Physics Category
    Sigma Xi
  • National Research Council Research Associateship
    Postdoctoral Fellowship
  • United States Department of Education GAANN Fellowship
  • Cornell University Clark Award for Distinguished Teaching
  • Barry Goldwater Excellence in Education Scholar
  • Anderson Scholar with High Distinction
    University of Florida
  • Merit Scholar
    University of Florida